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  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    janis, my cholestrol/blood sugar on high range of normal for last 2 checks but because the weight is going down escaped a tongue lashing and new prescriptions !lol

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Re: Avastin

    It's still approved by the FDA for other forms of cancer. They just pulled the indication for BC. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I had to go back and see who had won the Mystery Pic honors last was darlam, and I have not heard back from her.  The runner-up was Chrissyb (but our day is her night, so harder to get one at last minute notice.)   I will ask her to post one next weekend for us.

    So, just for fun, we will have a pic that Marybe has provided.  I knew she had one ready (and she has been trying real hard to "win" so she could use it.  We will just do this one for fun and, as always, prestige but not for posting next week.  Hopefully Marybe will stop by and tell us who the winner is tomorrow.


  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Saw my onc this week and he was frustrated about the avastin decision.  He said it was pulled for all the wrong reasons.  He said that almost all cancer drugs should carry the warning "may help you or may kill you."  Sad, huh?

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    I don't take it...just heard story on news right before I went in...

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532

    mp = a new orleans saint's tooth.  ha!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    The show I watched the other night about Avastin said it shows signs of helping in less than 25% of BC patients. Again though, we're concerned about those 25% it IS helping and whether they will continue to be able to afford it. The annual cost to insurance companies was astronomical, which of course means that the manufacturer was raking it in. Unfrigginbelievable.

    Mystery pic ... I'm going with the black part being the base of an electric device, and the fleur de lis shaped thing (minds out of the gutters!!!) is a plug of some sort, like packing material type plug. And that it's all sitting on a countertop. Can't wait to see how far off base I am!!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    a fancy shnoz for Mr. Potato Head

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Got my tattoo today!! I am so excited about it.  Hubby wasnt but thats ok.  It did smart really good on the foot, but he did a great job and it was well worth it.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Paula, I didn't know you could do all that many colours in one day! Don't know why that should make a difference, really... Why isn't it all red and sore looking?? Is it temporary like a decal? Looks like that Steve Hardy (?) guy.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    all I can say is WOW!!!! That's impressive!!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Barb it took him about 2.5 hrs to do it.  He is really good at what he does.  He has done all my ink.  It is a permanet tattoo for sure.  A word to the wise the foot hurts like crazy.  He couldnt believe that I wasnt jumpn all around while he did it.  Trust me I wanted to.  I think its the angle of the camera that isnt showing the red and sore. His hands have to be ready to fall off after today.  My kids wanted ink also so he did them after he did mine.  It was a family outing at the tattoo shop today thats for sure.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It's really beautiful!! I want to do one on my mast scars but think I need to lose a bit of weight first as there is a bit of loose skin just above the scar line. There always something stalling me from doing day I'm just going to stun and amaze everyone (who will never see it!) and just do it!! My Step DD has one on her foot and up her shin. I shudder to think what she'll look like in a wedding dress....sigh. (She's only 25!)

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I hear ya barbe.  Just jump in and do it!!!  Have you thought about what your gonna do yet! Thats the olnly tattoos that I know the hubs will have real issues with so mine will be awhile.  I want them covered up.  The bonus is I will not feel it.  I am pretty much numb across my chest. I just love them.  My mom just freaks out at all mine.  In the summer she goes on about them when I wear a tank top.  I just think of it as my jewlery since I dont wear hardly ever wear any or own much.  But all mine are covered by clothes but I did them for me so I can see them anytime I want.  

  • DenimBlue
    DenimBlue Member Posts: 9

    Hi everybody, and welcome Marilynn (I am also new). My sister has fibromyalgia and I know how much pain she has so I feel for you.

    I will be doing good if I can post about once a day. Thank you everyone for all the welcomes.  Yes, I have decided to ask for more Xanax.  The interesting thing is I have only been seeing my GP once a year and so I haven't seen him since last November which was "before".  There is a lot to get him caught up on. (He knows about the BC because he's also my sister's doctor and she goes to him often and I know she has mentioned it, but I have had to see so many other doctors that I haven't been to him.)  The Xanax prescription came from my surgeon back in May, when I was having some anxiety issues before the surgery, and I only took a few of them and then was ok for awhile.  So I will explain everything to the GP week after next and hopefully he'll either prescribe more or suggest something else helpful.

    Today was a good day. No horrible mood swings or crying or yelling at my poor husband (partly because I stayed away from home most of the day. It was the only way I could be sure he would have peace.) Laughing I did a lot of exercise at the gym and then went to the craft store to pick up yarn. I met a wonderful lady who asked me for advice about the color of something she wanted to knit for her daughter, who it sounded like is about my age, and then she helped me pick out yarn for a special prayer shawl I want to crochet for a friend.  It made me realize I need to get out more and just talk to people.  Best day I've had in a while.

