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  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436

    leisaparis - i am guessing a squirrel's leg! 

    I am new to this thread but seem to qualify - 51 years old, employeed full time, have a 21 year old college grad (yea!) daughter and 16 year old son - i was diagnosed april 14 and just got my surgery date (well almost - still tentative but almost for sure!) of june 8th which is my daughter's 22 b-day (ugh - what a day for surgery, huh?).  They will remove my right breast and input a TE -- with the exchange in about three months along with an implant in the left to even things up ... everything seems to take soooo long! 

    So if any of you all have had a simple mastectomy with TE and exchange later on, let me know - little freaked out about my boobs changing sizes and not being the same size for a bit... figure i'll be stuffing my bra (i did not even do that in high school!). And a lot freaked about the surgery and post-op pain.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome vhshea, we have a lot of Texans on this thread, so you have some homegirls here.  I like the "math" you have in your signature line, and also how you jumped right in with a great guess of squirrel leg.  It does look like some fur.  You will get a lot of Newbie prestige if you are right!!!   I can't comment on Mx or exchange but this thread has women with all different experiences so you should get a few comments about your surgery and post-op issues.

    And welcome Clyn.  I see Friday the 13th was an unlucky day for you, and your mind has probably been in B/C hyperdrive this past week trying to sort out all the info., the procedures and options.  I hope you will receive some good "gifts" for your B-day this year...wide margins and clear nodes!  

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Eli, I hope you don't mind, but I would like to ask all the girls here a favor.  I have a BC sister here in Aus that I reached out to a couple of years back and her journey has not been an easy one.  Well to make a long story short, today she has been DX's with Thyroid Cancer that involves all the lymph nodes in her neck and is scheduled for major surgery on the 5/30.  The favor I ask is, would you all please remember her in your prays for a surgery that goes very well with no complications.......her name is Junie.

    Thank you all.  Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Welcome vhshea and Clyn

    This is a great thread with some very nice ladies I am sure you will be right at home

    chrissyb. Prayers going up for your friend for a speedy and full recovery and the strength to get through everything

    Leisaparis. Now for the picture guess cat hair

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Welcome vhshea and Clyn to the Middies.  You have found a great bunch of gals - very supportive and fun at the same time.

    chrissy - Sending thoughts and prayers up for Junie -  on a full recovery.  May she have the strength to get through this journey.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Prayers going up for Junie!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    She has my prayers for an easy surgery and quick recovery Chrissy!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Prayers sent for Junie.

    The mystery pic certainly looks like a hair coming from skin.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    More prayers for Junie - it's her THIRD diagnosis of cancer for those who don't know...

    I think it's a cat's ear.

    I successfully sold a mattress to my hairdresser and her DH. They had been on a WATERBED!! The hardest people to convert. She was 350 pounds and he was over 400. They LOVED their new set!! A topper is a good short-term solution and to see if you can stand the heat from the foam. The reason foam is hot is that it is closed cells so air doesn't circulate. It's also good for no bed bugs for the same reason - they can't colonize!

    Two people should be on a matt set that is worth $2,000+ but they get on sale for less. ONE person in a double bed have less personal space than a baby in a crib!! Queen and king sets are 8 inches longer than a double. Worth every inch!! A good matt set should last you well for 8 years tops. The old 25 year guarantees on matt sets are blown away. The steel and wood last forever!! It's the foan and fabrics that break down.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I think the pic is the "tentacle" of a starfish?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Does anyone have a reply for vhshea about Mx surgery, the recovery period, and/or getring TEs?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    chrissyb, will keep Junie in mind, and give us an update on her after the surgery.
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    sending prayers up for Junie

    welcome vhshea and Clyn this is a great place for support.

    Vhshea can't help with mx or te's but I am sure someone on this board can

  • kal_1865
    kal_1865 Member Posts: 145

    prayers for Junie!!!

    welcome Clyn and Vhshea, this thread has helped me to get through my treatments which I  just completed on May 5th. 

    the picture looks like my kitchen granite countertops but then how could it also look like a squirrel's leg.  i don't think i'll be kneading any bread dough on it anymore...LOL!

    Vhshea i had a double mastectomy latissimus dorsi flap with TE's.  i won't be scheduled for exchange for a few more months since i just finished rads.  i was in the hospital for 3 days with 8 drains, i went home with 6 and they were all removed within 2 weeks.  i stopped the pain meds about 1 week after the surgery.  i really didn't have a lot of pain and wanted to get back to my routine as soon as possible.  my surgery lasted almost 8 hours so i guess with that much anesthetic my body needed recovery time so i did nap everyday.  i was very lucky to have my Mom & Dad come stay with me for 10 days to help out.  I'm not sure what I would have done without them here to occupy my mind during the day.  i did make sure to get out of bed everyday, get dressed and take a little walk around the block to clear the cobwebs.  please feel free to ask me any questions and please don't stress yourself.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Sorry Vhshea, I haven't had any surgery (except my port[s]).  Don't think I will be getting any either - we'll see.

