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  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Happy for you Barb58!! Awsome of luck to all the others with upcoming appts/surgeries etc.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Barb.Woot, woot, Pass the bubbly!! Make some noise!! ( gotta get out of our system before your surgery on Friday!!)


    Juliet - i'll hold your hand if you hold mine tomorrow morning!! You first, my appt isn't until 945. i have already read my crystal ball and saw nothing but good news for both of us!!  

    oh wait thats my snow globe. . . .  

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Claire you really make me smile!  Great news Barb!!!  Good luck everyone with this weeks appointments.  I love a good pocket party!  Kitty

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    i take any good news in what ever shape it comes!  will put the bubbley on ice for both of us when we finish tomorrow

  • I'm hoping and praying that your appointments go well tomorrow Claire and Juliet!
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Snow globes, crystal balls, same thing! The PPP is having a pocket party tomorrow, that should be quite a party. I will hop from Juliet's to Claire's, wishing best possible news for both of you.

    Great news Barb! Hope your ooph goes smoothly and recovery is easy.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Okay Eli, I'll put the thinking cap on and see if I can't stump you all

    Godd luck for all those with appointments, I know what it's like to be dx during the holidays and it sure does mess with the good cheer.

    Off to check out the thousands of

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I have my RE-biopsy again on Wednesday. They are doing the nodes in my neck again. Then the ENT called today to say he wanted to do a thyroid biopsy on the 9th of Dec. Whatever. I'm not cancelling the one this Wednesday as the nodes are much further up my neck than my thyroid!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Will have you in my thoughts on Wednesday Barbe......good luck!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Pocket Party for Barbe on Wednesday.  Better wear something with lots of pockets or at least deep ones.  Will be thinking about you - also, I promise to try and behave - LOL!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I have to do THIS because the bimbo from last week didn't get the radiologist like I asked her too! I could have all this handled in the ultrasound last Monday!! Oh, no, this is just a follow-up! she says. Yep! A follow-up to lumps! Doi!!!! The first sample was sub-optimal for those that may not remember. Now that the lumps have had time to grow bigger, the radiologist will have a bigger target!!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I'm keeping good thoughts for all the sisters who are having biopsies & tests this week or very soon. Claire ~ Barb58 ~ Juliet ~ barbe1958 ~ I hope I haven't missed anybody.

    I remember the dispair of being dx'ed & having to wait for my Oncotype DX score during the festive holiday season & preparing for Rads and the unknown. So, thank you, E, for the reminder to check out the "Just Diagnosed" thread to help our new sisters going through this terror with hugs of hope.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I'm getting things around to take a few days off to head north to have a family Christmas with DD#2 & grandchildren. I'm leaving Thursday and will be back Dec 6. I'll miss everyone, but I know the few days away will help me clear my mind. With the little ones keeping me busy I know I won't have much time to think of much but toys, games, & playing!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    have a wonderful time valjean

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Have a wonderful time, Val.

    Keeping all in my thoughts who are going for tests!!

  • VictoriaB
    VictoriaB Member Posts: 85

    Hi Ladies,

    I am thinking about all of you and those who have tests this week--Barb58, Barb 1958, Claire and Juliet-hope everything goes well. What a great idea to think up a pocket party! 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    For the Barbs and Claire I will be thinking of you gals and make room for me in the pockets.

    I have been wanting to pull some OT in the shop but I have been having some issues with my muscles by my right armpit.  This has been off and on since the exchange.  It started when I went to pound some chicken breasts out and after a few weeks it let up.  I still mash taters old school and did a huge pot for Thanksgiving.  Now its really screaming at me.  Has anyone had this problem and when does it go away.  If I need to swing a hammer or tweek some parts I have to be able to this without the pain or they wont let me weld.  I really miss it.  I like my job now but I do miss being in the trenches as well.  I know it sounds crazy but I love what I did and that is in my blood. It really upsets me when I think Im past a certain point an bam Im not.  UGH will this ever end.  I just want to be able to swing a hammer and smack parts into place if I need to.  Let alone lift and pull tubs around.  This sucks!!  This is the cleanest my hands have been in years.  I miss the grease under my nails, the sounds of the machines, the smoke, and the melting of the filler metal.  Ok enough of the pity party for me!  Thanks for the mini rant. I know its sounds crazy that Im whining like this but its so hard for me to just be sometimes.  I am a doer and am having troubles not being able to be a doer and be a thinker instead.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    I am so glad none of these have any calories, please everyone have one, they are finger licking good! 

    They are a lot yummier than the oatmeal sitting in front of me. Whose got the lattes??? Peppermint mocha latte for me!! 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Oh, Claire, they are my favorites! So much better than oatmeal. You really know how to throw a party. I have an iPad now. I don't seem to be able to copy and paste pics with it, don't even have the tree icon any more when I am posting or cappucinos would be on me. I'll be hanging out in both your pockets this morning sending out all the good wishes and thoughts possible. Good luck!

  • I'm wondering if anyone here has had the hyst/ooph done and could tell me how their recovery time was. I keep thinking about all of the things I still need to do for Christmas and wondering if I'll be depressed from the instant menopause.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Paula, let's put a different spin on this. You have moved to the "corner office" from the typing pool and now get to wear the clean clothes! Of course you miss your old job and the tasks you did then, but you are older now and deserve the white collar job!! Why don't you find a hobby that you enjoy and use it to get your creative juices flowing in another direction. Needlepoint? Crochet???

