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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thanks for helping Kay.  I am off to Google.  I'll probably just make myself nuts as tired as I am!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, you can alter the SHAPE of the implant to be more pleasing...teardrop and things like that I've heard. I'd rather have small cute breasts than big hard balls.

    Kay, that would be right about the lymph fluid just sitting there and getting infected.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh, as for the mastectomy. There are Radical mastectomies, Modified mastectomies and Simple mastectomies. Each one takes out tissue (and muscle!!) to different levels depending on where your tumour is located. Mine was almost on my chest wall so I have a Modified on one side and a Simple on the other. Radical takes muscle.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Janis, I know exactly how you feel.  I had many llamas in my "former life" (that with my ex).  I remember how I felt when my first and favorite "Cedro" passed.  It is amazing the emotion we have attached to our pets.  Over the years we had many, I delivered several, and it was difficult when I left.  It gets better.  Really it does.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Meece thank you so much.  Having had llamas you understand, but any animal lover would too.  They are so different and unusual with distinct personalities.  Fernando was my guard llama, always on alert.  Dolly was more laid back and just quiet and sweet.  I know it gets better.  We lost our cherished Sunka, a Border Collie, two years ago.  I lost my first Golden Retriever to cancer at age five and it really sent me into a serious depression.  That is always the problem with pets, we know we will lose them.  My remaining Golden's are seven now and I am always a worry wart about anything when it comes to them.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Haven't heard from cmblastic, KittyGirl, madpeacock, or OG56 in a while...what's up?
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb thanks for the info.  My PS already said what he thinks would look good on me and I ran it by Whipptomom who is the expert here on the boards and she agreed with my frame and all.  My MIL had a radical MX in 1969 and she looks butchered with all the muscle that they removed from under her arms etc, of course they also removed all the nodes back then as well.  That was the only kind of MX that had at the time.  She is lucky that she has never had lymphodema. 

    I just got back from the BS to go over my MRI which was good.  So I will be having a simple since all the bad stuff has already been removed.  Guess it was good that this last surgery in Nov which was a surgical biopsy because they could not get a good FNA, they had to scrape it off of my muscle, if I had had the MX at that point they would have had to remove some of that muscle.  So now I have to decide if I want my new BS to do the MX and the PS do the reconstruction or if I want the PS to do both.  BS & PS said it is my decision who I want in the OR, but if anyone has a thought on the matter I'd love to hear it..  I really like both doctors and they agree on how to proceed with the cuts etc. and both agreed on trying to save my nipple even though it may not make it because of the radiation.  We will just have to see.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Can't offer a comment to your Mx discussion.

    Wanted to just report the good/bad news about my DEXA scan from a couple weeks ago.

    The good news was my bone density did not have a significant change from two years ago.  Good because I could have had some (pre-menopausal) bone loss from the Tamox., but it doesn't seem to have done that.

    The bad news was my bone density did not have a significant change from two years ago.  Bad because  I have supplemented with calcium faithfully, these past two years, and it didn't seem to have made a bit o' difference either. 

    My plan will be to have another one in 2-3 years at the end of my Tamox. time.  See how I am then.  Then, follow up 2 years promptly after quitting Tamox., since a lot of women show a sharper decline when they come off Tamox.  If I can stay relatively stable thru' all that, I will probably just want to monitor it at 3-5 year intervals.   I guess I should keep supplementing, walking and doing weights, to try and keep my variables the same throughout.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    Eli guess that is good and bad news.  At least it has not gotten any worse but don't we love to see improvement in the things we do. But then think if you were not supplementing what it might have beenUndecided Keep moving and supplementing because it sure can't hurt anything.
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, I didn't realize you had already agreed to a size as you mentioned both a B and a C cup. What did the PS and you decide on?

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I haven't heard the PS doing mastectomies. Interesting. I think I would go with that especially since it's a prophylactic mx. I've always thought PS doing something would give you the best cosmetic result. I could see going the other way too though since BS has all the experience doing mxs, but I'd go with the PS.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb PS thought a full B would be nice but said he would put in a TE that could go bigger just in case when we get to that point we change our mind. I know he will be honest with me about what he thinks.  I found him through a mutual friend so he does not want to dissapoint me. My friend called him at home one night and told him about me and his office called me the next morning and got me right in.

    Kay thanks-My PS is in a group of 6 and have women from all over the US that come to them.  Since my cancer has already been removed he will do both if I want him to.  I think they get alot of delayed recon with MX on existing breast so that is why they are one of the few that will do MX.  If I still had cancer to be removed he would insist on a BS being there.  He did say he prefers to do both as he can control the outcome better.  So I am really interested in thoughts on this matter.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hi to everyone, yes, I am still here but like Hauntie been busy with real life.  I read all the posts when I can and feel either blessed or missing out that I have not had any problems since end on treatments.  It's confusing sometimes cause nothing hurts, no lymph problems, no SE's from arimidex, and no eventful trips to the doctors.  Just rather normal Undecided for my age (59).  I know it sounds weird, but how is it that I got so lucky to be normal when so many of you are having one thing after another happen?  Don't get me wrong, I am happy that I'm not dealing with all the other "gifts" from BC, just wondering if I'm the exception or really the norm.  I do have my first mamo since surgery coming up on Feb 15.  I'm not sure what to expect, if anything.  I just keep in mind my motto since this all started, "just float and drift".  Kitty

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    KittyGirl,  float on!  Keep your head above water. I know what you mean about "lucky." 

