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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Kitty, jumping in your pocket with some cappucinos for everyone. Will be holding your hand and sending good thoughts the whole time.

    Trisha, will be there for you tomorrow doing the same. Hugs to you both.

  • Jumping in your pockets tomorrow Kitty and Trisha! Hope and pray it all goes well!

    I am so ready to stop living in pj's or my one pair of "fat" pants that I have. I can wear my regular pants but they are not very comfortable. I have my two week post-op for my hyst/ooph on Thursday and can't wait to ask how long this bloated feeling will last. My husband has been great about taking care of me but I am getting tired of being a couch potato. And the kitchen renovation goes will be four weeks on Wednesday since they started and they say we should have a working kitchen by Friday. The only good point of my surgery during this time is that friends and family brought us meals last week so we weren't eating carry-out!

    I hope everyone has a blessed Monday....

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Barbe.....I had to wait TWO weeks to get the results of my thyroid biopsy after my surgery!  My results were benign and for some reason i felt they would be.  Still the waiting is miserable and I think that a long wait is ridiculous.  I feel for you hon and know how difficult this is.  I am waiting for GOOD news and will hold cyber hands with you until it comes.

    Kitty I will be with you today and know your numbers will be good!

    I go to a Community Health Clinic for my primary care.  They have changed their policies regarding medications and today I have to go in for a psych evaluation.  I am NOT pleased.  My RO and MO forward all my records to my primary per MY request.  I had to go for my routine blood work and med check two weeks ago.  My primary doc looked at my records and saw that my RO had prescribed both Ativan and Ambien.  He was NOT pleased and last Monday I had to go see the intake gal for a referral to psych.  She does not take appointments and I had to wait almost four hours to see her!  She said that my primary will no longer oversee some of my meds...he has been prescribing a mild anti depressant for months and no longer will.  I HAVE to go through the psych department now.  Today I go for a one hour evaluation.  The gal who took the info last week was also not happy about the Ativan and flat out told me I would have to "go off of it".  I told her I am not "on it" other than taking it very rarely.  She asked me if I need it.  I told her it helps with the stress, reminded her of my CANCER diagnosis.  She asked me if I did not need it, then why did I get it refilled last month?  OMG!!! 

    Anyway I am upset about having to jump through all of these hoops.  I have no refills on the Ativan so I won't get any more anyway.  My RO is the one who prescribed it and I am done seeing him.  I know it is addicting but I use it sparingly.  I just feel weird about having to go through all this.

    So everyone can jump in my pocket at 11:00 this morning while i find out if I am totally mental!  Grrrrr................

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Kitty - Will be jumping in the pocket and holding your hand

    Trish - 10:15 tomorrow morning - got it.  Will bake some goodies.  

    Janis - Will be with you also - and you are not mental....  This disease would make anyone crazy or make us seem that way. 

    Sending hugs to all those going through testing and/or appts today. 

  • That would be upsetting, Janis! Jumping in your pocket for your appointment today and praying that all goes well...

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Janis--OMG, I am so sorry that you have to jump so high to get the treatments you need. What a PITA. Who was the girl who did your eval? She needs to keep her opinions to herself. Has she had cancer? REALLY!!! I'll be in your pocket today, so just point out that gal. I'll just reach out and *itch-slap her!!  Speak your mind today, hopefully this will all be a formality. 

    My husband got up before the crack of dawn to make mashed potatoes for his office luncheon. Didn't ask me to help peel or anything. He did, however, leave me the entire mess of dishes to clean. Surprised-not!! Guess my cookie making will be a little delayed!! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    BENIGN!!! Now I can jump into everyone else's pockets!!! The nurse at my docs has been good about touching base with me and I told her how to call the "biopsy lab" and get the report. She did and then called me back to read it to me!!

    "Suggestive of a benign thyroid nodule. No malignancy found."

    Now I can get it out without worrying about chemo to follow. Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers - they worked!!!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    BARBE--I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! wiping the tears away right now. What a great Christmas present for you and your family!!! Woo-hoo, what a great way to start the day!!SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barbe that is wonderful knews.

    Janis so sorry you are having to jump through hoops.  What a pain

  • Wonderful, awesome news Barbe!!! I'm so happy for you!!Smile
  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532

    barbe, that's wonderful news!  i'm so happy that you can have a worry-free christmas now.

    janis, i think we all need to get in your pocket and help you fight this fight.  i've never heard of such bull-sh**.  you stick up for yourself when you go for your psych eval and don't let them get away with anything.  good luck.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Way to start off a Monday, Barbe!   Let's keep the good news rolling...


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Wow, fantastic news Barbe! Like you say, even though you still need the sx, at least you can relax about cancer. Woo Hoo!

