
  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Paula 66- congrat on the offer. 

    MBJMiller- Geneology can be alot of fun.  My grandmother was really into it and has traced her brank of the familt back to SAcotland and England in the 1500's.  One of my grats was with Washington at Valley Forge.

    I have finished 19 /33 rad treatments and thank goodness I'm still feeling pretty good because I have major housework this week-end.  I have just done the minimum for so long, since working full time through chemo.  My mother is coming to visit and I haven't seen her in over a year.  I usually try to get back home to Arizona at least once a year but didn't do it this year and this will be the first time she has come to visit since we moved to our "empty nest" house.  My DH doesn't take the iniative but he'll do what I ask him and we'll have the place back in shape in no time.

    Justmejanis- My name is also Janice but spelled different.  I am also 57 years old.  Where in Wy did you live?  I lived in Rock Springs for a breif time back in the 70's and the Tetons and Jackson Hole are about one of my favorite places in the country.

  • ginnybee
    ginnybee Member Posts: 2

    Hello, am new to the group.  I am 57, will be 58 in Oct.  Have 2 more chemos to go (one next week, one the first week of Sept.).  Just went for my radiation consult today, and for some reason this bummed me out.  I don't know, guess I was looking forward to the "end" of chemo (though I will be on herceptin till may of '12).  This may sound stupid, but I am just sort of tired of all this, just having one of those days, I guess.  I have to have more surgery to clear the margins after my last chemo, and then have to wait after the surgery to start the radiation.  I know, whine, whine,...enough, already.  Really, have been managing pretty well thus far, just would like to have my old life back, you know?

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hey everyone glad we're having a good week. Just thought I'd let everyone local to me know that Chrissyb from Australia is going to be in NJ in early Sept. She asked me to put together a BCO lunch or dinner on Tues 9/6 or Wed 9/7 so if you're up to it check out my thread on the Stage IV board.

    I'm leaning toward dinner becausu I have to work but majority will rule.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Welcome ginny, bitch away, that's what we're hear for!!

    I was chatting to the dental tech today, her mom had bc. So tech got tested and was BRCA negative. She was told she will NEVER, ever get breast cancer. I told her to do some Googling and re-check with the doctor. She is still vulnerable for other breast cancers....isn't she?????

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome Ginny, didn't see you there. We all have those days -whine away.

    Barbe, you're right. A lot of women on these boards are BRCA - and they have breast cancer. Basically it means she didn't inherit that gene abnormality but it doesn't mean she can't get breast cancer.

  • ginnybee
    ginnybee Member Posts: 2

    Thanks, all.  I am doing some yoga now for attitude adjustment (with the computer by my side).

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome ginnybee.  Grip away, we all understand.  Trust me when I say that we all can relate in one way or another.  The gals here are a good bunch.

    Reesie is right Barbe.  It just makes me sick to think people who are in the medical profession say things like that.  A young gal friend, her mom passed away from breast cancer and someone told her that BC skips a generation so she is ok. Why in the heck would they tell her that.  Well if that the case, then why have 4 women in my family all have had breast cancer.  I am the first to be tested and I am positive,  My other sister has been tested and she is negative.  Im glad she understands that this just means she doesnt have the gene and yes she still can get BC.  We all have a chance to get this cancer just by having breasts.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    welcome newbies this is a great group of ladies.

    ginny whine all you want we all have at one time or another

    mjbmiller my maiden name is Newton and I am on ancestry.com  I have a huge tree as I am a geneology freak.  I'll pm you with more info.

    So Elimar I have been on Ancestry for years and I do think it is worth it.  I don't do the world stuff though I have not gotten to a point that I feel it is worth it.  Maybe one of these days, but I always find enough to search on my family and DH family.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Ginny - feel free to whine, bitch and moan. This is a long journey. You're almost through the first part, try and celebrate that. Plan something special for yourself for finishing that phase of chemo. I had a MX, chemo, radiation, chemo.. When I would get discouraged one of my brother's  would say to me "keep your eye on the prize." When I got to the second chemo protocol, I had had enough. My hair was coming back. I was starting to feel better and I just wanted to be done. That's when he told me to "go to the whip." It's a horse racing term. You dig down deep and give it all you've got to cross that finish line.  For some reason those 2 phrases really helped me get through. I've been NED for 17 years.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hauntie, have you ever told your DB that? It would probably make him feel really good to know he gave you words to live by!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    ginnybee, Welcome! 

    Hauntie, I think I welcomed you already, but we are glad to have you.  I think you might be the one who goes back the farthest with your Dx, on this thread anyway.  So, you did a second chemo, or do you mean Tamoxifen?  If it was chemo, what did you have in the first round and what in the second?  Interested, because things have probably changed in 17 years.  Congrats on your NED, may it continue on and on.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I sooooo miss being able to read each and every post from my buddies here.