    But thanks to shrinking tumor - I am lopsided Wink

  • dawney
    dawney Member Posts: 136

    Ladies - I'm back.  After spending 3 of the last five weeks in the hospital for a Bi-Lateral Tram Flap, I have been a little hesitent to post.  My surgery went as planned but three days later I went in to Renal failure and Respiratory distress.  I spent 10 days in ICU and underwent an exploratory surgery on my intestines.  I finally went home a week later.  I spent 2 weeks at home not getting any better..  Went to the doctor last week and was sent straight to the hospital with double pneumonia and severe anemia.  After a blood transfusion and some strong antibiotics I am now finally feeling better!!

    I have missed you all!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Gee Whiz Dawney!  Couldn't you have found a less dramatic way to announce your return???

    Seriously, that sounds horrendous!  Glad you are back & feeling better.

    Take things slow & easy for awhile!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    dawney, you always have to take it to the next level, don't you! Cool Was the extra health issues because of the time under anaesthetic? That's one of the reasons I didn't do recon. I'm glad they were on top of your issues. Get well!!!!
  • Hello middleaged women.  I, as you know love contests so want to guess.  To me it is an out of focus pic taken looking out of a window at a tree in the distance and that yellow color is the edge of the curtain.  

     Vshea,  I had a mastectomy on my left side a long time ago so am sure things have changed, but mine was what they called a modified radical and I had immediate reconstruction, think I was off work three weks.  I had fill ups every few weeks and the total wait between mast and replacing the expander with an implant was 6 months.  I felt I had enough by then so did not opt to have a nipple.  My implant is silicone and it's been fine for 21 years now. 

    Bye ladies.  I will be back for your next contest. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    {{{DAWNEY}}} that would scare the cr@p out of me! Glad you are home.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    dawney, that is quite a tale of tribulation!  Did your intestines turn out to be o.k., then?  Glad you are back and starting to feel like your old (young!) self again. 
  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    Welcome vhshea and Clyn! Sorry you had to join us but glad you found us...

    Dawney- sheesh so sorry for all you hav ebeen through:) You listed it so matter of factly....i would be in a puddle on the floor....please relax as Eph suggested/

    the pic is my eyebrow!Q

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Dawney! Dawney! Dawney!  When you do it up, you do it UP! Glad you are back and on the mend!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Dawney, welcoem back,

    prayers for Junie!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Dawney, welcome back! You sure had a time of it.  I hope you are on the mend.  Take care.

    Junie prays for you.

    Im so glad its Friday.  I hope that it is a quiet one.  They usally are.  The beggining of the week was not a good one.  I got thru it though.  I have a ton of organizing to do.  Plus I have a house to clean for BUNCO, Tuesday.  I cant wait.  I love that night.  For now I need to get my address book together, so when Im wiped and need to chill I can work on the addy book.

    My baby turned 18 this week and its had its moments, whew.  But hes a good boy and knows that the more he gets to do then its ok,  but the first sign of trouble, look out.  I really wanna know where my baby went.  I miss those days.  I know this BC hit him very hard.  I know his is at the age (I fill,) to let him know all of what is going on.  When I came home from the hospital he was so helpful.   I would have never thought he could be this way.  Heck he even keeps his head shaved for me.  Thanks Markie, you will make a great hubbs one day.  I will never forget all you did for me.  Love ya!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    reading back and posting as I see them ...chrissyb, prayers for your friend Juni - but in case you didn't know, thyroid cancer is one of the most curable of all cancers if found early, so hopefully she falls in that category hon.

    vhshea, sorry, I didn't have surgery similar to yours so I really can't help with answers to your questions hon. I had a lumpectomy with no recon necessary, just chemo and rads to recover from!

    clyn, where in PA are you?  I'm in delaware county, love to meet new PA members.

    dawney, nice to meet you, and hope like hell things work out for ou better than recent events hon :)

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    Dawny - Wow!!!! What an ordeal......I am glad you're feeling better now - stay on that path.

    Prayers for Junie...........

    I think the picture is part of the squirrel's leg on a tree.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Marle, I did know that Thyroid Cancer is totally curable but it's the surgery that is on both our minds as some of the nodes are extremely close to major blood vessels so it all comes down to the steadiness of the surgeons hands........praying she gets a good night sleep before she starts.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, did the rapture hit Aus yet?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    BarbA, still here and still waiting.......LOL!