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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    This thread sounds like a bunch of middle-aged ladies moaning about their creaky joints and achy backs, but you know SURGERY and RADS does cause that tightening in your upper mid-section, and our loss of estrogen from the drugs also robs us of some support to the bones and ligaments.  So that is how a neck or shoulder can be related to B/C.  (I don't know how chemo fits in there exactly, but did chemo ever make anyone feel younger and more  mobile???  I don't think so.)
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I'm jealous that you got to do ultrasound Janis.  I tried to have PT done to include ultrasound on my neck/shoulder kinks as it has worked so well before.  But when I asked for it a while back (this was 3 years ago when I was undergoing radiation) the physical therapist said that their office had a policy to NOT give ultrasound treatments to BC patients/survivors; my BS & MO both wrote letters on my behalf & the place wouldn't bend.  I love ultrasound treatment.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, I know where that is coming from, but I don't entirely get it myself.  When I was getting my PT after the rads, I asked for ultrasound, because I had read that it breaks up scar adhesions.  They told me there is something in the ultrasound (and it might be the heat created within the cells) that can stimulate cell growth, so they would not want to stimulate any cancerous cell growth.  That is very disturbing when you are under the impression that all your cancer has either been cut out, or nuked by the rads.  Just a not-nice little reminder that no one guarantees there is no B/C left behind.  Cry

    Before anyone gets the wrong idea, ultrasound therapy is different from the kind we get to image breast lesions.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    By the way-I love the middle earth gals.  Whoever drew them did well.

    My DD was in her ART 101 class yesterday as a college freshman & in walked a woman in a robe, who promptly dropped it & the assignment for the day was to draw her!  DD was a bit taken aback, but said after awhile it was just a body!     

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Just had a 4.5 earth quake here around 7:12. Did you feel it Native Mainer? I ran to get my granddaughter in the living room who was asleep in the chair. It was so loud and seemed like the house shook forever. We Mainers are used to blizzards, not earth quakes. The center of the quake was about 10 miles from my house. Now they are talking about after shocks. No thanks.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    How very scary Dianarose!!! We`ve had a couple earthquakes over the years but they`re just novelties to us. It`s the ones on the west coast that scare me and some of my family that still live there!

    I`ve had ultrasound treatment and thought it was a joke!! Seriously?! Describe what they did for YOU so I can see if it`s what they told me I was getting. Mine involved a big round metal tube for starters.....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    What are `middle earth girls`?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I went to the endo today and had all the hormones checked again.  Estrogen and Testosterone are non existence.  He says I am definitely post menopausal.  My thyroid and everything else was good.  Called DH and told him I thought I was turning into an it since my body has decided to shut down in the hormone department.  He laughed and said an it with great boobs. He always manages to make me laugh.  The funny thing is with no hormones I actually feel better than I have since before BC.  I think the exercise and eating right are helping.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    "Ultrasound is another modality that physical therapists can use to help a patient with their pain. Ultrasound is essentially a machine that uses sound waves to generate heat within a body part. What the therapist will do with the patient is use a sound head or something that you would see similar in a doctor's office where they do sonograms on pregnant women, and they put a little gel on the sound head and your body part. And, in a circular motion, we just rub the sound head on, say, your shoulder joint, and what that will do is generate heat in that joint, which will help with overall blood flow circulation. It will also help loosen up tissues to allow them to respond better to stretch or any other manual techniques that the therapist will be using such as to loosen up tight joints or tight muscles."  When I had this done, literally, the knot that I'd been harboring for MONTHS went away within a day of the treatment.  And while I was getting the treatment it felt very warm and wonderful.  Loved it!

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Love The Lord of the Rings!!

    Nice drawing of the ladies: Kate Blanchett, Liv Tyler & can't recall the gal's name on the far right at this time. They are the ladies of Middle Earth.

    I enjoyed the beautiful fall colors in Marquette, MI for the last week. Couldn't go to the corn maze because it rained Saturday. And the guys were hoping to go salmon fishing, but they (the fish) had already passed through, so to speak; and it rained to boot. Lake Superior had some crashing waves pounding the shoreline on our way home. It was so beautiful......

    Did get some Christmas shopping done for the little ones. Had DD there for ideas, that is a big help. I am always amazed to see what the grandkids have learned since I was there last. I love to watch them play.... and yell at each other....... and chase the poor cat..........

    I had a wonderful time, can't ya tell?!? 

    Had a call today to remind me of my Mamm appt Thursday morning. Like I could forget that!

