
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    I still have the cradel my Dad made especially to fit "Baby"--a baby doll I got when I was just a toddler and still have.  Mom custom made a mattress and blanket to fit.  I display it in my guest room.  Dad died manyyears ago and this is a great memory of him.  I can't claim chemo brain--I declined chemo, but I take neurontin for nerve pain from radiaiton and that causes memory issues and not being able to think of a word is a classic sign.  Speech-Languange Therapists work on communication issues-maybe that is who your doc was referring you to? 

  • Go lay an egg......love that one. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    OmahaGirl, maybe you are like me.  I can't get started decorating a room until it is all clean, and that takes more energy than the decorating itself.  I've made some headway today, so things are looking up for the decorations to come out of the closet tomorrow.  I'm on a roll, don't stop me now.

    Hello to NavyMom!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I am tortured by being in a house that has NO natural spot for a Christmas tree. In our four Christmases here, I think we've tried it in four different spots, and have not liked any of them. Perhaps the problem is that we have an "office" with doors instead of a formal living room, which is the room I've usually put a tree in before. So every year, I put off putting up the tree, and then I can't wait to put it away. I do love to see our ornaments: we're not big decor people, but we buy ornaments when we go somewhere as a family (or if my husband and I go somewhere together), and we have things the kids have made, so unwrapping the ornaments is always a nice trip down memory lane. Last night we had friends over, and Rosemary is a HUGE decorator. So after slaving over cleaning up the house, I dug through my lame collection of odd Christmas frippery and put up some things so she wouldn't be horrified by my lack of festiveness. I also had this weird and uncharacteristic Hour of Creativity, where first I braided garland into my high school freshman daughter's hair for a parade her band was marching in, and then I whipped up a centerpiece using old colored ball ornaments, the same garland, and a punch bowl. I immediately sat down and took some deep breaths and waited for the Urge to Craft to pass. Thankfully, it did...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    kleenex, I've got a similar problem--no really good place for a tree and a collection of special ornaments.  A few years ago I gave up on the tree altogether--no one to see it but me, too much work.  I buy undecorated wreaths and decorate them with my special ornaments.  One in the living room, one in the bedroom, sometimes one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom one year.  I put them where I will see them and enjoy them.  Cheaper, easier, and I still get to see the ornaments.  And easy clean up! 

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957

    I have seen some ornament stands that hold quite a few ........... a nice way to display the favorites............................  had them in both gold and silver color.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Those would make great centerpieces for the table for Christmastime!

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957

    Do you have "Dollar Tree" stores where you live? That is where I saw them here............ and think they would be perfect as a centerpiece ....with a little greenery spread at the base...........you could use two which would give you a nice length depending on the size of the table. Some had the stand part in the center...some at one end.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    We do have Dollar Trees here, I may just brave the crowds and go look for one!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    OK. so we have never done a huge Christmas, hubby is a holiday grinch and I am Jewish, but this year I wanted a real tree. (We had a little one in a pot before and put lights on a plastic plan.)

    So we go, get tree, put up tree, put our collection of 6 ornaments on, and I have a new one that says hope on it, that obviously symbolizes this year and cancer. It is a snowman releasing a dove and I love snowmen for their ecumenical appeal.

    I go to put the hope ornament on last, and it crashes to the floor and breaks!!!!!

    I of course feel like I just got shot, and am hysterically crying. I will admit for a moment it felt like an omen of doom. Which I know is preposterous.

    Hubby even said,"Why God" which was the first time I have ever heard him mention god ever!

    So not quite the tree trimming party I hoped for.

  • aaah, Cookiegal, it was just an accident, not a sign or anything like that.  Go out tomorrow and get a new Hope ornament and try hanging it again, maybe a little closer to the ground.  There is nothing like the wonderful smell that comes with a real tree.  . 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Just stop by to give Hugs to everyone♥


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Cookiegal--of all the ornaments to have break this year!  I can imagine you feel badly, and I can understand the feeling of it being an omen.  I agree with Marybe, go get another one today, take it home and hang it in a prominent place.  Then make up a fanciful story about how the first one got broken, one that is funny or absurd, and post it here so we can help you laugh at the incident and put it in perspective. 

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Hello My Friends !

    Yes, I am here............. We went to my Sons in NC for Thanksgivingand got home late on the 28th. We have spent every free moment the past week putting put Christmas Decorations, inside and out. Most of our Kids and Grandkids will be home for Christmas, and we are having a Christmas Dinner for my SO's Printshop employees on the 19th.

