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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I've seen that article.  The average results were not unlike chemo treatments, adding some months to a Stage IV life.  What is good is that this is like a fourth generation weapon in the anti-cancer arsenal for people who have tried everything else.  It's another option for people who didn't have much success with other chemos.  AND the S/E on this vaccine sounds like a dream in comparison to existing chemotherapies.   Again, they need to duplicate with a much larger group, but it is hopeful news.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Thanks all and Cindy we have all felt that way in the beginning.  I think Janis did say it best.  Know that we are here for you any time.

  • swinn
    swinn Member Posts: 5

    Sherry, so glad your results were B9. I'm hoping for the same results with my 2nd mammo next Mon. They saw a nodule but aren't sure if it's scar tissue from my previous lumpectomy or not so want more pictures. These tests are important but sure can scare us to death at times. I just try to take one day at a time. I am much older than you. I'm 67 and was 61 when my first bc was found. I think our diagnosis is similar.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sally - Sending up good thoughts and prayers for B9 results.  Please come back here and let us know your results.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Sally will be thinking about you and hope for B9 results

  • I'm praying that your results come back B9 Sally.
  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    thinking about you, sally.  
  • swinn
    swinn Member Posts: 5

    Thanks everyone. I definitely will let you know. That is if they tell me anything that day. I might have to get testy.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Wanted to share with all of you that I was picked for Casting for Recovery this weekend.  It is a free weekend that they have all over the United States.  They teach you how to fly fish and have talks about breast cancer topics.  It is only for breast cancer patients any stage and anytime of your cancer.  You just fill out the application and then they will let you know.  I was originally picked as an alternate and then got bumped up because someone had to pull out.  If you are interested in the program you can go to it starts Friday afternoon  and ends Sunday afternoon.  I am so excited and will be a nice change of pace from everything that has been going on with my Dad being sick and passing and then me having to have surgery.  My Dr cleared me so I am going.

  • Sally-prayed for you tonite.

    Girls- Thanks for all of your encouragement and support!  See the Genetic Counselor tommorow, wish  me luck!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, that sounds like something I would LOVE to do! I love fishing and eating it too. Aren't you a bit concerned about the action of casting with your recent surgery? I am envious for SURE!!!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sherry, BIG congratulations.  Could not have gone to a more deserving person.  My son is an avid fly fisherman.  Used to be a guide in Alaska during summers off in college.  He still goes there once a year to fish.  Enjoy it!

    My thyroid surgery is hitches!  I hibernated in this house for a week and am feeling good.  So, should go off without a hitch.  Hope so, two postponements is enough! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc, Eph posted that link for casting for recovery.  I signed up but they didn't pick me, not even as an alternate.  Darn!  They have had that weekend retreat already.   Sounds like a relazing and fun time.  Enjoy!!!   

    swinn & tiedyemom,  Hope you both have good news coming your way.

    janis,  First will be hoping everyone shows up like they are supposed to (oh, that sounds like I mean pocket pals, but I mean the staff,)  then that all goes well and they don't need to remove any extra parts and that you have only the teeniest, tiniest scar.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb I asked my surgeon the day of surgery and she thought I would be OK.  So when I went in for my post op visit on Monday she had me do some range of motion and thought I was fine if I only promised not to fall in the river.  Your Dr has to sign and medical release.  I had already had one signed but they wanted another and she signed it for me.  She told me just listen to my body.

    elimar they have the 2012 schedule up  you should sign up again maybe you can get picked this time around.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Disturbed by news article, yet again.  This is sort of a companion piece to the ones that focus on age for mammo screenings.

    Tests Not Perfect

    The whole age/screening hinges on 40-50's and whether they are "high risk" or not.  In some cases it will be obvious, but in others it won't and they will fall in a gray area dependent on a doctor's judgement call.

    Then there is this:

    "What really worries Lichtenfeld is that ever more powerful cancer screenings are being developed, before doctors have a way to tell exactly which early tumors should be removed."

    All that money being spent on development of screening devices, but still dependent on the varying cleverness of your particular physician.  I'm not doctor bashing, just pointing out they are human; therefore, let's factor in human error.

    Compared to detection research, I have to say a vaccine is sounding better and better all the time.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    E--I am still waiting for Gyn's to be SERIOUSLY trained about BC. Seems many of them don't know  as much about women's breasts as they know about their Hoo-hahs. At least mine was lacking in some basic knowledge since he missed mine for over a year and was definitely high risk. Good thing he retired this year!

    Janis-can I start the pocket party early? I am definitely bringing the special beverages this time!

    Still have my mind on my cruise!! good luck tomorrow!

    Sally and Cindy--hoping for good news for you today. 

