
  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    reesie...I may be coming to New Jersey next summer for a wedding. The future bride was just here to visit several weeks ago and she was teasing about how you have to pay for a toll road any way out of Jersey so I knew what you were talking about....hehe....

    Foxlairfrm...the first time my husband and I visited Virginia was back in 1980 and it was over 100 degrees every day we were there, but it was beautiful. We didn't have AC in our car back then and it was hot but we had a great time any way. We love Virginia...we brought our kids back around the year 2000 and they always talk about it being one of their favorite vacations. They loved Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, Jamestown, Monticello, and the beach. I would love to drive through in the fall some year...I hear the mountains are gorgeous then.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Paula I also take tamox.  At first I had hot flashes like crazy, then it started having the chills then hot flashes, then it all stopped completely.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks for the info.  I thought I was going crazy.  I go from being so flippn hot I cant stand it.  Then the next thing I know Im freezin my fanny off.  I was starting to think I was off my rocker. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Paula - You are not off your rocker - the hot and cold sounds like me.  I only get this way in the evenings.  It can be so frustrating.  The rest of the day and when I sleep are fine.  How crazy this can be.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Paula66, I've had the chills a few times also (but not much compared to the hot flashes.)   It is totally normal.  I've read many comments about them.  You haven't been on Tamox. that long, so you might be one of the lucky ones that ends up having the flashes pretty much disappear.
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Welcome Deborah - you have an incredible story.  I am on Femara and SE have been minimal, I take it a night which seems to help a lot.  Took a couple of weeks to see a significant change but the only SE's I seem to have are joint pains.

    Saw MO today and told him about my back pains and chest pains, so he is recommending bone scan.  He also said my liver count was up a bit from last time so if they are still up he is going to recommend CT scan as well.  I seem to be doing well with the binding still but can tell there is some seroma fluid there but not for sure how much.  See PS Wed. then off to see my Dad for a long weekend.  He is still in the hospital trying to gain strength.  Sister said he is 50% better than when he was first admitted.  Just slow going.

    Speaking of cooking, my DS has been cooing with chololete with his new baking book (he wants to be a pastry chef).  One of the three recipies he tried were eatable, brownies. He is going over to a friend's house from church Wed. to try sweet breads.  Gota give him A for effort.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I only seem to get flashes when I am stressed now.  They are the hot/cold almost clammy ones.

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Foxy- I agree keep living life.  I hope your scans come out good. Grandchildren are such a joy.

    Reese- I must stop on my way home from work tomorrow and get some Jersey Peaches.  I was just told my WBC is good enough I don't have to watch out on fresh vegetables and fruit any more.

    Had my first of 28 Rad Tx's today.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    mjb, I had back/rib pain too, and my MO was all over it with a bone scan too.  They just don't want to take a chance of it being something, but mine was "nothing" (other than probably muscle and ribs still reacting to my rads months later.)

    Even now, almost two years later, I find myself stretching my arm and back as much as I can to try to offset the tightening from rads.  That poor radiated tissue is just not as elastic as it is on my untreated side.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    janinnj - Rads will be over before you know it.  Be kind to yourself and use those creams everyday and don't fight the fatigue.  However, you may be one of the lucky ones and not have the fatigue.  Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.

    MJB - A DH for a pastry chef?  That is interesting -hope he does well - I can imagine all the goodies in your house. 

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    As Reesie said, we can get serious here.  I just want to say to all you ladies, especially those with stage ll and lll.  Push for scans, no matter what your Dr. may say.  Push for it!  My bloodwork came back normal for 14 years.  It was showing only slightly elevated when they were looking at the scans and the cancer was eating my bones away!   After the 7 or 10 yr mark they seem to do less scans and rely on the bloodwork.  Lie if you have to, tell them you hurt somewhere!  Insurance companies don't want to pay after a period of time.  I am sure my recurrence has been festering for probably a few years and we didn't know.  Instead of looking at a grim prognosis, I could have caught it much sooner had I known to push for a scan. I am having three seperate blood tests done monthly to gauge what's happening now.  Scans nearly every three months because apparently the blood tests, at least in my case are not really reliable.  I am lucky to have found such a great group of women for support here, the least I can do is give a little advice.

    Deborah  aka "foxy"

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Foxy, I don't go onto the Stage IV forum too often, but you are the second Stage IV sister I have heard that actually said to LIE to get scanned periodically.  I thought it was so strange the first time I read that, but when you think of how many Early Stagers are considered "cured" at the five year point only to have their slow growing cancers appear much later (and sometimes with mets) it does make some sense, because at that point we aren't followed as closely.  I think we need to stay alert to any symptoms too, even if testing comes back "normal," because B/C is sneaky with it's ability to evade many of the diagnostics.  We have to insist on getting to the bottom of it, if something is not right with us.

    janinnj,  Excellent news on the WBC.  Hope you sail thru' rads.  Keep us posted.

