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  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Drat 3jays!!! I checked out the thyroid issue you mention and I don't have "weight loss"!! In fact, I have weight GAIN!!!! I need a disease that has weight loss as a symptom and then a really quick survival.....but I'm careful what I ask for...

    Into pockets I go...ready!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis, I was posting as you were. Thank GOD clearer heads prevailed!!! I was about to come down there and bash some heads together!!!

    I had to have a psych eval for my long term disability and the doctor ADDED to my stress meds!! So there!! I'm not off for stress reasons, but I had to have all my docs sign off on me and the meds I'm taking. So I did have to go and was a bit nervous, thinking maybe he'd think I was crazy!! I wasn't...just more stressed than I realized. I was only stressed because of him that day, though!

  • Yay Janis! Good news. Smile
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis thank goodness the psych people know what they are doing.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    thumbs up for you, janis!!  Smile
  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Janis--So glad that someone knows what they are doing! I was all ready with my wet noodle!! Just glad no new hoops for you!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    thumbs up for you, janis!!  Smile
  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    ok middle age moment just now. Sitting here at the computer typing away. . .suddenly panic that I left the shower water running to get hot. RAN into the bathroom--water wasn't running--had to stand there for a minute and think did I already take the shower?? Took me awhile to convince myself that I had. 

    About to go shopping. . . think I will drop breadcrumbs on the way. . . 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - So glad you found someone who knows what they are doing.  No more psych visits.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thank you all for the support!  I feel so much better without this hanging over my head.  The gal that did the intake last week was so annoying.  She flat out told me I MUST get off Ativan and not take it again.  Huh?  She said they will never prescribe it under any circumstances.  The fact that my RO was prescribing it seemed to just piss her off royally.  I was ready to go in fighting yesterday and ask them if they had the authority to override a medication prescribed by my RO.  Thank goodness it did not go that way.  The psych nurse I saw yesterday was wonderful and totally agreed that this drug is being prescribed properly.  I could tell she really didn't understand why I was even sent there.  She assured me I will not have to come back.  The other gal made it sound like i would have to go to the psych clinic on a regular basis.  Well she was sure wrong! 

    As always you guys are the best.  You give me strength and cheer me on when I begin to doubt myself.  I am so blessed to know you! 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


    janis-good snow job girl (just joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    E-again your intro to newbies & lurkers had me spewing liquid refreshment from the nostrils!  You need to put up warning labels--the comment about not knowing about Janis yet did me in! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph,  I keep waiting for someone to catch that spewing on their iPhone and put it on Yoo Toob.

    janis, You know you can just wallow in your crazy here.

    cmb,  I bet you couldn't find the breadcrumbs.  Check the refrigerator.

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    Well So far so good.  Dr. thinks something auto-immune is going on, but with no other blood #s coming up wonky, it may be my normal.  They are going to find my blood from last week and see if they can do a smear and see if anything abnormal comes up.  If not, see him and my onc in 6 months.  Thanks for being in my pocket, it was a stressful wait for me.   More so than my regular 6 month onc check up.  Go figure.


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Prayrv.....I know how stressful all this waiting can be.  Glad you are okay but it is frustrating I am sure not to have a real definitive answer at this point.  Hope it is just "your normal" and nothing else is going on.

    Eli....wallowing away here!  LOL.  It is my safe place! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thank you, elimar, for "the loan" of an avitar.. i stole it, but can't try to change it, till i get back from the blood lab today..

     Barbe: it says weight loss or gain.. i, too, always end uup in the "gain" column.. up a dreaded 20 that i couldn't affoord to begin with.. it has severely cut down on my christmas cheer. ( as if i had any to begin with )

      today, the blood draw will look for any anti bodies, and we'll know if it is auto immune; which hes pretty sure of.. chemo DOES leave us with auto immune stuff.. remember, i had 22 shots of poison; so what do ya expect.. ahh, bc.. the gift that keeps on giving!.....3jays

  • noodle6
    noodle6 Member Posts: 32

    Yay Janis!

    I just love reading good news & there's been a good bit of it lately. Hurray for all!

  • noodle6
    noodle6 Member Posts: 32

    Claire that is just too dang funny. I don't get a shower 'til (hopefully) tomorrow afternoon. If doc says it's a go that's the 1st thing I'll be doing when I get home. But my DH is getting me some baby wipes today & I wash my hair in the sink, so I won't be too stinky for the doc tomorrow.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    Eli, couldn't find the breadcrmbs, wasn't in the frig. Maybe the laundry room. . . coulda used them today. Walked out of Old Navy and went to where I thought my car was. . . and saw empty spots. All I could think of was that someone stole my car, cause I KNOW I parked it in the middle row. Uh-no.I thought I was past all this losing my car crap.  I don't even think breadcrumbs can help me now!! Embarassed
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I literally called the cops re: my car being stolen at the mall about 15 years ago (waaaaaaaaaaaay before BC, etc) when I was a new mom at 40+something.  yes, indeed it was a case of the missing parking spot, not car----my car was over about 10 rows from where I thought it was (I've always been one of those people who always park in the same area when I go to certain stores so I won't be embarassed, but it didn't work that day.) 

