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  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    YaYa - PP stands for Pocket Party - and we have a lot of those around here.  Whenever someone is going for a test or an appt, we find out what time this is to take place and we jump in that person's pockets and go along for support.  You must join us for one - they really are fun.  Sometimes we even have food and drinks - on occasion - eye candy.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    i've been around for pocket parties, but for the life of me, i couldn't figure the PP out.  duh.  it makes sense now.  thank you Barb58 and jo!
  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ladies!

    Sorry I've been MIA since Thanksgiving, but life has been super-busy the past 2 weeks. Along with all the good holiday stuff, I came down with a stomach virus I picked up from the grandbabes over Thanksgiving. It didn't present itself until the following week when I was trying to care for my DD who'd just had arthroscopic knee surgery. Ugh. I hadn't thrown up in years! Even through chemo. Blech!

    I start the tamox train's to ZERO SE's. 

    Missed you guys! And welcome to the new folks who have joined while I've been in abstentia. to bed...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Hugs to everyone!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hey Marthah join us at the Bottle of Tamoxifen. We have a good time and the gals are helpful too!  Some of the gals here also post there too!

    Hope all is well with everyone today.  Been going thru a blue time since my daughter left.  I tried my hardest to get her to stay but it didnt work.  I am so sad again.  I even broke down in the airport as she left.  Im sure all the people walking by thought I was a crazy woman, but I dont care.  That is a piece of myheart that got got on a plane that day and I was sad.  Even tried some auction therapy but that didnt help either.  I just wasnt feeling it.  I was still numb from here leaving.  I cant go into her room again.  It breaks my heart so. I just try and focus on the time we did have. 

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Got my Oncotype score yesterday -- an 8. My DH and I were ecstatic until the MO reminded us that the scores were for women with node-negative BC. She said for women like me, with node involvement, the standard of care was chemo/rads/hormone therapy. But she gave me 3 choices: 1) chemo; 2) no chemo; or 3) a clinical trial in which half the women would be assigned chemo, half not. It's a trial to help docs determine, down the road, how to deal with node-postive, low Oncotype score women, to see at what point (score-wise), the chemo does no good.

    I slept very little last night, but I think I'm going ahead with the chemo. T/Cx4. My thinking: If I ever had a recurrence, I would wonder whether it would not have happened if I had had chemo. I know there's no guarantee, but I think I don't want to take that chance. 

    Any advice?

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    ((((((((((((PAULA)))))))))))))) remember the fun you had with your daughter--that will always be in your heart--and look forward to the next time you are together.

    Marthah--welcome to the Tamox train. It took me a few months to acclimate, and now I don't know if I feel weird just cause I'm 50 and getting older or cause of Tamox. . . .Embarassed

    Wave-what a decision you have. I think the thing you have to think about is your node involvement. Personally, I wanted the kitchen sink thrown at mine but we are all different. Chemo is doable--as much as I HATE that word--I can't think of another way to describe it.Good luck with your decision.

    Leisaparis--i hope they find your pain and soon!! Having had a couple of TVUS myself, I understand the major discomfort. Ye--oww!!!

    Eli-what do the chestnuts taste like? Last time I was in NYC in December, there were roasted chestnuts on every corner. I'll have to say  that I wasn't too fond of the smell--so I didn't try them.

    Have to shop today---my son's band concert is tonight and he has grown out of his black pants. Skinny and tall, can't figure out who he is related to!!Wink

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    So I forgot to bitch. . .  woke up this morning with a very badly pulled muscle in my chest. It hurts to breathe. Trying to figure out what I did in my sleep that would cause me so much pain. Trying to remember what I dreamed about. . . .

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hey everyone just checking in. Glad all the testing and appointments are going the right way. Hope it continues. Welcome newbies this is a good place to vent if you need. We've all been there done that in one form or another so really get it.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Matthau, my fellow October rads buddy, I started tamoxifen a couple weeks ago. I am reading on the tamoxifen thread. A lot of good info and good ladies there. I agree with Claire, not sure if the things I am experiencing are from tamoxifen, Herceptin or just getting older. My biggest complaint is joint pain. I have some mild hot flashes. I know this is weird, but I am always cold and actually like the hot flashes.

    (((((Paula)))))), my DS went back to grad school in Minnesota, I know how you feel.

    Barb and Trisha, I will be there for your pocket parties, sending all the good thoughts I have and keeping fingers and toes crossed.

    Wave, tough decision. I honestly don't know why anyone would do the study. I guess they just figure they can't make up their minds, so they let chance do it for them. I didn't have a choice, and I have some of the more serious side effects, but so far, have been recovering from them, and still don't regret doing chemo.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wave, why the HECK did your MO put you through the test if he figured you needed chemo anyway??? What a swing of emotions you must have felt in a very short period of time....!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yeah, Wave, I thought that since they now gave OncoDx test to women with 3 or less positive nodes, it was because the outcome was the same for them as for node meg. women.  You might want to investigate that further.  Maybe call Genomics "help line" too, to get a better understanding on the findings for node positive.  Your doctor might not even be clear on that.

    Doing chemo is not the end of the world & your doc has recommended what seems to be the minimum around here.  But since she has put the ball in your court to choose, why not have a clearer idea of what the OncoDx score means for you?