    Missed everyone!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Funny that you liked the ultrasound. I used to get ultrasound on my very bad back as a kid/teen. I absolutely hated every minute of it. It felt like pinching and tiny spasms way inside my body. To me it feels painful.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Juliet--I didn't feel the quake at all.  Didn't know a thing about it until I saw it online this am.  I was home and sitting at the computer, too.  No TV on or anything.  But that may explain why Sadie was acting so oddly about then. . .

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    That wasn`t the kind I got!! I thought mine was bull-oney!!

    I read the Hobbit in grade 8 and tried to get my older brother to read it and he said he wouldn`t read a baby book and then he BECAME a hobbit!! heheehhehehe 

    My DD informed me last night that they are going to do genetic testing on her. I don`t really want this and don`t think she does either, but is doing it as she trusts her new doc. IF she is ++ then she will have to make some tough decisions!! about her breasts and her ovaries. She has had the only child she wants, but I can`t imagine going through menopause in my 30`s!!!! I told her I want to be there when they give her the results. She didn`t get the importance of it, so I`m not sure if I`ll be there.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Valjean, that was hilarious!!! Read your post over and it sounds like the 3 Tenors - Placido, Pavarotti and `that other guy`.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Barbe,  When I had ultrasound for therapy on my back, it was the same hand held kind just like the breast one, and used the gel judt the same.  I don't know if the frequency was different or if they just used it for a longer length of time (like 10 min.) but the result was like that of a sports creme only it seemed to penetrate deeper into the muscles and last longer than a topical creme.  Never heard of the big round tube method?????

    Beckers,  How's your mom doing?  Also, any hot flashes yet?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I sat on a guerney with this big metal high tube to my shoulders and they plugged it in and told me it was ultrasounds or some kind of sounds. What a crock of....butter!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Silly me!  Sometimes I don't see that there is a whole other page I need to advance to.

    Thanks for fielding the Lord Of The Rings question, Val.  Sounds like you had a great time "up North."  I know you'll do fine on Thurs., but all you have to do is put on some garb with giant pockets, and we'll all tag along.

    Barbe,  Even if you never read the LOTR books, you couldn't have missed the three films (or should I say promotion of the three films.)  Didn't those elf ears tip you off?  They all lived in Middle Earth with the Hobbits.  Are you saying your brother got hairy..on the feet?  :-)

    Momine,  I'm with Eph.  I found the U/S very relaxing.  I'd have a home unit if I could.  Sound farfetched?  That's what our moms said about microwaves.

    Earthquakes are so scary and fun (the kind that don't break things and kill people, I mean.)  Surprised  You were so close, Dianarose!  Did it cause damage?  I didn't even see news about it.  All the news is about two guys talking.  Foot in Mouth

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli I am headed to PT in a couple of hours.  I will let you know what specific exercises they are doing.  I have never heard BC patients should not receive ultrasound treatments.  It felt very relaxing to me after all the work with weights.  My left shoulder is still pretty sore, but that is to be expected.  I will keep you updated.  I'll see if they do anything different today.  The massage was wonderful.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Good morning,

    On the topic of ultrasound, I know it's contraindicated if there may be cancer. Just make sure the therapist has read the chart good.

    Mom is taking it easy. A bit of a fiasco with trying to schedule the stress test. I rattled the primary doc's cage with my "How did you miss 9 days of Afib!!!!" email. She kind of responded like they did on the presidential debate, leaving me wondering, "What did she just say for sure?" I have appointments next Mon-Wed so hoping someone gets it straight soon.

    I got a call from grand baby mamma this morning saying Annie misses me. (maybe mamma is tired). I wish life were a little more normal. I miss a good slumber party! She is almost 3 and so much fun!!

    El - you know the hot flashes have picked up for sure!!! I had hysterectomy/ooph in 08 and finally broke down and went on HRT because of the damn hot flashes. I am definitely feeling them more frequently and with a certain level of nausea. Can't wait for cooler temps here! I'm living with my older sister and she's yet to go through menopause so we are having air conditioner wars. I'm trying to pray her into it!!! Anything I could slip in her food? Doctor did recommend she go on tamoxifen too..... Ha!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    My DH had ultrasound on his knee after his surgery and thought it helped immensely. Guess it works for some and not others just like every other tx. Janis, sure hope you feel better after your icky moment after the massage. Sometimes you just need that a push to get past an obstacle in healing.

    Earthquake! Oh MY! At least with my hurricanes, I know they are coming! Cool

    Yeah Eli, this getting older crap is just that. Crap. Don't know what to blame the creaky, achy joints on. More I move the more I harder it is. And then somedays I feel 30. But as has been said before, beats the alternative!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Claire, everyone that got a real ultrasound treatment loved it! I`d buy one for home if it came out, but guess we can`t now due to our history...sigh. All the good toys get taken away!!!