    Just got back to the Thread last night, my but you have all be chatty ! I tried to start reading from where I left off but gave up this am and just decided to write Smile

    Started snowing here yesterday, and they say we are to get a lot more on Tuesday/Wednesday, with blizzard conditions. If so I will be right here wrapping and doing Christmas CardsInnocent

    Welcome all Newbies !

    when I read the Middle of 46 years old, I had a thought of wow, 46 that was a while ago ! I was care free then, late husband still alive. I've been a widow since I was 48 (his was lung ca) 4 months from DX to death it was devastating said I would never get married again !

    I will be 60 in February and getting married again in July. He's been asking me for the past 6 years.

    Have a blessed day my friends !

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137

    Ok so I just went back and was reading old posts on page 52 and I have to add my 2 cents on Thanksgiving game playing (yes, yes I'm really that far behind) I am the Yahtzee ( sp?) champ Grandkids hate to play it with me more than once. We played Scrabble and my 16 yo Granddaughter was amazing she got 51 points for playing TAMPAX in just the right spot ! and 45 points for TICK Laughing My SO played Monopoly with 3 of the Grandkids. It takes too much thinking for me, and too long to play. I'd rather watch them go bankrupt !

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Tampax is a proper noun and does NOT qualify! Sheesh, didn't she know that...! Wink Or, you could say you were using it in the generic term; like Kleenex, Jacuzzi, Jello, etc.....

    I didn't have a TV for 13 years. My kids grew up on games. We used to finish dinner and pull out the games. Then when I turned 40 my Dad said he'd buy me a satellite dish. I said then I'd have to buy a TV!!! He did, so I did. But it was the internet that really split the family up....sigh. Or was it the fact that they grew older? Undecided Anyway, on our Thanksgiving, we sat around and played Rock Band! My son had brought Trivial Pursuit (for XBox) which we played before dinner. We LOVE playing games! Can ya tell?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    When my parents are over, or we go over there, we play dominoes, chickenfoot, or cards.  We have a game we love to play when the kids come home and we have a large group.  It's called Apples to Apples.  Can be really funny.

  • Nebraskagrandma
    Nebraskagrandma Member Posts: 137


    GD was definitely using Tampax as the generic term Wink We love playing games also, we decided not to put up the second tree this year in the lower level, so we could move all the Wii stuff down there. We have Rock Band also, this year Adam the boy in my Avatar wanted DJ Hero so I got that for him. The adult kids get crazy with all of it so we thought if we move it downstairs if we want to escape to our big TV in the family room we could.


    I have to tell you the "Go Lay An Egg" gave me a great laugh this am, even made my eyes water Laughing thanksI needed that !


    Not to worry...................we will all put a special omen cancelling hex on that ornament ! We are powerful you know !!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Geez, Nebraskagrandma, you got up early today!   Given the time difference, that goes for you, Meece, as well.  


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Apples to Apples is a great game when you have at least four people.  It fun for a family group and a good ice-breaker if you are having another family over for the first time.

    Once upon a time, we invited another soccer mom and dad over for some pizza after we had watched our sons' game that day.  I brought out the Apples to Apples game and a good time was being enjoyed by all, when I started to feel someone "playing footsie" with me under the table.  My son was to my left, so I said, "Is that your foot?"  Mr. Innocent replies, "It's NOT ME," with a dramatic roll of his eyes toward the oblivious soccer dad sitting across from me!   

    That's one little Apple that didn't fall too far from the tree.  Tee-Hee.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Hey! "Kleenex" is NOT a generic term! Cool

    LOVE Apples to Apples! It amazes me how preteens and teens love it, too. We like to let people defend their suggested choice, which makes it extra funny.

    Played "CatchPhrase" on Saturday with another couple we had over to watch football. We played men against women, and I was SURE that my friend and I would kick the butts of the men - we spend a lot of time talking and I figured our obvious verbal superiority would be an advantage. But nooooo - apparently, our husbands had forged some sort of freakish silent "Vulcan mind meld" while sitting on the couch together eating snacks and watching football games.

    "Abracadabra!" one would say.

    "Hocus Pocus!" the other would reply.

    "Absolutely!" the first would say, and they'd get a point. It was horrific.

    Meanwhile, we were stuck with unguessable nightmares like "Judo" and "Lightweight."

    CookieGal - I have a theory that "tragedy plus time equals humor," and I think that at some point the tragic falling and breaking of the "hope" ornament will become a very amusing story! It just might take a while. It's just SUCH a moment. The unusual effort to do a tree, the specific type of ornament, the fact that it fell right in front of you... You need to get a PLASTIC or other unbreakable ornament to replace it, just to be safe. You don't want your hopes dashed again. (Sorry. Couldn't resist.)

