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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Meece, we lost our beloved Corder Collie, Sunka, two years ago.  He was 15 but in amazing shape and suddenly developed a limp.  The vet was able to determine with x-ray that he had bone cancer.  It was devastating.  We set him free a month later when his pain became unmanageable.  We lived in Wyoming then on a couple of acres and had two pet llamas.  We wouldn't allow Sunka in their pasture as of course he constantly tried to herd them.  They were NOT amused!  He loved to ambush Fernando though.  He would lie just outside the fence but in front of the big water tank.  His patience was amazing.  He would just crouch in the grass and wait for Fernando to come for a drink.  Then BOOM....charged that fence and often ran the whole length of the pasture alongside him.  We allowed it just now and then because it brought him such pleasure.  They are amazing dogs.

    Eli...welcome back, but sorry you won't have a lot of computer time.  Pop in when you can...that is about all I can seem to manage to do.  Your flowers are beautiful!  How nice you have used that spare time for gardening and productive things!

    Kitty, thanks hon!  I am fine and am not expecting any negative news.  I was surprised when they ordered the MRI as I have had headaches since childhood. 

    My sister arrived yesterday from Colorado.  I just love seeing her again, it has been nearly two years.  We had fun yesterday just window shopping and gabbing.  She is an RN and has been right alongside me through my whole journey.  She loves to critique my treatment as she works in oncology!  She leaves Wednesday afternoon.  We'll have fun, I know.  She has no time to cook so I made corned beef and cabbage yesterday.  I got up really early and got the meat in the crock pot, then I made an almond/cream cheese poundcake.  All that talk about cholesterol and tryglicerides makes me feel guilty now....but it was SO good!

    YaYa...Red is my favorite color and you look marvelous in those glasses!  Your big, bright smile always shines.  Love your new avatar!

    Hello to everyone I have hugs of course!  Laughing

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph's video:  Thumbs Up.  I don't think the dog had that much of a challenge tho'.  Smile

    B19's video:  Thumbs Down.  New person comes on BCO and posts link for a p.s.a., or worse, for fundraising purposes?  That's not your average Newbie, is it?  The last thing WE all need is more "awareness" of B/C, and soliciting funds isn't allowed.  I didn't report it, but someone reported a second post on another thread and it got removed.  I think it is very likely B19 never had B/C either.  Go away B19.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532

    i reported it.  makes me mad.  and it's gone!!!

    janis, thank you for your sweet comments! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    yeah Eli is back.  Although may be short lived this week, but back all the same.

    I will be getting my yearly cholesteral numbers checked in April so will be interesting to see how tamox may be effecting them. 

    I am having my BMX a week from tomorrow.  I have been doing all sorts of things around the house getting things ready that I know I won't be able to take care of afterwards.  I told DH I feel like when I was pregnant and nesting. But gee my house looks good for a change and all those little annoying things that I just never get to have gotten done. I have even gotten my garden planted and the new seedlings thinned.  Now I can just watch it grow.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Hi ya'll I have been away a long time and just had a hard time catching up.  Lot of activity.  I am well now my energy level was at an all time low for a while and was kinda depressed.  Had my blood work done, my iron level was fine, my cholesterol was ok cus I taking something for it.  My thyroid was low so they up ed my syntroid and doing better.  Taking B12 every day along with my other vits.  Just seems that to feel better you have to take so many pills.  Now biking 4 miles on the stationary bike gearing up for our Relay for Life next month.  My company asked me to be the team captain this year, so have been busy with fund raising, have a lot of fun things planned.  My company is the survivor sponsor for our area and we have our survivor dinner this Friday.  Hope everyone had a great weekend, Spring is here.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Janis sorry about LE, very important to keep up with it.  This time last year I was seeing a PT for LE and I have to wear a sleave when I do heavy work, work out and fly.  I see nurse Debbie from my BS office every three months to have my LDex number checked. 

  • MOT
    MOT Member Posts: 15

    I'll be 60 this year and have just been dx with BC -- dx on 3/13 and will have a LX on 3/20. Am a little overwhelmed but happy I found this site today. I look forward to reading all your posts....

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome, MOT.  Ask questions, you'll get a lot of information.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    sorry you have BC, mot, but glad you found us.  ask any and all questions you have.  someone always has an answer.  let us know how the LX goes and what the pathology shows.  good luck and hugs to you.
  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    A warm welcome to you, MOT. Yes, this is a very overwhelming time & we will be with you Tuesday, supporting you all the way. Please let us know how you are doing when you can. Sending gentle hugs.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    MOT-welcome to our sorority, hopefully we can help with any questions you might have and occasionally we'll take your mind off of BC for awhile. We'll all be along with you tomorrow holding your hand and ready for (((hugs))).

    Eli-welcome back to the cyber world. And I love the tulips! I had red tulips for my my wedding flower--and I know what you mean--I was lucky they survived the ceremony!! 

    I have an appt this week with my primary to go over my bloodwork. When BC started for me, it sent my thyroid into a tailspin and also my cholesterol. Now that my thyroid is in control,and 10 months of tamox, my cholestorol seems to be back to its usual low self. I'll find out for sure this week. Next week, I get to see my MO for my clearance for recon. Start of a whole new process. Hoo-boy, can't wait !!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    MOT - Welcome!  Sorry you have BC but sure glad you found us.  Ask all the questions you want to.  You will find a lot of good information and support here.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Mot-welcome. These ladies are wonderful.

    Jo-I love your picture. Every time I see it I just think that you look like someone who just is full of fun and doesn't take any crap.

