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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    gc123, welcome!  The most significant aspect of your Dx is that you are Triple Negative, and Grade 3 grows aggressively.  Read more about TN, and check out the TN threads on here.  I don't know that you need another surgery if you go with rads, as that is intended to take care of random B/C cells in the area (the microinvasion & close margins.)  How do you feel about rads?  Hormone therapy will not be of help, but with either Mx or Lx and rads, they may suggest a chemo.  I have limited knowledge, so hopefully someone with your similar Dx with come with more info.

    Partial Mx is basically another name for Lx.  If the Lx leaves you noticably lopsided, you can get recon. for cosmetic symmetry.  My friend had it.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Photobucket" ce_src="" alt="" border="" hPhotobucketspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />

    Well here's the MP-I'm done! My brain isn't able to find a reasonable imagine....the competitiveness comes out to make it as hard as possible :>)  E your turn to start the ball rolling the right way.  

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    gc123, i agree with elimar that the most significant part of your dx is the triple negative and the grade 3.  my breast surgeon told me that if i only had DCIS, he'd recommend lumpectomy and rads, but that if my pathology came back worse than DCIS, it would definitely be chemo and radiation.  i had a lumpectomy and the path was ER+ and H2+ so, of course, i had chemo as well as radiation. what does your breast surgeon recommend?  personally, i'd get as much information as you can on this site and make a decision based on what feels most comfortable to you.  also, check out the triple negative treads here.  good luck.  please let us know what you decide.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph,  You should have included the "done brewing' light as a little clue!  You are the CHAMP of the Mystery Pic challenge, for being so mysterious 3 times in a row. 

    Weekend Mystery Pic ===== All good things come to an end, thanks for playing!  

    Now, now, I don't want any blubbering about it.  It's not like you won't all be busy next weekend...

    ( ) watching the Super Bowl anyway.

    ( ) going out to that popular restaurant that is always crowded with a 45 minute wait minimum (because, trust me, on Super Bowl Sunday, you can waltz right in at about 6:00, no waiting.)

    Check one.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    MP: Okay so I had the subliminal impression of a "dark liquid pouring into a container" - LOL! Coffee works for me... You're too good at this!

    Super Bowl at our house! We have the biggest TV/living room/dining table in our cul-de-sac so everyone comes to our house, but they bring food and drinks, so it's all good. If you don't have plans, come on over! Tongue out 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I did include the top of the arc of the brew light on the MP but it was too small to see I guess

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    hi ladies, i havent been here for a few months, not getting on the comouter much, this darn hypthyroids killin me.. i just wanted to catch up reading, and let you know i still try to catch uo.. its hard, though.. you guys are talkers hahahaha....3jays
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Ok some of you are gonna ream me for this on, but thats ok Im a big girl and can take it.  I am so so happy that I will not be watching the superbowl.  I was so blessed to have a man who doesnt watch sports of any kind!!!  Yea me!!!  But the down fall is the millions of westerns I have watched of the last 23 years. But I would rather suffer thru some of them then have to suffer thru a sporting event!!!

    Welcome to all the new gals around here.  The gals around here are great.  They are very helpful, so if you have any questions just post away.  Someone will be able to help.  Hang in there!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Paula--I'm not a sports fan, either, and look at the whole Super Bowl/major sporting events as just one of the quirks of my sporting friends, something that's part of their uniiqueness and insaness!  Of course, I'm single and the dog doesn't care what is on TV as long as she gets the occasional pat on the head. . . .

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Funny, in my house I'm the sports fan. I can't tell you how many times I watch stuff while my DH grimaces. I told him it's better than watching the sci fi channel all day (oh lord another twighlight zone marathon lol).

    It's ok, my DD watches with me (we're a little backwards in my house). Football is over for us since the Eagles lost and I'm not a Patriots fan and we don't even mention that other team that doesn't know what state they're from in our house but the Flyers are doing great :)

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216
    Then again, I used to work in advertising, so I like to watch the commercials! Laughing
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Reesie, I am with you.  Will watch the superbowl, but without the Eagles I don't have much interest.  And the team who shall remain nameless just makes it even worse.  But DH is a big sports fan, so he will definitely be tuned in.  However when it's not sports it's MSNBC for him.  OMG, I have seen so much of Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum that I am going to puke.  Give me the Twilight Zone!  LOL

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i'm reading pg 601-not sure if i've said hello yet...will catch up someday! for now need to shower and DO SOMETHING besides sit at comp!!!!

    btw saturday was my 58th birthday and i just realized there was NO CAKE.......................

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Hey Paulla66, I totally agree with you! I'd rather watch ANYTHING else before watching the Super Bowl.  I don't have cable TV so it's Netflix on that day.  Reesie I am a big SciFi fan but I do agree that those "marathons" are really boring no matter what show it is.  Lumpynme-Here's a cake for you, I made it myself! LOL,  Kitty

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'm with you, madpeacock, as I sit through the many $uper Bowl Commercial$ for the two or three that are hilarious and brilliant.  Do want to see Madonna's halftime show.  If the score is close I like to watch the last 5 minutes (read: half hour!) of the 4th quarter.  As far as who to root for, I like to go with the better looking QBs, so let's see...


    Round One - Game Face:  Nobody really looks good with an adrenalin-distorted game face, and these guys are no exception.  They look equally fierce, but the scale tips for Brady who, unlike Manning, removed his mouthguard for this photo op to reveal his Hollywood-white perfect teeth.


