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  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Ooops, hard to jeep track. Sorry Jo. {{{SHERRY}}}

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Greetings Jen, Welcome to the club. This is the greatest bunch of women. We support, laugh, bitch, party & share our cyber man ( he does all our cleaning ). Sorry you have to be here, but it's the best place to be in this situation.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome Jen!! You came to a great place for ((((hugs))))) and laughs--a great place to share and be listened to. 

    Reesie-- FB?? That is a cool way to be notified, guess just plain emailing is too old fashioned? : ) 

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    I'm a little late to the party, but wanted to say I love the pic of the firefly.  I can remember those hot, humid summer nights laying around in the front yard with my friend and sister watching the fireflies.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Claire, my gyn is my friend on Facebook because my sister is her nanny and she was my friend before she was my doctor. I friended her because I took pics of her kids one Halloween and it was the easiest way to get them to her. I'm not sure she even has my e-mail address lol.

    BarbarA - when my jeep went off track we got stuck in the water (sorry couldn't resist - it's a true story though).

    I can't wait for the cyber man to come to my house this weekend - my house really needs a good cleaning (thanks to Joni for letting me keep him a little longer this year).

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    OO your birthdays coming up isnt Reesie? 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jen welcome to the group this is a great bunch of ladies here.  You are all so funny with the cow comments.  Actually DH and DS has a side cattle business at one time and they raises these particular cattle and they would rent them out to roping events.  If these cows see a rope coming they run like h**l.  They are fun to watch, but watching the cowboys is even more fun, hehe Well I am a bit better today but still not feel worth a hoot.  I am kinda thinking I won't make it to work tomorrow either.  This has kicked my butt for sure.  But I did have a great visit with my family until this virus hit. oh well such as life

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    It's Sunday Paula, but not to be alone, Joni's is Monday and I hear they're having barbecues, picnics, parades and even fireworks in celebration!

    Lucky me, since the 4th is on a Monday - I get some of those fireworks too.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, don't go to work! You got a bug because you were in a new area and you would just be taking the bug to work. As women, we tend to try to be heroes and go in when we're sick. Someone blandly pointed out to me one day how no one appreciates it! Duh on us!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    My second summer on Tamox. is about as bad as last year, but I have to confess to once again being reckless and am now only taking 10mg. a day.  I just need some relief from the hot flashes during this hottest, most humid time of the year.  Because I am still having multiple hot flashes daily, I must still be blocking a lot of the estrogen, but with the lower dosage the flashes are a little less "head stuck in a sauna" and a little more "Florida panhandle" (and I do realize that is a but a minor difference.)   Apologizing, my FL sisters, you do have lovely beaches!

    Well, anyway, here's something I could not make it through summer without, and I can only hope that a lot of you are also able to partake of the fruity, frosty, silky lusciousness that is known as PINEAPPLE WHIP.  It's dispensed from a trailer, so right away you know it's got to be good!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,861

    Any trip that includes seeing the inside of an ER is NOT a good trip!   I do hope you feel better quick and don't be afraid to take some time off to get completely over it! 

    Love the mystery pic, I would never have guessed what it was.  Can't wait for the next one! 

    Welcome, Jen_b, glad you found us, sorry you had to join our club.  We play around a bit on this thread, but we get serious quickly when someone had questions or concerns, so don't be shy about posting any that you may have.  

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    we ain't got no pineapple whip- trailered or otherwise.  We just have a bajillion ice cream trucks all playing the theme song from "The Sting" at dog-hearing high pitchedness, and then they park somewhere, say DD's soccer game, and don't shut off the _ _ _ _ ing music for the entire blasted 90minutes they sit there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGH! 

    But pineapple whip sounds lovely! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Elimar I don't know if it is a coincidence or what but I am taking amytriptiline for my nerve damage from rads.  I am taking a low dose 25mg.  It is actually an old antidepressant that they found works well for pain control.  Since taking it my hot flashes have completely stopped and I am sleeping really well. I know that they say effexor helps with hot flashes so that's what makes me think that maybe the amytriptiline is helping.

