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  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hi all!  Reesie, good luck with the double surgeries.  Its so nice to have it all done at once. 

    Enjoy the weather all, its been nice here, but the temps are on the rise again, ugh.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    lisaparis so sorry you are in a funck at well.  Let it out here it is a safe place.  If I lived closer I'd come clean your house for you

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Thanks everyone. See the BS tomorrow so really hoping we can xo this.

    Leisa and Val let it all out. Hope we can help get you out of your funks. At least we can "listen".

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Thanks everyone. See the BS tomorrow so really hoping we can xo this.

    Leisa and Val let it all out. Hope we can help get you out of your funks. At least we can "listen".

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    ressie - Jumping in your pocket and going with you.  Crossing fingers for good news.  Keep us posted.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    LOL Elimar, someone back in NY asked me if Nebraska was a state :(  I said no just a big corn field and he said "really?" he was was about 22 years old and had obviously failed geography.

    Hey ladies has anyone completed their 5 years of AI's and if so did the joint pain and hot flashes subside? If so how soon?

    Ressie- hope you can do an all inclusive and then be done!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Hi Ladies....This is about SAMe and those who are on Tamox. Please check with your DR.

    SAMe is almost like an over the counter herbal antidepressant and so many of them interacts with Tamox.


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Doesn't my grandson look like he should have a cigar in one hand and a scotch in the other!!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I could not find anything that mentioned an interaction between Tamox. and SAM-e.  It was not recommended to take the following with SAM-e:

    • Dextromethorphan (Robitussin DM, other cough syrups)
    • Meperidine (Demerol)
    • Pentazocine (Talwin)
    • Tramadol (Ultram)

    What I was reading mentioned that SAM-e might help with depression, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic liver disease, but a lot of the data comes from older studies where it was given intravenously or injected. 

    I still want to give the oral dose a try.  Nothing has conquered my fibromyalgia pain yet, and I refuse to "live with it."  My docs are not well versed in supplements, so I might check it out further with a pharmacist.  I will be sure to report back if I have any success with SAM-e.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Thanks for listening to me rant. I don't usually post something like that when it comes to something personal and/or how I am feeling. I feel like a fake sometimes when I post a happy reply for someones 'moment' & yet I feel .... I feel like a hypocrite sometimes.

    elimar ~ Thank you so much for your thoughtful post. It means a lot to me. I almost didn't let the post go through, but I have to start somewhere I guess. When you said, "I no longer think about that fact every day, but I live under that fact every day.", I thought this is me, I'm under a cloud. It does wear on me, it wears me out. Do I have days where I feel as moody as a 14 year old girl? You betcha!! And it ain't pretty!!! (ask my DH !) Shouldn't things get easier as time goes on?? Is this the newnormal?? There are just too many changes in my life, & I guess I'm not as easily adaptable as I thought. Finances are causing much stress: DH is a public worker & my state is making lots of changes. I've gained weight (don't let E-Lab know, haven't posted there the last two Fridays!), & I feel like crap. And this bc ... I'm scared .... plain & simple ...

    leisaparis ~ Wow, I could have written some of your post myself. I find myself doing just enough in the day so it looks like I've done a lotso my DH won't notice when he gets home from work. (shhh, don't tell him) At times, all I want to do is sit on my ass & do....what?....Nothing. DH thinks everything is okay, I don't say anything to him. He just gets tears in his eyes & I can't bear to see that. I guess we'll "funk" together. My flower bed is getting overgrown, don't even want to go out there & pull those stupid violets that are running wild. (wish my Grandmother had told me all those years ago that those things multiply like crazy!)  

    heartnsoul ~ I take B-12 but have never taken Vit B Complex. I'll look for that SAMe & read up on it. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm close to a GNC & they sell Nature Made at my groc. store.

    Jo ~ I've never been on an actual roller coaster, but I certainly feel like I am on one everyday. That's it, that's what I'm on....under a cloud....up & down....around & around.... and sometimes I feel like I don't have a seatbelt on.

