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  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Mom, you still haven't changed your DX line to be ILC instead of DCIS. DCIS is stage 0 cancer. ILC trumps DCIS in treatment, so be sure to change that line!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    3:45am and just got back from hospital with Mom. Her heart was racing, nausea, and chest pressure so off we went. They kept her for observation, blood work and to get pacer checked. Been helping her with my brother who had ankle fusion surgery Tuesday, then when we left him unattended to go to ER, he fell through the seat of his walker while kneeling on it to try and finish the dishes I was working on when the heart palpitations struck. He is ok I hope. Moms first two triponin blood tests to check for heart attack are ok. I was going to sleep at BFF's house who lives close to hospital but she fell asleep sometime between me leaving hospital and arriving at her house. I had to make the hour drive home. I was on empty of course and had to stop in the hood for gas and strange things go on there at two am --- probably got contact high from marijuana smoke in air. Now, I am 9 weeks out from

    BMX/DIEP but not feeling quite strong enough for such things!! So.. Gnite or good morning.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Rebecca - glad that you made it home safely. Hope mom and brother are ok. Catch up on your rest today!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    YIKES!  what a night!  I'm praying everyone is OK.

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104


    Good luck. So glad the first two enzymes were negative!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi everyone, haven't been here in awhile. Chemo is sort of kicking my butt lately. I have 14 active chemo days left. Thank the Lord. I am tired of the routine of it. My daughter is here from NC with my 3 granddaughters. I have missed them so much.

    Gossip--- Big prositution scandle in the town I work in. We are all waiting for the client list to come out to see if there are people we know. Lots of rumors of doctors, lawyers, policemen and others are on the list. Big gossip for a small town. They are saying there are 150 on the list. I am sure the divorce lawyers will be busy soon.

    momto7- feel free to pm me with quesitons. My cancer is like a buffet dinner. A little bit of everything. Try to stay positive. Retail therapy has done wonders for me :). Just bought myself a new car last night. A Ford Fusion. I love it. I figure go big or go home.

    Off the to grocery store with my daughter and grand kids. I will be so sad when they leave.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Diana, I have an older Ford Fusion and LOVE it too!!! I bought it used, but will buy another one again when the time comes. It is the PERFECT car for my age and disabilities. It is the right height to get in and out without feeling all scrunched up, because it is a 4-door the doors are a reasonable size to pull closed and the storage space is AMAZING!!!! We've puts HUGE items in there and there is still more room with that 60/40 split on the back seat lay-downs. What colour did you get? I have red/burgundy which I don't like, but didn't have a choice as it was used. Mine is a 2007 so doesn't have all the fancy GPS panels and such. Does yours?

    Rebecca, please update us on your family and yourself!!! That is too much to deal with, seriously. 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Ha! Diana, I read about that scandal. Scandals are great for keeping you distracted during chemo.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Beckers, Sorry to hear that is how you started your weekend.  Hope mom has stabilized.

    (Note to self:  When in SoCal, get gas at 2 a.m.)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Hi there. I'm awake. Whew! What a night. My sister is at hospital with Mom. All 4 troponin tests are negative, ultrasound of heart negative, pacemaker checked out. BP still higher. She will have stress test this week. They don't think it's a blockage. Mystery still not solved. Heavy sigh. Went to check on my brother. I think falling thru seat scared hime more than anything. I'm going to take nap!!!

    First Tamoxifen tonight. Kind of nervous. Hate those warnings. Any tips?

    Thanks for listening!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Barbe1958- Mine is silver metalic. It's an 2009, but only has 33k on it. An elderly man owned it and couldn't see to pass to re-new his license. It is like brand new. I have to go back to have the salesman go over all the fancy gadgets as it was getting dark when I picked her up. I love the comfort and the room too. It seems good on gas too. I haven't had a car with a radio in 4 yrs. I am in heaven.

    Momine- I will keep you posted on the scandal. You are right, it takes your mind off all the other crap. They said that there is a chef on the list. We are all wondering who it is as we are all chefs. Should be interesting to find out who.

    Have a good night. Cooking pasta tonight for my daughter and family. I got to meet my new granddaughter today, Lydia Grace. She is so beautiful.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Dianarose--I've been sort of following that scandal, too.  It is good distraction!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Rebecca, I have a pacemaker too, and know that they could get a reading of what had transpired in my heart during an "incident". Why can't they see what is causing your Mom's high BP? Or does her heart itself seem fine all over? Have they checked her kidneys?

    Dianarose, what a GREAT colour of car!!!! Looks clean even when dusty/dirty. I've had a number of silver cars and that probably would have been my choice. Enjoy it in good health! This is the first time I've ever wanted to get the SAME car as I've already had and I've had cars all the way up to a Jaguar Vanden Plas!!!!

    Can you imagine the blood pressure of the 150 men on that list??? Bet they never thought they'd see this day coming? Why is it being published? Or is it just threatened to be published to see who comes out? 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    The list is coming out because they are all going to be summons to court and that becomes a public record that will be on the news and all the papers. We all have personal bets of who is on the list. We (who are not involved) are having fun with it. They have t-shirts and bumper stickers already that say "I am not on the client list" and the profit is going to the fuel assistant programs. So, see there is some good coming out of it. I do feel bad for all the wives and kids who will be devistated from it though.

    Making another treasure chest cake for my granddaughters birthday today. I have this week off so I actually stayed up past 7 and slept in until going on 8. It felt wonderful.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Post pics of the cake!!!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I posted a picture once, but don't remember how I did it. Help????


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Ok, I know I haven't been posting much lately, but I am reading & keeping up.  