    Janis, I agree what bull crap! I just called the obc's office and asked to renew the Ativan. I don't take it much, but they pushed me to take it. I will be pissed if now they don't want me to take it. We'll see. I was told it is not addictive, not to worry about that. You can however become dependent on it. I guess the difference is a fine line. Am jumping in your pocket too.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Yahoo Barbe!!!!!!!!!!!

    Janis that is a bunch of crap.  Hugs for ya!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis, that is just bullshit!!!! With all the crap we go doc even gives me Lorazepam for "when I feel like killing someone" (his words - honest! I just love him!!) Shame, shame, shame on your doc!!

    I take heavy narcotics and every once in a while I have to sign a sheet, but that's it. Just proves that me and the doc have talked about them. Strictly for an audit...

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    barbe.....I have been following your posts.

    So very happy to hear it was B9

    Hugs to you

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Barbe - Fantastic news!  Now go and really enjoy the holidays.

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    So happy for you, barbe!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Barbe - I am so relieved you finally got an answer & I'm so glad it's a good answer.

    Janis - When my pcp called to tell me the results of my biopsy, the 1st thing I asked for was him to please double the dosage & increase the # of my tranks.  He didn't have a problem with that nor have any of my other docs (losing count of how many I've seen - but I'm getting bills from all the docs in the area).  I think if I had to see a shrink, he'd probably double the double....

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Barbe ~ Absolutely fantastic news! I am so happy for you!!

    I'm with everyone who still has room in their pockets.

    Janis ~ A psych eval!?! Good grief!!!!!! Un. be. liev. able.

    Okay guys, I want to post some pics but for the life of me, I can not remember the program to send my pics to in order to post them from. All I can think of is Picasa & I don't want that. (for some reason, Google won't let me sign up) What's the other one? Not Flickr. I can't find it wrote anywhere & I have used it. Can't find my username/password either. HELP!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110


    Thank you so much, mostlymom!!

    I hate it when I can't think of something. I'm writing it down this time.

    Thanks again!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey, Barbe: had read elsewhere its B9 , but agsin, am sooo happy for you!!!

     so, the latest is: sub acute thyroiditis.. i think you'll find it interesting with mr google, Barbe.. makes sense, with the ms. and the bactterial infections i've had!!!all the owrk i've  finding a thyroid med, they don't work on this!!!!steroids, which is also tx for me.. we'll see, having labs tommorrow, and dr on thuuurs.. maybe THIS will be the "magic bullet" i suure hope so!

       im glad i cam back, i know many of you here, i'll just be the token "old fogie...........3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    elimar: would it be ok with you, if i use the header for my avatar for dec; since there's 3 jays there.. mine are boyz.. if its not, no prob.. ill leave my old one.......3jays

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    I'm having my appt with the hemotologist this morning (due to consistently low and now dropping wbc) - I have no idea what type of questions to ask.  Any suggestions?


  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Barbe, congratulations, sweetie!!!! Couldn't be happier for you. We all were tense as we waited for your results!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Prayrv:  my favorite is "Why?"  Why is your WBC low and dropping when it shouldn't be?  and my second would be "What diagnoses are you considering?"  "What does that test tell us about my condition?"  Know whate every test is and why it is being ordered.  And take notes or record the session and don't let anyone hurry you. 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Good Morning ladies!!  Trish, we will all be in your pocket and then real quick scoot over to Kitty's. Don't worry if you feel a little jostling in your pocket. I'll try not to spill my hot cocoa!

    I wish I knew what to say about your WBC. Is there any other aspects of your blood that are running low? Why is definitely a good question to ask.


    packed a little extra for you this morning. You'll do fine!! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    We have a two-fer-Tuesday...prayrv and miss kitty.   Good Luck today my Middie sisters!

    3jaysmom,  Yes, you certainly may take those gingerbread boys for your avatar.  (I wouldn't say that to just any "token old fogey" either.  We miss you here and the welcome mat is always out.)  I'll leave the pic up today and probably look for a new one tomorrow, or after I see you have it.


    Newbies: if you are reading here for the first time, it may look like a long thread that is hard to break in to, but we do a pretty good job of getting to know new members quick, I think. Yes, we are crazy (well, we don't know about janis yet) but there is no topic or situation too serious for us if you want someone to "talk" with.

    Lurkers:  I only know a few of you self-confessed lurkers (oh hi, fmakj,) and there are probably some more.  Stop in and say hello during the holidays (with or without an update on yourself.)   I'm wishing a joyful season for all of you and a healthier New Year too.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Barbe....HUGE sigh of relief here!  I am so happy to hear your test was benign.  Happy dance!

    Good news here, no more psych visits for me.  The gal I was sent to yesterday was surprised I was even there.  She said the gal who did my intake needs to take into consideration "special circumstances".  Told me my circumstances are special and I should continue to take Ativan and whatever else I need.  No more visits to psych required. DONE!!!!