
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Elimar - you have pegged the Tamoxifen problem exactly: it effects something of an enhancement of the fun we're having anyway. My med onc, who is about a year older than me, usually counters my complaints about "side effects" with, "I KNOW! Isn't that annoying? Here's what I do for that." She's not taking Tamox - she's just experiencing her late 40's...

    Here's a Tamoxifen specific side effect: Tamoxifen has turned by body into a freaky humidity detecting device. If the humidity goes above, say, 70%, regardless of the ambient air temperature, I start flashing at night. VERY annoying.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Our toddler grandson and his eyelashes.

    There should be a law.

    His twin sister's eyelashes can be seen if you are in the act of kissing her little face. LOL.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Kleenex, that is interesting about the humidity.  My "normal" (non-Tamox.) hot flashes dropped off drastically when the Fall months arrived.  I guess maybe "it ain't the heat...it's the humidity."

    Faithandfifty, Your grandson almost has Twiggy eyelashes!  I posted a pic of Twiggy on the memories thread; but we know her lashes were mostly fake and even painted on.. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I have been thinking about HAIR lately.  Not the 60's musical, although that was a groovy time my friends.  I gave both of my kids a haircut this weekend and soon I am getting ready to make a radical change of my own.  Not as radical as a chemo shaved head by any means, but getting A LOT cut off.  My hair had gotten pretty long over last winter, then when I got my B/C Dx in June, I decided to let it keep growing long enough to DONATE IT for a cancer wig.  I know "Locks of Love" is probably familiar to everyone, but I am going to donate mine to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths.  It's pretty much the same idea, but they will take an 8" hair donation (compared to 10") and I want to keep some length for myself.

    I know some of you ladies have short hair or maybe none due to chemo right now (Juanelle!) but you might have some long-hairs in the family  If anyone would like to find out more about Pantene's program, I'm putting the link on here:

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Why do the boys always get those kinda lashes?  There oughta be a law!  I'll bet he's hard too resist if he's asking for something!


  • kjbell
    kjbell Member Posts: 454

    Faith-your grandson is beautiful! Watch out girls!!!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    My DH has those eyelashes!  Sometimes he finds me staring at him and asks what's up.  I have to admit I am just looking at his big brown eyes and his beautiful long eyelashes.  I have lashes, and could get away with minimal mascara, but these males have the curl and everything.  Not fair!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    What happened to our "Sexy-Man" architects?   We need to put some gorgeous lashes on him, but have we even decided on eye color?  (Paul Newman Blue, Antonio Banderas Brown, Clive Owen Green?)  

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Here's the thing, with men and eyelashes. MEN are the ones who are supposed to be gussying themselves up to attract us. It's that way with many if not most other species of animals, and faithandfifty, your grandson's amazing eyelashes reminded me of this - look how naturally amazing they are! Men used to do wigs and powder, etc., but at some point, we weren't paying attention, and so now we're stuck putting on mascara to enhance eyelashes and pouffing up the hair on our heads and removing it from other parts of the body, etc., etc. Men just take a four minute shower and they're done. And then, when all of this preening we should NOT be doing takes a while, the men get grumpy when we're not ready to go sooner!

    It's sad that I have taken a beautiful photo of a young boy with fabulous lashes and have allowed it to cause my blood pressure to rise as I rant. Must be a Tamoxifen side effect. Sorry.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Kleenex, I never thought of it that way, but you hit the nail on the head.  I'd be a perfect drab female bird that looked like all other drab female birds.  I could be ready in time if life were like that!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Kleenex makes a good point!  I don't preen cuz I don't have the time or energy to put all that crap on my face--I went to the Look Good, Feel Good class & have all this make-up & I have used the mascara once, and I cried that day at work cause I wasnt feeling all that swell (this was back during chemo days) so I've not used it since!

    On the man-building exercise, I vote for interchangeable contacts so that all of those colors can be optional depending on what our mood is.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    How about a remote control...for us.  You could program in eye color changes and such.  Just make sure HE doesn't get ahold of it, because then his attributes would be changing every two seconds.

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64

    hi room, my youngest girl (27, bipolar, I am raising her 7 year old girl), was scheduled today for a total hysterectomy next thursday. This is for severe endometriosis which she has had a previous surgery for (besides multiple procedures for cervical cancer cells), can anyone relate to this? I had a partial hyst (kept ovaries ) at 32 when she was almost 2 and her baby brother was 8 weeks old, due to cervical cancer, this was the beginning of my journey , I am so afraid for her. My Mom had a total hyst (she tells me was uterine cancer, but had only surgery, this was 1967) at 36 and had several nervous breakdowns while I was growing up, blamed on early menopause and she took premarin for 20 years ! I cannot imagine my bipolar Kate going thru menopause already, will they not give her hormones because of my breast cancer history? Not to be offensive but she also has a 2 year old son, and she can be so crazy as it is, I am afraid.

