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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Kitty that is awesome news on the cholesterol! that your total cholesterol or just bad?  I get confused when my doctor tells me my numbers.  I need a copy of the lab report.  I had my numbers done two weeks ago.  My "bad" cholesterol was 145, in April my bad was over 200 so much improved.  I am getting there.  My A1C was good at 6.5.  Anyway thrilled for your good news!

    I have done so many dingbat things lately.  I put the phone in the freezer too, but DH found it before it ruined it.  I had taken my wedding ring off some time back because my fingers were swollen.  I have yet to find it!  I have torn the house apart of course, no luck.  Go figure!

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Okay, I'm a self confessed lurker. I haven't posted on here for a long time, so bear with me.

    Janis=WTF? Really, a nurse on a power trip. Glad it's all straight for you.

    As for the girls not finding their DH must be having sympathy symptoms for me. I can't tell you how many times he's tried getting into someone else's van. Too funny!

    Just had my 4th AC yesterday. So far, so good. Hoping I don't get too down, I have Waaay too much to do w/Christmas around the corner. Will have 1st Taxol two days after Christmas. I hear it's easier in some ways than the AC. Longer though...darn it!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hello, stjude10, good to hear from you.  I see you have been "busy" with chemo.  The holidays are a hard time to relax.  Maybe some days off work, but much more to do around the house.  Maybe you can't do everything you normally do at this time of year, but so what...what you are doing will, hopefully, ensure many more holidays to come for you.  Don't bust your butt this year.  Two words:  Gift Cards.  Lurk on, or join in, as you please.  We're here.  Good Luck on the Taxol.

    p.s.  How are you keeping your head warm these days?

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    elimar, thanks for the warm welcome back. I keep my head warm w/bandanas and hats. So much so, that when I do finally wear my wig, my own family doesn't recognize me!

    Not busting my butt too much, been chipping away at it when I'm having good days. Thankfully all of our plans are somewhere else, so no entertaining this year. Yay!

    Now to bitch for just a moment. I don't whine to friends or family, it just makes them feel awkward. And who wants to be around a downer, right? But I know I can do it here. Am over the bald thing, and anxious to have the hair start coming in. Am down to about 5 eyelashes on each side. Boo! Nice to not have to shave my legs hardly ever, but why do my arms still look like they belong on Robin Williams? I guess it's a tradeoff seeing as how I handled the last tx so well. So well I asked my MO if he gave me the right stuff last time. He joked it was a placebo. I kinda thought so!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hi St. Jude!!!!  So good to see you again.  Sorry you have to go through all this crap during the holidays.  I hope you can find some quiet time just to take care of YOU!!!  Fingers and toes and paws crossed here that you have an easy time of it.  HUGS!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I guess we all have a car story.  Mine is that I came out of Wal-Mart and had my friends two little girls with me and walked up to a Red Envoy and opened the back in to put my bags in and I thought to myself who put all this baby stuff in here (my kids are grown).  Then I looked up at the driver's seat and a lady was looking at me.  I calmly said I must have the wrong car.  Needless to say my friends little girls thought Miss Sherry was a goof and really funny and could not wait to tell their mother what I had done.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    St Jude-arm hair ala Robin Williams translates into not having to wearing that ugly Christmas sweater! 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I am so glad my DD doesn't come on here E-that puppy under the tree is EXACTLY what she wants for Christmas & it ain't happening.  Heck-she's gonna be gone in 9 months or so to college & I don't want a puppy!!!! 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Joni - My girls are dying for a dog as well and will need to be kept away from the "adorable dog under the tree" picture. I'm thinking that shortly I'll have to get a dog, though: something cute that will be MY dog, but it will lure them home from college and who knows where for visits.

    Most days I am torn between being a bit sad that my oldest will be off to college next fall AND being fairly sure she's not going anywhere any time soon. Her room is waaaaaaay too comfortable, for one thing. The statistics for college kids these days aren't good: they apparently keep coming back home. A woman here in Mansfield, TX, has a business helping parents get their adult children out of the nest. I suppose it's good to know she's out there - maybe she needs to add a class for parents of current high school students. A preventative class to nip the problem in the bud before it occurs.