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Eph, yep, I had quite a few embarrassing moments way before BC.

    One was when my daughter, then about 16 months old, fell against the bathtub. I rushed her to the dentist's office and, in my anxious state of mind, locked her inside the car. She was too young to follow my pleas to pull up the lock. I went into the dental office, crying, and someone managed to get her out after pulling the lock up with a coat hangar.

    Another time, returning from a business trip late at night, I  reported to the airport police that my car had been stolen. They smiled. Obviously they had heard this before. They asked me to describe my car, maybe part of my license number. I didn't know there were two garages, side by side, with similar floors and letters. I was in the wrong garage. Apparently every night about midnight, they somehow photograph or log in the cars there, so they knew where my car was.

     And then another time....oh, well, I'll save that one for later, or you'll really think I'm crazy! 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Claire, been there, done that. Eph, I have never thought of always parking in the same area. That is a great idea. I have had difficulties finding my car at times, but I swear what I have the most problem with is when I put something away and think I'll remember where away is. Sometimes I think I spend half my waking hours looking for things.

    Janis, glad the psych thing is cleared up. I think that first nurse was on a power trip. I hate people on power trips.

    I went to a LYmphedema class today that my PT recommended. What a waste of time. I did not learn one thing there. The women on the LE boards here had already given me all that info. Oh I just love wasting my time like that, especially at this time of year when I have nothing else to do.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    LOL ladies glad I am not alone I just never had the nerve to tell anyone about loosing my car or remember where I left my glasses.Once my SIL found my glasses inside the fridge.Embarassed

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I always seem to park down the same row at my grocery store, just by habit I think.  Only then, when my husband and I stop there in his car, I come out of the store and naturally head for that row; and he has to give me that look and say, "My car is over here."  Malls are the worst.  The rows even have a letter designation sometimes, but by the time I've spent an hour or two inside looking at shiny things, I am too glazed over to remember the letter or the proper parking lot orientation.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i had to tape a big bunch of flowers on the antenna of my car  a LONG time ago: it does help: but post chemo, i keep trying to get into ANY white compact!!!!!i need to get it painted red, i geuess. the best one, was leaving the cordless phone in the freezer!!!i just placed it there, when i hung up, and found it frozen hours later, while getting something, it didn't work when i thawed it out...

      elimar: thanks, hon.. i have a collection of 3's, didn't have one for christmas.. now, Jason, Jared, Justin are there for you ladies to see!thanks again..

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Tongue out  3jaysmom, ROF...IGC...LMBO!  (That's ROF...In Gingerbread Crumbs...)  Tongue out

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I try to enter malls at the same doors and park in the "same" area when I can. Of course, I've had a handicapped plate for over 2 years now...hehehehe. No, I only use it when I need it and I never take the last spot. I KNOW there are people worse off than me. But WHY they would be shopping is beyond me!!

    Airport parking story: I was at my car, digging in my rather large bag for my keys. A MAN walked by, and, thinking he was being helpful, said "I can hear them. They're in there!" I stopped digging, looked him straight in the eye and said "Really? I don't think so. I have voices in my head and that doesn't mean I have people in there!"

    True story!! I crack myelf up!!! ehehehehehehehehehheheehe

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Don't crack up TOO much...   but I know where the crumbs are coming from now!

    Or did you mean this MICE ELF?

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Barbe--I'm late to the party, but wanted to say...HOORAY for the great results!  Since I'm so late, I'm doing the HAPPY DANCE by myself, but that's okay...just really happy for you!


  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Oh wow, now I'm 3 pages behind! Uff Dah as we say here in MN.  My appointment went great.  Thanks for all the support but my PCP kept looking at my pocket and I'm sure what wondering about the party! LOL!  EVERY test was NORMAL or down from last visit.  Cholesterol was down to 161 even being on Arimidex.  BP and A1C were down too.  The doc was a very happy camper.  Now for my RO on Thursday and I'm done for the year. Yippy!

    Awesome news Barbe and Janis!  I was ready for you Janis with my big shit kickers on if you needed it but you did great on your own.  Way to go sisters!   Kitty

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    congrats on all the good news, KittyGirl!!....3jays