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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Ruth - congrats on the Twins!!  (As you said, thanks to another nifty save by Capps!)  Gutsy move to send Valencia on that hit to shallow left - wow.  I also started a separate Wednesday Weigh In thread - we can post here too, but I thought that might encourage some others who don't post in this thread to join in.  Strawberry maggies and cream puffs - no one could resist those!!  Patoo - hooray on the NED!  Bobbie & Cheryl - agreed on the wonderful tomatoes this time of year.  Cheryl - on BL - the b/c survivor looked like she was less than a year out of treatment, so I think it was maybe just too much too soon for her - I know it took me a good year after active treatment to fully get my strength back. Agreed on wishing everyone could stay on the ranch - some of those stories last night were heartbreaking.

    OK - Wednesday Weigh In time - I'm down 1.3 pounds since last Wednesday. Disclaimer - I started a Femara "vacation" last week with my onc's approval as the s/es were getting intense, so I have a bit of extra help in the weight loss area now that I'm not taking it for a few weeks.

    Last night was my one hour yoga class, plus I walked there and back for a 2 mile round trip.  This morning I did 20 minutes on the elliptical.  Nats game tonight, so I get my walk from the parking lot to the upper decks and back again, but that's it.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    I did do some yoga last night, slow and wobbly but it was something.  Too tired.  Slept like a rock, didn't even get up in the night, very unusual!

    Rain, heat, and then a cooldown for the weekend... I am so tired of heat and so ready for winter!

    My left arm is bothering me and I think it's swollen just a very tiny touch... I'm hoping it's just paranoia but I called my radiation oncol and am seeing her this afternoon. Wish me luck.  I have old nerve damage in my left shoulder from carrying 50# bags of bird seed for 3 years and sometimes it flares up, and that's what my arm feels like, but the slight hint of swelling (which I'm hoping is my imagination) has me worried.  I can't think of anything I've done the last week that would set off lymphedema.

    Ruth, at least you're trying to watch your calories, even if you slide sometimes!  I think just being conscious of those things helps us even if we don't meet the precise goal.

    Patoo, hurrah on NED!!!!

    Elizabeth, 3 miles, keep up the good work!

    Cheryl, you are not old!  (I'm so a Peter Pan fan....)

    Nats, congrats on the weight loss and all the good exercise.

    I plan to walk today, outside or in depends on how hot it is when I get home late this afternoon.  At least the sun is setting earlier so the evenings cool down quicker!

    Crazy work continues, so I'm off and running... take care, everyone!  have a good day!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited August 2013

    Quick run-by.  Weight this morning down .6 lb from last week (don't miss the point before the 6)  and since Onc scale yesterday showed down 2 lbs from 4 months ago I will keep $10. in my pocket for this week.  But I'm upping my challenge that I must drop at least a lb a week or $10. goes into the kitty for donation.  I have 6-1/2 weeks to total 10 lbs. off.  Plan to get to the gym tonight and run in the pool.

    Later Sculpted Sisters.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Yay, Patto!  Keep up the good work!

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited September 2010

    Good job Patoo!

    I love this $10.00 donation idea.  I got back into the swing of exercise this week-4 mile walk yesterday, one hour weight lifting class, this morning 1 hour spin class and "bone" workout this afternoon.  I will say that I feel SO much better when I keep moving like this.  On my trip I was unable to do much, and really felt the effects of Arimidex as a result.  

    Everyone seems motivated on here right now, so let's keep up the good work!  I'm going to go check out the Wednesday weigh in thread; what a great idea!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Down 2 pounds (disclaimer; they were two 'really over the top' pounds that hadn't been sitting on the hips awhile, unlike the other 8 that must go). I will check out the Wednesday Weight thread too.

    (Here's a baseball update for Mary; all the Twins players and about 2,000 fans stayed at the ballpark watching the rest of the Chicago game and then celebrated all together. Not only did the players spray champaigne on each other etc., but they also brought out bottles and big pails of I don't know what and dosed all the fans too, threw shirts etc. into the crowd, slapped high fives, took pictures with the people etc.. I stayed up until 12:30 watching, really fun!)

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Got to the gym and ran and did upper body for 1 hour.  Dazd, I agree that it feels good to be motivated again.  Moving just makes us emotionally balanced (well, almost) as well as in better health. 

