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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Hi Reesie!  How are you feeling?  I have been thinking of you since TGIF's.  Hope you're feeling better.

    ps will definitely watch the video!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Welcome ihasamom and I agree with others call your PS

    Lori I am in your pocket and I brought some snacks cause I need to gain some weight.

    Valjean I'll be in your pocket tomorrow and if I need to hang for the weekend just let me know.

    Reesie I'll def watch the video.  Boss is gone this morning so perfect timing

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    As today is MBC Awareness Day, please visit the Anglels thread and say a prayer/moment of silence.


  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    Also please visit the Angels Thread and say a prayer/moment of silence to remember.

    Hope the link works.



  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I made a link to the video Ressie has mentioned:



  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    stjude10,  Your arm veins will appreciate what you are doing for them today.

    Valjean,  Did they let you go to "yearly" at two years out? ( I am two years out, but they want me to come again in Winter, and my treatment breast can't take the mammo squishing.  Last time quite a few little capillaries broke and I don't think that is too good.  I won't be going.  Til next summer.)  Good Luck tomorrow, try not to stress over the weekend and we'll be waiting to hear something good next week.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hi everyone!  Welcome ihasamom and I agree with the others about an infection and to call your PS.  Lori I know I'm late but I'll be thinking of you today and wishing you all the best for an easy go of it.  My best wishes to everyone else for happy results with appts/treatments! (((HUGS))) all around.


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Greetings ladies!

    I haven't posted in awhile, and have been trying to read and catch up on all I have missed.  It is funny how quickly this thread moves. 

    I am just trying to deal with the rad burn.  Ugh.  I have laid low this past week for the most part.  I am 8 days post rads and still dealing with an area of blisters and oozing and serious pain. My breast is swollen and so sore to the touch.  It looks okay, not infected on the surface anyway.   I couldn't put a bra on now if you put a gun to my head.  I do have appointments today with both my RO and MO.  Just routine...last appt. with the RO and now just starting with the MO.  I think he will put me on Arimidex today. 

    I hope everyone is having a better day today than yesterday.  Big healing hugs to all.  :)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I just heard someone say on TV that they have two sisters that have had breast cancer one is in remission and the other is a survivor.  Don't quiet get that as I thought once we have been treated and there is no sign of cancer that puts us into remission and would make us a survivor.  Also I think that anyone that is still fighting the fight against their cancer is also a survivor.  Am I wrong in that thinking?  umh, I just think the lady did not have a clue as to what she was saying.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Sherry, I would guess the remission sister has MBC. She will only ever be in remission or active.

    I have tosay that the "survivor" issue for those with MBC is a big issue. I am personally uncomfortable calling myself a survivor because unless I'm cured I will always be "fighting".

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Reesie I guess I just look at it differently.  I do look at you MBC as my heroes.  My SIL fought MBC for three years and was one of the most positive people I knew.  I think that every day you fight and are alive you are a survivor.  My Dad is fighting mets lung cancer right now and things are not good but I still see him as a fighter and a survivor until the cancer gets him. Which in his words it is going to have to fight hard to get him.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Oh shoot I forgot if you're in the Philly area and have a TV near you watch NBC 10 news at 4. LuAnn Cahn did an interview of four women with MBC (I'm one of them)

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Ooops just saw the time. Hope it's online at www.nbc10. Com

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Reesie-I watched your Vidio but couldn,t find you on NBC 10. Matbe if it was just on at 4 they haven't gotten it on the web site yet.

    Lori- I trust the port removal went well.

    Janis-Hang in there.  You should be seeing some improvement soon.

    Welcome to Ihasamom.

    Valjean- I'll be playing the waiting for results game with you.  Today I had my first mammo since Dx last year.  It went pretty well except she had me wait to see if the Radoilogist wanted any more film then came back and took two moree abgles of my left (non cancer) side. So this has me a little concerned.

    I also went to the hair dresser fir the first time since last January.  There isn't really enough to cut but I had the neck line cleaned up etc.  My hair dresser just came back from having her first baby so the timing was right.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I think sometimes people get too wrapped up in the use of the terms " in remission" and " survivor".  They are just terms.  Each individual will have their own definition of what they are at thiis point.  Anyone dealing with MBC is a true inspiration.  Depending on who I am talking to will depend of what "term" I will use.  I do wear a pink tee shirt that says Survivor on it - it was given to me by a dear friend on the day I finished rads.

    Hope everyone is having a great day. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I know the survivor label is more of an issue for MBC gals.  Strictly by dictionary, a "survivor" can be in the act of surviving, as the the act of enduring hardship or challenge that is ongoing.  I wrote this on another thread:

    It doesn't phase me when the average, non-cancer-y person uses the term "survivor."  I know it's because the media popularized the label, so they use the one they have heard and seen most, and because unlike us, they don't have the exposure to all the jargon and nuanced terms we have come to learn.  "Fighter," "warrior," "casualty," "victim," "veteran," "ninja," "living with cancer," "NED," "NERD," "stable," "remission," "cancer-free," and more.   Once B/C becomes a reality in a woman's life, it's like an Eskimo talking about snow.   Individually, you get to settle on the term you subjectively like the most (or hate the least, as the case may be.) 