    Barb, I had a HUGE mental break with my hysterectomy years ago. I had NO idea my funk was caused by the surgery! I ended up at the ER afraid for my life!! I hate to scare you, but it can hit hard and fast. I had NEVER heard of the issues I was dealing with before I had my surgery so I was very frightened. I thought I was losing my mind! If you are under the care of a doctor for your moods, let him know what you are about to do. An adjustment in your medication may be all that's needed. I've also heard of women who sail right through it all without a hiccup. You just don't know which way you'll react until you do it. Just knowing ahead could ease your fear though....

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Valjean,  Enjoy the early holiday time.  Maybe there will be "just a little" snow, enough to make the woods look pretty.

    Paula66,  You have not found the "new normal" of your new job yet.  (Oh, I cannot believe I just wrote that!  Just smack me!)   Please take it easy with that arm.  That pain is trying to tell you something.  I had some arm pain and SNB twinges for about a year with just a lumpectomy.  They pretty much rearranged your whole chest, so it needs a longer time to settle down.  You don't want to get inflamation, which will send the fluids right in and your lymph channels aren't what they used to be.  Do not risk getting lymphadema!  If you can't find someone to pitch in and mash those taters for you next time, you might have to buy them in the box.  (Oh, I cannot believe I wrote that either.)  

    I think we all have that urge to get back to our lives just as they were before B/C, to prove to ourselves that it hasn't beaten us or changed us, but sometimes we have to make a few concessions.  Above all, there is no rushing the recovery.  It just does not work.

  • ABuie
    ABuie Member Posts: 1

    Hello ladies, I just found this site.  I've been battling Stage IV breast cancer for 5 years.  When I was diagnosed my family prayed for 5 years and here we are.  The battle gets tougher everday as I am sure you all know.  I've taken so much chemo that my heart is getting really pissed off and wants to stop pumping.  I've done so well up until now with the mental game.  The depression seems to be taking me over and I can't escape it.  The worst is that I'm just tired of being nice.  I'm tired of sharing painful parts of my life with people who just want the horrific details.  I'm tired of people asking me how I'm doing when I know they don't really want to know.  They want me to say everything is wonderful.... well it ain't.  I know this is a horrible introduction to the group but I have felt so angry and alone this week I just desperately needed to get it out.  I promise to be more positive.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    It is okay to feel that way, and this is a good place to get it out. We all "get" it. I think elimar is right it's especially hard at this time of year with everyone else seemingly going about enjoying and celebrating.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Oh, and abuie, to see I get how you feel, read my tag line. People shouldn't ask how you feel if they can't handle the answer IMO.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    ABuie- No apologies needed. Venting is an important function of this group and we all feel the need to "speak the truth" from time to time. There are times that positive just "don't get it done". Know that we are there with you and post anytime regardless of how you are feeling. Hugs.

  • Carrie2010
    Carrie2010 Member Posts: 1
    Hi I am new here. I wanted to know if anyone has ever had nodules in the lung after Breast Cancer? I am 46 I have been clear a year from Triple Neg Breast Cancer. Now from a trip to hospital i have found out a have nodules. unknown yet how many or anything. Awaiting for my onco to read everything. I dont think i can go thru this again. Undecided
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    ABuie vent away.  Thats what we are here for.  Do it any time.  Oh and welcome to the board!

    Same for you too Carrie welcome.  

    Eli and Barb thanks for the advice.  I am trying to find the way to a different state of mind.  But its been a ride.  And box taters are out of the question, lol.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    ABuie,  Welcome!  For various reasons, the non-B/C community often has no idea of how to interact with someone who has B/C.  That goes for me too, a few years ago.  I wasn't any different than my awkward friends.  Here, in this online community, we all speak the same language (with maybe just a few different dialects.)  You will find understanding here.

    I don't want to sound like a pusher-woman, but are you taking meds for anxiety and/or depression?  If not, ask a doc about getting something before you get taken over.  If you already are taking something, maybe the doc needs to make a change to get you feeling better.  Last, but not least, having those feelings are totally normal when cancer is so random, so unfair, and fights so dirty, and the nasty chemo is the best they are able to do for you. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    First, welcome to ABuie and SO SO glad you found us.  We are all ears when it comes to venting.  You won't scare us or bore us so please get it out!  I am so, so sorry for your pain.  Please know you are in my thoughts, and many hugs are headed your way.

    I see Claire has done well with the pocket parties!  I have missed you guys, but for various reasons just have not been posting.  You gals mean more to me than you know.  You have lifted my heart and sprirts, made me laugh and cry.  You have brought me friendship and joy.  I want you to know how very much you mean to me.  I will try not to take such long absences. 

    My thyroid biopsy was clear, so good news there.  Now my potassium is elevated and my PCP is very concerned.  He ordered a new blood test this morning to see if it is still elevated.  I asked him how elevated, and he said enough to be potentially dangerous.  Oh boy.  I have been having severe neck pain...chronic but worse lately.  I wonder if the Arimidex makes it worse?  So, he has ordered PT for my neck.  Also horrible insomnia.  Now he wants me to go to behavioral counseling for that!  So, I see my RO Thursday and that was my only appointment for the rest of the year.  Not anymore!  I have to see the therapist Dec. 5th and my PCP again the 30th plus PT in between.  Ladies I know you all understand how frustrated I am.  Now just waiting for him to call with the results of the blood work this morning to see about that potassium.  This has me a bit worried.

    Even if I don't post, please know you are in my heart and I think of you all daily!  I am thinking of all you having procedures and wishing for positive outcomes for everyone, always.

    Love and big hugs to all.