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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Wow Janis, that is quite a change. Did you make any other changes besides oatmeal? If mine ends up being high, I guess I am going to have to give it another try. I have been believing the cheerios commercials and eat them for breakfast a lot.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Barbe--good luck at your biopsy today. I hope they get a decent sample so you can get some answers you deserve!! Make room in your bag for me!!

    Valjean-have fun with your family. What a great way to start the holiday season!

    Samsue--jumping in first in your pocket for that mammo. Here's to an all clear!! Sorry there's no sticky buns left but I baked some fresh just for you!

    Oatmeal seems to work for me, but I have to doctor it up like Janis does, frozen blueberries, cinnamon, sweetner,but I use whole not quick, its thicker. My cholestorol was at its high at the end of my chemo at 258--I think as I get further away, the more back to "normal" it gets. My PCP does it every 3 months along with my thyroid check. Neither doc seemed too concerned when it was high during TX cause they said with what all is going on in my body, that gets out of whack too. Just glad its back low, one less thing to worry about. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I guess I will have to give oatmeal another try, with less milk and more fruit and cinnamon. I have McCanns Irish oatmeal (which my bil told me was good) and Quaker Oats in the round canister. Not sure if they're instant or not, but I will try them first since I think I've only eaten about 2 bowls of each of them. I do like the idea of having something hot for breakfast. I guess hot sticky buns won't do the trick?

    Barbe, I am jumping in your pocket with the cappuccinos. You deserve answers, and you'll get them this time. Good luck, and thinking nothing but benign thoughts.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Kay I use Quaker Instant oats, cook them on the stovetop.  My hubby likes them thinner so he just adds milk to his.  I rarely eat red meat, but honestly because we can't afford it.  Unemployment here is horrible and there are no jobs.  Chuck too SS at 66 and it is not a lot so we really have to scrimp.  Apparently that helps!  I think my biggest problem really was butter.  I cannot stand any margarines, has to be real butter.  I used to use tons of butter in potaotes, or pancakes, bread, toast......I love my butter.  That was the first thing I cut back on, almost to the point I didn't eat it at all.  I don't drink milk just because I don't like it.  Bacon is too expensive, so that is good!   So....I was very worried and very motivated in April and our personal poor economy actually has helped.  I can buy a whole chicken and make three meals out of it.  That butter though....well, I buy it on sale but keep it frozen and just keep a small amount at room temp.  That helps a lot!

    Barbe......good luck today hon!!!  In your pocket!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks for the comments about which doc checks your cholesterol.  I don't feel too bad now about my MO.  My trouble is I do not see my PCP regularly.  Before B/C, my GYN did my yearly blood draws for health screening.  I loved that.  One stop shopping.  I'd have him do everything again and just send the report to my MO, but I stagger those visits so they can each grope me months apart.

    Last year, my cholesterol was high.  For me.  It was in the 190's.  I wasn't fasting or even watching out how many Cheetos I ate the day before.  This time, the nurse said just avoid the fats for a few days before I come in, so we'll see if I go down.  My triglycerides just crossed the line into high.  Did you know Tamox. can send that number shooting up?  Yeah.  I hope I am not higher this year.  I'll be doing all that in Jan.

    Barbe & Samsue, come back and tell me something good!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Did you spot yourself in the picture I have at the top today?


    I'm on the far left.  I wore a bun to go with my severe looking suit.  I look like a freakin' intern.  (I'm pretty sure I can spot Eph...wonder if I am correct?)  Where are you?   Is Barbe there (or did did she run off to the ladies room?)  Which one are you?

  • I would be one of the ladies standing in the back.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    I would be the gal in the middle, dressed in purple.. she is kinda tall like me.. :)

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I tried, but I think I was in the bathroom for the shot. As for the biopsy, apparently they're not worried about the neck nodes on the right. I do have a 1 cm mass on the left side of my thyroid. That's what they went for. He really dug in good, told me I'd have a huge bruise and have a nice day. So now I wait. He said at least a week.

    Oatmeal is so much fun! Get a trail mix and put that in as you heat the oatmeal. I use instant. I put water in a bowl at the level I want the oatmeal to be and then just add the oatmeal. Then I nuke it for 2 minutes. Perfect!! I use figs, dried cherries, trail mix and for a sweetener....try.....coconut flakes!!! I add a bit of milk to make it creamy and that's it. WONDERFUL!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Mmmmmm, figs!  Bring me a figgie pudding and bring it out now.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eli my MO did it this year because I made him feel bad that he draws my blood every three months and did not want to get stuck again.  At my MO they do my bloodwork first in the lab then you go see the Dr.  The lab told me next time just get the order from my GYN who normally does it yearly and just bring it in with me and they can draw it for her with the same stick. This year I had been on tamox about 4 months when I had my cholesteral checked and my ratio had lower.  I always have overal high, but my good chol is really high and my bad is low so my ratio is great.  This time my good was a little lower and my bad was a little higher.  I am really hoping that was a fluke and not going to continue to change.  I already eat oatmeal every day for breakfast and work out all the time.  However my Dad died at 49 of a heart attach so I do have the  genes.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Barbe......good luck! I hope that you get the results before a week. Waiting sucks.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sherryc,  I remember you told me about your GYN doing that before.  When I asked mine if he could do the same, he thought it would creat some kind of billing problem, not to mention putting work on another doctors lab and employees, so he didn't go for it.
  • Barbe....waiting a week stinks. Hoping and praying for good results for you....