    Then there's my slogan:  "Survivor?  I've been called worse."

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Thank you Elimar for the clarification.  I really think of myself as a "survivor" but not as just a survivor of BC but of the journey that I have made from my initial diagnosis, surgeries, radiation, and especially all the worry and waiting.  I will never forget those who helped me on this journey so far, and those who pissed me off with their minimization of the treatments effects on each individual.  I still find myself crying when I think of this terrible disease but marvel at it's life changing journey and I have "survived" it all. 

    I understand the MBC girls and their reluctance to be called survivors, but to me they are heroes and are the epitome of the term survivor because they do carry on even with the knowledge that they may not survive.  That's courage and I can take from them the courage to survive through any of these treatments and still live a happy life even with BC. 

    Happy Kitty!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Well I think we have a new name - Super Survivors. Hopefully E will post this link for me too since I'm on my Nook again . The video is on the Home page - Breast Cancer Super Survivors. I think for being short it was pretty good.

    Janinnj - they didn't post it online until about 6:30.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Liked the clip.  Those MBC ladies were telling it like we know it IS.  I like to think I have "survived" something already, but the woman who got mets 20 yrs out gave ME a reality check.  Looks like the jury might be out for a looo-o-o-o-ng time on my verdict.  I'm still going to choose to live "cancer-free" til they tell me otherwise.  I hate B/C just a little more now.

    Reesie, lookin' good with the brown hair!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Thanks for sharing that...made me all teary-eyed. I hadn't heard of anyone 20 years gives me a reality check too.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Thanks for all the company this morning gals. Coffee? Breakfast? Snacks? Right on. Loving it! Port procedure went fine. I was out though. I think they wanted me loopy, but after 2 tries I told them this was my 3rd surgery in 5 weeks and they'd better bring enough to take down a horse. They listened. I was asleep at home for 3 hrs in my chair before I remembered I had an uneaten Arby's sandwich on my chest. Ate it, and went back to sleep. Pain isn't bad, but I do look like a smurf with all of this blue stuff on my skin.

    Thanks for all of the well wishers and positive thoughts today. I'm mixing up my med cocktail and heading to bed. Here's to a good nights sleep for us all!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    elimar ~ Actually, the drs let me go "yearly" at one year out. After I finished Rads in Feb 09, the RO ordered a mamm at three months, then another at five months, which put me at Oct 09. Nov 2010, I had a yearly screening & now another yearly screening tomorrow. I asked about it at the time of the first yearly mamm order & was told I didn't need to have it done more often unless something was amiss. It did give me pause, but I went with it. I figured it was better for the breast (s) anyway.

    Oh, Janis, I am so sorry your Rads breast is still "in recovery", with the blisters & all. Sending a gentle hug for continued healing.

    janinnj ~ I know about having to have more pics taken at mamm time as that has happened to me also. And, one time, way before my Dx, I was called back later that same day to come back the next morning  for more pictures on one side. Scared me to no end!! But, they just simply needed more clarification in one area. Hopefully that is all they needed as well for you.


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Janis, I hope you are feeling better soon.  The after effects of treatments are really scarey stuff.  (((hugs))) 

    Lori, glad your port surgery went okay.  Not sure what the blue stuff is, I don't think I had that.  But I did have black sharpie drawings all over from my radiation simulation appointment if that makes you feel any better.  And the drawings the PS made right before reconstruction were even worse.

    I'm doing pretty well so far with rads.  Had one cancelled this week because the machine was down.  I guess that's par for the course.  Skin is getting pink or red, not sure what you'd call it.  Continuing to put lotion on right after rads and again at night.  I put it on really thick.  The lymphedema is getting to me now.  Yesterday when I took my wrap off my arm was really red.  I immediately thought cellulitis from what I've heard here, but went to the rad clinic right away and it's a contact dermatitis.  I am not sure why it happened.  The LE therapist thinks it was because of friction and not an allergy.  I think he's right because I'm putting the lotion on my other arm too and there is no rash there.  The other thing I could be allergic to is the actual wrap material, but I've never had any kind of allergy to any clothing material so I really think that is highly unlikely.  He gave me a different bandage to use against my skin any way though, just in case, which is all cotton.  But now I can't wrap my arm again until the redness goes away.  I think it is gone now, he'll probably say I can wrap again now.  I hope  so, otherwise the swelling is going to come right back.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Hi everyone! I disappeared for a few days (or more), but I've been pretty busy! 

    My BRCA test came back NEGATIVE, thank goodness. I truly was more worried about the results for my daughter, since my MIL and her sister both had BC and the sister also had ovarian.