    Elimar has done a great job of launching her birds - maybe I'll send her my girls and let her finish the work. I'll go pack them up now...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Great idea Kleenex--I'll send her mine as well!

    We already have a dog-granted, she's older (almost 12) and essentially she's mine becuz she waits for me, walks with me, sleeps with me, but she does interact with DD, when DD makes the time!  There's the rub-I wouldn't mind another dog, hell we have 4 cats, why not 2 dogs?  However, I know that DD will not follow thru on the bargain that she "will do everything".  2 of the cats are hers & she hasn't changed the litter box in 3 years!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    OMG!  What do I know about girls?  What a challenge!

    Yes, I did manage to get my boys out of the nest and into college life.  The biggest news is that I think I have survived "Teen Wars."  I hope I am not speaking prematurely, as one is still a teen, but at least we have reached a detente and no actual blood was shed.  I enjoy them a lot more lately.  (Or is that the Effexor talking?)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    Just thought I would share this.  I have not done Christmas cards since 1994.  My son died in 1995 and I just could never bring myself to go back to sending out Christmas cards with family pictures.  Anyhow this past Aug our kids all came home at the same time which has not happened in so long I can't remember.  I had a photographer come and take photos.  I actually sent some Christmas cards with a picture of DH and I, just a few but hey it is a startI have been in PT for the last two months and it has helped so much with my breast pain that I have a completely different attitude.  I am not consumed with pain any longer.  I still have a month left and hope that they can get rid of the neck pain that was caused by the pec muscle that pulled on my shoulder that pulled on my neck.  Anyway I am feeling so much better and what an attitude adjustment. I am really looking forward to Christmas this year
  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sherry, I am so happy to see such improvement.  A positive outlook is wonderful.  Glad to hear you are looking forward to Christmas.  Despite all the problems, it sounds like you have so much to be thankful for.  Happy for you sweet lady!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Nice to see you again, StJude!

    Sherry ~ I am so glad for you that PT has worked. And that this Christmas is a happier one for you.

    Here is a picture of the Christmas stockings I made for my Grandchildren. I made my DD's ones when they were very little & they have told me they look forward to seeing them every year when I hang them. I haven't yet come to the point of letting them each take them to their own homes - not yet.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Val, how cute! I am so un-talented and un-creative.

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Here's my most embarrassing moment:

    Some years ago, I went back to my hometown -- a small place, where everyone knows us -- to take care of my mom for a month or so. I always drink Diet Coke for breakfast, so she had some cans for me in the fridge.

    One morning, I was in a rush to get to her bank by 9 and then to an appointment at 9:30. I grabbed my drink out of the fridge, hopped in the car, drove to the bank and sat in the drive-thru lane, waiting for them to open.

    Just as the bank window shade went up and a bank clerk I knew said hello, I grabbed my drink and took a long swig. And nearly gagged. Instead of my Diet Coke, the silver can I grabbed was a Coors beer!

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Thanks Valjean, and the stockings are adorable!

    Barbara, I'm with you...untalented and uncreative.

    WaveWhisperer...too funny!

    Had my 4th and final AC on Tues. So far, so good!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    WW-too funny, inadvertant drinking and driving! Hope you didn't spew all over the car! Val, what beautiful stockings! I imagine some pretty wide eyes when they see them for the first time. Sherry--so glad to hear the clouds are lifting a bit, hope Christmas for you is painfree!

    Loves Christmas--hope your check-up is all good. Bringing along some yummy christmas cookies--cause there is just too much at my house


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    stjude,  AC was scary and unknown at first but you got through it.  Now some days to let it circulate and settle down.  Are you a Hannukah or a Christmas?  Either way, hopefully you will be feeling pretty good next week.  I know Taxol is coming up, but most do say those S/E's are easier.

    Wave,  Don't be too embarassed about your bank boozing.  That teller probably had a shot of Jack before she went to work  Did you ever notice how garbled those drive-thru' tellers sound?  It's not the machine, they are drunkenly slurring their words.  Now please tell me you have something speck of nutrition to go with that Diet Coke for breakfast!

    Val, You already know I like the stockings.  So cute.  I like sparkly too.

