
  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Eph- I don't care how you figure it, I'm just jealous of all the time. My DH and I haver always taken nice long vacations but this year I've used all my time with surgeries and 2 days off for each chemo.  I was supposed to go to Kansas City with him the first of July.  He sings in a Barbershop Chorus and they were competing at the international level but I was afraid I would run out of time if I need it for the end of rads.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That's a bummer...all the women that had to use vacation time for their surgeries and treatments.  Don't you just wish you could make some people sit thru' the "home movies" of your vacation, seeing as how it was so much fun? 


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Well the benifet to my recliner vaca was the hot and sexy waiter I had.  AKA my hubby!  Yes eli it does suck that we have to use our vacation for sick time.  My daughter moved to Alaska in February, but there is no way I can go this year to see her. I have very little vacation and Im the one who pays for heath insurance so I cant miss a day.  Between the rising healthcare bills and gas Im having a staycation right here in my recliner!  Fun Fun, NOT!!!!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Oh such much to congratulate, so kudo's to all of you who have either gotten a well deserved promotion or earned lots of vacation or had those awesome B9 results!!!

    I moved home for lots of reasons but the main one was to be here to help my parents who are 80. However, my father goes to the orthopaedic surgeon yesterday and schedules himself for a total knee on the day I have to be in NYC to have my MRI/Mamo/appt. I asked him to reschedule for the following week (I already have my plane ticket) and he said No! I don't know who is going to care for him or my Mom arrrrrr! WTF is wrong with the elderly in my family they seem to be lacking common sense all the way around, my aunt and uncle who just died were the same. Thanks for letting me rant, that feels better and I can see I am going to need stronger drugs to deal with all the family drama now that I am in the midst of it again LOL

    Thank god my baby makes me smileLaughing

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    OG56 why do parents have to be so stubborn?  You have done a good thing in moving to help your parents.  I hope you will get it worked out.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    OG56 I have the same problems with my inlaws and my parents.  They have no concept of what makes things easier on us. It can be so frustrating.  When my grandmother was alive and I was taking care of her she was always concerned about what was going to make things easier for me. So it is not just your family it is just most elderly people.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    In '09, all my vacation & sick went up in smoke with treatments, sick days, etc.  My boss was very kind & when I ran out, he just kept paying me.  I feel very decadent with all this time to use.  Just praying nothing comes up between now & then (can you say "broken shoulder" while walking the dog--hope I never repeat that experience!!!!!!) so I can use the days-I took a lot of Friday Monday combos!

    OG56-what were your folks doing before you moved back to NE? *edited to change state abbreviation- I swear my brain has left the building!!!!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    OG56- I think its the Nebraska genes. My family is originally from NE and my parents have moved down to Florida to be "near" me. Mind you, they are an hour away. They live in a retirement community which is great for now, but in a few years they will need to be closer to town. They think they are moving in town--which is farther away from Orlando(adding another 45 minutes to my drive). They won't even discuss moving to Orlando or at least closer to my direction. These are the same people who made my grandmother move from NE to Virginia at age 83 so she could be closer to them. Then they promptly move to Florida 3 years later leaving my sisters to care for Grandma, she lived to age 94. Needless to say, no love loss between my sisters and my parents. ---Not at all saying your family is as dysfunctional as mine, just that I think NE's are STUBBORN!!!  

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yay Eli!!!   I knew you could do it!  Well done!  Now you can breathe again.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • pminxy
    pminxy Member Posts: 7

    Middle-aged women 40-60ish  it should a time where working or not that you are settling in to enjoy your golden years, when like you ladies the big Breast cancer landed in my lap in 2004 for the first time I had just gotten over the loss(died from asbestos related cancer) of a man who was my soul mate to me ; enjoying a great job in nursing and had my life back together, or so I thought May 2004 I lost my left breast and the ensuing chemo knocked my socks of and the radiation therapy made you so tired all you wanted to do was sleep and because of the high intensity of the radiation therapy my left side looked like under cooked raw meat and it never stopped leaking through no matter what I put over it, Silverzene helped clear it up and kill the burning sensation and I thought I was out of the woods for a time then february 2006 it was the turn of my right breast to go as it was mainly aggressive pre cancerous they had to move within 6 weeks to remove it or there would have been issues the plastics team and the breast surgery guys got together and in 12 1/2 hours on the operation table I had another mastectomy and then bi lateral reconstruction and talk about pain but it was worth it to feel whole again and stop the back aches having 1 breast caused.there was no cancer treatment that time but they promised they would give regular checks so they would catch any BC early! Nothing happened I had a couple of visits over the set 5 year period rather then the regular routine as per the first , the second round and the recontruction on top of the two other surgeries left me an invalid unable to work and getting help in home and then along came January 2011 and I was called into theplastics clinic and without any tests or anything I was told its been 5 years you  can go we don't need to see you any more-I was bewildered as they hadn't been seeing me and now they were cutting me loose; a few days later preparing for bed I suddenly became breathless and developed thes awful chest pains. -I hit my vital call button and they asked what was up and they got me an ambulance I can't remember much until I got to hospital where they hit me with an Anganine tablet as my heart was in stress because of a pleural effusion /fluid in my left lung collapsing had put stress on my heart. last thing I remember after they put the drain in was being jabbed and waking up the next morning on ward to cut a long story short they did several tests which found me riddled withpalliative/ terminal metatastic   breast cancer related to my original cancers I may also have asbestos related cancer but they deemed to risky to go in and check and while in there identify which of the original breast cancers is the culprit, I was told without chemo I won't make christmas and with it for as long as I can tolerate it I may have 1-3 years and there is a big question mark on that as I am not well . I have had ductal carninomas all along and now they are giving me hormonal tablets to prevent hormone based cancers I went change of life via my hysterectomy re cervical cancer then tamoxifen etc at the first breast cancer I can't see the point of it now and with all the lovely change of life affects it will inflict on me i don't know if any of you lovely people can see what is to be gained especially when I alreay am on borrowed time I would love to know. funny enough I am strangely at peace with myself and the situation for I haven't asked for much out of life but I have had that and more great love and friends and family/extended family as I have a habit of making  friends and adding them to my family for I love people and the amazingworld we live in. I was al set to live out my 40s plus life in my lovely little house in this village on Moreton Bay and enjoy my nursing, friends, and life for years to come.

