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  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    hmmm, I had one done in Nov '09 before starting Femara & I was supposed to have 1 last year but had insurance issues.  I had this on the 25th of Sept & no one has contacted me.  guess I'm gonna have to call. rrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eph3, I just had my dexa on Monday. I picked up the report with the results the next afternoon. Sometimes I can get results the same day, it depends on when I show up and how the lab's schedule is going.

    The nicest was when they sent me for a MUGA in July. The doc who did it told me to wait while he wrote up the report, so I would not have to either worry or return for results. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Do they have to inject you with anything to have a bone scan? My fingers and wrist have been really hurting. I don't know if it another side effect from the chemo. I am on a 14 day chemo break, then 14 days on and I will be done with that part at least.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Some of the places I've had scans seem to take the "no news is good news" stance.  I would prefer a quick thumbs up myself.

    Adorable little boy, Marlegal!  Our little man is coming for a visit in about 4 1/2 weeks, not that I am counting.Grandchildren are such a precious gift!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Barsco, Hope your scan is as clear as clear can be!! Meanwhile, thought we would nosh a little while we are waiting with you. . 


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Diana, there's a bone scan and a bone density scan...very different. The density scan is when you just lay there and the machine  moves over you...takes only a few minutes. A bone scan is usually done "with contrast" meaning there's an injection of dye first. That isn't done, or shouldn't be done, without good cause. I'd mention your pain to the doctor, but I'd think he would suggest several other things before thinking about a bone scan. Which is good - you don't need any extra radiation. I hope at a minimum you can find some relief from the pain. Gentle hugs :)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Ooooo Claire - looks delish! Scan went without a hitch. I asked why I didn't have to drink the "drink" and she told me basically because I don't have bowels in my head - lol. My sister then quickly replied that there should be no bs come out of my mouth then.

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114
    Hi there i am 58  (and love being 21 )and my kids are grown up the youngest is 18 i have 6 girls and one boy.  I too have breast cancer and need to make some decisions here fast. i had 2 biopseys and a sterotatic biopsy. the doctors can not get clean margins and suggested a mascetomy  i could not get a MRI because of the way the machine was i could not fit in it  with the table up wtf!!  I am a seamstress  and  I love my work I am trying not to let this get me down  i see my surgen tuesday the 16th of October I think that is when we will talk about what is best for me  and go from there My motto is" I do not age I youthen" Wink
  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Momto7 - welcome. 7 kids?! Wow, good thing you are 21. Ha! I only had 2 kids and one of them must have aged me an extra 10 years. Love your positive attitude. I'm sure it has brought you this far. The mastectomy or for me, bilateral mastectomy was a big decision. I wish you the best, as well as peace of mind with whichever decision you make.

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114
    Thanks I am glad I found this site i have been on a roller coaster not knowing what to do  after reading the posts here i feel a lot better  Kids always try to age us lol  and believe mine sure try at times Laughing
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    momto7,  Do you mind if I ask you to clarify?  DCIS is Stage 0, and does not produce is what you have IDC (Invasive Ductal Cancer?)  Also, I am surprised that if you have mets, that you were given surgery already and that more is being considered.  Maybe I am wrong, but chemo is generally the main course of treatment with mets.  I know it is hard being new to all of this, but I am just asking you to clarify, so that the answers that you get from your B/C sisters will actually pertain to your situation.   I'm not really sure why you can't get the M.R.I.  Do you think a second opinion might be of help?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Did too much Pac-Man in the 80's cause my breast cancer?   Who knows what Packy's other three enemies will lead to.


    Pinktober...are we having fun yet?

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Momto I had not clean margins twice. Second time they both surgeon and Oncologist insisted on Mastectomy. Radiologist was adamant, she categorically resisted to do radiation without clean margins. So I end up doing BMX after 2 lumpectomies.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Momto7, all my best to you while making a decision. That part sucks - I swear it's easier to confront anything once known. I'm not an expert on your particular situation, so I don't really feel qualified to give advice, but I second the idea of getting a second opinion. If you have insurance, it should be covered.

    Eli, I'm ready for the dreaded pink month to end already!!!!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    Marlegal, congratulations1 what a cutie!KissSomehow this month I don't see pink much.Even Marie Claire magazine did not have ANY article about BC...weird...
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Congrats Marlegal, hes so precious. 

    Well today didn't go as good as I had hoped for.  My daughter got her BRCA tests results back and she has the same mutation as me.  I'm a bundle of emotion right now.  This is one thing that I didn't want to pass on to her that's for sure.  I tried drowning my sorrows in a huge bowl of my favorite popcorn, but that didn't help.  Hubby got laid off, so retail therapy is outa the question.  I'm sure that tomorrow will be a better day, just right now it stinks!