    Barbe1958 not to worry I will not go back to work until I am not contagious.  I do not wish this on anyone.  I think as long as I have diarrhea I am still contagious.  Good thing is I work in a small office but in a large.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - I am still taking 50mg of amitriptyline and you are right - my hot flashes are far and few between and I am sleeping great.  I did try Effexor and that did not agree with me.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Funny you should mention those two drugs.  As you know i am trying SAM-e right now (and after a few days of cracking the 200mg. tab in two, I have worked up to taking two whole 200mg. tabs, with only minor tummy-bubble.  Now, I am mainly trying that out for fibromyalgia & osteoarthritis (lumbar) and want to give it another week or two to see if it does anything for that.   BUT IF that fails to work, I have already made plans with my rheumatologist to let me try either Effexor or amitriptyline.  The goal is to block some FM pain, but I do know that both of those manage the hot flashes too.

    I am wary of Effexor because of "brain shock" and wary of amitriptyline because of constipation.  I also really hate insomnia or weight gain. That is why I was hoping the SAM-e would be effective for my FM (although it does nothing for hot flashes.)  Currently (once again) reading up on those two drugs, as I will really have my pick of which one to try next.  Looking for least S/E's and least interaction.  You are not supposed to drink with either one of those. O.K., that is not too big a difficulty; but some of those drugs don't go with allergy meds. and I am always on the lookout for that too.

    Sorry, I went a bit wordy on that topic.  Not really.  We all know I've babbled on about less before.  Foot in mouth

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eli - The only problem I have had with amitriptyline is dry mouth and I have a supply of sugar free candies to take care of that.  I am taking it for pain management - the bonus for me is the good sleep.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Eph, No fireflies, no Pineapple Whip?  Wha'chu got good there in Medford?  Say if I was coming for a visit...have you any random oddities that I might like?
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Thanks so much, jo.  I do like to hear first hand account of things that loom on my own horizon.
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    The House of Mystery, Crater Lake, and lots of ice cream trucks!  Come on over!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Elimar I have had some mild constipation with mine and dry mouth.  I just drink lots of water at my desk at work and I take a daily stool softner and that keeps me regular.  But I have not gained any weight at all which I had read could be a SE as well.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, I'm waiting for all those ice cream trucks to get "The Entertainer" playing in sync, then I am coming to watch some soccer.

    Thanks, Sherryc.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Did anyone else notice that I can go directly from touting the Pineapple Whip to dreading weight gain, as if there is no corrolation whatsoever?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eli - Right now the Pineapple Whip is virtual and therefore has no calories.  That is the beauty of this. 

    One a side note - with the amitriptyline - I don't think I have the problem with constipation because I take acidophilus everyday and have been for several years - that is what keeps me regular. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I took some amitryptyline briefly, years ago, and that was before I was supplementing with magnesium, so it may not even cause me the same problem.  That is what I would hope if I do end up giving it another try.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, I totally missed the dichotomy (like that one?) between the pineapple whip and weight gain!! I too have never heard of pineapple whip and think that we should all get a shipment sent to us :)

    Sherry, I hope Tuesday brings much needed healthy feelings back for you.

    Eph, we have just one ice cream truck which plays the same 16 notes over and over as it goes up, then down the street. Then it goes around the corner and comes up the street, then back down ... you get the picture!!

    I jumped the page without memorizing the name of our newcomer, but extend my welcome along with everyone else :)

    Jo, hope this is a good week for you hon and that you're feeling better each day too.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    marlegal - I am so on top of the world these days.  Have my last BS appt tomorrow afternoon then I am appt free for 3 months.  WOO HOO!!  It's about time.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    marlegal-it's Monday!  Whatcha doin' on the 'puter?   

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo so glad you will be able to have one less doctor follow up after tomorrow.

    We also have an ice cream truck that comes around and plays the same tunes over and over. haha

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Alright Jo.  One less appointment.  I bet your gonna be on top of the world, congrats!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Sadly, no ice cream trucks in our neighborhood. I remember BEGGING my mother for money for the truck, and  she would always say no--we always had ice cream in the freezer when I was growing up. "But Mom, we don't have Nutty Buddies or Red, white and Blue Popcicles or Dreamcicles in the freezer. . . " Needless to say when my boys were little, I would always race them to the truck when it came thru our old neighborhood!!

    Tomorrow I have to go renew my drivers license. My old one has the best picture I have ever taken, (on a license that is!) and really cute hair cut down to my shoulders. When people ask me for ID now, I find myself saying to them--thats back when I had hair. And brown hair not gray hair. Kinda sad that my new picture will be the post BC, post chemo me. Almost like that license was one part of the pre-Bc me  that still remained. Wish they would let me just keep the photo. . .