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Welcome newbies!  Vent away, cry, scream, laugh, it's all good here.  Great news Janis and ClaireBarbe-Your waiting with friends, so vent as needed girl.

    I'm the girl in front with the skirt above her knees.  I always like the younger clothes.  Too bad they don't make me look young!  My PCP does my blood work.  I go in next Monday for that.  Hope my cholesterol is even lower this time and my A1C.  Diet is a 4 letter word to me so I don't even think of it as something I have to do, I just try to eat right.  Oatmeal, YUM, I like mine with raisins and walnut pieces and splenda.  I use water rather than milk (don't like milk, YUCK!)  Kitty

  • beccad
    beccad Member Posts: 189

    Hmm, if that is the picture from work I missed that one.  I would be the one in my jammies, oops I meant scrubs. 


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Eli I cant find my spot in the pic.  It musta been taken while I was out sick one day, lol!  I can safely say Im not the chic in a dress!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I have never worn a suit in my life.  All the ladies look great, but I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of person.  Clearly I was not a part of this semi formal group pic.  Maybe I was in the bathroom with Barbe.  You know how we have to go in pairs! :)

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    Is that me in the back with the blue top and long red hair? Must be an old picture, since my hair's short now... though I'm growing it long again, so maybe it's a photo from the future??

    Hugs to all!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    LOL Janis.  I remember when a dude at work asked me what a mammogram was like.  I said lets go put your sack in that vice over there and let tightn it down a far as it will go.  Needless to say never was I asked again. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I always call it a Slam-O-Gram.  Just seems to be more descriptive!  :)

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    I had a new nurse yesterday. She's going down her list of questions and she asks if I have had surgery. "Yes, a double mastectomy in January. Her next question--you can't make this up--have you had a mammogram in the last year?? Uh--hello???

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    OMG Claire, Im shocked!

  • Aerial
    Aerial Member Posts: 33

    Welcome to this site and this thread, newbies!

    We understand the roller coaster of emotions that go along with cancer.  Vent all you need to, feel how you feel and express it openly.  I used to be worried about "political correctness."   I'm tired of that now so, I just say how I feel and what is on my mind.

    Speaking of the mind and emotions, I want to encourage anyone who is feeling depressed to see a counselor and try medication.  My counseling sessions and meds have helped me so much!  I've been on that downward spiral into the depression pit and it's a dark place. When you fight cancer, you need and deserve help in the face of depression.

    Elimar--I love your quote about cancer!  It is so true, too...."cancer is so random, so unfair and fights so dirty..."  Words of truth, girl.  Words of truth.

    On to the photo-- I'm the blonde in the very back wearing a red top (jacket?). I love to be in the back row for group pictures--I try to hide my "wide-load" hips!  Wink  Smile

  • noodle6
    noodle6 Member Posts: 32

    Funny Claire, I bet that gives you lots of confidence in the new nurse huh?

    I missed getting in the picture, I was out riding my mule.

    1/2 way thru the week, I hope those who have had tests are good & I'm keeping fingers crossed for those still going in this week. I'll bring along some of my new favorite (healthy) treat, apples smothered with honey & cinnamin...or maybe some mint chocolate chip ice cream to the PPs

    I'm beginning to feel better just reading up on all your posts. I was a bit grumpy today thinking about upcoming surgery. What a pain in the butt.... Thanks girls! 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Five pages I just blinked and you all wrote 5 pages worth!!!  Hugs and all best wishes to those still undergoing testing this week. Fitting into so many pockets is going to be great for my diet :)  I was during chemo during the holidays my year of tx and while it sucked, it had its up sides too. It was the first year we just stayed home with our own children instead of travelling around to family member's houses and some new traditions were born. I'm glad it was so long ago that the bad parts fade into my memory and that's what I wish for all of you. Oh, by the way, I need volunteers to find out what those on my gift list want ... any takers? I don't mind buying/shopping I just have no idea what to get, i.e. my own kids ... daughters 33 and 34. One married, one engaged. Why do I see so many shoulders raising and heads going from one side to the other??? Come on friends!!!  LOL

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Claire........Good thing I wasn't drinking anything when I read your post!  LOLOLOL....oh my!  She went to University of Stoopid! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I'm just doing stockings this year. My stockings are about $50 worth of stuff and the kids miss them.  Now I have to do spouses too! I always get socks for the guys and they are so pitifully thankful!! Why don't guys buy their own socks?

    Last year I did a gift for each plus a house gift, but now I have 3 grandsons (only 2 last year) so it's going to get expensive if I don't cut it down. I'm old enough to know that my gifts aren't the highlight of their Christmas, I just want to make it fun. My son (30!) LOVES when I wrap everything that goes into the stockings. That's the hardest part!!! New toothbrush, deck of cards, crossword puzzle book, special edition magazine, socks, lip chapsticks, lip gloss, mitts, bath scrubbies, etc. They have a ball.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    noodle6,  So glad you did not show up for the photo, if you had one of those mules with you.  A mule always acts up and tries to be the center of attention in group shots.  I don't know why.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Because they're asses?