    I didn't realize a Wednesday thread had been started - going off to find it.  Night Sculptresses.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Another long day at school, didn't get home until 6:30. Did 30 minutes of toning & 30 on the treadmill. Don't like the treadmill that much, but I can at least watch a little TV while doing it. Poor me, too busy!!!! (Now you can say, "Yeah, but you get the summer off." Which is very lovely and true!) Night All! Ruth

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    Good morning all.  Wow - that baseball game sounded like fun.  We are following the Phillies and the Yankees here in PA.  My mom a huge Yankee fan which is good because she lives 2 hours away and alone.  Did a spin class yesterday and then a bike ride.  Heading off to the Y in a few for another spin/ab class and then a bike ride.  I like those double workout days even though I haven't dropped another pound yet!   Saturday morning my old marathon training partner has asked me to ride with her while she does her final 22 mile training run for her upcoming marathon.  I am so excited she asked me.  I will miss the running part but spending 3 hours talking and planning will be fun.  She's only 43 and in great shape - I love watching her get ready for the races and glad she's including me in her training still.

    Everyone on here is so motivated right now - it's a good thing.  I think we are all responding to some cooler Fall weather.  Have a great day all Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    30 minute walk in the neighborhood last night around sunset.  Good to hear it's cooler somewhere -- here in IN we're having temps in the 90's again today.  Tongue out  Supposed to cool off Saturday.  Hard to believe it's the end of Sept!

    bobcat, have fun with your friend!

    No lymphedema/cancer related issues with my arm but the origin of the pain remains to be seen. I know it's not A as I had this pain before I started on it and it slowly got better -- and then came back last week.  May be related to that old, old shoulder nerve injury from years ago.  Anyway, I was just relieved that it isn't lymphedema!  and glad that my radiation oncologist took my concerns seriously and examined me thoroughly. Xray today and MRI probable later but I don't expect anything startling to emerge.

    Having a dozen or 15 people for dinner tomorrow night, extended family who decided they wanted to come to WL to see Bill Cosby at Purdue, dinner will be simple simple simple! and it should be a fun evening.  Glad most of them didn't expect to stay overnight here :)

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010
    Is it the weekend? Did I miss something? Surprised Smile
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2013

    My weekend starts Th. night, and besides, I know I won't be back for a couple of days with all my company, so I got a jump on things.

    Sorry if I got your hopes up! Smile

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Darn - I was hoping it was the weekend too!  Oh well. . .

    Ruth - great for the Twins players to share the celebration with their fans.  Let's hope they have a few more celebrations to go this season!  Nature - hooray on no LE!  And great for your rad onc to take you seriously - as we all know, not all cancer specialists take LE concerns seriously. Here's hoping the X-rays and MRI give you the info you need to take care of the arm pain.

    Last night we went to the Nats game, and they actually won, which was great (and rare).  I didn't do formal exercise, but instead of taking the ramps to our upper deck seats when we got there, I decided to run up the steps instead - 106 steps!!  OK, by about step 80 I wasn't running any more, so I slowed down some but didn't stop till I reached the top.  That felt great!! Then I took an inning to power walk down the ramps to the main level, then walked around the concourse, then power walked back up to our seats, so I worked in a bit more exercise. Attendance is way down because they're not a very good team, but that means there was plenty of room for me to power walk!  I did 20 minutes Pilates DVD this morning.

    And this morning the fitness column in the paper had an article the owner of a local Pilates studio who is a b/c survivor, and now has all her staff certified in the Pink Ribbon Program, which are special Pilates programs for b/c survivors. In honor of B/C Awareness Month, they're giving a free one-hour personal evaluation and a free Pilates class for b/c survivors in October.  I called immediately and signed up - I'm scheduled for October 13th, so I'm excited about having a pro help design a Pilates program for me.

    So between my PT/acupuncturist appointment tomorrow, my gentle yoga class and the Pilates program, hopefully some of the Femara s/es will become more tolerable once my Femara "vacation" is over.  