    Maybe my seatbelt is all of you. Will you hold me down?? Not let me go flying off into the universe somewhere?? I know I have a lot to be grateful for, maybe I need to look at myself in the mirror & tell myself that.

    reesie, Sherry, Barb & Lisa ~ thanks for listening & for the encouragement & hugs.

    I will remember that I can dump here & will not be charged for it! (maybe that doesn't sound too nice, come to think of it.)  Foot in mouth


    Val ♥

    p.s. OG56 ~ What an adorable grandson you have. Love the look on his cutie pie face: Priceless.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    elimar ~ Thanks for the info on the SAM-e.
  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    I had discontinued Arimidex since Feb,2011  on direction of my Doc. as there is no value  of the same after 5 years. Right .. I agree.. but  I am not sure whether  I am free from BC..real confusion in my mind  disturbs me lot. I anyone  without any medicine after 6 years of BC treatment ? I need  your suggestion on how to face  the chances of recurrence.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Valjean this is a place where we can all bare our feelings.  I think there is a new normal that we have to find.  I have had my struggles the last year dealing with S/E's from BC and thyroid cancer, I agree it SUCKS.  I feel I am doing better as I have adopted the mind set ok I can't do things the way I used too, or I do not have and will not have the energy levels I did.  I pick the thngs that are important and figure out how to do them.  We all have to find our new normal but that does not mean we don't get frustrated over having to go thru the process and make the changes.  The hormone changes certainly don't help.  Glad you were able to get your feelings out. 

    Elimar as usually you bring great insight to all of us!  I will check out the SAM-e

    Reesie hope you can get all done.

    DH and I are going to a Memorial service for his Aunt and then spending the day shopping and bumming.  Just spending the day together will be nice.  His Aunt was a sweet woman that I only met a few times. Hope you al have a good day.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Valjean I do not post on this board often but I read it every day. Thanks for sharing your experience. I am also feeling like I do not want to do anything. My husband hates when I watch too much TV especially anything trashy like one of those court shows. I sneak watch them when he is at work. He texts me all day long with little projects to do because he doesn't want me falling into a rut. I tend to resent the texts but I know there are things I can do for out business instead of laying around feeling sorry for myself, that is a slippery slope. I am going to the gym as much as I can right now it's been every other day but trying to go every day. That helps a lot. I am a lifetime weight watcher member and I was on goal but after my last surgery i gained back 14 of the 23 pounds i lost. so that has me down too. I stopped doing the program and going to the meetings which do inspire me, like therapy really. 

    so as I type this going to have a light breakfast and hit an early zumba class then go weigh in at weight watchers and try to get something positive happening. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    raj, You are at that place I have heard about.  After you have completed your five years of hormonal drugs, it feels like the "safety net" has been taken away.  I am using Tamox., not AI's and I have read enough to know that if you stay on the Tamox. longer than the 5 years there are some ill effects including more of a chance for recurrence, but I have heard of women doing an AI then after they finish with Tamox.  Don't know if I want that or not yet.

    My suggestion is for you to Google (or any internet search) using the keywords, "preventing breast cancer recurrence" and you should get directed to a number of articles that provide actual lists of things that are or may be helpful in keeping cancer away.  Add a few of those things to your daily life, if you can, and you will have the feeling that you are still doing something to protect yourself.  In the real world, it might be hard to do everything on those lists but to add a few of the things should be easy. From the lists like that which I have seen, nothing was really hard or crazy, so I don't think you can go wrong by trying a few of the things that will make your overall health better.

    carrol2, B/C puts a lot of demands on us, physical and mental.  I know that since getting B/C, and maybe it is being in this age group too, I just don't work at the same level I used to.  So things don't get done.  Well, my new normal is "So what!"  The fact that you are going to the gym on a regular basis and focusing on reaching a weight goal is a good thing.  I think we all have to find a path to get back to that legendary "new normal," and when you do arrive at yours it will be in a healthy and toned body!  (Insert applause here.)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Today we have to join Sandeeonherown in celebrating her One Year Cancerversary!  You didn't think I would forget, did you?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    YEAH Saneeonherown!!!!!!!!

