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  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    Hi to everyone!  Welcome Sherry baby but sad you had to be here because of BC.  All you Texas girls glad to hear your okay but I'm sending my best strongest wishes for rain.  Barb58 glad your okay but bummer on the van.  Be sure you get a lawyer to look at everything for you to be sure you get the most out of the accident.  We had a bad accident in 2007 and would have een screwed by the insurance company if not for our lawyer.  Reesie hope you doing well after surgery.  Not too much going on here, just work, work, work.  I sure do miss alot on this thread during the dayFrown.  Awesome pic of Crissy, Hauntie, and the rest of the group!  Keep safe everyone.  Kitty
  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Such a lovely "sista" picture! I have met up with a couple of different bc sister groups & I will not forget the connection & friendship we had/have. Thanks for posting it Chrissy.

    Welcome sherrybaby - you are so young, I'm so sorry you have to be here, BUT very happy you have found us. I hope you will find, as I have, that this group of ladies will always be here for you, always. Ask anything at any time, vent, cry, tell us a funny story so that we may laugh with you.

    {{{{{ reesie }}}}}

    I am sure I have missed welcoming some new sisters & for that I apologize. Welcome!

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126

    Sherry- glad to hear that news! If you hear anything about the sheep, let me know. She posted a plea for help on our Foxhunting board and I've not heard anything. I just can't imagine having to leave animals behind. It's terrible.

    Barb58- someone rear-ended DH in our very old car that was well maintained also. We argued to the adjuster when he gave us the amount for being totaled. Thankfully we have records on maintenance and they gave us quite a bit more. Or- call a lawyer. I never thought that was fair.

    Sherrybaby- welcome! So sorry you have to be here. Cyber hugs!


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome sherrybaby. I hope all is going well for you during your recovery. 

    Thanks for the picturs.  I love seeing the gals gather for a fun evening of good food, coversation and memories!

    Sherry its good news about your brothers.  Continued prayers that they stay safe!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Welcome Sherry. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I think I,m still sleeping from the aneshteia. Will post more later.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    REESIE--Glad to see you on the other side!! Enjoy your rest and i hope they fixed everything as good as new!----Welcome Sherrybaby--i know you don't want to be here, but we will try our hardest to make you feel at home---------Chrissy--LOVE the pic, and please do tell the story of the traveling pants!!! So glad you ladies had such fun!!------Sherryc--good news about your bros, wishing for rain for y'all.---------Kitty, I know what you mean, I miss pages of messages while at work. Hard to catch up in the evenings, still enjoy the reading, even if I don't post!!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their short work week! I'm off to sell books!!  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Welcome back Reese, sweetie! Gentle hugs to you and the newbies...

  • I'm glad to see  you back Reesie! Praying your recovery goes well...
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Reesie so glad you made it back.  Keep us posted when you feel better.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Reesie - Glad the surgery is over. I hope you heal quickly and painlessly. 

    Barb - I totaled a car one, after just having some major work done on it. The insurance company upped the amount they gave me. It's worth a try, especially if you've replaced any parts recently.

    Sherry - Sorry you had to join us. But, you picked the right place for support, friendship, advice, shoulders to cry on, answers to question, etc.

    The dinner and after party in my room were so worth it, I would have driven twice as far to be there. We just all clicked so well. But, I guess that's what sisters do. Chrissy - boy do I wish you lived on this side of the world. You feel like such a kindred spirit. But, now I have a reason to add a trip to Australia to my bucket list and I know I'll be welcomed with open arms. 

    I am probably going to face the rath of my BS for making her pull my drain out. I've developed a pocket of fluid. I first noticed it yesterday morning. When I laid down on my side last night, I discovered I had developed a "little boob". I just got rid of this damn thing and it's starting to grow again. It's a pocket between the size of a golf and a tennis ball. Waiting to hear back from my BS's nurse to see if it can wait to be aspirated until I get home or I need to make a trip to the emergency room while I'm here.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Hauntie I sure hope you can wait until you see the PS but if you end up in the ER and have it aspirated that would not  be so bad either.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Reesie.. so glad to see you back! praying for your continued recovery!

