
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Jen welcome looks like you are fitting right in.

    My DS still runs to the door every time he hears the ice-cream truck come by, at least now he uses his own money to buy, he does ask he if I want some. We also have a local snowcone lady who moves from location to location in a pirate car/truck. I am going to have to get a picture to show you.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    The past couple of days I have not been feeling well as I posted on a different site. A bit down like I have been going through morning again since my surgery. I am sure I will feel better after the drain is out tomorrow. Still sore trying not to take a lot of pain meds.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Elimar I have been drinking gatorade like crazy thank goodness for different flavors.  I called the Dr this morning and he called in a script for the diarrhhe I finally got it picked up a little while ago and took it so hope it kicks in soon.  Thanks for the perfect man.  I'll get him waiting on me and doing all the chores.  With his shirt off of course.  Then I will send him to Reesie so she can enjoy him for awhile.  But them maybe he needs to make a stop at mjbmiller and cheer her up first. then she can send him to Reesie's

    Duelgate welcome but get to your gyn.  Bleeding after sex is not something to wait and see about.  Something is not right and you need to find out what it is.  May not be anything serious but you still need to find out.

    Barb58 welcome about as well.  Hope all goes good with rads.  If you have any questions just ask away here.  There are plenty of us who have been there. What a blessing you have with your three children.  I admire you for 18 years of homeschooling. 

    mjmiller-I hope you will feel better after you get the drains out.  You have been on such an emotional roller coaster with your reconstruction and now with your Dad. When we don't feel good it takes a toll on us emotionally.  Once you can really start healing and feel better things will get better for you.Kiss ((((((((HUGS))))))))

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Barb58 - nice to meet you, sorry you have to be here but this place is a BIG help!

    jenn- congratulations on the great scans!!

    OG - I had to LOL about the bagboy and sacks, too. My grandmother called it a sack.

    mjb - I hope you're feeling better soon!

    BarbA - thank you for tagging alone with me! I guess you saw me acting like an idiot the whole time when we were in the little waiting room. I would jump up and down on the table every time I thought of something, or dropped something, or changed my mind about something. Then I was a babbling brook when the MO came in! She thinks I'm nuts, no doubt, haha. I guess I was more nervous than I knew!

    BUT, in spite of myself I did learn a few things. She's going to do the Tamoxifen metabolizer test to see if I'm good with that (which I've heard some oncs question the accuracy of this test), my CA 25/27 scores are good, and I don't think I have to have any more tests any time soon. They think they're going to check my adrenal adenoma one more time this fall with another CT Scan, but I have sufficiently freaked myself out about them and I am going to TRY to say no.

    Elimar - you're right, Dr. E! I have succumbed to appointment-itis! Never had it before in my life, and I am bound and determined to NOT have it next time. I was just looking at my bill - it doesn't help that they call it an "encounter". Okay...I don't like encounters, they need to change it back to "visit".

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    heartnsoul so glad your appt went well and all looks good.  That is always good to hear.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Thank you Sherry - I do feel SO much better! I need to try to relax a little now, and I need to learn to expect the best, not the worst for crying out loud! But if they want to have an encounter, I'm ready for 'em!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    "Encounter!"  Do they really call it that?  Now I want to go back and check my patient copy on that colonoscopy I had.  I feel like that one should be called "encounter" as in "close encounter of the third kind" what with the alien specialists that actually do the procedure!!!!!!!

    I did ask for and get the Tamox. utilization test around the time I started on it.  I don't think my doc puts too much store in it, but it showed I was an extensive metabolizer.  It can't really hurt to know if your body is making use of the Tamox.  Ten percent of women are poor metabolizers.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    My goodness you ladies have been busy this afternoon.  First, let me welcome Barb58.   This is a wonderful group of ladies.

    Had my LAST BS appt today.  This was a follow up for the referral to the pain specialist.  Also let him know about my mammo results and about the biopsy I had earlier this month.  He is so wonderful, he told me I don't have to come back but I do have an "open" appt anytime I need it.

    No more appts until Sept - WOOHOO! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo Woo Hoo no more dr appts for awhile

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Woohoo Jo.

    Funny when I went to the BS last week they gave me the paperwork to complete even though we didn't have a date for the surgery. When I finished chemo today i brrought it down to the office to turn it in and asked how I would find out about preadmission testing. They weren't sure which office would be doing it but they also didn't know anything about the surgery date. It was news to them :)

    So they had the doc call me when she got out of surgery. Turns out she didn't tell them yet about the date. She said it's still a month and a half away (I think she wants to make sure I don't change my mind about the bilat). But the important thing is she knew the date.

    mjb - hope you get out of the doldrums soon. Virtual man should help!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


    HnS so glad all is well.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Ice cream man just drove by playing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"!

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    I am going this Thursday to a new rads doc; had a terrible experience with the first one during consult, mapping. Don't know if I posted that on this thread, but I just knew I could not go back even if I only had to see him once a week. So after an anguished weekend with lots of tears (more than usual!) I have an appt 90 minutes away, instead of the original 30 min drive. My onc even called me at home last  night to say he supported my decision and was sorry for the treatment by the RO. I was very surprised to be able to get in so quickly with the new doc. I was worried about having a delay in my treatment. My parents live in the same town as the new guy, so I have a place to stay if fatigue sets in, as I expect it will. So WELCOME Barb58, we will be on a similar schedule for awhile.