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    The problem is - what is normal for us anymore? Recognizing something isn't quite right is extremely difficult when your body has been through what ours has. It took years after the stem cell transplant to regain memory, multi tasking skills and physical strength. I was changing all along, how would I know if something wasn't "quite right". They told me it would age me beyond my years and I am simultaneously aging... How do I know the difference between aging and breast cancer sneaking up on me. We don't. So we rely on tests and Dr's to catch things early should they recur. So we put our faith in this and we are glad as the years pass and there is no sign of recurrence. But they are not totally reliable and we are caught, like me, thinking "hey, I'm 50, things are going to ache and I'm going to be a bit more tired". I even reported them to PC (because at 14 yrs you don't need an onc) and the tests and X-rays were good (they did miss a lesion). If I had followed my gut and said at 10 yrs, I want a scan! Maybe, just maybe I wouldn't be where I am today. My own dr told me the only way with insurance these days to get one that far out with no symptoms was to " tell me you hurt somewhere". What's unreasonable about having a yearly scan? Even every two? Let's save some lives here insurance companies. We should not have to be dishonest but I'm not beyond it when it comes to my life.


  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Foxy I hate having to learn at the experience of others but that is why we are all here. Thank you. I pray that all you are doing right now keeps you here for a long time. God Bless

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Foxy - This is a continuous learning experience.  And I have said this many times that we have to be our own advocates and if it means lying to get a test done so be it.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Deborah, thanks so much for sharing your story. So sad that in order to get the care we deserve, we have to skirt the truth. Scans should be a part of a survivor's continuous care. Rrrgggghh!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks Deborah for sharing your story.  I often wonder about my sister who is a 10 year survivor.  I often worry that she needs to have testing other then blood work.  Shes ok with not have anything other then that and puts her faith in her doctor.  Well I dont.  I will tell her to come read your story and maybe this will open her eyes.  She thinks I just being over protective right now.  OMG like I want something to happen to her again. 

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Now that we have all had our scans...lol. Has anyone other than me heard that a tablespoon of local honey daily is supposed to boost the immune system and even fight cancer? I just bought a jar and thought...why not. I've eaten enough asparagus to sink a ship already. Good thing we like it.


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Foxy, I will stick with the broccoli, lol!  I havent heard about the honey yet.  This is a new one.  Atleast that tastes good, unlike the asparagus, lol

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    I like broccoli too! My veterinarian who is into all kinds of holistic healing gave me some info on honey. It has to be local honey. Apparently it's great for people with allergies, almost like getting allergy shots. That part was actually confirmed by an allergy dr my daughter works for. It can't hurt in that small a dose!


  • NJvictoria
    NJvictoria Member Posts: 45

    Hi Foxy!

    I'm right above you on Kent Island in Maryland :)

    I'm not a fan of honey, but I do eat asparagus and broccoli. I've also been drinking unsweetened green tea with a sprig of fresh mint, out the ying yang!! LOL!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


    Welcome foxy!

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    Hi ladies I have God My MRI came back the cancer is gone.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Teka, don't say good-bye!! Your story was just as important as Foxy's. You had the guts to air your concern and it got resolved. That is the whole point, isn't it? It won't always be mets.....

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Lynnlea!!!! That is such fantastic news! I swear I'm crying! Thank God. How wonderful! I hope you do something very special to celebrate then tell all about it!

    I'm so happy for you and your family.

    The biggest hug


  • nundi
    nundi Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I live near Alliston too.  I am newly diagnosed, middle aged but have a young child.  I meet with the surgeon in Toronto on Thursday.  How are the supports up hear as I am wondering about having to travel to TO all the time?  

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Vikki- you really aren't that far. I'll look it up. We go to Leesburg about twice a year to shop at the great outlet mall. Not far from MD.

    Paula- please tell your sister. I truly was feeling better than I had in years up until about a year before re-dx. Even then I thought it was just aging. I mean we were foxhunting twice a week on horseback, camping, dancing, parties, entertaining, football games up at VT keeping up with my college age son there! Life was good! It was so sneaky! Just keep the eyeball on it. I know it's hard, I didn't want to think about it anymore either. It was behind me as far as I was concerned, done, in the past. I wish I had known to push for a scan.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, NJvictoria and nundi!

    Lynniea, The MRI is a pretty close look, so it is great that it was all clear.  Happy dance for you.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Teka hate to see you go.

    MJBmiller glad you are going to get to spend the weekend with your Dad. 

    I eat local honey every morning in my oatmeal and hot tea.  It really has helped my allergies so if I might help with cancer that would be good too.

    Lynniea so glad your MRI confirmed your cancer is gone.  Hallalujah, God is Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Foxy have a question.  When you are talking about a bone scan what exactly are you getting.  I know a DEXXA scan is for bone density, but not sure what a bone scan is?  I have had a painful left hip for several months now.  Pain Dr put me on Celebrex and says it is arthritis from radiation.  MO says could be that or arthritis from tamoxifen.  I have had a x-ray done and it shows clean nothing there, but yet I cannot go without the Celebrex unless I take narcotics which I don't want to do.  Can't figure out how I can have so much pain yet x-ray shows clear.  Although the Dr's did so that early arthritis does not always show on x-ray.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Welcome to all the new gals - this is a good place for information and support.

    Lynniea - Great news!!!!

    Teka - Please don't go! Frown