    Hauntie.. hoping you can wait and not have to go to the ER.. HUGS!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I went to a walk-in clinic to get mine aspirated as no one at the hospital would touch another surgeons work. But he was away!!!! So I fooled them all and went to a DIY walk-in. My DH arrived at the end when there was a huge needle hanging out. I couldn't feel a thing but it looked pretty gross. The doc tried to argue with me, but I said there was excess fluid!!! He got THREE huge round needles of fluid out and apologized for not believing me. He told my DH I was a very brave woman who was handling my situation very well! That was nice.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    My DB said if it needs to be aspirated while I'm here, we can go to an urgent care clinic instead of the ER. Actually, I think I would prefer to have it done here rather than have my BS do it and listen to her lecture me about removing the drain too soon. By the time I go for my next follow-up she'll have forgotten about the whole thing (fat chance).

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Reesie, so glad to see you and know your surgery is over.  Hope recovery goes very smoothly.  Take care of yourself.

    Hauntie, you are one cool cucumber!  I don't think I could have that devil may care attitude with the drain, you're a brave woman.  You seem more concerned with upsetting you BS than with getting aspirated.  LOL 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hi everyone,

    I came back from our normal morning walk with the dogs, feeling just fine.  I was getting ready to feed them and got this sudden, stabbing pain that radiated from my back shoulder blade through the front of my chest.  Initially it felt like someone had stabbed me from the back with a bayonet.  It doubled me over for a minute.  Since I had to be at rads in an hour I decided to see if anyione there had a clue what this pain could be.  It was super severe, scary pain.  No breathing issues, just that stabbing pain.

    Well it was an interesting day.  I went to rads and told the tech what was happening.  She said there was no doctor in today, but after treatment she would have me see the nurse.  So, talked to the nurse and she wrote down everything going on and said I had to go to the ER.  She was very thorough but she said with radiating chest pain, even on the right side, they cannot rule out a cardiac event.

    So off I went.  They got me in right away, hooked me up to an EKG, did a chest x-ray and lots of bloodwork.  The doctor came in and said all of my bloodwork and tests were normal, so it was not cardiac.  She said the one thing she was concerned about was a blood clot.  She ordered a CT  scan.  Had that done and more waiting.  She finally came in and said that was normal.  However, it showed I have two small nodules on my thyroid.  Needless to say I was not real thrilled to hear that.  She asked when I see my oncologist, told her tomorrow.  She gave me a copy of the report and said to give it to him.

    As far as the pain, there was an area of my lung that was irritated, but she also thinks I may have an inflammation of the tissue in my rib cage.  Either way not serious so that is good to know.

    They had me on Morphine when I was there so I came home and crashed on the couch.  I just woke up.  The pain is not too bad right now.  More aching than sharp.

    So tomorrow I will show the report to my RO and see what he thinks about the little nodules.  The report did say an ultrasound was indcated.  We will see what he says.

    It was a long day to say the least!

    I'll let everyone know tomorrow what he wants to do about the nodules.  I feel fine, just real tired. Smile

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Oh Janis, I just got home and read your problem today.  Very scary indeed!  I'm glad you went to the ER even though it's not much fun there with all those sick people!  I'm glad your good now.  Try not to worry about the thyroid nodules.  I had the same thing happen when I had my CT scan before surgery.  When the ONC saw it he ordered a US and blood work.  All came back normal even with the nodules.  He said they are very common.  Irritated lung sounds like that could be painful.  Hope the RO double checks on that for you.  Take care and let me know how things turn out.  Kitty

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Janis, I'm glad you are a smart enough woman to talk to the medical community about what happened.  So many of us (read that ME) have a tendancy to say "ahhh, no doctor appt for another month....I'll bring it up then" and then don't when the reality is we should call immediately about worrisome things.  Kitty's experience sounds positive-let's claim that for you!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Janis--oh my!! Glad you were such an advocate for your health. I'm like Eph-- I wait until the next appt. Just like when you take your car into the shop  and they look at you like an idiot because your car isn't making that sound anymore. But don't mess with chest pain!!!! Hopefully the thryroid nodules are not something out of the ordinary. Thyroid is the first to go when you have BC, but it is easily controlled by medicine. All that your body is going thru---your little tiny thryroid gland gets overworked!! It might also account for your tiredness. . . 