    Beckers, tell me you`re not still on hormone therapy!! You`re ER++ and that`s a no-no! Glad you blasted the doc, shame on her!!

    I don`t go to movies because of being deaf. At home at least I can turn up the volume and go back if I miss something. Now we just have the CC on all the time. Also, people talk and wrinkle candy wrappers and are just so rude. And here`s me straining to hear! The last movie I saw was Titanic and the staff of the theatre stood at the back doors with them open to the light and chatted while the movie ended!! I complained to management and he said what do you want me to do? I said keep your staff from standing in an open doorway and chatting after we`ve sat through a 3 hour movie and wanted to enjoy the end!! He offered me 6 movie passes (we had taken the kids) but I said I didn`t want them - but my son was smart enough to grab them.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    I'm not still on HRT Barbe. That was one of the firsts to go.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Okay, call me crazy, but the name of the other LOTR gal above is Miranda Otto. And Cate Blanchett's first name begins with a C, not a K as I said.

    I'm one for correcting things, especially when I made the error.

    So, there! My correction.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I haven't heard of much damage from the quake, but it sure shook us up. It was so loud aside from the house shaking. They are now inspecting all of the bridges to make sure they are safe. We are more interested in who is on the client list from the prostitute scandal going on here. A partial list has come out, but I didn't know anyone on it. I am spending time with my daughter and granddaughters who are here until Saturday. I am having a blast with the 2 yr old. She is so funny.

    Starting my last regimen of chemo on Tuesday. Can't wait to be done with that and move on to rads and keep going forward.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I wanted to research alternatives to hormonals and came across this article. I have forwarded it to my MO but would really appreciate other womens opinions on this topic. I think Doctors are too ready to prescribe things from the drug companies when there might be something else out there just as effective without all the side effects.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Dianarose,  Read up on them (DIM & I3C) more yourself.  You will see a lot are already convinced that they are great cancer fighters, but the studies have not been large or undeniably conclusive.  As much as I do not like the Tamox., it does have a long history and conclusive data of reducing recurrence.  I would not go with either of these alternatives as a replacement for Tamox., but the article did say that the best results were seen in the women who used BOTH Tamox. and one of the cruciferous supplements. 
    I don't know about taking the supplements, but I think it could do no harm to eat the cruciferous veggies several times a week, especially if you like them already.  It seemed that I was eating broc., cauliflower, b. sprouts in fair number weekly (but still got cancer,) so what happened there?   Maybe we don't know all the tricks to eating them without eating something else to cancel out the good effects, otherwise why would all the "good eaters" get B/C just the same?

    My real message is this:  If there is not harmful downside, I don't mind doing some of these "alternative" things, BUT I go into those situations with LOW EXPECTATIONS, and my usual high skepticism.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979

    Dianarose, were you close to epicenter of quake? sounds like it. We heard about your scandal on Calif news station! Ha!

  • Cindyl
    Cindyl Member Posts: 498

    elimar-you said it.  My feelings are that a good diet (if only we knew for sure what that might be) and exercise can do no harm. But the hard scientific evidence is not there (yet) that would convince me that DIM could be a viable alternative to  conventional treatments.

    If conventional medicine has nothing to offer, then I'm all for trying the unconventional.  But. An acquaintance of mine lost her mother to grade 1 DCIS.  It took a lot of years, and involved a lot of refused treatments (starting with surgery) and ended up with desperation experimental treatments after all the "alternative" stuff had been tried.  Now I don't KNOW she would have been saved if she'd done as her doctors suggested, but I do no she lost her bet that the "natural" stuff would work for her.  So sad.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    We have so much breast tissue in storage after a mastectomy that you would think they could take the tissue and test to see which kind of chemo is going to work along with the hormonals. I hate the fact that they treat us like a one size fits all t-shirt. I would have gladly given mine to see which chemo would have worked best.

    I live 10 miles from the epicenter of the quake. The worst part was the noise. I quess I never associated a quake with noise. It sounded like a bomb went off. I have been told that the reason is the quake was only 3 miles deep so it was the noise of the plates shifting.

    I have always eaten a healthy diet as well and still got this dam cancer. It just makes it more confusing.

    Going apple picking with my DD and grand kids today. I had some apples given to me and my daughter and I made and canned applesauce the other day. The whole house smelled so good.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    As you read that article, you can`t boil, steam or microwave the vegetables or the good part is gone. Raw is the way to go, but my horse has left the barn, so I`m not going to knock myself out trying to bring it back.