    I know mets are the hardest thing to deal with, but even if you had "Cancer Lite" it is way too often that women end up with LE or radiation pulmonitis (lung scarring) or weakened organs from chemo, etc., things that will stay with you for life.  Compared to those issues, sometimes having an ugly scar, crooked nipple,  or a flat chest really is the least of it.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    justmejanis, I can't tell from your posts whether you're seeing a specially trained LE therapist and not just the nurse in your dr's office. I've been dealing with LE for 3.5+ yrs now and one of the things I beg people to do if at all possible is to be evaluated and treated by trained LE therapists. It is a very different animal from anything else in life and attending a few seminars on the subject doesn't qualify as specializing. Please please matter how  much you like your medical team, ask for a recommendation to a trained LE therapist. It could mean such a difference in your quality of life.

    jumping off the soapbox now :)

    to newbies, I too am sorry you needed to join us, but happy you found us. remember now and then to stop and breathe, and look at our "profile" info under our names. many of us have passed the 5-year mark which, while not guaranteeing a future without cancer, sure is nice to see anyway.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474 soapbox I was such a wreck the other day over sweet Dolly that I may not have made myself clear.  I am not seeing an LE specialist yet.  My MO wants to get this underlying skin issue cleared up first.  The antibiotics made no difference, so they decided it was not cellulitis.  Now they think I have some sort of vascular issue that is causing the redness and tenderness in my breast.  They started me on a vasco-dialator type drug which I have to take for awhile.  This should improve blood flow and hopefully take the surface pain and redness away.  I go back February 17th and if all is well then I will go see the LE specialist.  I hope that makes more sense.

    Kitty glad that you do not have any major SE's..........that is the best news!

    Eli...Can't seem to win or lose exactly with your bone scan.  I am happy for you it is not worse!

    Thinking of all of you and wishing happy days ahead for all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Sherrryc--are you having one or both breasts removed?  If one, and your PS likes to do his own MX, I would go with that.  If two I would have a BS do the masts, as the BS can start the masts while the PS starts the recon work and you have less anesthesia time.  But that's what I would do. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Janis, you had such a bad reaction after rads, some how I think it must be connected. Hope they have it figured out now and it clears up quickly.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thanks Kay.  My MO's nurse did tell me I had the worst radiation burn she had ever seen.  My MO called it a bad skin reaction!  Either way I sure fried, and Esther does think all of this is related to that bad burning.  So we will treat now for the vascular issue then in a few weeks move on to LE therapy.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Nativemainer I am having a bilateral.  I had not even thought about anesthia time.  Yes something to thing about.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I would stick with one person Sherry,  I understand the anesthia time, but I know going back n forth between doc visits after BMX is uncomfortable.  Atleast thats the way it was for me.  Plus he feels like he has more control with the outcome. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Thanks paula

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Hey Sherry here is my two cents, if the BS and PS worked as a team before, I would use both; but if not, the PS if they have done MX before, since they are not removing cancer cell.  Sounds like you have a well traned PS who is specialized in this. Since your BS is cool with what ever you decide, do what is best for you.

    Leave at 2:30 for my Zometa infusion.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Thanks cuz let me now how your zometa goes

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Walker I hope the Zometa infusion helps a lot. 

    Kitty glad to see you resurface, I know how busy you are Sweetie.  Glad you are doing okay.

    Sherry...I hope when you finally get your surgery done things so smoothly and your issues will finally resolve themselves.  Gosh you sure need a break.

    I saw my PCP today and he has cancelled any further PT for my back.  He wants me to get the breast issue resolved before they start abusing another part of my body!  He wants to to be very cazreful, no strenuous activity of any kind.  Just wait and see, but to call him of course right away if anything gets worse.  He just wants the breast mess cleared up.  Makes sense to me.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

     Janis I hope they get you squared away quickly.

  • dmlenn1
    dmlenn1 Member Posts: 10

    I so very much feel your pain. Last monday I had to have my 12 yr old Mastiff put down because she had... Cancer. I bawled all over that Vet. I refused to do to her what I am doing to myself, and I let her go out of this world quickly, easily and with no pain. But boy does it hurt me. I knew she was old... I knew she was sick... and I knew i could never explain to her why I was hurting her by giving her treatments. It's terrible to lose a pet, especially when you are going through so much yourself already.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    janis, thanks for the explanation, I'm sure I was probably the one who misunderstood! glad you do seem to have a team who cares about you and taking steps that make sense. all my best vibes to you for that issue to resolve as quickly as possible.

    sherry, I hope you feel you have enough info to make your decision. I didn't have mx so no input that has experience behind it :)

    see you all tomorrow night when it's ... oh yeah ... Friday :)

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Marlegal....I don't even trust myself these days.  I feel so brain dead some days it makes me nuts.  Add to that I cannot type and sometimes everything comes out all messed up.  I HATE typing! 

    I saw my PCP today and for now, we are suspending all PT on my back.  I am under strict orders to take it very easy.  He wants to see some resolution to the breast issue before we do anyting else.  I am on very limited restrictions due to the back herniation.  He feel that my onc's and BS should deal with the breast problems and then later we can  make a decision about my back.  I cannot even take walks at this point.  Rest, rest, and more rest.  Not my style at all, so will see how long this lasts.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442


    Well I feel ok this morning so far no SE from the Zometa infusion, took some XS Tylenol last night and this morning and it seems to help.  Gota still drink a lota water.