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  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Wow give Janis a good cleaning out and she gets frisky, you go girl. 

    Jeanne welcome to the group.  The gals here are great.  Anytime you need to vent come here.  If ya need a giggle this is the place to come also.  We do have a fun time but if you ever have a question just post away.  

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    Paula - who is that?? Must be a youngster. Nice. I was digging Sam Elliot a lot, though.

  • marilyn113
    marilyn113 Member Posts: 26

    I'm 52.  Diagnosed in Sep.  First lumpectomy found DCIS.  Second found some IDC.  Having sentinel node biopsy next week.  My HER2 was borderline so they are doing the FISH test.  So at this point I don't know my treatment plan.  I have fibromyalgia so I'm very worried about how I'll handle treatment and working full-time.  (I'm the primary breadwinner and have the insurance.)  I already deal with pain and fatigue...will the treatments make it worse?   Radiation, chemo, and/or hormone therapy scare me more than the cancer does.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Oh Shellyey hes just some random dude I pick up on the internet, lol. 

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    marilyn, you will have some fatigue, but as others have said on the threads here, it's doable. waiting to hear what your treatment will be is the hardest part right now.  try to take it just a little at a time and once you know the plan of action, you'll get some relief.  this is a great place to be with lots of wonderful advice and much kindness.  stay in touch with us here and let us know how you do.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Welcome, marilyn113!  Let's just hope that your SNB comes back with clear nodes, then chemo won't even enter into the equation, other than possibly Heceptin if you do turn out Her2+.  Let me know if you take anything for your fibromyalgia?  I have FM pain in hands and feet. 
  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Welcome marilyn113. I second what YaYa5 said. She hit the nail on the head.

    Welcome, Jeanne! Nice to meet you. You have friends here. Please visit often.

    Hooray on the good report Janis.

    I'm SO glad that I signed on today to see all the beefcake!

  • marilyn113
    marilyn113 Member Posts: 26

    I'm trying to get my fibro pain under control before I start treatment.  Switching to a different antidepressant as the one I've been on a few years isn't working as well for the depression or pain (this was happening before my bc diagnosis).  I was recently prescribed Tramadol for pain but haven't taken any yet.  Can only take Tylenol currently since I have surgery next week.

  • Welcome marilyn113. I hope and pray that your surgery goes well and that your new antidepressant works well for you...
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    welcome newbies, hello buds that I haven't talked to in a while. I don't know where the time goes, but I miss you all and think of you daily...know that.  my boyfriend is a little camera shy, but I asked him if I could please take a pic to share with my friends because they seemed to be sharing pics of good looking men today. he wasn't thrilled, but let me take this shot just for you girls. some may not think he's "all that" but he's mine, and I love him.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome Jeanne and Marilyn!! You must think we are all a bunch of crazy old ladies today, we like to let loose especially after a l-o-n-g week of tests and doctors appts. Jeanne, you'll always find friends here--and we do like to give hugs and make each other laugh. Marilyn, you might want to search for a thread on FM, there are women here at BCO with similar issues. 

    Big hugs to both of you (((((((((( ))))))))))))) 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Now LeeAnn--that photo made me laugh out loud!!! Absolutely hysterical!!!

    Marlegal- thanks for bringing your boyfriend by. Big sigh.  Lucky girl!! Me, I just sit here and daydream. I like a man that can sing and dance and  make me laugh. Unfortunately, sometimes he forgets to trim his nails. . . ouch. . .  


  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Jeanne, welcome to the club! I would not hesitate for a second to get another script for the Xanax. I believe that we should do everything we can to help ourselves emotionally as we struggle with this physical challenge. I take Zoloft, often take Neurotin to help me sleep, and have Ativan on hand for when things get especially stressful. I find the Zoloft, especially, evens out my emotions and makes me cry less. I hope to drop all those at some point but, for now, I appreciate the pharmacological help.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    well mri sceduled for the 29th,wish it could be soonerFrown
  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    could not sleep last night. How come I'm stessing more about my job--and I only have 5 days left?  RRRRGGGHHH. Let's see if I can function and deal with the monster boss today without losing it. Thank god for my morning pick me up!


    My dad used to say people spend too much time sleeping and not LIVING life. So we would get us up with him at 5--we never slept pass 6, even on the weekends. Even at 50, I can't seem to be able to break that habit. Plus I can't fall asleep before midnight. Makes for a very short night of sleep. Now I can't live without coffee in the am (didn't start drinking it til I was 30).I envy anyone who can sleep more than 6 hours!  

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Claire, I have always been a poor sleeper and the same thing...a few hours is good for me.  Six is about normal on a good night.  I have had far too many night where I fall asleep about 3-4 and still get up before 6:00.  I too envy people who can really sleep well.

    Marilyn, nice to meet you and hope you can stay and find some comfort here.

    Juliet...I have to see my PCP on the 29th and get blood results for my cholesterol/diabetes.  Rut Roh.....I kind of fell off the oatmeal/salad wagon a couple months back.  I fully expect a tongue lashing!  I hope your MRI goes much better!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Welcome to Jeanne and Marilyn - I keep hoping that one day I will log on and there will be no newbies........hopefully one day. You will find great cyber friends here as well as great support without judgement.

