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  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hello, everyone!

    I had an appt with both PS and microsurgeon about my future reconstruction. They both agreed I am not a candidate gor the DIEP...So Latissimus is an option for me. I still have another opinion next week in Duke university. Then I will schedule it..Probably January...Sick and tired of operations ( my TE failed twice, I still have TE on the right and nothing on the left), but I am sooooo tired of trying to stuff myself everyday....

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Cmbear, mmmmmm looks yummy! How did stage 2 go? I have mine Dec 27th. Then I am scheduled to go to work Jan 14th. I work in hospital so would be doing lifting and pushing wheelchairs. Do you think I would be able to after two weeks? Just based on how you feel physically. I'm having lipo, fat grafting/fixing hard spots on left and scar revision on both.

    Olgah34, that must be so frustrating!! I hope you can have the flap and recover once and for all!!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Beckers, that's what I had. Much quicker, simpler surgery. Had a couple of days out of it, mainly from the fat grafting host area being sore. Couldn't sleep on my sides for about 2 weeks. Two weeks out, you should be able to work, but the lifting is still restricted. They lifted my prophy side so they opened two scars and those have healed. They did revision on my ab incision and that is STILL healing. My little problem child. They fat grafted on rads side and now they need to fat graft on the other side since they revised it, now they have to refill it. It never ends. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Cmbear, Oh my! One of these days I need to work again before I forget how! Something tells me it won't be mid Jan. So, now they have to put more in your other side? If they keep it up, you may end up with some big foobies! luckily my abd scar seems ok. I hope that's it for your problem child.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Well, everything went well at my Onco appt today except....

    My TMs are up slightly, to 23.7 from previous 12.6. Before that: 13.6; I have always been <12.0 ~ though one time 12.8. The NP told me not to worry, she has questioned small increases such as this before & "they" (?) have told her not to worry about it, they don't give it a second thought. (doesn't make me feel any better, though.) She did say, "Now, if you were a 60-something & it jumped to a 90-something, then it would be checked into further."

    I know it is only an 11.1 increase, but still........ guess I'll have to do some research. The NP scheduled me to see the MO at my next 6-mo ck-up. (I was afraid to ask if it was because of the increase - to calm myself, I do remember I alternate between the two, sort of: NP twice in a row. Then MO once. Then back to NP.

    All the other blood-work is good, some up/some down as usual. Minor changes.

    Any thoughts?? Advice? A sister/friend has suggested I call the MO to ask her about it. Or do I not stress about it and just wait for the next appt?

    I hate having the TMs done, it causes SO much anxiety for me. My BP was up: 133/84 (pulse 85) Sheesh! I'm ususally fairly normal on everything. BP: 112/70 ~pulse: 64 is normal for me. Yes, E, from what I know, ususally TMs aren't done on Stage 1 or 2. Doctors discretion, I guess.

    Fairly normal. What the H*ll is fairly normal anymore???!!!

    Thank you all so much. I feel bad that I don't check in as often as I should & then when I need you, here I am. And, you are always here.... Thank you for the PP. Other than the actual appt, I had fun!! (I wore a sweater that has different orange colors in it along with white and red - something to hide the Cheetos dust!)

    Yeah, BCO is finally working a bit faster for me, also.


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    valjean sorry your markers are up but mine go up and down all the time but are always in the normal range so MO does not worry about it.  He says if there is a steady rise that is when he starts to get concerned.  I am early stage as well but he does them on all BC patients. 

    I go Friday to see the MO.  I am sure everything will be fine as I am feeling great these days.  When I am finished at the MO DH and I are going to meet a BCO sister and her hubby from VA that is traveling to San Antonio for breast reconstruction.  Her surgery is Monday and she is having DIEP and very nervous about having to travel away from home. IF I don't forget to take a picture I'll post it.  Let's have a wild a crazy PP and bring on the cheetos!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Jill, I think what you guys do with your locally raised funding is EXACTLY how it should be spent!!!! Enough has gone to research for heavens sake!!! If they haven't found the cure with the BILLIONS they have gotten to date, it ain't going to happen!!! It will probably be a 17 year old high school drop-out that one day will go "So what do you think if we try this....?" And voila!! THE CURE!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Haha, Barbe, you are probably right...and it will be so simplistic that all will wonder how no one thought of it before.