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Janis: I agree, hope everyone is there this time and there are no more delays.

    Sherry: awesome glad to hera

    Sally: Your in my thoughts and prayers for your mammo.

    Cindy: You are also in my thoughts and prayers...I'm not sure that the ups and downs go away. I am close to half way through chemo treatments and still have my ups and downs. I did get more predictable for me. Getting a full plan in place and getting started helped and now I think it is hormonal from the chemo as it gets worse for 3-4 days after the worst of my SE's is over and then I am up. I don't need the anti-depressant daily but my doctor has given me something for those bad days...however, if you bad days out way the good, I have had wonderful experiences with some everyday anti-depressant during other situational depression bouts in my past. If you feel like it isn't getting better or if it is really affecting your daily life and the other wonderful suggestions for staying busy aren't' working, I would take the meds and be easy on yourself...there are enough things you can't help or do anything about with this disease, so If there is any part of our discomfort that can be mitigated with drugs...I am all for it.

    So much to catch up on..

    Valjean: Congrats...doing the happy dance for you!! You are so right about embracing life and I hope it is or soon will be your reality.

    Darlam: so sorry you have to join us but a wonderful group of women that have really supported me through some very rough times...glad you have found these same wonderful women. Reesie said it best...don't apologize for your feelings. This is a terrible disease that takes a lot from us and comes with many questions and future concerns that often feel overwhelming. I also get mixed feelings from long-term survivors, almost feeling guilty about wanting to believe that I will be one of them, while at the same time gaining hope that it happens for many women. My hope is that it will become a little easier when I am done with treatments and get an all clear scan to believe that it might really be gone. My heart is with you and I hope you are feeling a little better.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Claire....I kind of thought you might be the first to volunteer.  You really should be promoted to be our honorary pocket party planner.  PPP!  Your food and beverage choices are always spot on.  Yes, I think this is your niche hon.  So glad you are planning ahead!

    Eli.....thanks for all the happy thoughts.  Maybe we need to vote, but I have nominated Claire to be our first, official Pocket Party Planner.  PPP for short of course.  She is always out there first offering the first treats and beverages for the parties.  Since we have so many here, I think she deserves the new title.  Any thoughts??  All good paties could use a great planner!  :)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis I agree Claire can now be the PPP.  She is always the first to step up

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    herry - I second that - let's make Claire the PPP.  She does an excellent job.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Claire does a great job.  As long as she throws the Cheetos in from time to time, the job is hers! 

    I don't always get into the pocket--what with my lint allergy and being such a homebody--but I am always sending out the most positive of vibes for everyone facing those situations.  I could not be more pleased that the the supportive delegation that does go along has the best in pocket hospitality.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Claire, I think it makes it official now that Eli has nominated you as well.   You are the brand new PPP!  Pocket Party Planner.  You have a new title and lots of new responsibility.  You get to practice your new job tomorrow.  Hurray!

    Eli....If the lint allergies are bothersome you need to stay out.  You can be the outside activitries director!  In case it gets too crowded and people fall out you can entertain them ouside.  I see you at being very good at this and keeps you far far away from the lint!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Go Claire, our own PPP!

    Good Luck Janis and I pray all goes well.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    go claire-  i'll bring the chips and dip and a pack of cheetos,good luck janis(think b9)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Good Luck Janis I'll be in your pocket in the morning.  I'll see if I can come up with any good snacks.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    Best of luck to you, Janis!

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195
    good luck ....Janis sending a prayer for B9Smile
  • I'll be in your pocket tomorrow too Janis and praying that all goes well!!

    I went to the MO today who told me to stop taking the tamoxifen because of the side effects I was having. Now she wants me to get my ovaries (and my uterus) out right away. I asked if I could wait until after Christmas and she said no...unless my doctor couldn't schedule me before then. ARGH!!! My kitchen is going to be started to be remodeled next week and I'm supposed to have  Christmas at our house. This could be interesting. If I can't have it done right away, then she wants to go with Lupron so I can start taking Arimidex as soon as possible.

    I must admit I'm a bit nervous about instant menopause and Arimidex. Doesn't sound like fun.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Janis. I just noticed you are in Idaho as well!!  I Live in Mountain Home..Good Luck to you tomorrow..Prayers coming your way..

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Today was a long day..50 minute drive to the hospital, then SNB and port placement. DH received news from my radiologist regarding the biopsy yesterday of two other "spots" found in the same breast after the MRI on Monday.. biopsies were negative.. which was relief. My surgeon only needed to take 2 nodes today, will be waiting on that pathology to come back. Chemo starts Tuesday..

    Oh and I just love it that I am peeing BSU (Boise State University) Blue