
  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Kitty, that is wonderful news! Congratulations! I know you are so relieved. The power of prayer comes through again! I don't know how others feel and I don't care, I pray every day, not just for me but others too and especially this special group of ladies here.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    KG2011,  An Oncotype score of ZERO is rare, but I have seen people post it once or twice before.  Can't get any lower than that.


  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    I found the link to the video of the news story if anyone is interested in seeing the movie star. Lol



  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Congrats kitty!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Kitty congrats on the BIG FAT 0.  What a great score!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Kitty, hooray on the oncotype "0" !!!!!!!!!

    Foxy, we have a "star" among us. Cool

    YaYa, sending strength for your next tx. Your avatar really is pretty-such a beautiful smile & love the red.

    Hi everyone!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Foxy the link wouldn't work for me!!!

    Kitty can you imagine having done chemo years ago and finding out now you didn't need to??? Wow!!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Valjean......thanks for the thumbs up, I sure love having so may people here who genuinely care.  I hope you are doing well on your meds. 

    cmblastic, elimar....we can happy dance together! Cmblastic I know how you feel sending kids off to college.  My son went out of state but came home for all holidays and breaks.  They always come back!

    Today I go for a planning session for the radiation.  I hope I start soon so I can get it over with! 

    Kitty thinking of you today....let us know how you are doing!

    Wishing a great day to all!  



  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Kitty - sometimes it is good to be a zero

    Drum roll please - I had this week my last, did I say last PS appointment.  He did drain out some more fluid but not much and it has been a few days and has not come back.  I am feeling a lot better about how it looks now since all the fluid is gone.  Yippee.

    On my family tree, I have found that Sherry's and my GGG etc. Grandpa was a Revelutionary patriot and is listed with the DAR.  I also found another one on my mother's side. 

    Heart - still looking for connection.

    Eli - would have had no clue about that pic.  was way off.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.  I have a bunch of band volunteering to do this weekend.  Now it starts.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Hooray for Kitty!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    KITTY-wowowowoowowow!!! You must be so relieved!! Another Happy Dance is required!!!

    Foxy-it is so good to see your face!! You look Mah-veh-lous!!!  Suntrust is certainly sneaky, but I think all banks are trying to milk fees whereever they can. I had an acct at a local CU, and just got a statement that they would be charging $7 a month because my account was dormant. Really? All it did was made me get off my lazy a** and close the account. We had kept it open because we had their CC too and you had to maintain at least one acct at the CU. "So does that mean you are closing out your CC with us today?" Well, you haven't given me a choice have you??  Silly banks!! 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Wait is it Friday?? Is it soon to be mystery picture time? oohoo can't wait. . . 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    We are traveling to see dgs "Patch". It has given me just enough time to read and catch up on this thread. Congratulations to all who have received good news.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Meece, I thought they were coming to you?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The WEEKEND MYSTERY PIC is suspended for one week.  Instead, the following:


    SATURDAY:  Oldbies and Newbies in need of info. or support, please stop by with your particular concerns and we will be happy to give you our undivided attention.  Anyone stressing, let it out.  Saturday special on all rants and whines if you've got 'em.  If you have extra time, do some "outreach" on the Just Diagnosed thread or elsewhere.


    SUNDAY:  Hopefully we've cleared the air a bit for Good Times Galore with our POOL PARTY!!!  We've been more impromptu in the past, but this is some advance notice so you can get your fab swimsuit on, whip up a few snacks and fancy beverages (just the way we like them!)  It's an all-day affair.  And I am hoping *jo* will pitch in to find some pool boys and hunks that will cater to us non-stop, peel our grapes, etc.  


    All are welcome to "sleepover" at the night's PAJAMA PARTY!  The party continues...


    MONDAY:  This is the actual 2ND ANNIVERSARY of the Middies thread, so the festive celebration must continue.  Pop the corks!  Let the confetti fly!


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    YaYA - Love your avatar.  Such a big wonderful smile - makes you look so radiant.  Red is a good color for you.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eli - Can we start a virtual pillow fight?  I will even bring some pillows.


    WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!  hehehehe 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Of course, but save 'em for Sunday.  I can't spend too much time here today.

    Hope with the advance notice that most will be able to pop in Sunday and Monday.  Not that anyone really plans their lives around this thread.  Except me.  For the Anniversary.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Eli - I will be on here Sunday and Monday - I would not miss the anniversary and better yet an excuse to celebrate and party.  Count me in!!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Im always up for a party!!!!   Count me in!!!

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Love the pool party! I'll make my fruity drink, bask in the sun and watch the parade of cabana boys Jo will provide for our entertainment! Maybe we should vote on the best looking cabana boy? Whoo Hoo! Can't wait!


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Foxy - I will be happy to provide the cabana boys - maybe a drink or snack as well.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hi Everyone,  My mammonsite insertion went well today.  Just tired now, no pain.  Rads start Monday 7:30am.  I'm not good at early am's but I know they will have my coffee ready. 