    Beckers, what's happening with Mom & bro?

    E-once again you had me roaring in laughter out loud-scared the crap out of the animals because up until then it had been fairly quiet around here.  Your "note to self" was hysterical!!!!

    Saw "Pitch Perfect" yesterday.  Fun, good movie, but if you don't like singing shows probably not your cuppa!

    Started a Zumba class the beginning of this month.  Keep in mind, I'm 58, have been separated from my not DH for 8.5 yrs, have not had any flings or romanaces since then & this young pup instructor is trying to get me move my hips, shake my bootie & bounce my 1.5 boobs.  I can't even imagine how ridiculous I look, but if it's anything like my fellow classmates-Lord, help me!  BUT~~~~~~~~~~~I have quite a bit of energy after class & am getting things done around the house that have been undone since my Mom went sick on me in March! So, if ya'll need a good laugh come on over to Medford OR sometime & come to class with me!    

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eph...I would love to come to Medform and JOIN you in a class.  I too am 58 and the last time I did any serious exercise was a few decades ago.  I do walk, and ride my bike (although not now while recovering from neck surgery).  I was thin in HS but never athletic.  I always felt clunky and akward.  Yeah I was the tall lanky kid in the back row who always got called last for teams.

    So I really admire you trying the class.  I have seen videos and thus far that is enough to keep me from trying!

    I don 't post much either but I read and try to keep up.  Just wanted you to know your post made me smile tonight!  :)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Barbe, they hooked her up and the pacemaker showed she was in A fib for 9 days!!! One of those days, my brother took her to doctor and they took her off lasix, did EKG and had her on IV fluids. Why did the EKG not see she was in A fib then??? Do you know if Afib makes you nauseated? She was d/c'd from hospital Sat with instructions to call cardiologist for appt for stress test and to take it easy until then.

    Eph, update above on Mom and my brother is doing ok. I offered to take him for xray tomorrow but he's sure he didn't hurt anything. He just elevating with ice.

    I started Tamoxifen. I feel bleh. Put big girl panties and trying to wear them proud. Just hate this sometimes.

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375

    Bleckers, I just started Aromasin, and ditto what you said in your last paragraph. But you are inspiring me to keep on it.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    I know Susannah. 5 years. Wow. My friend told me it does get easier. She takes it at bedtime so she doesn't feel nauseated. Last night was my first one. I'm doing 2 years of Tamoxifen and then 3 of AI. Hope you can hang in there. I will try. I want to be one who is off pain meds at day 5, jogging by 4 weeks, has absolutely no SE's except for weight loss and I'm just not! Darn it.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Elimar, I'm laughing so hard at your note to self!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Funny you should mention that about bike riding, janis, because I love to ride mine but the forward shift of my body does put pressure on my shoulder joints, which in turn goes right to my neck.  I still ride, but then put a sports creme on the neck which helps only a little.

    Welcome, SusannaW!  I had the right side lumpectomy too.  Now on the Tamox for almost three years.  I still get hot flashes, most notably after meals.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Susannah, I LOVE how you called Rebecca `Bleckers` as she was feeling icky....Freudian slip, of course, but apt.

    Rebecca, 9 days in A-fib!!!! And they discharged her?????? Yes, she would be nauseated. Get her to her cardio asap. If an EKG doesn`t use extra leads (or not placed properly) it doesn`t pick up my Long QT so I bet it could miss A-fib but I don`t see how!!!! It will be interesting to see what her cardio says, for sure!!! 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Thank you for your reply Barbe. We are on it. Not a lot of patience at this point. Lost my Dad in March, BC, brother's surgery, and on and on. I emailed her doc. I was quite direct in that we need referral to cardio ASAP. Enough is enough. Love, "Bleckers" lmao!

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375

    Barb, I wish I were clever enough to come up with bleckers!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli I  started PT today for my neck.  I have a lot of pain on my left side, neck down to to the top of my upper arm and a lot of pain in that shoulder.  I did some exercises with weights to strengthen the shoulder/neck.  Then I had ultrasound treatment followed by massage.  He did say I have a large knot in that left shoulder.  The massage felt great, but the therapist told me it is common to be dizzy afterwards.  Something about opening channels in the neck.  Not only was I dizzy, but horribly nauseated on the drive home.  I am so glad my DH took me, I was really feeling horrible.  I was barely in the door and got into the bathroom and vomited many many times.  I swear I have the best hubby...he actually had followed me in knowing I was so sick.  He held my hair up for me while I puked!  It was awful, but after a few minutes rest I felt much better.  I go back on Wednesday and hope this does not happen again.  I will tell them about it when I go.  The massage felt wonderful.  I have no idea why I got so sick though.  Weird!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis, if you had a knot you probably had a build of of lactic acid. Releasing that into your system is like a toxic soup. He would have opened up blood flow with good oxygen to your brain as well. Just a lot for your body to handle at once! He knew he had cleared something up by warning you. Let him know he was right! It probably wouldn`t happen again, as that would have to have been quite a build-up to make you puke. Better out than in!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    janis, Send me a PM about those exercises you do with weights.  Ultrasound is supposed to be good for any rate it feels very relaxing, I think.  I had gotten a lot of massages this summer, trying to help my neck (which did not help but irritated it in some ways, felt good in others) but I have not gotten massage from a PT.  Despite feeling so queasy and terrible, I do hope that was a turning point for you to begin feeling better.
  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    So interesting that getting rid of the knots can affect you like that. I hope you are feeling relief today Janis! Necks can be so painful. A massage does sound good. I am stiff from sleeping on my back the past months since surgery. Getting closer to being able to turn on sides but still can't do it.