  • susan_CNY
    susan_CNY Member Posts: 64

    my Mom says she took premarin for 15 years not 20 and the bc is from Dads family, so no problem!  lol  God Bless her , she is 83 have to forgive

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    susan, it might be a good idea for her to have BRCA gene mutation testing done before decisions are made about hormone replacement therapy.  The gene mutation can come from either side of the family, and you are a first degree realtive so her risk for bc is higher than average.  That's still not a really big risk, but one she and her doc will need to take into account when weighing the benefits (sanity) and risks (bc) of hormone replacement therapy.  On a side note, does she have a doctor who is trained to manage bipolar disorder?  There are some very effective medications available to manage the bipolar condition, which could decrease the need for HRT, or her meds may need to be increased or changed after the hysterectomy. 

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    susan, my heart goes out to you and your daughter.  Bipolar disorder  is so unpredictable.  It runs in my husband's family and I know first hand how hard it can be on everyone.  I hope it all works out for you and your loved ones.

    Well, ladies as long as we haven't forgotten about the virtual man, then it will happen.  I think we just need to decide on a few must haves.  I still want Val Kilmer's lips, I just know he will be the sexiest guy ever.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Now on to the chest....and that trail of hair at the belly button that leads down....Innocent
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yeh barbe, that's a great thought!  Must have body hair, but not BODYHAIR!!!!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I just wanted to congratulate myself on completing year one of Tamoxification - started 12/1/08. Still no signs of a leathery tail. Yay!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Susan_CNY, hope the surgery goes well for your daughter.  I am not at all familiar with the issues following hysterectomy.  I think the suggestion for the BRCA is a good one, and I think NativeMainer hit the nail on the head that it will come down to risks vs. benefits.  Good luck navigating thru' those decisions.

    Man Dept.:  Chest hair is fine with me.  It seems that very few men have actual absence of body hair.  What about the waxing (on most of the beefcakes we see in pictures with their shirts off?)  It kind of goes with what Kleenex was saying, that it should be the male who preens and grooms for us females.   I guess the waxing for the men is no different than the waxing and shaving we have done vigilantly over the years.   All I know is CHEST STUBBLE would be weird!    And speaking of stubble...I know the beard stubble look is all rugged and manly to LOOK at, but if it's someone I actually might want to kiss, I'd just as soon not have my face sanded off by the short bristles.  Will the "perfect man" be ready by Xmas?

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    Congrats kleenex!

    I am hoping the perfect man is done by new years.  Thought for sure I was reading a romance novel with the last few posts-very funny. Then, of course I thought a novel!  Too bad I don't put my ideas in to action.....

    Anyway hope you all have a wonderful day! 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Just stop by to say Good Morning.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I just missed your post Kleenex.  Yay, one year!   Now onward, I am following in your tracks.

    Look at Seyla888...She has her decorations up already.  I better get my thread trees up too...


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Congrats, Kleenex.  Every milestone for us is a special one!!!!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Yeah! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary Kleenex.  I am voting for the remote controlled man so that when I am bored with one I can move on to another just like I did when I was young. because I would like that limmerance to last for the rest of my life and they say with the average couple it only lasts 18 months to 3 years. I have been with the same man now for 8 hmmmm. LOL (:

    Is anyone humming Christmas music yet?

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I have a holiday CD that I get a big kick out of, even though it might be a touch inappropriate. It's Worship Jams Christmas. They have taken holiday standards and set them to funky music. On the traditional side, each carol is recorded with every single verse - does anyone even know the third verse to Angels We Have Heard on High? It's perfect for me: I like the holiday tunes (and I sing along embarrassingly in my minivan), the interpretation can be very amusing (hip hop version of O Little Town of Bethlehem), and the overal effect is very energizing. Not that there isn't a time and a place for Jim Nabors singing Home for the Holidays...

    Linda - I had to look up limerance - GREAT word! But I think it would be exhausting to maintain that level of infatuation. There's something to be said for my comfy relationship with my husband of 17 years...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    The perfect man should have head hair, but not too long!  Enough for running fingers through, or maybe grabbing a handful of to pull the handsome face with Val Kilmer lips down for a kiss. . .

  • gcarter
    gcarter Member Posts: 53

    Hello Ladies,

    My name is Gina Carter and I am having my reconstruction in 6 days. I am lucky to see that some of you also had a unilateral and all is well. I am going up and getting a lift. Little nervous due to having all my sesation on that side. But, I will take the meds and deal with it. We and all have no choice unless we opt out. I will admit I hope to get in the bikini next year...Ha!! Its sounds like a plan. Thanks for all the support. I was just a lurker but now I am here to pray, play, laugh and learn.

    Thanks Gcarter

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Kleenex,  congrats on your accomplishment.  I know you are happy about that.

    Welcome, GCarter, we are glad to have you join us.  Sorry you have to, but glad, you know what I mean.  Do you have any ideas for a perfect man?

    I have been married to the same man for 37 years.  I didn't think I would ever stay with anyone that long.  It has been so long now, I just about have him trained up, so it would be stupid to trade him in now. 

    I like the idea of enough hair to run the fingers through and just the thought of the trail of hair at the belly button.  OMG, I have some visions now.


  • gcarter
    gcarter Member Posts: 53

    one L

    I have been with the same man  28 years. I definitly would not want to retrain another man. It took me long enough and besides, I feel like reliving our 20's in our 40's has been getting alot more fun. Except this last 4 months. But, a new year will be here soon and maybe he will have to retrain me. Yeah!!