    It is funny from the day we women are born to the day we pass out of this world we are poked and prodded in more places then I can count and for the most part we handle it with the grace that makes us who and what we are if it was our men bless them there'd be no kids and lots of oh no dear I have a headache etc; but we lovethem for who they are.

    I don't know what the rest of my forties+ hold for me depending on my cancer but I am taking each day as itcomes with a smile and thanking the powers that be each night for all that I have and am I may not see much longer but I am losing the buxom wench look which means retail therapy for new clothes my dietition says i must eat high protein food or anything to stabilise my weight forthe real battle for my life hasn't started yet and I need to eat whatever I fancy to keep going so cholate etc look out, my loved ones and strangers say I look great not knowing the battle others including myself are fighting inside and it ain't pretty so to speak as some of you would know but this womans gonna fight and pray i beat it or a cure comes or go down fighting hoping that any reasearch I am part of will help others to live well and long.

    The 40-60s are your golden years when you and your other half can have time for you and not feel selfish worrying about the kids or watching your kids step into their adult lives and the wonders they bring and you hopefully striding into a fun filled cancer free/ pain free future, thamkyoy for listening/reading and may all your tomorrows be joyful

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow pminxy, what a journey you have been on!!!  I am also stage IV and an Aussie...............welcome to BCO....it really is a great place to find support and friendship.  I'll PM you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Paula, you are in a difficult position. I can certainly sympathize with you. We had to move my step-dad in to our rental next door so we could take care of him as he was going through big time surgery. STUBBORN! Can't even describe it. He is doing much better now, but it takes a lot of patience and energy. Thank goodness it was early last year before my re-dx. He is 77, a welshman and stuck in his British ways! Nothing against the Brits! Good luck.


  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome pminxy - what a roller coaster ride you've been on. There's a great group here and we can be serious when needed but cah have lots of fun too! Come in, sit down, take a load off and Join in all the craziness with us.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    pminxy - Welcome to the club no one wants to be a member of.  You have been on an incredile journey and here you will find lots off support and information. (((HUGS)))

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome pminxy Im so sorry to read all you have been thru.  The girls around here are a great bunch.  Im glad you found us. 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Welcome, pminxy! You have had such a hard time of it! I hope you come back here often - these ladies will be here to help answer your questions, and give you a chuckle or two when you need it. Take good care of yourself!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    pminxy, I will add my welcome to the ones already given. You really got both barrels of B/C and then some.  I am going to hope that they find the best chemo cocktail for you and it starts wiping out those mets, so you will be able to prove that doctor wrong on his 1-3 year guess.  You say you have found a peaceful frame of mind, and I can tell you have a fighting spirit as well, so that is probably the best mentality to deal with everything.   I am kind of curious if the mets were from the first of second B/C.  They did not give chemo the second time, did they?   It is just not possible to know how invasive some of these cancers are.

    There is a whole forum on BC.org for Stage IV women.  You might find topics there that are for specific issues that you face.  We are happy to have you hang out with us also.

    HnS,  Like the new avatar pic?  Is that your bird?  I will get a new parakeet one day, but after my 15-yr-old dog goes I plan to be pet free for a couple years so I can travel and not have to make any pet arrangements.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Who is supposed to do Weekend Mystery Pic?  I forgot.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    I think it's Sheila.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I am way behind in reading. I got to NM around 4 pm Thursday. Went straight to the hospital, he was sitting up in a chair. Visited with him for a couple of hours then left to get dinner and rest for the evening. One of my sisters went to visit for awhile. Got a call at 4:30 am that he was bleeding internally and to get back to the hospital. Ran blood work on him, so the Dr talked to us about reason for the bleeding, might be an ulcer. Blood work came back, luekemia is back full force. The Dr doesn't give him much time. My brother got here yesterday and my other sister is making later today. I am sitting with him now. He will open his eyes if you call his name but for the most part is unresponsive. Just making him comfortable right now. Found out he had a bad reaction to morphine so having to give him something else for pain.

    I saw my MO on Monday and he has schedule a bone scan for me next Tues. I will probably be back to town for it. We will be taking as a family what dad's wishes are when the time comes. So I will be leaving either Sunday with DH and DS or Monday with my sister.

    Saw PS on Wed. and feels I will not need a pump, he drained 20cc this time and go back on Friday. Lots going on.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    pminxy welcome please share with us any time. God bless you

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    elimar.....Im suppose to do the mystery picture.

    I thought it started Sunday.Wink

    I already have it. I can post it now if you are so bored.Laughing

    pminxy....Welcome to the sisterhood. ♥

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sheila, you should post on Friday so we have the weekend to guess and then you do the big reveal on Sunday. Looking forward to it!

    Miller, 20 cc's this time is GOOD. It looks like your body has figured out how to get rid of the fluid itself. How are YOU feeling? It doesn't look good for your Dad, I'll pray for you and your family over the next couple of weeks as things play out.....

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611


  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Now that looks like a close up of a cheeto :)

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Mystery pic guess - counter top or floor tiles????


  • Mystery picture - sponge

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sponge TOFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Like in a Coffee Crisp chocolate bar!!!