    Valjean: so happy your appt went well! My MO was not happy that my PS ordered TM tests for just the reasons given. TMs are unreliable and cause a lot of unnecessary worry. He also said that elevated numbers could be from ANY stress or inflammation, but once they go down that road, as long as they are elevated, they continue to test regularly. I was told anything under 40 was not abnormal.

  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33

    What are TMs?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Kd6blk, TMs are Tumor Markers, something in the blood (proteins?) that is present, and elevated, when cancer is present and they can be specifically identified.  We have them even if our tumors are removed, but the numbers should be quite low for us then.  As Val said, sometimes non-cancery things can cause a slight increase too.  The markers all have names, and I know the ones for breast cancer ar CA-27/29 and CA-15.  Maybe there are some more, but those two are common.  Guess you could Google for more info. on that.

    I agree, Barbe.  So much money given already, so much still unknown.  Maybe it will be somebody's dumb luck that stumbles upon the cure.  Wouldn't be the first cosmic joke.

    Valjean, You are not quite my Dx twin, but I always felt like we were on the same track with our follow-ups.  I always feel better when you have nothing to report, but I doubt those numbers are anything to worry about.  Me, I will try to stay blissfully ignorant about what any of my markers are doing.  I usually have the same BP like you do, on the low end of normal, but in the last few (Tamox./menopausal) years, it has crept up to the 120/80 level.  Yes, very normal, but for me that is showing an upward trend.  I don't like that.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Presidential debate tonight.  It's not just what they say, but ALL that body language.  Gotta watch.

  • Kd6blk
    Kd6blk Member Posts: 33

    I have yet to have my first blood test so thank you for the explanation.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I think the best cosmic joke is that men peak sexually at 18 and women at 38. Like...doi!!!

     As for tumour markers, I've seen ladies on here with their numbers as high as 7,000. So 40 seems pretty low in comparison, but any upward trend of any number should be watched. I don't get TMs and am glad.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I just rammed my hand on the edge of my slide-out on the computer table right on the pointy edge. Ouch!! But, I can still type! :D

    Thank you all for the positive comments.

    Sherry, I feel a bit more relieved knowing that markers can fluctuate. I just worry that as I get further out, things may start to change... As barbe says, any upward trend should be watched; I agree there.

    chachamom ~ (I envision "fun" with your name! Do you ChaCha?) I didn't realize elevated numbers could be from ANY stress or inflamation. Have I been stressed lately?! You betcha!! From what you ask?? Too long of a list ~ economy, POTUS election, health, the fact that DH is a public employee, POS neighbor, etc., etc., etc. Yell Very stressed! (And DH just told me the squealing noise I heard from the front of my Trailblazer today is my water pump & I need a new one before we go on vacation this coming Monday. So, I have to cancel my hair appt Friday morning so he can start to work on it tomorrow night. $$$$$$ Yell )

    E ~ This may sound, I don't know, cliche, but I have felt for a while that this appointment was going to surprise me. That something was a bit off. Hard to explain. Just an odd feeling....

    I don't want to be political here, but I hope everyone watched the first POTUS debate tonight. This is a very important election.  

    And, yes, I now have a growing purple bruise on my right hand. Ouch!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I just thought of something!

    Right after my last Onc appt in April, I stopped taking my mixture of antioxidents. I mix the spices in a bowl and store in small bottles easy for travel:



    Dark Cocoa

    Black Pepper


    And can't remember any more at this moment; have to get out my recipe. I used to take 2t each morning with a small amount of water. These help reduce inflamation.

    Maybe?? Could this have anything to do with the TM rise?

    Am I fishing here??!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    El, I like the TP roll. Hubby is particular. I'm go with the flow. I have put it on backwards a few times just to mess with him....don't tell.