  • LDi
    LDi Member Posts: 1

    I fit the criteria for this group and I am thankful for this community. I wish I had more time...but have 2 Doc Apts. today. So sick of going to Doctor Apts. But I look forward to getting to know the group. Looking forward to offering & receiving support and sharing any latest research, etc. So for today, just wanted to send prayers & hugs to all:) Anyone in this group with ER & PR+ that have decided not to take Arimidex or anything similiar. I am not promoting this decision....but with other health issues, I have decided against Armdx. My Rad. Onco supports my decision....but I am certain she would not reccommend it. Looking forward to hearing from you all. Must run for now. ((()))

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, LDi.  Is Tamoxifen an option for you?  Sometimes it is used for post-menopausal women in place of an AI.  Is it something that might not exacerbate your other health issues?  Good Luck at both appts. today!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I want to beat my little dog to death.  I bought some really cute wedge high heel sandles (on sale) with a big blingy cross on them and my dog chewed them up yesterday.  I have not even worn them.  It was cold so we left her in the house.  Well today it is cold and her butt is outside.  DH tied the shoe around her neck and put her outside when he went to check on her had she chewed the shoe off and chewed in into a zillion peices in her dog bed outside.   Of course he called me laughing at the whole thing.  He would not have been laughing if it was a pair of his boots.  Can't remember the last time she chewed something, it is not a normal occurance for her, but I'm not giving her any slack all the same.uggggggggggggggggh

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Dang Sherry - I know how much you like things with crosses.  I bet you wanted to beat the crap out of that dog. I know I would have.  Bad dog!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, Sherryc!  She sounds quite proud of winning her "shoe medallion." 

    I wonder if a mule would be that naughty?

  • I have an appointment with my MO tomorrow and I'm thinking she's going to want to start me on Arimidex. I think that I would like to let my body adjust to no ovaries for a month or so (and heal a bit from surgery) before I hit it with something else. Does that sound reasonable?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    LovesChristmas - I think that is very reasonable.  Our poor bodies are put through the wringer and back.  Doesn't hurt to take a breather.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb58 I think that is totally resonable. 

    Eli I think she was quiet proud.  I stopped by my house at lunch real quick and DH had set it on the counter.  I had to laugh at it when I saw it.  I thought maybe I should glue that pretty bling bling cross to her butt. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Wow o wow that really frosted your cookies Sherry.  Our dogs did the same to my shoes.  Always mine but never the hubby's, why is that?

  • noodle6
    noodle6 Member Posts: 32

    Elimar, mules are usually more like cleptos than destroyers--unless you're talking flower beds.

     Paula66 it may be because your feet smell tastier. ;o)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I am so intrigued by your mules.  Anything with a bray like that just has to be fun.  Hee-Haw!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    You guys are aware of the pun here, right??? Mule is a kind of shoe.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Wave-I was in the same situation as you...Grade 3 and oncotype score of 11, but one node tested positive.  I had 6 tx of T/C and did pretty well.  Of course, everyone is different, but there great threads on this forum and there are so many of us here that can pass on all of our little tricks we did to make treatment easier on you.  We stand behind you no matter what route you go and will cheer you on as you start your treatment. 

    I didn't know it at the time, but apparantly the paperwork they send back from the Genomic Health has a few pages to it.  I believe that on the last page it does incorporate what your percentage of recurrance is based on the number of nodes that were affected (1-3 nodes).  It was something that was just being added to the results...I would assume that it still would be there.  It wouldn't hurt to ask for the copy and see what is says.... 

    Either way, I'm saying a prayer for you...

    God bless,


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Passing through on my way to bed, been a long day. Had a wonderful time with the grandkids. They sure kept me busy! Only a couple of inches of snow in Marquette. Most of our trip north we saw no snow of any measurable amount, even lots of bare grass. Very weird for MI in Dec.

    Happy Dance wishes for Kay, samsue, and WaveWhisperer!

    E ~ My DH had to also use up vaca days. Five of them!! All Fridays in June & the first one in July. I about went nuts, but I got through it. Visions of retirement. Frown

    Missed everyone!

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Tori, thanks for your comments and prayers. It's always helpful to hear from women with similar diagnoses and scores to see what they did and how they fared. After a sleepless night, I decided to go with the chemo: T/Cx4, starting 12/20. Now I'll have to start reading all the chemo threads to get tips for dealing with the SE. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    The hardest part is making the decision. You will be fine. My best tip is to take claritan starting the day before chemo through three days after if you're going to get neulasta shots the day after chemo. Many people on these boards (and even my onc and her NP) swear by it for keeping the bone pain away that nuelasta can cause. Some people wait and see with their first treatment if they are going to get it first, but from experience, it can be pretty intense, so you might want to take it in case. You also might want to take L-glutamine for nueropathy, but you should always check with your doctor first. Good luck, we will be here for you and cheer you on.

    Valjean, where in MI do you live? We lived in Grand Blanc (near Flint) for a year.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks, ToriGirl, for the info. about the OncoDx report.  I has been a over two years since I had it done and from some posts, I deduced that there is a little more info. given than when I had mine done.  We haven't seen you on this thread much lately, hope all is well with you.

    Wave,  With so many tips and much sisterly support, you'll get through it.  Sleep well tonight.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Barbe,  Did you get a kick out of that?  Cool
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    hehehehehe...yep, was waiting for the other mule to drop!!