    Yesterday I was so down in the dumps about this whole lymph node involvement. One minute I am angry and the next I am crying. The doctors all said the cancer was stink'n small and not agressive. My 12 yr old is having a tough time. I just found out that he was so rude to a sub at school on Friday that the VP had to remove him from class. He kept asking me yesterday if I was going to die and wouldn't leave my side all weekend. I guess I will have to get the school counselor involved.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Glad to be back having my tea with the Middie this morning.  How could I forget that my boys are "late risers" and present no computer competition in the morning hours? 

    Welcome, MOT!  If you get a chance, let us know what you found out on your biopsy.  Otherwise, good luck with surgery tomorrow, and we'll be here when you get back.  This group represents most of the surgeries and treatments out there, so once you know your own game plan, you will meet others who have been thru' it.

    cmb,  meant to say welcome back to you too. 

    p.s. Dianarose,  Yes, let the school know what you are going thru'.  It never hurts to give them a heads up that they could see some different behavior from him. 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Dianarose - my son had just turned 14 when I was diagnosed and I informed his teachers what was going on at home, they were very supportive.  So please do inform your school about the changes at home.  I will pray for you as you give reassurance to your son.  It is important to be as upfront with the kids as you are comfortable with and what information you want to share.  Tell him the steps you have to take and what happens.  My son kinda freaked on the hair loss but as soon as he got used to it he was fine with it.  He knew I was going to be sick for a while but that it would get better. He gave me reassurances on my down days.

    MOT welcome, this is a great bunch of gals.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Mot welcome to the club but sorry you have to be here.  Please ask any questions you have and keep us updated. We will be in your pocket for your LX tomorrow.

    Claire-guess we need a pocket party for you too.

    Dianarose please do talk to the school.  At least they will know why things are happening and can help your son on their end.

    Walker we have our surviviors dinner tonight.  DH has to work late so my Mom is going with me. Our Relay is this Friday.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Hi ladies. Went to my appointment with my Medical Oncologist today (every three months). He said "bloodwork looks great, see you in three months." Exactly what I wanted to hear!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Welcome Mot. Sorry you have to join us but am sure you will find comfort & knowledge here.

    Ceeztheday - Great news. Congrats! 

    Dianerose - You little man sounds so sweet. Please talk to the school so they can better understand & help him thru this time.

    Count me in for the pocket parties... I am to see my BS Wednesday for my 6 month check-up.

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome Mot.  So sorry we have to meet like this.  The gals around here are super.  Post anything that you think of.  Someone here will be able to help you thru it. 

    Dianarose please call the school and let them know what is going on.  I sometimes wished I did.  I wasn't thinking that he would have a hard time.  I know that several teachers go to my church and I had assume  the word was out in that way. His English class even sent me a card signed by his classmates.  I was trying to keep this as low key as possible and didn't even think of how this was affecting my kids. My son is so much like his dad and guards his feelings, so if he was upset he didn't show it around me.  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Odie - I am joining the pocket party on Wed.  You are going to do great.

  • azdixie
    azdixie Member Posts: 1
  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Count me in for the pocket party. I am drowning my sorrows in a hot fudge sundae. It 's wonderful.

    I did email the school and let them know what is going on with my son. He is very emotional and my ex doesn't help. He told my son, William, good the /b#%^& has cancer again, so my son is angry as well as scared.

    I tried to attach a photo of my son that my brother emailed me, but I have no idea how to. Elimar I need your help with this.

  • seabeal
    seabeal Member Posts: 108

    Please someone! My hands are shaking all day and so bad that I don't think I could even start an IV if I had to, it takes all my concentration just to write patient notes. After I got the news 2 weeks ago that there were more tumors and the original one was resized from under 2 cm to 5 cm I have barely been able to stop this shaking. Asked my surgeon for a mild sedative since I can't eat or sleep (and now shaking) but he declined saying I needed to maintain my edge so I could handle the difficult times to come and continue to nurse. My God, I don't want to be korked and I would never take before going to work, I just need to get a handle. Although I still need to lose some weight (I was losing before this happened) I've lost almost 10 pounds in the past two weeks without even trying (guess I should just be grateful)

    I have my first appointment with the onco tomorrow so maybe things will start getting better. Hope hes the "one" as I just want to get this thing started so I can get it over with. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Seabeal- dear God, they should give you something to be able to calm down some. My regular doc prescribed me something. I didn't even have to see her. I just called her and she called me in a prescription. Try your primary doc.

    You wil be in my prayers tonight.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    seabeal- My heart is breaking for you. You are so right that getting started, so that you can get it over with, is a big important step. Hugs.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    seabeal - Someone should give you something to help calm you down.  Speak with your MO and let him know how this is affecting your life.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  HUGS!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    seabeal,  It sems like the MO or your primary care doc could come up with some anti-anxiety med. that would still allow you to nurse.  Bypass the surgeon and ask one of those docs.  I don't know why some of the docs are so oblivious to our panic about B/C. 

    Dianarose, For your own original photos, you need a hosting site to upload the pics onto.  I use Photobucket, but others with Facebook are able to share from that site too.

  • seabeal
    seabeal Member Posts: 108

    Thank you everyone. I didn't know if I was just being needy yet I can't seem to direct my thoughts away from everything going on. Now I know I can talk to my MO or primary who is a super great physician, she's also a woman who is very emphatic with her patients.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    seabeal, bless your heart.  i'm so sorry you're dealing with all this.  i can certainly understand the anxiety and i hope you find a dr. who will help you.  anxiety is so difficult, especially on top of everything else.  good luck tomorrow.  please le us know how it goes.  we're all here for you.