
  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    looks like broken up make-up to me

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    I was going to say pottery, but mumayan beat me to it and now I can't see anything else! How about a microscopic shot of Elimar's eyelid with blue eyeshadow on?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I'd say it's a souvenir from somewhere. Don't know where......

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Annette's....side of an old Italian villa

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I made a point to get something that wouldn't look like annette's (or anyone elses) a$$ this week.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    close up of a moseic tile?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    heartnsoul you are not going to believe this but my newton side came to Texas via North Carolina.  We are probably related.

    Foxy good luck on your scans next week

    I think the picture is texture on sheet rock.

    cmblastic my tree is Callaway-Newton Texas Twister and my screen name is sherryc619.

    I spent the day taking my 83 year old MIL shopping.  She is so particular she wants pant styles from 15 to 20 years ago.  Guess what they just don't make them.  She wants jeans and khakis and she does not want low rise.  She is also a size 2 so that creates an issue right there of what is available.  Anyway we came home with two jeans and 1 pair of dress pants.  Don't think she really liked any of them but decided to settle.  They all look really cute on her but she did not like this or that.  She has a cute figure but does not want anything tight enough to show it off but does not want anything baggy either.  I am also a size two and finally convinced her that I have a catalogue that I order from and for her to check it out and if she does not like how they fit she can return them.  So that is our next thing get on the Internet and shop.  But she is a very sweet lady so I was glad to spend the day with her.  She will hardly leave my FIL as he is 88 and not in the best of health.  He also can be demanding and she is always afraid my DH can't handle it.  Duuu  DH is 62 I think he can handle his Dad.  He was still alive and watching TV when we got home just like he was when we left him and DH did not forget to take him to lunch. Although he had spilled lunch and coffee on his shirt and my MIL was a little horrified that they went out to lunch with him looking like that.  She is the only one it bothers. haha  That's why she makes him change shirts at least 4 times a day and complains about how much laundry she has to do. I tell her let him wear the spilled stuff on his shirts because most days they are at home by themselves.  She says what if someone where to stop by that would be embarrassing.  My kids always came home from grandmas clean as a whistle. I always had to send an extra change of clothes and she would wash the dirty ones so they came home clean as well. Gotta luv her she is a jewel.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    News Blast

    mjbmiller and I are distant cousins.  We are 7th cousins once removed.  What a small world we live in. Since we both live in Texas we will have to meet up one of these days.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    So what exactly is "7th removed" ? I know what a  2nd cousin is-do you just go back that way?  I think the mystery pic is an "extreme" closeup of part of the sky in the topper picture  .

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Mystery pic on previous page...keep the guesses coming. 

    No one has guessed what it is yet.  No one is that close either.

    Two have used an adjective that does apply to it. 

    One has used a noun that could be in part of the name you would call it.

    Were those hints obscure enough?  Good Luck!  Sealed

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eph technically you're not really a second cousin but a cousin 1st removed. Next generation is 2nd and so on. Commonly, most people just say 3rd cousins or 5th cousins. Either way it is a distant relationship. Sherry,  how cool is it,that you two are related!! What a small world!! I'll have to look you up on Ancestry. I love the story about your MIL, she sounds like a true southern lady. My DH aunt passed a few years ago and she was very similar. Very petite and definitely knew "her style". She was very proper and wouldn't wear just anything!! Shopping for her was always a challenge!

    Eli--what strange and wonderful hints. . . I am still stumped. Has the color been altered at all? Is that fair to ask?

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Alright - It's definitely something broken. Other than that I haven't a clue.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    extreme close-up for a mosaic swimming pool bottom or rim around the shelf of the pool.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Sherry - that would be so funny if the three of us were related!  I've never even run into anyone with the last name Newton, except when I was visiting relatives in NC. I'm amazed to find TWO Newtons right here! Small world for sure!

    Hauntie - that's what my son said....something broken, LOL.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Eph and everyone!  My son found this website that is really for doing calculus problems, but for the fun of it, I guess, the guy included geneaological relationships.  I use this all the time when I'm trying to figure out how I'm related to someone else.

    For example, here is the breakdown of how Sherry and mjb are related:


    Here is how I use it. Randy Travis and I are cousins, and I was trying to figure out how close. So I typed in: grandmother's cousin's grandson and I found out that we're 3rd cousins. 

    It's really cool for that! :)  Forget about the math... 

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Sherry, take your ML to Sears. They sell Land's End stuff or shop from the catalogue. They still have pant styles that are above the waist and nice quality. Their chinos come in lots of colors. I'm still stuck on the old style khakis! I'm getting to the point of shopping in the jr dept or catalogue. When you loose weight everything is hipster style. I don't like that at my age and I don't quite have the bod for it...lol


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    cmblastic, I would say that if you were looking at the Mystery Object, you would not see it in such detail; so in that respect the color may be enhanced.  In other words, if the color is altered at all, the purpose and result would be to show more definition. 

    That cleared up all of your confusion, right?  

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Ok, second guess, some archeology project.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Barbe, you did such a good service for that tech.  It was shocking to read that she was told she wouldn't get cancer.  So many of us on these boards are BRCA neg, and don't even get tested until we have a dx.  That tech should think about changing docs to one who is more informed.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Greetings everyone!

    Okay mystery pic: I am thinking it looks like a compact of powder and the powder has broken loose.

    It is so interesting to read that Sherry and Heartandsoul are cousins.  However "removed" they may be, it is an amazing coincidence.