    I sure like reading all the posts. Love the colors in that tattoo! Very nice.

    The mystery pic looks to me like part of a dog's chew bone (one of those nylon ones) against something like a lamp base.  That's probably because I spend a lot of every day looking at dogs and their toys.

  • marilyn113
    marilyn113 Member Posts: 26

    George or Hugh?  Now that would be a tough choice.  How about both??

    I know I need to stop looking so far ahead.  One step at a time...get through the lymph node biopsy.  Some of the nodes are so swollen from my surgery on the 8th.  I hope that doesn't cause a problem.

    I'll read up on oncotypedx.  Thanks for the tip.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Jeanne Im glad you had a great time out today.  I has taken me along time to get over alot with this BC.  You go from one mindnumbing event for months and trying to heal from it all can be overwelming at times.  Good luck at your GP visit.  Im sure he willl be able to help you. 

    I say the MP is one of those gummy candy body parts, a nose (ya I know where your mind was going) from halloween.  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Paula, The tat is beautiful.  I am way to chicken to do that plus I don't think I could take the pain.  I was in tears with the 3 little rad tats.  

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Evening Ladies, I do beleive I over-did today! DH and I took our labs out for a run, we visited a craft fair, then came home and bathed the pups. I scrubbed my dog after DH lifted her in the tub. Well, now my arm around where the SNB was done is quite sore. Kinda like muscle pull sore. I lift my arm and it lets me know it.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Lory48,  It is important NOT to overdo it on the SNB side for a while.  You don't want to stop moving your arm, but you don't want anything that will cause more soreness...because that will keep inflamation in the area...which will make the fluids come there...which may not drain out properly...and that's how LE begins.  Just some preventative warning from me.

    Paula66, Very artful tattoo there.  Do me a favor...once the swelling goes down, take another picture and post it right-side up so we can fully appreciate the beauty that candy skull.  It looks good on a foot.

    marlegal,  Thanks for the percentage on the Avastin.  I hope they are not yanking the insurance coverage for people it is currently helping.  You know, I think the price is a big factor.  There are other drugs that help only a percentage of users, and there is no squawk about covering those.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Paula - WOWZA on the tattoo.It's beautiful. I've played with the idea of getting tattoos over my MX scars. Don't know that I have the guts to do it though. If I got one, it would probably be a small one over my porta cath scar. The scar is right over my heart and I'd like a little bird, in memory of my mother, who's nickname was Birdie. Of course, she would absolutely kill me for even thinking of doing something like that.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Girls, I have several tattoos & wanted one to cover a surgery scar on my knee.  My tat guy says NOT to tattoo over scar tissue-he says it's more painful (The scar on my knee is numb as is the skin around it but he said underneath where the needle will hit isn't) So I'd check with your peeps before doing it on mastectomy scarring, etc.  I want one to go over or around my port scar, but it's been about 14 years since my last tattoo & I think I feel pain more now than I used to.  We shall see. 

  • darlam
    darlam Member Posts: 24

    elimar...Sorry about not posting a picture. Guess I misunderstood. I thought I was supposed to post on Sunday (today). Didn't mean to spoil the game:)

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195


    The brunch sounds great!!!!LOL Have a wonderful Thanksgiving:)

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks for the tip Joni!  I have to wait awhile for that one.  My guy wants me to wait a year after final surgery to get it done.  After doing my foot it gives me an idea of the pain issue for my scars.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Thank you Elimar..Will definetely slow down a bit on that side. Feels better this morning.

  •   Not many are guessing on the mystery pic and since I am there by default anyway, should I just go ahead and tell you what it was?.....or do some of you want to guess still?  Thank you for including me Elimar since I am never able to guess my way into winning. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Don't feel badly, I have been no where near the right guess either. I am trying to come up with a guess, but I am really stumped.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    mp - a piece of salt water taffy!!!!!

  • samsue
    samsue Member Posts: 599

    I'm totally stumped on the MP so I'll just guess button.

    I tell anyone that wants to listen when they're talking about tatto's that I've got two... but they're in a place you can't see. Then I smile sheepishly. Gets them every time! They would never figure that I would have any (but we know what their from....)

    Going for my 6 mo mamo on the 30th so I've got the results for the RO. He did the MRI and unilateral mamo in July. This time we do both.