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  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    Paula- YOU PEEKED!!!

    Barbe- what a beautiful baby boy:)))))

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hauntie, sweetie, have you considered Lymphadema??? I hate to be the Devil's Advocate, but that sounds like when I have a flare. I can't stand anything touching the area. Make sure it's not red or infected as that would be a different issue!

    Thanks for the comments on my grandson (one of three Tink). I think he's cute too, but I "might" be biased. Thought I'd give y'all a smile for today with that one. He's probably 2 feet tall, that's a milk crate he's in.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Barbe he is such a cutie. Welcome newbies.

    I think I need to hide my phone from my kids. Seems my Facebook status has gotten a lot of updates lately. That reminds me I really need to go change the latest one.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Lol reesie!  Reminds me of my sissy and her fb.  My bro gets ahold of it and it always invoves a bob and batteries.  One day she will change her password.  Until then its a riot.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    No infection. It's not lymphadema, as far as I can tell. The area is concentrated on the PMX side. There was no node dissection on that side.  I'm sure it's an area my BS, for want of a better expression "scraped clean." Pain meds help quite a bit, but I can't take those and drive.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Wow, he is really adorable, Barb! You are very lucky.

    Hauntie, I am having similar feelings and we had surgery the same day. I am numb too though. It's almost 3 weeks since surgery and there are still areas without much feeling. I did have lymph nodes removed though. My stomach is so tight, not painful but so uncomfortably tight and it by too. I hope I'll feel more normal soon.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Paula - Thank you, Thank you.  He is gorgeous.

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    Jan - what do you mean about your nails?  Is that a side effect of chemo?! I always had great boobs, hair & nails. Cancer sucks - I'm so over it already and compared to some here, I've just begun. I was never the kind to worry about every little twinge or ache. Now I have this constant fear that every little abnormal feeling is the cancer marauding through my body.

    I had a DMX August 11th and was scheduled for chemo but it had to be delayed due to a breast infection. I already told my oncologist I wasn't doing the hormone therapy and I am giving serious thought to not having the chemo either. I only had one positive node and I don't understand why I need 4 doses of chemo.

    My lovely oncologist told me it would lower my recurrence rate from 70% to 80% if I had the chemo. Then he proceeds to tell me "if it comes back it will be fatal". WTF!!! My surgeon was shocked when I told her.

    If it wasn't for this site I would have completely lost it weeks ago.  Ten days after my DMX I was sponge bathing and really looked at myself in the mirror. I just started crying and couldn't stop for about an hour. Even though I'm having reconstruction I miss my old body, sagging and all.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    chiluvr1228 -  We all certainly get a crash course about this crap.  We are all grateful for this site - the information has be invaluable.  (((((HUGS)))))

  • stjude10...I'll be praying for your surgery Wednesday. I hope it all goes well...

    barbe1958...your grandson is adorable! What a cutie...grandchildren must be such a joy.

    We had a horrible day here. We were leaving church this morning, still in the parking lot, when a kid with just his temps (no parent in the car with him) came flying around the corner of a building and broadsided us. My van is probably totaled and my seatbelt hit me just over my incision. It was just feeling somewhat better since my boosts and now I am very sore again. We had to take our 19 year old son to the ER because he hit the side of his head on the window and hurt his back. I think we'll all be okay but I was still shaky four hours after it happened.Cry

  • Oh and welcome to Zumbagirl!
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hauntie, In the first few months you can feel burning, painful twinges and itching that are all part of the nerve healing process, but usually that comes and goes.  So, if this is something that is more constant, let a doc check it out.

    Welcome chiluvr228.  The fact that one of your nodes was positive means that cancer definitely did enter your lymph system.  Hopefully it only got as far as the node that was removed, but no one knows for sure, no one will give you a guarantee that it did not. There are women who had SNB with all nodes negative, and still got distant metastasis. This is why chemo is being an "insurance policy" against any undectable malignant cells that might be circulating.  Hormonals are used in the same systemic way.  You can say no to both, as everyone has a right to decide on what they want done with their own body, as long as you feel comfortable with the risk.  There is risk of recurrence even if you do have chemo or hormonal therapy, but the statistic do show that it is reduced compared to having no adjuvant therapy at all.