    No ice cream trucks in my little town, but Haagan Daz is in the freezer and Dairy Queen is 4 blocks away!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    I have my last chemo on thursday yea

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    OK the animals think I've gone nuts!  E-I was HOWLING at your comments about the "encounter", colonoscopy, etc!!!!  Between you & OG today I've burst out laughing twice!  That's a good thing-feels great!

    Yay lynniea, huskerkkc, jo1955 & everyone else.  Good news is great!

    Meece-really? Christmas music?  That might be worse than The Sting music!  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    lynniea, I was just thinking about you earlier and wondering if your chemo was done.  Woo-hoo, the finish line is in sight, go for it!

    Huskerkkc, That is a shame that your nearby RO turned out to be a moron.  Doctor skills aside, the people skills are important too.  Your doc must have missed that memo.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Lynnie, thinking of you and your soon to be last chemo. You can do it!

    Husker, rad onc's are really weird IMO. Mine is hot to look at but is an arrogant, condescending a-hole.

    E - ROFLMAO!

    Meece, Christmas in July? I'll take the sting anyday.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    lynniea - The finish line is in sight on the chemo - go for it - will be at the finsh line doing the happy dance with you.

    husker - Sorry to hear your 1st RO was such a moron.  That brings back memories of mine who was the same way.  Glad you were able to find another one so quickly.  People skills are so important.

  • yarps214
    yarps214 Member Posts: 1

    i am 46 just found out friday the 24 i have IBC start chemo on tue the 5th. I have two kids one in college and one who will be a senior this fall. right now i am scared. but have the will to live.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome, yarps.  Those kids will give you the will to live.  I had 3 teenagers when I went through it and knew I had to do everything I could for them.  It's do-able, and we can be right here for you.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome, yarps. This is a fun and slightly wacky group of gals! Home of the hot flash and we love cheetos.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    Welcome Yarps - Sorry we had to meet this way.  This is a great group of gals.   We can be serious when we need to but also like to have some fun along the way.
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome Yarps - we're here to answer any serious questions you might have so don't be afraid to ask. But we can answer the silly ones too (like what's a sack). 

    And there are NO CALORIES in any of our food - it's all virtual you knowWink

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Lynneia woohoo on your last chemo.

    Huskerkkc so glad you found another RO no since in staying with one you know you do not care for.

    Yarps welcome to the group.  Sorry you are joining us but this is a great place for support.

    Well I made it to work today. yipee.  The new medicine has kicked in and I am feeling much better.  That was some bug I got.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    yarps214, welcome!  I don't know what it is but, for IBC being considered a rare cancer, I sure have been reading about IBC a lot lately.  At the top of this page is the "Jump To A Forum" menu.  I would urge you to visit the IBC forum and check out the many thread topics there that will be specific for your type.  On this thread there is a little bit of everything, and many women who can relate to getting cancer at this time of life.  BTW, I got my Dx exactly two years to the day before you did (although mine is IDC.)
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Glad you're feeling better Sherryc and that you waited to go back to work. I tell everyone at work that my cubby is a "cootie free zone".

    Huskerkkc I hear so much negative about so many ROs on here about their people skills.

    I have to say I loved mine. She was the best - always checking on me and making sure I wasn't having problems with SEs. Now, mind you I had rads to bone lesions - a different creature than most of you are used to. But she and her team really went to bat for me when I was getting treatment - making sure the insurance understood that it was NECESSARY that I be transported on a stretcher. And that I got the full 10 rounds of treatment, not only the 5 they were insisting on (which they said wasn't necessary since I was bedridden). She made them understand that I wasn't just getting palliative rads - once I was done with rads and my bones healed I would be able to walk - and AM.

    I actually have been thinking about going to visit them so they could see the results of their work - the last time they saw me I was in a wheel chair.

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Welcome yarps214. I remember well that scared feeling when I was first diagnosed last month. I would wake up every morning and it would hit me all over again. I had a few mornings when I would cry in the shower so that no one would see me because I didn't want to upset my kids. 

    I'm saying a prayer for you now and I will be thinking of you on Tuesday when you start your chemo.

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Thank you everyone for your welcomes!! It so nice to feel that I'm not alone in this. My family and friends are very supportive but until it's you, you don't know quite how it feels and I know all of you understand.

    I'm glad you're feeling better sherryc!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    jenn3....that is awesome news about  your scans!Smile
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    reesie, I really like how you have a good match-up with your whole "team."  I think they have figured out that you have a gigantic spirit and that you are up for aggressive treatment.  Looking forward to reading a future post where you can write the word NED. 

    My RO was very serious and dry in his factual delivery of all the information, like a stern daddy.  Of course, that made my inner child just want to act up, ask a million questions, rebel with my own info. that I had gotten on here, ask for special treatment (like a day off when I felt like I needed it,) etc.  I think I forced him into treating me as an individual.  Also, I could do a great impression of his somber delivery, and enjoyed performing that for his nurses.  Hee-hee!