    To the newbies, especially ginnybee, welcome and like everyone else said - bitch and whine away, we're pros at this and if we don't think you have it down pat, we'll help you make it a specialty!

    Most of all though, this thread is about proving that breast cancer winds up being a part of us, but there are soooo many other parts of us. We're women, we're mothers, sisters, daughters ... but most of all this binds us and makes us friends.  We can be pretty weird friends sometimes, but we usually try to lift each other up and throw some laughs into the bargain.

    If you're still treating, know that it will end at some point, and then you'll be able to look back and help the women who come in as newbies once you're all experts :)  Bottom line, we've been given a chance to hopefully help you, as others helped us, and then you'll have the tools to help others in years to come.

    Love and hugs girls ... love and hugs

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Welcome ginnybee! This is the place to complain...we all understand!
  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Such good news from everyone: I hope I don't miss anyone.

    Paula ~ with your new job offer! Such a tough decision......

    mjb ~ great news on clear CT. My brother does the Ancestry.com stuff, (he pays for membership Money mouth ) & passes all the info on to me. Very interesting.

    Janis ~ Hurry up Friday, I know that's what you're thinking. We're waiting with you!

    Welcome ginnybee! We have lots of cheese here to go with any whine we choose to partake in. Tongue out 

    Hi Barbe!!! Laughing Thanks for the laugh!! I always seem to be the one to move aside for others. Seriously, I move in the store, I move my cart, I move to let someone else look or go by .... the thing is though, seldom does anyone move over for me. So I stay close to the edge here as well, just making room for others, I guess. Undecided 

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    yaya - I know you asked this a few pages back but I just wanted to share my experiences with my port. I have times when mine doesn't want to give blood. I have to do tricks I call them. Sometimes I feel like I practically have to stand on my head. Most of the time though I can get it to give blood if I just lean back in the recliner (in the chemo room) or lay down on the table in the room the doc sees me in and do a little deep breathing. Just slowly inhale then slowly exhale. Also I sometimes had to raise my left arm (port side) above my head. Once in a while may have to turn on my right side or cough a few times. Like I said TRICKS. But mostly the deep breathing does the trick (lol).

    Glad to hear there are some good things starting to happen to a few.

    Welcome all newbies. Love this thread.


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Great news from everyone - keep it up, girls!

    I didn't have a port so no input from me. Sometimes I worry about my veins in my only good arm, but c'est la vie!

    Valjean - my 85 year-old mother mows down anyone in her way when she's pushing a cart. You should see her clear the aisles! I guess people look at her angry and disgusted face and they get out of her way - I know I do! Surprised

    ginnybee - let it all out, girl. Someone on here can relate practically all the time! 

    mjb and sherry - funny, my grandmother was a Newton, but from NC. 

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Barbe - He knows. I'll have to tell him that I'm sharing his words of encouragement with the people on this forum. I have 4 wonderful brothers (I'm the only girl), but he's the one that always looks out for me. He'll be taking me to the hospital for my PMX on Wednesday.

    Elimar - I was treated with 4 rounds of adriamycin and cytoxan , then 5 weeks of radiation, 6 rounds of cytoxan, methotrexate and fluorouracil (F5U) followed by 5 years of tamoxifen and a few years after that ended, 5 years of femara. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Who is doing the mystery pic?

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Reesie, that's great! Wish NJ wasn't so far. I now Chrissy is going to the outer banks. I'll have to see when. That's closer to me.

    Having a bone scan next wed to make sure we aren't "missing" something. That statement scares me. I can't seem to stop loosing weight and the pain keeps increasing. Scans and bloodwork look good and he actually used the word "stable". I suppose I could be just doing too much. The dog grooming business is booming right now and even though I make the other girls handle the big dogs, I'm doing more small ones. Hope that's it! I won't have results for 2 weeks when I see him. Blah! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Finally raining here!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Foxy, sounds like your body is telling you to slow down!!!

    Valjean, if they push by you, and you're at 'the edge', that means they go over!! Woo hoot!!!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Morning ladies!  Hope all of you are doing great today!

    Thanks Elimar...I get this huge sense of peace knowing you are all in my corner.  So great to know I am not waiting this out alone!  The best thing here is I know you are all sincere.  We are all here for each other, we care and worry about one another too.  I love this place and this great group of friends I am getting to know.  Anyway Elimar sounds like you are busy with "normal" life right now and free of the docs for a bit.  Hurray!

    Janice....greetings!  It must be wonderful to finally have your rads out of the way!  How nice you are getting a visit from your mom!  Don't kill yourself over housework (although I would do the same thing...my dad is coming from NM in a week).  I lived in Caper for 12 years, and I moved here last year from Cheyenne where I had been for 7 years.  Lots of wind!  Oh the Tetons are incredible.  You have to have a boat load of money to live up there though.