    Four rounds of chemo is about the minimum you can get.  That's still enough to make you lose your hair and get a nasty side effect or three, but many women on this thread went through eight rounds and it was hard but they got through it.  You will probably hear a reply from some of them. A lot of us follow the "suggested treatments" because we are too scared not to.  Some decide to only use natural methods, supplements and organic eating.  You can find those threads on here too.  Like all of us, I am sure you will weigh all the information and come up with the right decision for yourself.  Good Luck!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Barb58, That is a terrible story and a terrible way to spend a holiday weekend.  I do hope you all will be o.k. and not have future problems due to this.  I say that especially for a 19 year old, because they feel better after a few days, then six mos. down the road they get back spasms or muscles pulling unevenly on one side and don't even think back to the accident that caused the delayed problem.  As a whiplash victim (age 21) I will say that I still pay the price for that accident to this day.  Good job wearing your seatbelt, even if it did squish your sore spot.
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Barb58. so sorry to hear about your day. Hope that all is well and nothing further will come of it! gentle hugs!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    MYSTERY PIC:  Congrats prayrv - first guesser of the tree!!!  Apparently when I did hte crop, I deleted the original pic - I swear I did a Save As, but I cannot find that whole tree pic, which was really cool, to save my life.  I think by enlarging/cropping it might not be so obvious, but you guys are too good :) 

    chiluvr, I'm one of those people who did 8 rounds of chemo, dose dense rounds, followed by radiation (35 of those) and then 5 yrs of hormone therapy. Like Eli said, it's a very personal decision and whatever you decide, you have to be happy with it. All I can offer is my hindsight, 6 yrs later, that I am glad I did everything possible to make sure cancer doesn't come calling again to me. Might it? Sure ... but if it does, I won't have any "what if I had done this?" moments.  My very very bestest wishes to you for a peaceful journey. Know that if you do choose chemo and other meds, there is an end to it and we'll help you through however we can.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eli everytime this thread takes me to the next page I have to look at the painful baithing suit picture. 

    Glad Annette showed up cause her arse in always in the pictures. haha

    chiluvr1228 so sorry you had to goin us here but it is a great place for support.  I think Eli gave you some really good info there.

    Barb58 how awful you got sidewhiped.  Hope everyone in your family is ok.

    Paula thanks for the eye candy!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hi and welcome chiluvr228.  I choose to go ahead with chemo after much thought and research.  I had extense LIV and the 3 nodes they did take had micro mets in them.  I also tested BRCA+.  Years down the road if something did happen because I didnt do what I could to try and stop cancer in its tracks I just dont know if I could lived with the fact that I didnt do whatever I could to stop it.  I know its not a given that I will never get cancer again, but atleast I know I did what I could do.  Yes it was a rough ride for the 8 treatments I did, but it is doable.  Good Luck with whatever you choose to do.  We are here for you if you have any questions or just for a shoulder to cry on.  

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Barb, I missed your post when I was reading a few minutes ago ... that is so scary :(  I've been broadsided before and I know what you mean about shaking hours later. I hope you are all ok tomorrow - lots of advil tonight, and warm showers. I'm glad it wasn't worse, but what it was...was bad enough.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    Wow I guessed the mystery pic???!!!!  I will have to really dig deep to try and get a good one to guess at.  I haven't even come close on the guesses before.

    Barb, hope all will be well after your accident. 

    Barb1958, that cutie is a keeper!

    Hugs to all!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Well Texas is having way too many wildfires.  I looked outside this afternoon and thought boy it looks strange.  Almost looked like it was going to rain but looked dirty at the same time.  Went outside and got in my car and went to my parents house.  When I got out of the car I could smell smoke.  Later I found out a small community 12 miles north of us had to evacuate because of brush fires.  The town of Bastrop near Austin lost over 300 homes and 700 more are in danger.  A large lake by San Antonio called Canyon Lake also had a large brush fire.  This evening DH and I sat outside to have a glass of wine and ashes were falling from the sky, some small white ashes and some large black ashes.  It was very weird.  Will be interesting to hear the 10 o'clock news.  We ended up getting all the wind from the tropical storm but no rain.  We are in very desperate need of rain here in Texas.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Just saw the news and the larges fire in central Texas is in Bastrop and there are 16,000 acres on fire and they cannot get it under control.  There are two beautiful state parks there and they will probably be gone by in the morning, the LCRA park is already gone..  Bastrop is 45 miles NE of us.  I am stunned by all the fires and all the people who have had to be evacuted.  I hope none of our Austin area BCO gals are affected.  But lot's have had to evacuate.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Barb - hope everything with you and your son is ok. Sorry you had to go through that. Where were that kid's parents?

    Chiluvr - my breast surgeon always reminds me I got both the American protocol and the Italian protocol - double whammy of chemo - 4 rounds, then 6 rounds. In between I had 25 radiation treatments. That was almost 18 years ago. I did 5 years of tamoxifen and when it became available 5 years of femara. Some of the side effects are nasty and some of them linger, but I don't regret going through it. I've never had a recurrance. It's a lot to think about and there are people on here who have made all kinds of different choices. You'll make the right one for you. 

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Hauntie- glad you made it there safely. I do hope you find something to relieve the itching. I would hate to think you would have to sit through dinner scratching The girls would understand, but everyone else would be staring! Sorry, I just had this image....