    You girls really crack me up - I love the pics! Hope everyone has a terrific weekend.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    eli, fyi, my SNB was negative, but we opted for chemo anyway b/c my Oncotype score was 31. I would have opted for chemo even if it had been lower b/c my tumor was large enough. My BS called it a big dumb tumor...slow growing, low grade...

    marilyn, welcome! Has anyone mentioned having your tumor sent for Oncotype testing? If not, ask about it, My HER2 status was iffy, even after the FISH. The Oncotype testing clarified that.  And Yaya is right...just take things one day at a time. Have you contacted your HR department to get your FMLA paperwork rolling? If not, you should...asap. That will help tremendously in managing your time off.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Oh yeah, me some George and HughJackman! (Yes, I ran his name together on purpose...say it out loud ladies, and what do you get? Huge...) Kiss

    Happy Saturday, everybody!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh fibro!!! My worst enemy. I have just started long term disability because of it!! I just can't seem to get out of this flare. I've been off work for 5 months and am still struggling!! It is a horrid disease that is not fully realized until you meet someone who TRULY has it. A bed sheet touching my skin can sometimes send me into whirl pools of pain.. I take Cymbalta at it's maximum dose and some narcotics to allow me to function. The plan is to now lower the narcotics to see if I can be pain free...right! Tramadol was in my cocktail years ago. It worked for a while.

    Claire, DO you get an exit interview with the DM??

    Welcome to newbies...hate to see you here! And I know that you know what I mean...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    OK-I need to vent about a topic totally unrelated to BC.

    I don't know about your schools, but ours here in Oregon are operating on a shoestring.  There was an article in the paper on Tuesday about this HUGE debate competition at the high school right out my back door scheduled for today & they needed volunteers for judging the different events.  I was on the debate team at that very school 40 yrs ago and loved participating in the individual events (poetry reading, interpretive, expository, impromptu) so I indicated that I would love to work the AM shift today in something like those categories. Response--GREAT, please come. 

    I got up early (my normal work week time, but early for Saturday), showered, walked the dog, etc so that I could be there at 7:45 for "training" (please - don't get me started on what that entailed!  Can you say nothing???) And then they started handing out the assignments.  Next thing I hear is, "Thanks, please head to your locations."  I raise my hand & say I haven't received one yet & the gal goes, "Oh, I'm sorry.  The assignments are all taken.  I guess you are free to leave!"

    I WAS LIVID!  But I left without making a scene.  I intend to e-mail the person who was in charge about it tho'.  I would still be sleeping if I hadn't answered the call for volunteers!  Sure, it frees my day up, but I had planned to do this event!  ARGH!  Ticks me off!  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    marthah,  Too bad you were one of the ones with a surprisingly high OncoDx score, but yes, I can see why you might even want chemo with that size of tumor.  So, when I wrote to marilynn113, it's not really the same since her tumor is much smaller.  However, thanks for bringing up the OncoDx, as it usually does help with the decision for women with her Dx.

    marilynn113, Like marthah wrote, getting an OncotypeDx test often helps women make a decision about chemo.  It is mainly for early stage, low grade, node neg. women.  If you don't know about it, Google it and go onto the Genomics website to get it straight from the horse mouth, so to speak.

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85

    Hi Jeanne and Marilyn, and hi ladies,

    I am back. Had the bmx with recon and I am slowly getting into the swing again. LOVE the pix you girls are posting! I am taking the weekend off, not thinking about my troubles, and Mon I will resume figuring out what to do about the fact that my onc of 1 month got into a car crash and is out for 2 months! I have to decide whether to do chemo and tamox  or just tamox and they are shuffling patients to the other oncs on staff. What do I do? I was diagnosed in July, surg in Aug, surg in Sep and BMX in Nov. I can't really wait any longer to get the ball rolling, as I am 99% EST positive. I guess I should try to get a second opinion onc? 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    VictoriaB,   See the post I wrote above to marilynn113.  OncoytpeDx may help  your decision too.  Ask your BS about sending a sample, or the new MO.  FYI, results take 2-3 wks.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Is anyone on this thread currently taking Avastin?
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Saw that the FDA has banned that for BC. I hope insurance will still cover it for anyone who is currently on it and it's working for them.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I heard about the Avastin Eli.  Oh what?  What ticks me off is you can still get it to treat BC, but insurance companies will no longer pay for it.  Nice huh?

    Victoria welcome back!  Oh how sad about your Onc!  I sure hope that you can find a replacement soon that you are comfortable with.  I hope it all works out for you.

    Eph, how incredibly annoying!  I am sorry you dashed and got all ready for...nothing!  Unbelievable how disorganized they were.  I bet you wanted to tear your hair out...or theirs.  :(

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Avastin is not banned, but FDA has pulled its approval of the drug for B/C.  Doctors can still prescribe it.  It will now come down to whether your individual ins. will cover it.  Medicare is still covering it, but I'm thinking most in this group have another insurer.

    It helps a smaller segment of B/C women.  The ins. does not want to pay when the majority they pay for will not be helped.  That does make sense.  The gap is that there is no way to test beforehand who will respond to it.  Does anyone know what percentage of women seem to respond to it?

    I think it should get coverage IF you are on it already and your doc can substantiate the benefit to you.  That's why I was asking if anyone here does get it.  I am wondering if your coverage of it will continue on?  Maybe you don't know yet, but I am sure you will be adking about it very soon.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Did I miss something?  Where is this week's mystery pic?  Who was supposed to post it?

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    That's what I meant. I know docs can still prescribe it, and I guess it makes sense not to continue prescribing it if it won't work in most cases, but if you're already on it and it's working, it would be a crime not to continue to pay for it IMO.