    Now I am waiting on Oncotype test to make final decision on chemo and since that will take some time, MO said to go ahead with radiation while I can do the internal before I heal up too much.  

    Yesterday I had the Mammosite catheter put in and will start internal rads on Monday. Fun stretchy tube top keeps everything up close to me until they need it. Then they plug me into a computer, put the bead of radiation in for a few minutes, take it out, wrap me back up and repeat six hours later. Pretty cool! Five days and done...

    Re: the mammograms. I'm supposed to have only the "bad" side imaged in February, which is my first 6-month follow up since being diagnosed in August. But when do I have the other side done?? Guess I need to find out that answer. 

    Have a great day! 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    To ALL my MBC sisters you are our heroes, Reese thanks for hooking us up on your videos.  You give me courage to face each day.  Knowing now what MBC faces each day inspires me to continue the fight.

    For all those going through rads, keep up with the lotion.  It does get better, I am still a little tan from my rads in Jan and Feb but it is healthy.

    Eli you are right in what you say it is for us and individuals to say what we are.  I consider myself a survivor in full remission as I am classified the high risk category for return.  I have done all I can and will live each day happy and free.  I am doing the Komen race this Sat. and I know there is some controversy about the grants they give.  I talked with the Dallas office and got some information that gives me comfort.  Our local chapter paid for 65,000 free mamo's and detected 96 cases of breast cancer.  That give me comfort that the money I am raising goes to help other women (and men) in there struggle.  Keep me in mind on Sat. as my knee has been giving me fits, (to much band volunteering).  So I am having to swallow my vanity and use a walking stick (cane). 

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362


    Great news that you tested negative for BRCA, however since your MIL and her sister had cancer, that gene (IF present) could be passed on by your husband.  Since you have breast cancer, your daughters have an increased risk to get BC.  Have them be vigilent in BSE and such.  I am in the same situation as you, my MIL had BC and her father (DH's grandfather) had prostate cancer.  I was the only on my side of the family with BC, but getting it at age 43 they tested me for BRCA and I was negative.

    Hugs to you.


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I saw my RO yesterday and he did admit I have a "bad skin reaction".  LOL.  Prior to that the nurse told me I had the worst radiation burn she had ever seen!  She told me the doctors will not call it radiation burn.  Too funny.  Got my script for Arimidex (generic) and took my first on this morning. are one brave woman!  A admire you so much and always wish you continued improvement.

    Kay, I feel so bad you have to deal with so many SE's at once!  I hope it gets better.  At least the radaition is going more smoothly than the awful first one.  Healing hugs......

    stjude...glad that your port procedure went well.  I laughed at falling asleep with the sandwich on your chest!  In my house I think a Golden Retriever might take advantage of that! 

    I asked my Ro when I will be a survivor.  He said not for five years.  So what am I???  Fighting I guess!

    Madpeacock...really happy to hear your BRCA was negative.  It is a relief.

    valjean....I hope your screening today is a very boring NORMAL! sorry about your dad.  Lung cancer is such a tough one, but he sounds like a champ.  Guessing this is where your courage comes from.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    stjude10,  Love how a thoughtful member of your family placed an Arby's on your chest.  Is the port blue?  I thought they were clear or pinkish in color.  Smurf on, girl!

    madpeacock,   Your good side stays on the yearly schedule.  Your treatment side is on a six month schedule as long as per the judgement of your team or the radiologist.   It can vary depending on your individual factors.

    While, in the statistics of all women together, the recurrence seems to peak at two years out.  However, you will often see a post from an early-stage Grade 1 sister (or anyone known to have a slow-growing B/C) that we don't expect anything to be found in the first 5-year period.  If we have some rogue cells left behind, the B/C could still be small enough as to go undetected even at the 5-year period, which is that magical point that we all are pretty much back to our pre-B/C surveillance.  Which really leaves it to US (and I don't mean ultrasound) to stay vigilant with SBE and no skipping the annual mammos.  We must remain watchful for something slow-growing to rear it's ugly head yet again, ala 20-year mets woman in video.  

    mbjmiller,   Have fun doing the Komen race.  As a band mom, I do expect that your walking stick wil be twirled at least a few times!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    madpeacock-way to go girl!  During my rads I had a cotton sports bra that hooked in front and that worked great for the week even at night to keep the catheter tucked away and clean. 

    mbjmiller- have a fun walk!

    stjude10- you really cracked me up with the Arby's on your chest.  Reminded me of when my DH was trying to wake me after surgery with food too.

    Reese - I watched your news segment and was really touched by the message.  Goes to show that with BC there is never a certain "all clear".

    Kay - sorry to hear that your still having problems with the arm and reddness and swelling.  Healing thoughts and gentle hugs for you.

    Healing (((HUGS))) all around and hopes for a restful and positive weekend to all.