    So...With respect to TM's, for us stage 1 and 2's, we just go by how we feel? That's not good because I never feel that great due to an autoimmune disease. Seems like catching it earlier than later would be ideal. Hmmm. I don't know how to feel about it. I don't need mammos again. BS said every 3 months I will come to survivorship clinic for breast exam. Start Tamoxifen next. Because I am overweight, we will do tamoxifen for a few years and then AI. Still waiting to hear for sure. I'm already in menopause due to hysterectomy/ooph but I guess my fat puts out estrogen. Had that tested last week. Lot to get used to.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Valjean--the TM numbers are obviously bothering you.  You hired the onc/NP to educate and reassure you about such things.  Call the office, ask to speak with the office nurse, explain your concern and get more info.  If the office nurse suggests another appointment to discuss the numbers in more detail, go on in.  You do NOT have to be worrying and wondering about this until the next appointment.  I'm betting the office nurse, who will have access to your chart and the NP's notes, will be able to explain things to you so that you aren't worried for months to come.  

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    So I'm sitting here waiting for a

    Chest X-ray before my 6 month checkup. The computer system is down. I've waited an hour and I'm still not "registered". Still have 2

    More tests elsewhere before my appt at 10. Looks like I may be here all day. Can't believe they don't have a back up manual system. Trying to decide if I should hit my stash of Ativan in my purse. Getting a little cranky. : /

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Claire, I hope by now, 8 hours later that you are done!!!

    Valjean, here in Canada, I actually phoned my NP after an appointment and had her go over my report as the Onc had used the word "uptake" on the bone scan and as my back is SO much worse, I was kind of freaking out afterwards. The NP was able to assure me that my bone scan last year had "uptake" too! That actually made me feel better! We don't have to wait and worry, they are there to help you! I felt really good afterwards and I bet the nurse did too as I thanked her. I did the same thing with my pacemaker clinic as I got to thinking afterwards. You can't take everything in at once and sometimes a word will hit you later. As Canadians, we're not known to questions docs and we're so polite that we take everything at face value. Not cancer patients!!!!! Be your own advocate and get answers NOW! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Going for my MO appt tomorrow.  Someone bring the cheetos please!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Margarita for UValJean.....ChaCha is the name of my dog Smile....and yes she is LOADS of fun! 

    Sherry.....I'll be in your pocket

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I've got that covered Sherryc!!!  Since it is October and all, I just happen to have a whole bunch of individual snack size bags just ready to share.  (Might have to go out and replenish before Halloween gets here tho'.)  Good Luck tomorrow!


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Sherry--all set for your PP!!! Here's to an uneventful and boring visit! But wait its Friday, must do start this party proper. . .

    Pass the rum, start the conga line!! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I"m liking this party so far!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Looks like you've got all the food groups!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Hope your appt. went well today, Sherry. Thinking of you....

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    My appt went well bloodwork good and will get my estrodial and TM back next week. Scheduled my zometa for next time but still on a three month schedule. MO was not happy with my precancerous colon polyp and gave me the lecture about us keeping up with my colonoscopy screenings.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Thanks all for the pocket party. Met with a BCO sister from VA that flew in for reconstruction. We had the best time last night with our hubby's. I'll try to post a pic tomorrow

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Glad to hear, Sherry. I'll keep my fingers crossed for normal TMs & the rest. I love to meet with Sisters. I'm so happy for you that you were able to meet another & have such a wonderful time.

    I'm off for a week to play with the grandkids & enjoy the Lake Superior area in this beautiful Fall weather. (tho, looking at the long range weather forcast, it looks chilly (40-50's) & rainy. Dang!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Great news Sherry!  Glad you were having a "in-person" party as well as the pocket party!

    DH and I went to his 40 year HS reunion at the Queen Mary last night.  We had a good time, but were amazed at how "old" everyone "else" looked Laughing.......its quite a reality check!  How come, even with the BC.....I don't FEEL any different than in my 30's????  Sometimes I look in the mirror and am shocked...."who is that????"  LOL!