    Hauntie--don't feel bad about being aspirated. If your doc gets offended, then he needs to get thicker skin. Sticking a needle in and pulling the fluid out is a lot easier process than carrying that da*n drain around for days!!!

    Get to see my cutie-patootie RO tomorrow. Not just cute but he has a gorgeous accent (slavic or russian?) and smile. Big sigh. . . .Wink 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Janis sending you hugs and prayers for you!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis!!! How scary for you!! I do want you to Google Costochondritis. I have it, but before it was diagnosed it was like a 'cardiac event' each and every time. Very, very scary and very, very painful!!! There is also a disease of the lining of your lung, darned if I can remember the name right now...P P P P...... that causes that kind of pain when you breathe deep.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Barbe...I think you mean Pleurisy?  It was never mentioned, but get this.  On the discharge paperwork (which I could not read, forgot my glasses) it said the doctor discussed Pleurisy with me.  Really?  Okay I had Morphine but still think my head was pretty clear and DH never heard her mention it either.  I did Google the Costcochondritis and that sure sounds like what I had!  What do you do to treat it?  Now that I know will not panic if it hits again, but that is some nasty pain.  Yikes!

    Thanks for all the hugs, prayers and happy thoughts you sent.  I do feel better now about those thyroid nodules!  I will be real anxious to know what my RO says about all this.  That pain yesterday was horrible, there was no way I could ignore it.  I am sore this morning but not in active pain.  It does hurt to move my arm around but that is nothing compared to yesterday morning.  I swear it felt like someone had just shoved a huge knife right through my shoulder blade and out the front of my chest.  No fun.

    I hope everyone has a great day today!  I will come back later and let you know what my RO has to say!

    Hugs to all!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - How very scary!!! Glad you were insistent on getting it checked out - I'm sure it was a long day.  Sending prayers and gentle hugs.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Janis - I just had a bout with costochondritis. As Barbe described, it is very painful. However, it went away quickly using antiinflammatory meds. I've had pleurisy, which I believe is an inflammation of the lining of your lung. That causes intense (knife like) pain when you breath. I think it usually shows up as a result of a respiratory infection. As far as I remember, that one resolved on its own.

    I'm off to the urgent care clinic to have the accumulated fluid from my PMX aspirated. Hopefully, they won't charge me an arm and a leg. Maybe I should tell them, I just gave up a breast and that's all the body parts I can spare right now. The fluid isn't painful, just uncomfortable. I think I'll feel better once it's out. Seeing someone here means I won't have to go home early. Otherwise, it's get in the car and drive 4-5 hours to see my MD.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Janis, you were very smart to get that checked out right away.  And i am always amazed at the info you can get here off the threads to set your mind at ease.  So glad they were able to do that.  I had pneumonitis from Taxol, that was inflamation of the lungs.  I had no pain with it though, but high fevers and eventually shortness of breath.  Steroids took care of the inflamation and the problem.  Janis, I hope you'll stay feeling better.  ((((hugs))))

    Hauntie, glad you won't have to cut your trip short.  I have heard that the aspiration is not so bad, just don't look at the size of the needle they use to do it.  Hopefully, cost isn't too bad either.  I've heard pretty good things about those urgent care clinics.  Good luck.  And again, it was great meeting you.   Sorry I missed what sounds like a good time back at your room. 

    Reesie, hope you're recouperating comfortably today.  ((((hugs)))) for you too.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis sounds like you had a rough day but so glad you got checked out and can talk to your RO today. 

    Foxy I was talking to a local veterinarian last night at church and she helped your friend find a place for her sheep so her animals all got placed.  Just though I'd update you.

    The wildfires are still burning.  Last night they said bastrop had lost 576 homes and expected the count to at least double if not more. They only had the Bastrop fire 30% contained but a group of wildfire fighting experts from California are flying in today to give them assistance.  So if the winds stay down and the experts show up maybe they can get it contained.

