
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - The smiley is moving.  I will be more than happy to show you how to do this when I stay with you.  I am so excited about the upcoming visit.

    Foxy - Good luck with your testing today.  Sounds like a nice break from DH - LOL! 

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Ok, breaking news! DH has decided to keep me company while I go for testing today! How do you scream on here! Aaahhhhh! Lol. He's being sweet, it's his birthday to top things off. It will be ok...repeat to self...it will be ok.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh dear Foxy....he can't come into machines with you - that's the only hope I can give you!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Foxy - I'm not sure I can think of a nice way to have him stay home especially since it is his birthday.  Like Barbe said your only hope is he has to stay in the waiting room.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hey all, I started a thread in the Get Togethers section - ChrissyB is coming to visit in Sept and has asked me to arrange a lunch/dinner for Tues 9/6 or Wed 9/7 - anyone interested just pop on over to that thread and chime in


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    ressie - That is great.  Chrissy is coming to visit us Texas girls on Oct 1st.  We are so excited to be able to meet her in person.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Morning all!

    Okay I was supposed to get my Oncotype score Friday afternoon.  Of course I have been on pins and needles as there already was a delay waiting for approval.  Well, my Navigator called awhile ago and said the test is in and she made an appointment for me for today at 2:00.  This is great, but......this morning my hubby left to drive our grandson back to Wyoming.  He has been here visiting for two weeks.  I don't know if he will be upset that I took the early appointment, but I had to for my own peace of mind.  My friend Karen is taking me, so I won't be going alone.

    I hope I am not being selfish but I HAVE to know......I just feel bad that he won't be included and worry if he will be mad at me for going.  I don't think so.  I hope he understands.  Undecided

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Janis - maybe you can contact him on his cell from the appt and put him on the speaker phone so he would be included (I had that in place for my DH for one of my appts because the BS was running late in surgery and he had to leave to go to work).

    Good Luck!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thanks Reesie!  I am so hoping for good news I was just thinking I could tell him after.  I hate him driving and hearing if it is bad, but he knows I am totally prepared for chemo if I need it.  I am debating.....but when she called and offered up today, I jumped on it.  I am thinking he will understand.  Sure hope so!  If I let him know I am going I will sure ask if he wants to be there on speaker.  What a GREAT idea! 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    DEFINITELY make him pull over first if he wants to do it.  I would have jumped too, if I were in your shoes.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Good Luck, Janis
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Here's to low score Janis!  (FYI-if need be-Chemo sucks, but it is do-able!)

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Good Luck Janis!!!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Good luck Janis!! I'm sure your DH would understand, Reesie--your speaker phone idea is genius! Foxy, hope all is going well for you today and that your scans are clear! Enjoy the alone time in the exam room! I'm sure all he wants for his birthday is you healthy again.

    I'm on my way to UF to drop my DS off for his 2nd year. I love my son but I would rather have that cute cabana boy serving me a birthday piña colada. Yoo-hoo pass the sunscreen!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thank you everyone!  I did talk to my hubby and let him know.  He said he is really disappointed he can't be there, but totally understands my need to go today.  He just wants me to call him as soon as I get out.  I am charging it now!

    I'll let you all know this afternoon.  Smile

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Janis, Go for it girl!  Knowing now will make for a better rest of the week for both of you.  I know all too well how this horrible waiting game feels.  Still waiting for mine.  Kitty

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Good luck Janis!!!!!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    thinking about you, janis.  good luck!!!
  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Janis=  So glad your wait is over.  Hoping for a low #

    Foxy= Hope your scans go well and you have time to relax with DH and celebrate his Bday.

    YaYa= Love the new picture.

    Had 22 of 33 rad tx today.  So far so good.  Starting to get a little pink.  I was surprised the "sunburn effect" is going clear up the side of my neck.  I wasn't using the aloe up that far

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hi all!  If I look at another blue print today Im gonna scream, UGH!!  My brain is on over load.  I dont even wanna think about anything.  Let alone come up with supper.  Oh Jo where is the cabana boy, I sure could use him around here about now.  

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Well the bone scan tech didn't look anything like the cabana boy although HE thought he did... You know the type, heavy cologne, slicked back hair, gold jewelry. Very disappointing lol. They DID let DH in for the scan! It was ok though, he did keep me company for the 30 minutes or so of the test as we watched the bones light up everywhere. It was reassuring to hear him telling me that it may not look as bad as last time. Heck, I know he or I can't tell but it was nice to hear anyway especially when you see so much light up. We had a nice lunch in between injection and test. Had to waste 3 hours. Rode around old Richmond, Va and looked at the really old nice homes of the past. So we had a good day and he didn't drive me nuts. Thanks for all the good wishes! Now I have 2 weeks to wait for results. I suppose if it's real bad, my onc will call...I hope.


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I am happy to announce there will be no chemo for me.  My Oncotype score was 16.  HUGE YIPPEE!  I go back Friday to get a schedule to begin radiation.  My bone scan was normal, Vitamin D low but that is easily resolved. 

    Kitty fingers and paws crossed hedre you get your results soon.  I know how sick you are of waiting. 

    Paula I wish that cabana boy was here to deliver me some obscene fruity drink.  Heavy on the rum! 

    Thank you ALL for the support and prayers.  It worked.

    Hugs to everyone,


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902


  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    That's great Janis!! Cheers, I'm having a lime-aid ;-) now. Have to wind down from today.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - That is such great news.

    Here is a nice fruity drink for you to help celebrate - and I will see if I can find that cabana boy.  LOL


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Foxy - I am imagine wha that tech looked like - Yuck!!!  But glad you had an uneventful day and able to enjoy with DH.  Crossing fingers that your results are good.  Let us know when you get those results - it will be another reason to celebrate.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Janis, Sending you the best smile I can and congrats on your score.  Aren't you just so relieved!  Awesome girl!  Kitty

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Yahoo Janis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You deserve that drink!  Good luck with the rads.  The girls around here can help you threw them.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - It took some searching but I think I found another cabana boy for you. I know, I am so bad!!!