    Sherryc,  Yeah, no matter how you look on the outside after surgery and rads, the inside is put back together differently and that tightness can turn into lasting problems for some people.   It really upsets the muscle balance of the body, I think.  Getting some prompt PT is the best thing.  Glad you are feeling better

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The truth about Cats and Dogs at Christmas...they love it!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Wave Whisper I have to say that is funny!!!!!!!!!!! drink & drive

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Very funny story WW!  Sherry, all my very best thoughts for you and glad you are feeling a little more spirit of the season.  Valjean you do beautiful work, very talented.  Eli the kitty is SOOOO cute under the tree!  Ours loves to sit there too and she doesn't disturb any of the ornaments.  I think she sees herself as our present under the tree and I think shes right! 

    Went to my RO appointment today and had nothing but good news.  Don't have to go back until Feburary for my first mamo since diagnosis.  Yippy!  Only thing that would make the holiday season even better would be my oldest DS being able to come home for awhile.  He lives in Houston area and military so its hard for him to get up here very often.  Just a wish really.  Kitty

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Valjean the stockings are just beautiful!  You are very talented.

    Wave that is way too funny!  Morning drinking no less, LOL.

    Eli the kitty and puppy are so cute.  My cat Pistol loves to lie under the tree.

    Kitty I know what you mean about kids.  Since we moved so far away we don't see ours often.  I have not seen my oldest son in almost two years and it is hard.  My youngest came last year for Thanksgiving but he is very busy this year.  We can't afford to travel so it is just the two of us again this year.  I would love to have my kids around.  Like you, just a wish!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    val jean; i had lanned on doing them for my grands thhis year, but am not up to it.. when i saw yours, i thought.. i know.. i'll get them at an after christmas sale, start doing them, this year, when im missing them!!!then, pack them, i'll be ahead in my shopping/projects for NEXT year.. sounds like a plan  Elimar, love the new header.. thanks for the loaner.. i love the "hulk" on this one GS would love it!!!.3jays
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Kitty and Janis I know what you mean.  Even though my DD came for a visit I still miss her something horrible.  I still remember as I was giving her the hugs goodbye I told her that she can change her mind and stay.  It was so much harder letting her go this time compared to the last time. My mom always said I was the stubborn one, lol!  Its all her fault that I was stuck by from the Schwans man for months, lol.  We had got into a huge fight and both of us are stongminded and when we lock heads look out its on.  The poor man came to our house at the wrong time, lol.  We were at the heart of our blowout and even my husband and son left the house.  They always did that when her and I went at it, big chickens, lol.  I know this next part sounds crazy but I miss those days.  Cause in the end her and I would finally cool down and hugs big time and cry as we were saying our sorries.  I miss her:-(

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    WW-thank you so much for the hearty laugh!  That Coors story was priceless!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Val, beautiful stockings!! I'm just finishing one up for George. I'm not putting his name on it until they get pregnant again.....

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Hi ladies. I have my 3 month checkup with the MO on Monday. Just "routine", but still nerve racking (as you all know). I will appreciate any good vibes you could send my way. Plenty of pocket room if you're available.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    OMG! I just wrote this long post & what do I get when I hit submit?!? "Internet Exlorer cannot display the webpage". Unbelievable!! Yell

    Well, it will be shorter this time because I'm sure I won't remember everything I wrote. Cry

    Anyway, thank you everyone for the compliments on the stockings.

    Yes, 3jays, hit the after-Christmas sales for stocking stuff/kits. I finished up Jackson's last month. They did not include enough beads in the kit (why do they that?!!) & even though I had kept the leftover stuff from Mackenzie's stocking, I still did not have all that I needed. I substituted, but was not happy with the final project, so hunted around & found something to change it to. So, I removed what I didn't like & added the new. (that's me!)

    But, since I have been on generic Aromasin, the SE's are much worse than I had before; my hands go numb at any given time (carpal tunnel?!?). Never had it this bad on original Aromasin. I had a hell of a time working with the tiny beads & sequins. Yell

    But I enjoyed doing them & each stitch is filled with love.

    barbe, I hope you will share a picture of the one you are finishing up with us. I bet it is beautiful!

    Ceeztheday ~ Let me be the first to jump in your pocket for Monday. I do know the anxiety. Oh, yeah.... Sending a hug.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Ceezetheday I'll be in your pocket along with valjean