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Our family loves Apples to Apples as well, although I can't say that I've had any "footsie" moments!  We also like Sequence and we have one of those big Scrabble boards that has a turntable built into it so that it can swivel.  I play it when my three kids are home - DH won't go near it.

    We put up our tree last night, although it only has lights on it right now.  We have a formal dinner tonight for DH's business, so maybe the ornaments will get on it tomorrow night.

    Have a great Monday!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Okay, now I HAVE to know about Chickenfoot and Apples to Apples!!!

    Tell me, tell me!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh I just googled them. I have to get the Apples one and chickenfoot is a dominoes formation, right?

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Chiming in on the "hope-ornament-crash-of-'09."

    One way to look at it would be to consider that ornament falling and smashing to smitherines -- as symbolizing your actual last year of DX and treatment, the historic part.

    It seems like all of the optomism and excitment of the wedding -- followed by the BC was indeed the "hope" ornament falling..... and breaking...... in past tense.  

    It would perhaps be therapeutic for all of us to have a collection of little 'hope' ornaments that we could dash against the brick walls that we encounter in this life.

    So the real question then becomes, what ornament/shiny bauble do you replace 'hope' with -- to signify the tougher, more persistant, stronger, bolder, informed and fiercer ME/US??

    I once had a very bright person tell me to replace the word 'hope' with the word 'wonder' in my self-talk.

    So: "I hope that my test results are terrfic"...... translates into "I wonder what my test results will be?"

    It's a difference that turns from making a wish -- to the affirmation, I can deal with this.

    So I vote for the new ornament to have the ecumentical snowman, with the word "WONDER."

    You may need to get one custom created and engraved.

    One last aside...... since you are relatively new to the seasonal-tree-prone-to-mishap stories, I'm sure we can each add a version of our own experiences with seasonal misfortune.

    One year I walked on tiptoes toward our livingroom, in the dark, carrying presents..... while walking thru the adjacent kitchen I scrunched the treetop angel. Much to my dismay, the entire tree had fallen across the living room, jestisoning the angel mid-kitchen.

    That was the year that we began the tradition of "nailing" the tree into the floor. (Seriously.)

    At the time I'm sure I could have interpreted that angel launch as a harbor of doom for the situation at hand, but looking back we survived that escapade & everyone chimes in on the retelling of that chapter of the holiday story.



  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Apples to Apples is a board game (available in adult, party, and junior versions) where you have two sets of cards, which are roughly "categories" and "things." People take turns being the "judge," and although there are several ways to play, the standard game involves the judge playing a "category" card, with something like "Stinky" or "Fast" or "Beautiful" on it, and then everyone else selects one of the five cards in their hand that they think best fits that category. These cards are anything from Peanut Butter to Fairies to Race Cars to Lasagna - whatever. The judge compares the cards submitted and selects the one that she thinks fits the category best, and the person who submitted that card gets the category card. The winner is the one with the most category cards at the end of a designated time of play - or the first one to get to a certain number of category cards. Some people don't reveal who submitted which card, but the game can get very funny when someone tries to explain why they think their card is the one that should be chosen. My oldest daughter once launched into an unintentionally hilarious speech explaining why she believed that "Mexico" was "courageous." It involved some imaginary wars and was quite the passionate speech.

    I've never played Sequence - is it loud and funny fun, or is it quiet and challenging fun? How many people is it best to play with?

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    faithandfifty - Does that make us all Wonder Women?  Maybe there's the ornament we should all be putting on our tree...

    Kleenex - Sequence is quiet and challenging fun.  Basically there is a board with photos of two decks of cards on it (except for jacks).  You draw cards and try to place five chips in a row on the board, and the jacks can either be like "wild cards" or can take away an opponent's chip.  It can be played with 2 or 3 people, or any multiple of those if you play teams.  I don't think I've done a very good job of describing it, but it is a lot of fun. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Gonna have to check out Sequence now.

    We have gone through our Apples to Apples and I have had to buy the expansion pack.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Ladies, it looks like I have lots of reading to do.  Our Internet went out on Friday and you talk about being cut off from civilization.  It will take me a week to catch up with all  the reading on these threads.  I certainly do not want to miss anything.

    Hope you all had a good weekend and now are having a good week.  I wore myself out today going to the LGFB meeting.  It was really nice, but I was so tired.  I have to travel about 50 miles one way to the center where I go and that two hour trip, just about did me in.  I will have to rest up all day tomorrow.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Kick back tomorrow, rest and read, Juanelle.  Did they give you any under eye cream to prevent puffiness from exhaustion?  They gave me the reddest lipstick I have ever owned.  There was nothing more inconspicuous than a woman with no eyelashes or eyebrows wearing red hot lipstick.  But, I mst say, it was a top brand!

    Hope you feel better.