    Barb- wow, hope you all are ok today. That is so scary and you can be sore for quite some time.

    Chiluvr- everyone has already given you some solid advice. The only thing I can add is do some research for yourself and perhaps get a second opinion so you will feel comfortable with any choice you make. There is no doubt this is an overwhelming experience and everyone here is willing to help you in any way we can. I wish you the best in your decisions.

    Sherry- I hope the fires stay away from you guys! How terrible for everyone losing their homes.

    Have a great Labor Day ladies!


  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Chiluvr-I had 4 round of AC and 4 of Taxol.  It is the Taxol that effects your nails.They say keeping your finger tips in ice or using cool gel gloves help but unfortunately I didn't do either.  They normally give you Benedryl with Taxol and I just slept through most of the transfusion.  What drug are they advising for you?  Read everything you can and remember the choice is yours.

    Barb-How scary.  Hope you are all doing well.  I think the day after is always worse when your muscles start to tighten up.

    Wishing everyone a great Labor Day.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Good morning everyone,

    I have been busy with company so have missed all of the latest news.  Barb, so sorry about the accident.  I sure hope your son is okay.  That had to be scary.  I hope you are okay too of course.

    Hauntie, I am thrilled you made it safely but sorry to hear about the ongoing issues.  I hope you find something that helps and can relax and enjoy this wonderful reunion.

    Chiluvr and Zumbagirl...welcome!  This is a great place to learn, share, and laugh. 

    Barb58....your grandson is precious!  What a happy little guy he is.  He looks like a real charmer.

    Sherry...those fires have to be so scary.  I hope you remain safe.  Wish I could send you rain, but there is none in Idaho to be found either. 

    I am busy with my friend Marcia visiting.  Having a great time, she is leaving tomorrow.  It will be so hard to say goodbye, but I know we'll get together again soon.

    Happy holiday to those who have the day off.  Enjoy the day everyone!! 

    Big hugs to all!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hauntie, it may just be the nerves regenerating after the MX. It was the worst part for me. I didn't even take a pain pill until then, about 10 days after when the nerves started up!! It's a good sign, they're healing. That is the point I had my DH rub a non-scented/oily cream into my scar. It helped by 'scratching' the itch and keeping the skin supple.

    Barb, as much damage can happen to your body AFTER an accident as during. Shock is a very serious effect and should be monitored. Please let us know how you are doing! The kid probably told his parents he was just going to church and they figured, hey what could go wrong!!!

    Sherry, hate to say it, but forest fires are NEEDED for the circle-of-life to continue. Ancients like the Mayans knew this and would burn their fields every 52 (54?) years. It is necessary for the production of some of the seeds!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Part 2 of my journey to dinner with BCO sisters begins.  Stopping down town for breakfast, then heading to NJ to meet Chrissy and the rest of the gals. Woo Hoo!!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Woo Hoo is right Hauntie!  I am so glad you were able to make this trip.  You'll come out of it with some amazing memories.  Cherish every minute!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb I realized that but I hate seeing so many people loosing homes and businesses.  If it were in west Texas were there are thousand and thousand of acres were no one lives it would make it much more easier to stomach. 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Once again my wireless has been down. As soon as I read all the posts I have missed, and I try to post, my connection goes down again. Wonderful DH knows my computer is having issues but his is fine so what's the worry and hurry to fix the problem?? Plus he has been tinkering with the lights on  his motorcycle all weekend. Boys with their toys!! 

    Barb-How absolutely scary!! Hope you and your family aren't too sore today. Take it easy. Where was that boy's parents??

    Barbe-your grandson is beyond adorable!! Can I borrow him? I need some cuteness in my life--I have too teenagers!!

    Hauntie--I wish I knew what to say about the itching but I agree with the others, it is probably nerves regenerating. Be careful of your scratching that you don't break the skin and risk an infection. When you get back from your trip, I would demand some kind of relief from your doc. I am so jealous of you and your travels!! How exciting, to be on a road trip--destination---GREAT FRIENDS!!!

    Welcome new middies--stjude, Chilurv and Zumba!! You have found a safe, helpful and fun place to be. Stjude, will be thinking of you on Wednesday. Hope the surgery goes well.

    Chilurv--BC is such a personal journey, we all have different DX, different TX and different paths we chose to destroy this nasty disease. Ultimately it is your choice, but do the research, check out the choices and make an informed decision. Take your time doing your research, you don't have to rush such an important decision. You're still healing from your BMX--and that takes time.

    I am off to labor on Labor Day. Remember the days when stores were all closed on holidays? When did we feel it was our right to shop 7 days a week??  Would much rather be at the beach or BBQ-ing  in the back yard.

    Have a great Labor Day!!