    I finished rads in late Jan and ended up with permanent nerve damage.  I am taking meds for it and for the most part they work pretty good and keep it under control.  However once every week or two I have a really bad day and have to resort to the narcotics.  Well last night I took my meds and about an hour later I ended up with the sever stabbing pains in my breast that just make me loose my breath they are so bad.  Took a narcotic but that takes a little while before it starts working.  Practiced my yoga breathing trying to work through the pain.  I think I just ended up passing out from the meds before the pain stopped but woke up this morning and all is fine.  I am just getting so tired of it.  I won't be having my MX for 6 months and this pain is getting old.  But looking on the bright side it is not every day so it could be worse.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Pleurisy!! That's it!!! Glad that's not what you have Janis. But the Costo is SO painful and you never know when it's coming! It happened to me at work once when I still hadn't been diagnosed and I was asked if I needed an ambulance and I said "I'm not sure!" (They didn't get one.) Very hard to diagnose as they pretty much have to check off everything else first, just to be safe. Pleurisy is more of a constant pain, that only hurts when you breathe...Wink
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I really need to keep up on the boards

    SherryC - I have been thinking about you a lot and concerned with the fires.  It was in the air in the No Dallas area.  We have had several local fires south of the big D that did some extensive damange.  I was so mad one morning this week when a person threw a cig out of their window. Hello, were in one of the worst droughts in several years!

    Welcome newbies, great bunch of ladies here.

    Reece - glad your surgery went well.

    Hauntie - I had about a month and a half of fluid buildup after my surgery in June.  Keep up on it, I think I went to my PS 4 times and the last time was the charm.  I have not been back yea.

    Janis - your my hero, sorry for the pains you have gone through but you are a great example of what we should do in our own care.

    Well today I am celibrating my first post cancer birthday.  Last year did not consider it because I was still going through chemo.  So today I am officially one again and here is to 48 more years. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hauntie I hope you can get the procedure done locally.  It would be a shame to have to cut your trip short.  I am sorry you are so uncomfortable.  Hope you feel better very soon. have been on my mind, glad your surgery is over with.  Sending plenty of gentle healing hugs to you.

    Sherry, I think of you every day as I follow the news of the terrible fires.  I hope you and all your family are able to stay out of harms way. 

    barbe......boy you are not kidding about that pain!  I will talk to my RO about it to see what he thinks.  The ER doctor never confirmed anything really, just offered it up as a possibility.  Today it just feels like a dull ache, still there but no pain really.  Slight discomfort only.  I can imagine how you must have felt having it happen at work!  It is really scary when it hits!

    mjbmiller....congrats to you one the one year birthday!  Yippee!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    janis, you've gotten a lot of responses so far.  I have to jump in and say I had that too.  Only mine was not during rads, it was about a 6-12 mos. afterward.  I had a chronic pain by my right shoulder blade.  Thought I might have pulled something, then thought maybe it was from too much right-handed mouse clicking!  Chiropractic didn't really help.  Massage helped a little.  When it was at its worst, it felt JUST like what you said...a knife in the back that went all the way through to the front.  I was in the camp where I did not go to the doctor right off, but at my next MO appt. I mentioned it and that is when he ordered a bone scan for me.  That's what they do, work back from the most dangerous possibility they think it could be.  I guess that is sensible.  Well, my scan was clear.  (Yay!  Like you I felt happy to know that something major got ruled out.)  No one ever told me what it was.  I asked if it could be from rads.  I was told they did not penetrate all the way thru to the back.  I don't care what they said.  I am pretty sure it was from rads.

    I go along with Barbe, that it is probably chostocondritis, basically soft-tissue damage to your rib cartilage.  If you ever had a dislocation or severe sprain, you know that soft-tissue damage can take months to get back to normal.  I had my back pain for a good six mos., but it has gone and not returned so far.  I think anti-inflammatories are supposed to help, or steroids if the pain is severe.  

    reesie,  How U doin'?