    Pool Party, Pajama Party, any party, count me in!  Drinks, cabana boys, whine/wine, and all out yelling at this damn BC, excellent idea!  I'll be there as soon as I can get myself out of bedTongue out!  Kitty

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    I would love to join in on all the festivities this weekend!  Pool Party...Pajama Party and Pillow Fight!  Sounds like Great Fun!  Jo, I enjoyed your cabana boys!!! Hehehe,Thanks for sharing!  :) Congrats and Happy Aniversary on 2 years!  I am glad I found you ladies.

    I have a newbie question...I saw a list of the acronyms everyone uses on this site...but where O' where did I see it?  Can't seem to find it again.  I would like to review it again.  Any ideas?

    For all of those who like to cross fingers and toes...I had my UMX w/ SNB on Tuesday.  Initial node findings are negative!  YIPEE!  But, You know the drill about waiting for the pathology report to be sure.  Hopefully the report will be back next week.  No node involvement will mean I get to do the Happy Dance and skip rads.  I had neo-adjuvant care ~ 6 rounds of chemo prior to surgery.

     Yaya5, I also think your avatar is great!  You look really good! I wish I could "rock" the look!  I am getting regrowth, my chemo ended June 23rd...but sadly I look like a sick old man without my "security blanket"...I mean wig.

    Have a really nice weekend all! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    FLwarrior - Welcome to the Middies - this is a real fun bunch of ladies as you can see but we also can get real serious when we need to.  There is a thread - Abbreviations for Newbies - I will see if I can find it and bump it up for you so it will be further at the top of the active topics.  I kinda just learned them as I went along.  I will send up positive thoughts and prayers for the all clear on your path report.  We would love doing the happy dance with you.

  • dontworrybehappy
    dontworrybehappy Member Posts: 7

    just took my first "hit" of tamoxifin, should have waited until the pool party so i could begin partying from the inside out. if the hot flashes kick in by sunday, I'm going to be swimming in the buff, me and my fresh new barbie boobs, diep flap not implants......actually i've been lifting my shirts and dresses to any women that are curious to see what i refer to as "weird science" they are amazed, i give them plenty of warning incase they are too scared to see it. instead of pool boys, i would like my ps and his hot assistant to run around and keep telling us how "hot" are reconstructed goods look. because to them there is nothing more attractive then a beautiful suture, or properly healing scar, they are very egotistical about their work, and we are their challenge, therefore i think they get more satisfaction from us then the simple plastic surgery on women who dont really need it. my foobs have never seen the light of day, im really going to need extra sunscreen there pool boys i wouldnt want to get skin cancer now would i? just because i dont feel anything that has never stopped us women from faking it.

  • Dontworrybehappy

    You just had me snort ice tea through my nose with that last comment. Need to warn us before you make those statements. Lol. A good laugh to end a really horrible week

    Let the partying begin


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    KG2011,  You are off to a great start...I mean the "no pain."   I was a failure at the Contura device (ended up with not enough clearance to skin) but it hurt me the entire time it was in place.  Look at it this way:  By this time next week you will be all done.  Definitely report on your day-to-day rads next week.  I don't think we have had anyone on here go through Mammosite with us.  We always got them after they finished.  Good Luck!

    FLwarrior,  Cut and Paste if link does not work:  


    don'tworrybehappy, You sound quite wacky, which is to say I also felt the need to lift my shirt to a (female) casual acquaintance or two to show my surgical scars and my rads tan.  It's like you need someone to witness the gauntlet that you go through.  No, I didn't flash them.  It was more like, "Wanna see?" and every single one of them did.  If anyone gave me the option before my own B/C, I would have said "Yes" too.

    Totally agree that we need some admiring PS's circulating at our bash.  They must be complimentary off ALL good reconstruction work, not just their own.  (That's gonna weed out half of them I bet.)  

    If the pool doesn't keep our hot flashes cooled down, maybe jo will find us some menfolk to fan us, Cleopatra-style, with giant palm fronds.  Oh yes, that is what I have been miissing!

  • alfie167
    alfie167 Member Posts: 3

    I'm starting chemo next wek and am toying with the ideal of going back to work part time.  fridays chemo, mon - thurs work.  I'm going to wait until i see how chemo affects me first though.  When did you ladies go back to work? did you have any problems.  I'm going a little crazy and depressed at home but my job is so demanding ten - tweleve hour day, i was being treated for stress before i was diagnosed?  any advice?  oh sorry, I'm 44, 3 kids.  the youngest is in high school. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    alfie167,  Welcome!  You will be hearing from the ones who had chemo (I didn't) but it seemed like many did work through most of their chemo, but taking some days off as they got to the last round or two of the chemo because of the cumulative effect it has.  Your twelve hour days may be too demanding if the fatigue hits, but it comes down to individual reaction for each person.  Try to stay as flexible as you can, because if you set a plan in place without knowing how you are going to be affectied, you will only stress more if doing chemo alters the plan.  Hope that makes sense.

    Also, tell what chemo you are doing and you will probably get some comments on the specific ones.