    Have a great Thursday (alas, it's not Friday yet) everyone!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010
    Nats - you are cracking me up with exercising at the game!!  Kiss 
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    It reminds me of when I was in high school and we had to run the bleachers during P.E. class! I did the 500 Calorie FIRM workout. I hadn't done it in awhile; I think my balance was better then previously but the rest of it was just as torturous as usual! Happy Almost Weekend! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Okay I played hooky from work today and went to Glen Ivy Spa for the day, so I've been swimming, been in the mineral baths, floated in the float pool and played in the mud (which is the best part) it's not really mud it's clay so right now I feel floppy and I didn't post yesterday but I did go to my Combat class and as it was "back to school" night there were only 15 of us in the class, poor Eduardo he was like "where is everybody" but is was a great class and when I came out a guy stopped me and told me he had watched me through the glass and I was really good and had great form it was so random so woohoo for me.

    Ruth I agree all of this exercise does help our balance and that's really important as we age. Nature sounds like you're going to have full house - friends/family and food can it get any better and great news on the no Lymphedema. Bobbi how fun that your marathon partner wants your help and you sound crazy like me I love those double workout days as well. Nats I hope you enjoy the pilates it really works deep into your core, your ball park is really beautiful, I saw it on Top Chef and way to go exercising while you're having fun. We are being bombarded with Dodgers owners divorce, it's ugly but talk about how the other half live.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Oh my, a spa day sounds lovely!!!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    I want a spa day!!  I am off to bike and then ab before work.  It's almost the weekend!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Cheryl - what in the world did Top Chef show at the Nats ballpark - Ben's Chili Dogs?  (A local favorite - a half-smoke sausage in a bun covered with spicy chili, onions, and cheese - something you absolutely don't tell your doctor you ate!!) And Sports Illustrated just had a story on the Dodger owners' divorce - I guess the richer you are, the nastier divorce you can afford.  The SI article likened the Dodgers to a child caught between two warring parents - never a good thing for the child.  

    I did 10 minutes of step aerobics then 45 minutes of weight training after work yesterday, then did my 2+ mile walk this morning.  Had my first visit with the PT/acupuncturist - we're starting with PT to try to relieve some of the joint aches, and she did find some weak areas we're going to work on.

    Off to the cabin for the weekend.  We're not doing a full spa day, but dh and I are getting massages tomorrow for our 28th anniversary - I can't wait!! Though that playing in the mud thing sure sounds like fun!!  Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Happy Anniversary, Mary! Did 45 minutes toning, 30 minutes 'Cardio Dance' party & then went to the high school football game (we lost again; 0-5 Cry). I am going to go to bed early; I slept terrible last night as I dreamed I was making CAKES all night long....woke up exhausted....must have something to do with the diet!!! Good Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Went to Body Pump class tonight, it was a crazy busy full class, friday nights are hit and miss sometimes 5 people sometimes 30. Happy Anniversary Mary, hope you both enjoy the massage, Top Chef had the contestants re-imagine ball park food and then they sold it at a game and they showed a lot of the ballpark. You girls know if you ever come to So Cal leave a day free and I'll take you to Glen Ivy it truly is a fabulous day out if you like to "spa". Oh Ruth it's bad enough when you have "one of those" nights but to dream bake as well, you poor thing I feel so bad for you. Nite all.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited September 2010

    Told myself I would take my walk after it cooled down outside.  When I told my DH I was going walking, he came along, even tho he had just finished mowing the yard.  I managed to go twice as far as usual.  Maybe I worked off part of my lunch with girlfriends earlier today.

    Some of you have elderly parents and will understand.  I had a very frustrating/disappointing phone call with my mom today.  I will be going to Va to see her early next month, where she has an assisted living apt.  She gets in the cycle of not feeling well, not sleeping well, not doing anything because she feels weak.  She's sure "they" should give her some medicine to make her feel better.  She was going to an exercise class earlier this year, with clearer thinking and a better attitude.  I encourage her to get out, but she insists she's too tired.

    Love the cooler evenings, but hate that it's getting dark earlier...