    Happy cancerversary!!!!!!!!!!!111111

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sandee -  That's what I'm talking about.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yeah Sandee!!!!   Congrats on your one year cancerversary!!!!!   Hope you have many, many more!

     Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Woohoo SAndee one year cancervaersay whoop whoop!!!!!

    Raj, maybe read on the natural girls thread.  Lot's of women there are using alternatives such as DIM and some other things that you could check into and maybe that may be something to try

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Sandee-onward & upward!  To be congratulated on having the stamina to survive a year after a cancer diagnosis to some outside the circle may seem weird, but those of us on the inside know that it is indeed a wonderful thing to have lived another year of life, even with it's downsides & sadnesses!  Do 3 things that you wouldn't have been doing if you hadn't survived (In my case that is 1) eat chocolate 2) eat chocolate 3) eat chocolate!) 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    wow thanks for the pep talk Elimar. Just got back from zumba. I can feel the fat on my belly jiggle ick! Quick shower then off to weight watchers and hopefully lunch with a friend from this site.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Re:  Celebrating a Cancerversary "Eph-style"...

    The three things I would choose to do, just for the joy of being able to do it, would be:  1) rock out to some favorite music,  2) catch the scent of some nice flowers (like honeysuckle...nix, nix, nix on the stinky ones,) and 3) laugh!  These are things that make me really feel alive.  Shocking that "eat some Cheetos" is not represented, eh?  Nor is sex.  Well, they just did not make the cut into the top three, but I will give them an honorable mention.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Carrol2, Middle-aged belly fat is the bane of my existence right now, too.
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{SANDEE}}} Woo Hoo!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Woohoo Sandee!

    Speaking of belly fat I might even get a 3 for 1 out of this surgery. Met with the BS today and she's all for doing both surgeries tag team style. She's gonna talk to my gyn and we'll work out a mutually agreeable date.

    And she said she might need some abdominal skin for my chest area so free tummy tuck lol.

    And to top everything off she said that when she saw my name on the list of topics last week at the weekly cancer board meeting she asked my onc why and he got a big smile on his face as he said "Have you seen her lately".  She said she needed to hug me because she was so excited about how well I've responded to treatment so far.  Now that really made me feel good.

    Edited to finish the post since I hit submit accidentally on my nook 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Well I have not been on for over a week and boy howdy I missed a lot so I am sending a big


    To everyone.

    My dad is in the hospital in his home town now.  It is call swingbed??? to build up his strength as he is working with a PT every day.  My sister does not think it is getting any better but as she said she maybe to close to the situation.  He turned 82 on the 14th sent him some balloons and goodies.

    Haven't decided on the hereditary test yet, DH doen't want me to do it thinks it would cause a lot of unnecessary worries.  Jury is still out.  Surgery coming up next week to remove the other TE, having to train someone to fill in for me while I am out.  Will be out a little over a week, need some TLC time.  6/23-7/5.

    Well I have been without a stove since Sunday and an oven for almost two weeks (it works but makes a lot of noise).  They are a seperate unit but stove (gas) is above the oven (electric).  Decided to get a nice free standing stanless steel gas range with 5 burners on top and warming drawer under the oven.  It will be delivered tomorrow, DH is preping the area today along with taking DS to the DMV to get his driving permit.  Summer school (speech) and Drivers Ed. is going great for my DS.  He is taking speech to get it out of the way, a couple of his friends are taking health so we are car pooling to school and has friends in Drv.Ed. and car pooling with that so I do not have to be his taxi service and miss work time.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Thinking of taking DH to the drive in to see Super 8 (his choice) for fathers day.  There is a Drive In in Ennis, TX.  Looking forward to it.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    Great news Reesie, and see thats why I am hanging onto my belly fat because it may be needed to make me a new set of boob's!  I know it must have felt good to recognized for how well you are doing!! Congratulations
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    mjbmiller, I think you have just written about every scenario I mentioned in my opening post for this thread.  I did say more than a few times that my opening was only a generalization for common things that might be going on with us at this age but, girl, you hit the Trifecta on it!