    Round Two - Casual Looks:  At first glance, it's tempting to go for Brady again, but look close...he's wearing a collared polo shirt under that zip-neck pullover.  Who does that? He's tring to hard to look trendy.   Manning is in an outfit from the consignment shop, that came from a dead man's closet, but he does Bryl Creme his hair to the corresponding decade of the suit.  Hmm, spray tan vs. natural coloration that looks like blushing?  Chin cleft centrally located vs. on the bottom?  I give this one to Manning.  His dark brows and eyes make for a sexier gaze too.


    Round Three - Does he do any chores?   Eli looks like he just lays around and lets his abs go in the off-season, probably a couch potato who doesn't lift a finger.  Brady stays toned while helping out around the house.  Oh wait, that iron is not even plugged in!  The only way he will touch a household appliance is if you pay a few friends to show up and say they are shooting a photo spread for US Weekly.   This category really ends in a draw.

    LET'S GO TO THE TIE-BREAKER ... Whose oversized Bobble Head would least scare a child?


    Manning looks like cookie dough.  Brady looks like a Mr. Potato Head with a closed-head injury.  

    In a close race, it's Manning!  Go Giants!


  • cajmi
    cajmi Member Posts: 8

    Hi Ladies,

    My husband will definately be watching the game, but not as enthusiastically as if the Bears hadn't fallen apart!!!  Hopefully I will come home from the hospital before the game.  The best part about being medicated is that if he wants me to watch the game with him, I can do it and it will be painlessLaughing


  • cajmi
    cajmi Member Posts: 8


    That is a great post!!!   It almost makes me like football:>  It is a great pick me up as I'm really starting to get nervous about Wednesday...  thanks for the laugh!!!  you are truly a great group of women!!!


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Paula, my husband never watches sports either. He used to play a bunch in HS and college, but has no interest in watching and zero interest in baseball or football. Had he been the type to watch sports on TV it would probably have been a deal breaker for me.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    You're welcome cajmi.  I've never been one to bog down a pre-game commentary with boring stuff like coaching strategy, seasonal records or career stats.

    Lumpynme,  Happy Birthday and many more!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    E-your analysis is very similar to what we are going to be subjected to all week but I am a BIG NFL fan, just not the 2 teams playing.  However, in my office football pool @ the start of play-offs I drew the Patriots as my team SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Go Patriots (and no matter what your analysis says-Brady is MUCH better looking than the fake Manning brother!)

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I'm not a Patriots fan either, but I have to agree with that.  Tom is so much cuter than Eli.  I don't even think it's close.  Now if you put Eli against Peyton....

    And it pains me to say it, but Go Pats !

    We have a superbowl pool at work with the digits on the score.  Don't know what numbers I have yet.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200


    love the new pic at top of page, that is alot like how I feel lately.

    Love the football talk. I too go for the best personalities and looks rather than statistics. I use to watch a lot of football while my DS was living here, He was outraged that I forgot the playoff game was on. Since I am in NE have to go with the Pats. I might go to someone else's house to watch more fun than alone even though the dog gets excited when there is lots of cheering.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I will be in sewing heaven Sunday.  My local guild does a superbowl Sunday quilt marathon, so thats where this chic will be.  Not a game will be seen or heard as the machines would drowned them out anyway, lol!  The gamewatchers (aka my bros n sissies) will be cheering, so they will be making up for me, thats cool!

    Well all I have had it for the day!  If I have to look over one more work instruction, Im gonna scream!  Looks like this chic is going to make her audit last alot longer then the 1/2 hour it takes to do!  Just for giggles I may go audit the hubby just to taunt him, lol!  We work for the same company so its fun when I can do stuff like that to him.  Oh rats I just looked at the schedule and his area isnt due until next month.  Hmmmm he doesnt know that part though, lol!

    Have a great afternoon all!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    OK we are not avid sports fans on TV.  I don't even know who is playing in the superbowl.  Although we always go some friends house for it.  The girls we stay in the kitch and catch up and watch half time and then usually head home early.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Oh Eli that is the most complete and enjoyable football analysis I have seen yet!  You should work for the network!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Madpeacock....I would love to come over for your party!  I always enjoy the game and commercials of course.  I just love the festivities!  I am not happy with the teams playing this year...boring rerun.  I am a die hard Denver Bronco fan...but am originally from San Francisco.  Nothing worked out there so really I could care less about this game.  But the fun...that would be so nice!  DH and I will just watch it alone.  Oh...your daughter sounds wonderful and your bond is perfect.  Glad you have her!

    I have been sick for days and finally today am up and around.  I had a flu bug apparently...diarrhea and vomiting and total exhaustion.  I barely remember the weekend.  Hubby did bring me canned Chicken Noodle soup and crackers.  I drank lots of water so that is good, but I was so wiped out.  I am glad to have my energy back finally.

     I hope everyone here is going great.  Thinking of you all...always!  :)

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    There's another thought. The price of Super Bowl advertising is probably too high for political ads, so there's a break right there! I don't think the Georgia primary is until March (ish) so we really haven't been bombarded yet. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Paula - I am with you - no interest in watching the Super Bowl.  Thank goodness DH does not watch either.  I would rather be sewing with you and the other gals.  Chances are I will be in my sewing room working on my quilt.

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250

    Must be a Paula thing, because that is my name, zumba girl is just what I LOVE :O) We don't watch sports here either, and if we even remember that the super bowl is on, or happen to be channel surfing, we do think the commercials are funny, but , then again we can just google, and watch the commercials, without suffering through the long game to see them. LOL

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532

    i guess i'm the only one here who loves sports, especially football, and i live alone!  i'm not absolutely thrilled about the super bowl, but i will definitely watch it.  i watch them all, college and professional.  i'm just an old geek!  HOWEVER, if i had a choice between watching the game and sewing with you guys, i'd be there!  i'm a needlepointer.