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  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Sherry--the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with the choice you make.  Have you met the BS?  If you don't click with the BS, then using the PS for both makes sense.  And having a BS and a PS MAY decrease the anesthesia time--I had both and my recon took 19 hours.  While there are some concerns about extended anesthesia time, having a surgeon you trust out weighs that (usually quite small) risk.  But the bottom line remains that it must be what YOU feel most confident about and comfortable with.  And I will support whatever choice you make because it will be the best one for YOU. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Wow, that is a long time Native Mariner.  What kind of recon did you do?  I had a single MX with flap reconstruction and ALND and it took less than 5 hours.  And my PS and BS did a bilateral DIEP in the morning before me or I think it might have actually been a little shorter.  I am sure there are all kinds of unexpected findings that can make the sx longer.  I'm lucky none of that happened with either me or the woman before me.  But if you count the time I was in the recovery room, that was another couple of hours.  Maybe you're counting that?

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    I'm still here! I've been crazy busy over the last couple of weeks. My daughter turned 13 yesterday and we had a great celebration. OMG - I have a teenager?? She's my one and only and she's a very special girl. We have kept her up to speed on everything through the BC rollercoaster and she is very supportive and very loving.   She asks good questions, makes jokes with me, and is just a joy. 

    Anyhoo. Not much going on with me. I have my first post BC diagnostic mammo on 2/8, which is starting to gnaw at my brain a little. I've had all kinds of strange sensations on that side and I know I still have fluid in there after the Mammosite. I have a flat lump on my chest wall above the breast that I had not noticed before. I think it's a rib/sternum, but it's bigger than the other side, and a little tender - probably from me poking and pushing at it. The tamoxifen seems to be treating me kindly - NO hot flashes at all and really nothing else that I can directly blame on the T. Kind of makes me wonder if I am absorbing it - I have major digestive issues and known absorption issues, so it is a thought. I take a ton of supplements for various things - and I did research any conflicts with the T - so maybe I just have a good balance and the T doesn't bother me. 

    Hope everyone has a great day! Cool 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    I had a bilateral DIEP, had already had a mast on the left, had prophy mast on the right at the time of recon.  The 19 hours is time in the OR, I spent 36 hours in recovery.  The time was long because I am obese and it takes longer to work through all the abdominal fat.  The long time in reoovery was for monitoring the flap circulation.  I went to a regular room when the flap checks were down to every 2 hours. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    madpea,  Strange sensations are par for the course.  Do bring it all up with the doc, but it probably isn't anything to worry about.  Oh, so you have a teenager now?  Just remember you have 7 long years of it and may find other labels than "a joy' more fitting at times.  Good Luck!!!
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    walker so glad the zometa is treating you well.  My infusion nurse said most people don't have problems with it but if you do it is flu like achiness.  Drinking lot's of water is suppose to help.

    Native mainer yes I have met my BS and he is really good and nice.  I feel completely comfortable with both, but I am leaning towards just having the PS do it so I only have to follow up with the PS.  Both are in the city and it is a hassle for Dr appts.

    madpea a teenager.  I had two fun ones and one very moody one.  Luckily he has turned out to be a fun adult.  Lucky you have not had any SE's from the tamoxifen.  I envy you.

  • noodle6
    noodle6 Member Posts: 32

    When I started on Tamox in 2007 I felt that my SE were almost nonexistent. Just a few hot flashes now & then. Somewhere along the way, without even realizing it, a fence was built around me as other SE's snuck up on me. Well, I have been off T for 2 months now & it is like I found a gate in the fence & the sun has popped out & I am so excited to go out & play & to really live again!

    ( FYI, I was on the T from my 1st BC. I did not refill my Rx after my 2nd dx. )

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    I missed getting in here early to start off a nice Friday party, but I'll be among the first to welcome Saturday with a drink and a snack :)  And in a moment of ... something ... I got a note from BCO last week letting me know that if you go to the home page of, you might see a familiar face among the "main pagers" there ... there are four rotating stories, and the face of someone you know is among them :)  On to the drinks and weekend snacks. Hugs all around.

  • ibcmets
    ibcmets Member Posts: 312


    I did not know that a PS would be able to do both surgeries.  I had the most recommended team from a hospital near me, BS & PS who work well together.  The BS did the BMX & the PS started reconstruction the same time (a few hours later)  I  followed up with only the PS since my continuing care would be with him.  I'm sure this is most likely possible with your surgeons as long as they work out the scheduling together.

    Best Wishes on your surgery.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    Mystery Picture: 
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph,  It looks like a speaker on another speaker or on a table. 

    (You are so mysterious, but if you are getting tired of doing it, try giving us something with a color or pattern that is a small clue.  I think the black and whiteness of the three you have used don't give us that much to go on.)

    ibcmets,  Someone new came (jcollins5, on page 611) and wanted some info. about IBC.  Don't know if she has checked back, but you might be able to help her with info.  I could not think of anyone else currently on this thread with IBC.

    marlegal, I DID see your face one the homepage yesterday.  Usually come right to my home page, but logged in from another computer and there you were!

