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  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Janis: Awesome about your scope, big sigh of relief.

    Eli: you crack me up. Hope your appt was delightful :)

    Kay: I'm glad they are optimistic and that they have stayed on top of this for you. Hope your BP gets under control for you with little hitch. BC is enough without the added cardio concerns.

    WaveWhisperer: On one hand it is nice not to be alone in my chemopause sufferage but on the other, I wish no one else had this. I am supposed to get the script for Ambien tomorrow and will use it if I need it for sure.

    Thank you ladies for the great advice, with a box fan blowing on the bed and a clip on fan I remembered I had from the hospital clipped above my little bald head on the headboard, shorts and a tank, and a towel under me, I finally slept last night. It was great. Of course, my poor husband had to sleep in sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt, but he says he doesn't mind if it helps. He's a good guy. I was shocked at the difference the towel made. I began to feel hot when I slipped off a smaller one I started with onto the cotton pillowcase, put the towel back and felt cooler. Who would have thought of such a fix. Anyway...thank you. 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Yeah Janis!!!! Good for you!! The best news out of this whole thing is you don't have to go back for 5 years--?? Just long enough to get the thought of that Gatorade cocktail out of your mind!

    Kay sounds like you have a plan to go forward. I hope that as time goes by, your heart only gets stronger!!

    BTW any one going into to see any docs tomorrow? Did I miss someone?? And Hauntie--those cookies sound absolutely yummy!! they would go real well with my late night cocktail.

    Just what I need to put me to sleep. . . 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Very good news, Janis!

    Kay ~ Glad you feel comfortable with your Cardiologist. Best wishes.

    mumayan ~ As for your BS discharging you, I say, "Another one bites the dust!" Last month I canceled a RO appt that would have been for tomorrow. It would be a three year check & I didn't feel I needed it. What's he gonna do? The same thing my MO already does, and did, last month. They said it was fine as long as I was being followed up with with my MO.   

    E ~~ About dumpster diving leading to hoarding, of course, all that stuff has been long gone, BUT, I have turned into a hoarder, I think. (is that a run-on sentence?!?) Anyway, in January I am majorly cleaning my trash!! I have large storage cupboards in my basement that came from a school & they are full of .......... ??????? .......... and there are totes of stuff (of what, I do not know!) that need to be gone through as well.

    Maybe somebody will go through MY trash after I discard a bunch of it !  Undecided

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    great news janis, glad you found a good md kay, see the mo today  then off to see twilight tonight with the girls from work

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195


    My appointment with the MO is at 9:30.Maybe do a little xmas shopping after.:)


    Good news :)....I know you are glad that scope is over with.:)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lee Ann I am SO happy that the towel worked for you!!! That makes me feel great for suggesting it, so thanks for letting me know it worked. Bathsheets from Walmart work wonders. Now you know why I said to spread it across the pillow and down your whole body impression.

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123
    Yes, your advice was a major blessing Barb...thank you! Laughing 
  • I have an appointment with my ob/gyn this morning to discuss hyst/ooph. I've been in a lot of pain the last few days because the tamoxifen gave me the side effect of overstimulating my ovaries. I haven't been able to exercise or do much else but sit around. Not looking forward at all to being examined...

    I'm trying not to think about all of the estrogen that is probably flying around my body because of this..Yell

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Wallie -  Will meet you for brunch and then we can do some last minute Christmas shopping.  LOL!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Saw this and thought what a perfect place for a pocket party!

    Barb, Juliet, Wallie and Jo will be thinking of you today with your doc appts. Barb, hope you get the answers that will help ease your pain. And ladies hope your Mo appts are down right BORING!!! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    While in the waiting room for upcoming appointments, you may want to flip thru' the latest People...


    Then come tell me why this man is on the cover?  Bradley Cooper?  Sorry, I just don't see it.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eli- I think its the eyes


    Or maybe not


    Once again, you and I must agree to disagree!!! Smile 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    But I am up for other suggestions. . . . Wink
  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    eli, i have no idea.

    this is what i've been perusing during my brief waits in the RO clinic before my tx's:

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I of course know who Rob Lowe is (and what a photo, yum!)....but no idea who Bradley Cooper is!  I am so so out of it.  Haven't been to a movie in years and don't ever rent.  Guessing he may be in a TV show I do not watch?  I vote for Rob Lowe with that gorgeous photo! are doing an excellent job in your new position,  I hope by suggesting you for the job I didn't put too much pressure on you.  I think it suits you.  Love that beautiful tall drink. Carry on!  :) the new picture!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Juliet and Wally good luck at your MO's day.  Juliet keep us posted as it sounds like you may be going for an MRI.  Hate when this stuff happens so soon.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    cmb, those pics ARE more flattering.  Wonder why People used the nerdiest one they had?

    marthah,  You also get credit for your taste in AGE-APPROPRIATE LUSCIOUSNESS, as he is a Middie too.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I don't know who Bradley cooper is either, but did anyone see crazy stupid love? Not age appropriate, but what a hunk Ryan Gosling is! But more age appropriate, though not quite in the same league, Steve Carrel is pretty cute too.

    Funny, I almost died laughing at the scene in crazy stupid love where he meets his daughter's boyfriend. My DH was watching the old show Soap on net flicks and that scene came right out of the first or second episode of soap. I can't remember which one it was. But I almost died laughing at that too. Didn't watch soap when it was first on.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    yummmmy thanks for the eye candy!!!!!  They both can be my "doctor feel good" anytime!! 

    Good Luck to all you gals who are having appointments today!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Claire - Thanks for the eye candy.  My appt is not until the 19th of Dec.  My November calendar is clear of any appts.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324
    Hi Everyone,  Janis, sooooooooooo happy for you!  Kay, sounds like you are in good hands.  ((((((HUGS))))) all around for everyone for you support when I was feeling really down.  It's a little better now with some rest and cold meds.  I might even try to make a real supper tonight for my DH.  Two of the grandkids will be over today for awhile so that should lift me up too.  I'm off this weekend so I'll get some much needed rest then too.  Thanks again!  Kitty
  • My ob/gyn scheduled me for surgery on Friday, December 2nd. It was either that date or next Wednesday afternoon right before Thanksgiving. We are in the middle of having our kitchen remodeled so the later date works better though it will make for an interesting pre-Christmas season around here!

    Has anyone else had the hyst/ooph? I was wondering how bad instant menopause is...

    I am so ready for 2011 to be over.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Oh My.. what a great way to wake up!! Rob Lowe  whoot whoot..Oh and Claire, I LOVE the apron!!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Sorry Jo--I got carried away. Had to many visions of sugar daddies in my head!! 

    Oh my Rob Lowe is just tooooooo perfect. I cannot fathom that he is only 47. talk about aging well, its just not fair. Once again, I think its the EYES!  

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    claire love the apron!   mo said calcifications are common p tx  but then he spoilt it by saying if its something we will have to talk!  came home to call from bs office ,playing phone tag with them right now,,  re mri apparently they have to do it  between day5-10 of your cycle and wont schedule until you call 1st day of period and of course i'm late !Undecided
  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Eli, here's another age appropriate hottie...always had a crush on Patrick sad when he passed.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    But here's a real throw-back hottie!

    Wondering who can guess this dude??? Kiss

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    P.S. I think maybe my mojo is coming back a little...

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    is it mark spitz?