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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Welcome, neecee!  We just had two people recently finish their chemo.  (It was JeanH & Paula66, so they might have some advice.  I believe they had A/C+T, so it might go a little different for you.)  Do you have a port?  How many rounds will you have to do?  Do you have the kind of job that you could miss some days if you really needed to?  (I'm just testing you on your tagline, but I do wish you the best with chemo.) 
  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    I edited this post - left something out.  Is it too early for chemo brain? lol.

    Hi elimar!  Thank you for the warm welcome.  I have to do x4, spaced three weeks apart.  And yes, I have a port - the best decision I ever made!  My veins are really persnickety.  

     I work in retail, and my store manager has bent the calendar around my needs.  He said, "Take care of yourself.  Don't worry about the store".  I have FMLA paperwork on file, just in case (that is the planning for the worse part).  I want to work as close to full-time as I can, for mental as well as financial reasons.  I need to stay out of my head, and being at work does that for me for the hours I am there.  Financially, no work, no pay, no insurance, no way to pay these mounting medical bills!

    Thank you for your well-wishes!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    E he plays the euphonium which is a baritone horn that is a step down from the tuba for concert band in looks and the marching horn looks like a trumpet on steroids. Saw the Army marching/concert Band on one of their tours and heard a fellow Texan play The Yellow Rose Of Texas on a euphonium and was very impressed. It almost sounds like a trumbone.

    My sis says overall he looks good but tired of course.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Does it look like this...     Or more like this?  

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    Too cute!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hi Neecee, welcome.  I worked pretty close to a full work week while I did chemo. I missed the day of chemo and a few hours for my Nuelasta shot.  Taxol was very rough on me and there were a few times I left early.  It was a rough one at times. There were days I just wanted to stay under the blankets and feel like hell, but I didnt.  I got up and got myself to work.  They were amazing to me at work so that helped.  I did have a few issues with one co-worker. I was able to get over that. Im like you, I had no choice so I did what I had to do. I went to work. Then again we are women and when it comes to taken care of bussiness we do it. 

    Good luck on the treatment.  They have some good resources around here to look up if someone cant help ya.  Take care and have a fab night!

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    Hi Paula, nice to meet you!  I am hoping to have similar results. I have found this site and the forums a great source of info and support.   Have a great night yourself!


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Hey neecee! Nice to see you over here, too! Wow, you started chemo today? You're following the same treatment I had. It really wasn't too bad, I hope you're feeling good now!

    This is a fun thread, with a lot of knowledgable people who can answer most anything you can think of.

    E - I barely remember our Roaring 20's party....although that's me right there in the picture! I think I had a few too many Gin Rickeys! 

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    Hi heartnsoul!  Good to see you here too.  Yep, feeling really good tonight.  Gonna enjoy it while it lasts.  Have a great night!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    neecee welcome to the board.  Sorry you have to join us around here but it is a great place for support.  Ask anything and whine anytime if you feel the need.  We all do at times.

    mjbmiller-sorry about your dad have a low count.  I know you have been worried about him.  How exciting for your son getting an award.  My middle son played and still plays the sax.  I use to love to go to the concerts and was always so amazed at the talent of the kids.

    My Dad finally started chemo today.  They are only doing chemo for his lung cancer at this point and will wait on the colon cancer chemo as they are completely different and the Dr said there is no way he could handle both.  The lung is the more aggressive of the two so they will treat it first and like the Dr said play it by ear one day at a time.  My mother just had herself believing that he is going to get treated and then it would all be over with.  Friday when I took them to the Dr. and he was talking about the chemo my mother asked so how long do we do this. And the answer was indefinatly.  Between the two cancers there will be no ending until my Dad decides he has had enough.  He has been officially diag with Stage IV lung mets and Stage III Colon Cancer.  How does one do this, just leave it to my Dad.....

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    neecee welcome !!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sherryc, cancer is unpredictable and people all have different degrees of response to chemo.  I hope it goes well for your father and is not too draining on him.  Keep his nutrition up as best you can.
  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    {{{{{{ Sherry }}}}}}

    Welcome neecee. I really like your comment, "I need to stay out of my head.", too..... I just haven't figured out how to do that one yet.....

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey girls, still not feeling well, but wanted you to know im still here, and reading.. there's too much to respond to, so forgive me. its' back to bed for me...Neccee and sherry,  your in my thoughts, and prayers...   3jays

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    Sherryc, Blondie x46, thank you for the welcome!

    Valjean - for me, doing something else is the best treatment for getting out of my head.  It is why I want to work.  When I am at work, aside from someone asking me how I am doing, I am focused on something else!

    3jaysmom - thanks!  Hugs to you!

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    nety- glad you got throughyour surgery so well...always a PLUS!

    welcome neecee- sorry you had to join us glad you found us

    3-jays- sorry you are feeling bad:( big fat texas hug

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    annettek - thanks for the welcome!  I am glad to take the journey with others in the same boat.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Welcome neecee - sorry you have to be here but glad you found us.  This is a great group of gals.