    Foxlair......I have not read all the hundreds of pages of this thread, so I was unaware you are a dog groomer.  I have two Golden Retrievers and boy are they a lot of work!  I do all of their grooming, they are brushed daily and bathed often.  They had a bath Monday and my backyard looked like someone had slaughtered a blond animal!  I had enough hair leftover to make an new Golden.  I sure love them though and they are worth all the work.  I will be thinking of you with your upcoming scans.  Sending BIG healing hugs to you all the way from Idaho.

    Elimar you crack me up with your pictures and hints!  I am new to this game, but I can see why everyone has so much fun with it.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.  I look forward to getting to know you all much better.  I am doing great except for this long wait.  Grrrrrrr......but I find out my test results Friday.  Hurray!

    Take good care one and all......big hugs.


  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Okay...the pic looks like old broken pool tiles.  Hi everyone!  I've been doing lots of waiting lately.  Wait for the doctor, wait for insurace coverage okay, wait for appointments, wait for test results, and on and on.  I'm sooooooooooooo tired of this waiting.  GRRRRRRRRRRRR!   Kitty

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I will guess it is a modern art painting with a blue wash over it.  Or the side of and old barn the has been repainted one too many times.

    Eph, a few pages back you wrote that perhaps the fountain drinking squirrel could be mine.  No, I don't have or never have had a squirrel who would drink out of a water fountain, but I did have a male llama named Maurice who drank from the water hose.  He loved to get his drink when I was trying to wash things down.

    I am so happy this thread is working the right way for me once more.  I spent more time catching up then when I would start actually writing a post my laptop would inevitably run out of power!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I don't think anyone even got close to what the mystery pic was.  That's o.k. because Weekend Mystery Pic is going on hiatus next weekend.  There will be something else going on, so stay tuned and check the thread out at the end of next week to see what's up

    The picture this week...    ...was an ice shelf in Antarctica, a high resolution satellite view. Or you might say a huge sheet of ice that had broken up(You can see a ground view below.)

    "The Wilkins ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula dramatically broke apart in February 2008. In the image above, captured by the Taiwanese satellite Formosat-2, big pieces of the ice shelf float in a frozen matrix of smaller bits of ice. Some of the larger chunks are several hundred yards long." 


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I don't think anyone even got close to what the mystery pic was..  That's o.k. because Weekend Mystery Pic is going on hiatus next weekend.  There will be something else going on, so stay tuned and check the thread out at the end of next week to see what's up

    The picture this week...    ...was an ice shelf in Antarctica, a high resolution satellite view. Or you might say a huge sheet of ice that had broken up(Ground view below.)

    "The Wilkins ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula dramatically broke apart in February 2008. In the image above, captured by the Taiwanese satellite Formosat-2, big pieces of the ice shelf float in a frozen matrix of smaller bits of ice. Some of the larger chunks are several hundred yards long." 


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    LOL, so instead of really, really close it was really, really far.  Cool picture!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    shoot-1 of my 1st guesses of our very 1st mystery picture was a satellite image of the Grand Canyon or something like that.  I guess we got away from the distance shots after so many close-ups! 

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Hi everyone,

    I have been AWOL for quite a while but wanted to drop in and give you an update....I am done! Rads are over, skin is healed and I am down to taking a pill (tamoxifin) and 6 month checkups. I have been slammed at work, a combination of catching up from the lost time and budget creating season and have not been on the boards for a while.

    I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for all the advice, the cheering and just being there. I have never been a journaler, blogger or social media person so going to these boards was very uncharacteristic for me especially for something so personal. I am so very glad I did. All of the ladies on these boards have been so encouraging, cheering me along every step of this year and allowing me to play it forward by helping other women just beginning their journey. I feel a bond with all of you. It has been such a lifeline to be able to post here to vent, to check a symptom, to get feedback or just hang out, especially on those days when I was too tired to do anything else. As much as I hated that we all have breast cancer in common, it was helpful to know I was not going through this alone and that so many of you were long time survivors. I received so much from all the women here and on the other boards and I wanted to thank you.

    I will be stopping in, but I know I cannot keep up with every post- you are very prolific writers. You can always pm me.

    PS my hair has grown back enough that I am going wigless, the 104 degree days a few weeks make make it a very east decision. It is very short but you cannot see my scalp, my condition for stopping the wig. I don't even think it is as long as Jaime lee Curtis but it works!



  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Jean, I wasn't here for the beginning of your journey but I congratulate you on the end of your treatments! I hope you never have to visit this part of your past again! Do come back and visit us though...lol


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Jean, congrats on finishing TX, now on to hair growing!! : ) 

    Eli- great picture! My DS said a sattelite picture of igloos!! He thought it was snow or ice. Close but no cigar!! On another note, I have a good friend that raised a squirrel from a baby till it was a year old. It had the run of one of the bedrooms, and would run up on her shoulder or head when she came into the room. When she finally released it in the neighborhood, it took off and lived happily for quite awhile. Whenever she would walk her dog, it would come up and crawl to her head, just like before. Sadly, it got swept out of a tree during a tropical storm the next year.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    cmb,  If only you had listened.   I could have declared a winner if someone had said "ice" of some kind.  I was being tricky by not going close up and going to a satellite pic instead.

    That's an amazing "born-free" squirrel story.  Truly amazing if it included bowel and bladder control while he was on her head.  (I know a parrot can't be trusted!)

    JeanH,  LOL at JLC's hair!  Enjoy the freedom of leaving the wig off, having a breeze on your head has probably never felt better.  I'm very happy to have been of support with this thread, you are welcome.  I have a feeling we will see you from time to time.  After all, you are on the Tamoxifen & this IS the "home of the hot flash."  Even if you manage to escape having any major flashes, you will want to let us know that just to feel the outpouring of envy we will shower upon you.  ;-)