  • noodle6
    noodle6 Member Posts: 32
    MP:  A speaker sitting on top of the stereo?
  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Cell phone in a charger?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Ipod docking station/stereo?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Computer speaker on a monitor?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    MP - Base of a computer monitor.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    MP could be a sailboat. :)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    MP-Have absolutly no idea, will have to think on it.

    Thanks all for the comments regarding my Dr's and the BMX.  DH and i talked about it and I finally made the decision to just go with my PS doing both.  I really like my BS but my gut told me to just go with my PS.  One thing that kept coming back to me was that the PS had told me if I wanted to use the BS he was fine with it, but felt he could control the cosmectic outcome better if he did both the BMX and reconstruction.  OK so I have found my vanity in BC. Since I am not worrying about active cancer right now I decided the PS was the right decision.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250
    Hi Joni, I am finally getting back on here. It is good to read and catch up with everyone. I forgot the special bond in sharing on here Smile
  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    MP - and now for a completely different direction: dark liquid pouring into a glass container. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    MP: bottom of a bar stool or office chair

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    MP --  The spout on top of a Morton's Salt.

    I'm guessing a lot, but not really feeling confident about any of them.  Can't win if you don't play!

  • cajmi
    cajmi Member Posts: 8

    Hi Elimar,

    I love the sense of humor, keep it coming:>  When I broke the news to my internist that I had BC, I tried to let her down easily by telling her I was really encouraged about my chances of not developing prostate cancerWink.  It took her a minute, then she said, "I should have known, you always make me laugh."

    @ were trying to kill me, so I had them taken out!   It's been my motto every since, in fact it was the theme for my going away potluck @ work:>

    Going for my BMX with recon on Wed, so I may need a few more good ones to pick me up...  Just don't make me laugh too hard cuz it might hurt:>

    I'm assuming all is well with you as I noticed you've been a member since 2009.

    Thanks again for the pick me up,


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Hey cajmi, good luck on Wednesday. It is a bit freaky to have bodyparts lopped off, but I am also in the "the suckers tried to kill me" camp, and it beats losing a leg or an arm. My BMX was 4 months ago and I am doing pretty well at this point. The recovery was more uncomfortable than painful. Since you are stage 0, I assume you get to keep your nodes and won't have to do chemo. In that case, you have every chance at a successful and uneventful surgery and recovery.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Sherry--the multiple follow ups can be a pain, and are certainly something to consider. 

  • cajmi
    cajmi Member Posts: 8

    Hi Momine,

    Thanks for good wishes!!!  I'm in a pretty deserted camp with a pedicle tram reconstruct, but I'm a tough old hag, and I'm getting 2 month paid vacation...  How's that for a postive attitude?

    I know it's a longer and tougher recovery, but I got a new power recliner and a netflix subscription, sooo...

    I hope you are doing well.  Did you have recon?


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Ok the MP is a glass of wine being poured into a glass.

    Im so glad when my family gets together to play poker that its just for change.  Man on man the last few games have left my pockets empty:-(  Plus side though, its nice to finally have family functions be just that family without the take of BC anymore.  

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Carolyn, I did not have recon, because I had to do chemo and rads after the surgery. My surgeon will not do a 2-in-1, if there are rads to follow. For the time being I am inclined to leave well enough alone. Being boob-less does not bother me. If it starts bugging me one day, I can always do recon then.  Netflix and a recliner sounds like a good way to go.

  • gc123
    gc123 Member Posts: 2

    Young 60!   Diagnosed 1/9  DCiS    Lumpectomy  Jan 19

    Path report -  margins close -  unifocal   Microinvasion

    Need to make a decision.   Another lumpectomy and a node biopsy - (would this make it now a partial mastectomy?)  

    Mastectomy?    Would this be too agressive at this point?  

    Another question - if it is considered a partial mastectomy - do they do recon ?

    Reading your posts -  - you are so supportive of each other!

    Anyone in this group  have dcis with microinvasion - just go for a lumpectomy with rads  ?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, cajmi!   You probably spent your holidays becoming a B/C expert and letting the decisions swirl through your mind.  So the wait is almost over, and although surgery is hardly a pleasurable event, it will feel good to take that big step forward.  I'll wish you luck now (in case I forget by Tuesday) and be sure to let us know how it goes.  I had to Google "pedicle TRAM" and I'm still not sure how it is different from regular TRAM, although it did say it was a lengthy surgery.  Of course, I always say, "Time flies when you have the right IV drugs."

    And yes, I have been here a while.  The first year was for me.  The second year was to give back to newer Newbies.  Now, I have to say I hardly feel cancer-y anymore, even tho' I have those occasional check ups to remind me, a scar that is not cute, and will be Tamoxified for three more years.  Just as this site has many good role models for women with mets who live with B/C in the present, with incredible grace I might add, I think it is important to represent the scenario of "getting thru'" B/C, putting is in the past, and feeling normal again. THAT FEELING HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH MY MIND AND NOTHING TO DO WITH MY CHEST!


    **I'd like to thank my bad, yet colorful brain for allowing itself to be thermographed and standing by me throughout.  (Sassy areas indicated in purple.)