    Sherry - (((HUGS))) - Remember the 24 hour rule - it may help.

    3jaysmom - Sorry you are feeling well - sending gentle hugs to you.

    elimar, valjean, annettek - good morning ladies

    Hoping everyone has a good day. 

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    jo1955 - thanks for the welcome.  Glad I found you, too!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome neeceee. {{{3JAYS}}}

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    My son played th Euphonium from fourth grade through senior in high school.  The one he had we had purchased the used one he had been renting and it was really not in great shape.  We broke down and bought him a new one (for $1800) when he was a senior in high school.  We thought he was going to play in college too.  (He told us he was.)  Well he never touched it since the last concert senior year and it's been sitting in his room ever since.  And now he's finishing his first year of grad school and over a thousand miles away.  I need to figure out something to do with it.  Maybe Craig's list?

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Hello My Middle Sister,Hope all is well!! Welcome  to all of New Middles {{hugs}}, You  will get the best Support & all the answer you need here!  Dawney sorry about your ordeal ! welcome back! {{{hugs}}} to all my middles

    I missed you this past week., Been resting  & Still having Post-op Pain. was hoping to get my drain out Monday (20 cc out put last 3 days), But Surgeon want to wait til wed. I am concern because I have a drsg over Left mastectomy chest incision & I didn't in 2010 with rt mastectomy( open to air,but different doc) anyway I ask him last wed when I got d/c from Hosp. if I should cgh it, he said he would in his office, but I am not to thrilled aobut leaving a drsg with dry Drainage & blood on for 8 days? what your take on it?

    Also Path report show all Lypmh Nodes Neagative! Woo-hoo wanted share my good news with my sisters! xxoxo Gina

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    BarbaraA - thanks for the welcome!

    ReginaR - hugs back!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Good news Gina!

    {{{{{{{{{{{ 3jays }}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    neece, I'm in retail too, 100% commission, bread winner in my family....stress, eh?

    kay, my dad bought me a flute for my high school graduation and I always wondered why? I'd played it for years used and then when I was leaving the school, I get a brand new one! I keep it in my glassed-in hutch as a conversatin piece. Sell your instrument BACK to the people you bought it off. They'd give you fair market value before Craig's list would.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Gina, congrats on the good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!Woohoo

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    ReginaR, Eight days does seem long to leave a dressing in place.  The news on the clear nodes is definitely something to do the happy dance about...


    Kay1963, You could try contacting the music teachers at the schools that you have a euphonium for sale.  They would know which families might be looking to buy the same instrument.  It's worth a try.  I ended up using both Ebay and Craig's to get rid of band instruments no longer played.  The music store won't buy back here.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Regina Yahoo!!!!!  Its so nice to get some good news during all this that we go thru.

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125

    Barbe - stress, yes.  Our insurance is through my work.  Gotta earn in order to pay!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Neecee, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh T/C-I remember it well!  I had my drips on Thursdays; I was able to work on Fridays just fine.  Steroids wore off usually late Sat, early Sun.  Mondays were my worst days-I took them off after the 1st round-we are STILL finding mistakes from that day, 2 years later! Otherwise I worked through the whole treatment-chemo & rads.  For me symptoms were progressive-round 1 wasn't too bad (had one day of excruitating heartburn tho & that's not something I'm normally afflicted with!) round 2 was OK.  Rounds 3 & 4 were progressively worse-lots of sleeping.  The one thing I have to say tho is I always associated nausea with the word chemo.  I HATE TO THROW UP! I'm surprised I got as wasted as I did back in the day, cause I usually up-chucked & I hate it, as I said.  The drugs that I was given provided me the opportunity to say I never had nausea to the point of vomiting or really even close.  The 1st Saturday, my tummy was a little rumbly & I had tea & toast & was fine from that point forward. 

    Be prepared for your tastebuds to do some wacky stuff tho'.  I was a diet pepsi-holic (I didn't have blood in my veins it was diet pepsi!) prior to chemo-can't stand it now, but I can do Diet Coke-how weird, huh? 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    neecee - my chemo was 4tx AC every two week and 4tx Taxol every two weeks.  Got real sick at the end of the AC but not during the Taxol.  The Taxol gave me neuropathy in my hands and feet and still have lingering effects on my feet, thumbs and index fingers.  Except for 4wks for surgery and about 10 day during chemo, I worked the whole time as well.  I does help when you have something to do and keep positive as much as possible.

    Sherry - Hugs for you, your mom and of course your dad.  Dads are the best arnt they.  Mine dad had a stroke over 28 years ago and affected his right hand and speech pretty bad.  Had bi pass surgery to relieve the damage vein in his head.  Had digitalitis (sp) about 12 years ago so he has had his share of health problem but never let it keep him down was go go all the time.  So I try to model myself after that as best I can.

    E the horn is about right on both but not as small as the mouse.