    Ginny....welcome, sorry you have to be here but this is a great group.  Bitch and whine away!  I haven't started treatment yet, but I can certainly understand wanting to get it over with.  Normal is good....but for the time being we have to endure all the crap that goes along with our BC.  I am sure radiation will be much easier then chemo.  Hang in there!

    I am being treated to lunch today by my new BC "memtor" from Angel Care.  They are a group of survivors that help newbies along the way.  She is bringing me a tote bag that they put together...said it is full of goodies.  Sounds fun!  Her name is Gail, and Angel Care is funded by the Susan G. Koman Foundation.  I am looking forward to meeting her and having a nice lunch. 

    I hope you all have a nice day.  Thanks for waiting with me for my Friday results!



  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    I hope that's it Barb, I am fooling around in the flower garden a lot too. DH fussed at me yesterday for using the shovel to move some plants. I should listen but I'm hard headed and the dahlias needed to be moved! Lol. I'm approaching a year with re-dx which makes you nervous too. I have too much to do to have anything happen to me. Grand baby coming in September and my son gets married in October. Guess I have to slow down a bit.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I don't have a flower garden, and my perennials were all pruned a couple months ago, but I have a new backyard "hobby"...hand pulling weeds.  The grass is totally brown but the weeds are still a greenish color, making them so easy to spot.  While I will randomly pull anything weedy, I am really focusing on my favorite...it's a ground-covering vine that I can yank out in two foot long strands.  It has a little fight to it, making it all the more satisfying when I rip it loose.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Here it is ladies:  The WEEKEND MYSTERY PIC:


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Wow--so much to catch up on!!

    Jo-hope you are having fun on your trip.ENJOY!!

    Welcome justme and ginny. A year ago I was in your place, it does it get better. And yes, waiting is the hardest part. Janis, i will be thinking of you on Friday.Ginny, we promise to listen to your whining, if you promise to listen to ours!Smile

    Foxy-sounds like you are trying to keep your mind off your future doc visits. Nothing wrong with that--just don't over do it! You wouldn't want to be out of sorts when the baby comes and for the wedding. Take it easy, you can do it, you just shouldn't try to do it all.

    Valjean--I'm one of those cart people too. Last night at my DS's band concert, I went out a closed door (to do the pre-concert pee). Everyone was entering the double doors to my left, as soon as I opened the single door to go out, a whole bunch of people plowed by me going in as was holding the door open with my arm. It was very awkward, I mean I know it was the polite thing to do to HOLD the door for others, but I hadn't even gotten out of the door yet----just call me a doormat!!

    Paula--CONGRATS on the promotion offer!! Isn't it nice to be recognized for a job well done? How wonderful for you!!!

    mjb and sherryc--I am on Ancestry too. No Newtons that I know of in my family. Darn, wouldn't that be cool if we found a relative on here?? Where are your families from mostly? We  are mostly from Nebraska by way of Iowa, Ohio and PA. My ancestry tree name is cmblastic2 ( iam not very original in the name, am I?)

    mjb-Great news on the scans too!! Keep them coming!!

    Barbe1958--you crack me up!! I do feel like being on the edge a lot, but I like the way you put it--next time some one gets too close, I'll push THEM off!!!Laughing 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    OMG Eli--you have me stumped!! Broken tile or plaster?? HMMMM. . . . .

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Elimar that is too funny about your weeds.  We are heavily blessed with them too and I find yanking the satisfying as well.  It sounds like you have Bine Weed .Nasty creepy crawly stuff that just takes off and runs!  It is so hot here I can't stay out there too long.  I usually try to go out early in the morning and pull them.  We also have a ton of thistles.  Those are really nasty, loaded with teeny thorns.  I have to use gloves to go after them.

    Almost all of my annuals that I planted died.  I had some pots out back, but we have just a concrete slab out there, no cover and it is ridiculous hot out there.  I water them daily but most burned up.  The back faces west so the afternoon sun just is too hard on them.

    Have fun elimar and let those weeds know who is the boss!

    Hugs!  To you and everyone here.


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Cmblastic....thanks for the warm welcome.  It is so great to have cheerleaders here.  Friday can't get here soon enough! 

    Barbe...love that humor of yours.  Keep us all laughing lady!

    More hugs......


  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Its A FLOWER POT for outdoor arrangements

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Elimar, you get those nasty weeds! Lol. I am constantly weeding. I probably have about a 1/8 acre all combined with flowers and I would love to add more towards our barn. People actually have pulled into my drive to ask what kind of flowers are they? They are looking at the dinner plate dahlias which are huge! Hey, horse manure is good for something! They are earning their keep...lol. A lot of work but so rewarding! I have fresh cut flowers in the house all the time. Very hot and dry here too, I am watering constanly!

    The mystery pic looks like some kind of mosaic flower pot I think or a mosaic frame. Good one!