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    It is funny one of my younger sisters and i both tested bracca negetive  my other sister who is younger also tested bracca positive and she did not even want us to have that info i have no idea why  i am sorry your daughter is positive pray it helps huggs:)

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    It is hard Reading these reports it says that i have

    invasive lobular carcinonma nottingham grade 1 of 3 extends focally to the inked margins / lobular carcinoma in stitu wjile the tumor demonstrated prominent  lobular features overall histologic features indicates that the tumer is best classified as invasive mammary invsaive carcinoma then they put it at stage 2

    she had sent the slides off to Nashville  Tn. to get another reading

     my surgen said the slides show it is scattered through out the breast  and she had never seen it like that  that it may be calcifications  but then it might not be she did not get clean margins the second time  my oncologist  and surgen both recommended mastecomey

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Momof7, Eli~ is right, it looks like you don't have DCIS, it appears to be ILC.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, that makes a little more sense now, momto7.  It seems that you hav ILC (invasive lobular carcinoma,) at the very least, which often does not have a distinct tumor mass, and it can be hard to image.  I don't see anything about mets, and if you had mets you'd be getting CT scans and PET scans to discover the extent of it.  It still may not hurt to get a second opionion, or at least draw up a list of questions for your current doc and do not conclude the next visit until all your questions are answered and you have an understanding of whatever is important to you.  A lot of times people will take a friend or family member to the office visits because it is good to have two sets of ears listening so nothing gets missed.  Some even take a tape recorder.   By me saying all this, please do not think I don't think mastectomy would be a good choice, if it is as widespread as it seems. 

    I wish member Dianarose would check in, as she had widespread cancer of several types.  I think she would relate to what you are describing.

    Paula66,  So sorry your daughter's results were positive for the gene.  I'm sure she would have been vigilant about breast detection anyway.  Now she has the tough decision whether or not to do something prophylactic at some point.  With her knowing, at least she won't be blind-sided if something does come up AND I think the biggest benefit might be a better monitoring of the ovaries, which sometimes get overlooked.  That ovarian cancer can be sneaky and deadly if you are not watching out for it.  You could aways get your retail therapy at a garage sale for a fraction of the cost.  Wink

    A final unrelated remark:  We never get political on this thread.  This is not the place, really.  However, I will report that my current record for getting dinnertime phone calls for political surveys is up to THREE in one night now.  I know it's all like marketing, like where to spend the most effective campaign ad dollars to swing a few votes over, or even where the candidates need to put in an appearance, but I'm no help.  When they ask me who I'd vote for, I tell them I really respect that little American custom of the "secret ballot" and if I told them, then it wouldn't be a secret anymore.   I am always pleased to make this remark.  The robo-calls, on the other hand, don't even allow for this small satisfaction.  Grrr!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Didn't mean to just post that and leave. (DH needed my help)

    Momof7, There are thread which have lists of abbreviations which can help you navigate through the reports.  Keep up your upbeat attitude, it can be one of your best treatments.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Momof7 (isn't that a Jackie O' avatar???) I think what the ladies are trying to say is that you need to edit your Dx below your posts. You mention mets, which by your pathology aren't evident and you list DCIS which should be changed to ILC. We answer questions based on that information so it does get confusing. I hope this helps you! 

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Welcome Momof7 - 6 girls and one boy huh? I bet he had his nails and hair done a few times - lol. You have found a great place to come for support and knowledge. We are all here for each other.

    Paula66 - Sorry to hear that your daughter is also BRCA + but as eli mentioned, she will be monitored well for both breast and ovarian cancers.

    My scan results are all good - nothing there that shouldn't be!

    Gonna try for one more day of drying clothes on the line today. Not a cloud in the sky (for now anyway). Beautiful day!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    The main reason I asked my daughter to get tested is because of all that is out there as far as how they think women with a family history get it.  Last year they said that if an auntie gets it that the chances for her would be 10 years earlier then the auntie.  If that is true then my daughter needed testing because my sissys first cancer was when she was 30.  Like a lot of us I have read some much out there about how much younger the woman are getting it.  A lot of girls my daughters age are getting it and by the time they get a doctor to listen to them, it's at stage IV.  That was another reason that I wanted her to get tested so that this can be avoided also.  Her doctor has recommended that she start her monitering now.  So in a couple of weeks, she'll start her mammos, then in 6 months and MRI.  She will also go for a trans vag US yearly to keep an eye out on the ovaries.  We have talked but she said that surgery is outa the question right now.  I know she's still in shock and that this may change. 

    Welcome momto7.  The gals here are very wonderful support for whatever you need.  Your close to me.  I'm from Taylorville.  There is a board on here for Illinois women.  I don't know if you've checked it out or not.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Paula, so I had my BC at 45. Does that mean my nieces could get it at 35? I'm BRCA - though.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    beckers I don't know how true this study is.  I'm just going by what I heard on the news.  They didn't say anything about BRCA being in this study.  I think it's was geared to the general population.  But so much that is out there, verys from what one doctor thinks over another.  I don't know how true it is either because if it wear a really good study then me and my sissy shouldn't have gotten cancer until our 60's.  But your nieces will be watched closer because of the family history.  Both me and my sissy were because of it.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Paula, I went through genetics counseling at City of Hope and they even recommend my sister take Tamoxifen for 5 years to decrease her chances.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Beckers thats what her doc said to her yesterday.  But right now she's too young for the Tammo.  This is an option for her when she gets older.

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    yes i love Jackie  she was a awesome person! Ok  I will change it i know this is my second go around the first time i was in my left breast now it is my right grrr now Monday i go for  a ultrasound and more imaging on the mammogram  then back to the docs on Tues

  • momto7
    momto7 Member Posts: 114

    thanks paula I dod not know there was i will check it out :-)