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010

    Just  got back from a short holiday in mexico.Hit the gym today.Did not gain any weight probably because of all the swimming in rough water that I was doing all week.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010
    Muma - very cool photo.  Happy Anniversary, Mary.  Ruth - cakes - yikes!!  I hate those nights too and it's always some bizarro dream thing just under the surface.  Met my marathon friend this am for her 22 mile long run.  Geared way down and rode next to her for 19 and then she put on headphones and I trailed her doing my zigzag cycling moves for my shoulders and arms.  She did great and ran the 22 in 3:28.  Combined with my 50 minute round trip to meet her I biked for 41/2 hours.  I went on the calulator website and it says I burned 1700 calories even at that geared back pace.  I really pushed to and from our meeting spot so I'll take another 100 for that :)  She's on track to run a 3:45 in 3 weeks - so excited for her and we gabbed the whole time together.  Last marathon I ran was Philadelphia in 2007 and that was her first.  7 months later was my diagnosis - she was a rock and friend throughout.  Made me meals after every chemo treatment, drove me to appointments and religously walked with me whenever I called her.  She really kept me motivated to keep exercising.  Sorry to go on and on but when you meet someone like this, it's just a blessing.  It was a chance meeting on the trail about 6 years ago and now I couldn't be without her friendship.  SO and I are off to an outdoor film festival tonight - yummy food and drink and beautiful weather.  Nite all Kiss
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Hi all.  Few days since I posted (I think, haven't gone back to look).  Did pool Wednesday for an hour; nothing Thursday or Friday.  This morning did 60 min water aerobics then another 30 mins running in pool and upper body water work.  This afternoon took a walk and then hung out with friends, walking shopping then walked home.  Pedometer logged 14,214 steps or 5.8 miles so lots of exercise today.  Hope to get to gym again tomorrow afternoon.  We shall see. 

    Feel ibuprofen about to call though.  Night Sculpted sisters.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Finally we had a perfect fall day; mild weather and all the trees starting to change colors; went for a long, fast walk with my neighbor and also did 30 minutes of pilates, which are more relaxing than work.

    retrivier, could you call someone at the asst. living place and ask if they would give your mom a little 'push' out the door to the exercise class etc. my poor old dad used to be the life of the party and now he just sits (but it is dementia so it is just sad).

    mum, love the picture of you and your fine feathered friend!

    Bobbi, I love your friend and I don't even know her! Had a long visit with an old friend the other night (her daughter in Texas had been bitten my a scorpion in her own kitchen!!!). We hardly ever see each other, but when we do, or talk, it's like we just stepped out of the room for a minute. Great to have friends like that....we were assigned as suite mates in college. So you never know when you will meet a friend of the heart.

    Wow, patoo, good job today. You will be disappointed to hear that I dug through all my cupboards after I got home from the football game and ate everything I could get my hands on.....BCO is going to make a fortune off of me!!!

    Cheryl, book me into the spa!!

    It would be the most fun day ever to have a 'Spa Day' with you all!! Ruth

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited September 2010

    Manged to get out and walk first thing this morning.  Felt good doing it.

    Ruth:  I get frustrated with my mom's care.  If she says she wants to stay in, they let her.  When she fell and was in health care, the nurses let her stay in bed, even when the p.t. people wanted to get her up.   I don't want to slam folks who are already doing a very hard job, but it appears this crew takes the easy way out with difficult residents. 

    Keep moving, sisters!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    This morning went to Body Combat class, at 8am the room was so stuffy but no complaining as it was such a beautiful morning but it ended up 100 + degrees so just took it easy this afternoon and caught up on all of my DVRd shows then at 4pm went outside and watered and fed the garden oh and picked roses.

    Bobcat sounds like you and your girlfriend had an amazing day together and she sounds like a wonderful friend. Great picture Mum, and congrats on the holiday no weight gain. Retriever maybe when you can speak to the assisted living personnel in VA in person you'll get a better result, I know it is such a tough call cause you know what a hard job it is they are doing but you need help and they just like the status quo as it's so much easier. Patoo you seem to be getting back on track, how is your hip? Ruth at least you didn't call your sons girlfriend and ask her over cause you know she'd have brought you cake Tongue out  Nite all I'm off to fold laundry, what an exciting saturday night I'm having I can remember a time when this would be when I'd be getting ready to go out and paint the town red and dance on a few tablesInnocent

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Cheryl, I remember those days!  Party hardy! Wink (of course there were also all those Saturday nights when I looked forward to simply watching "The Muppet Show."  The good old days!).

    Everyone sounds like they're doing really well.  retriever, dealing with health care facilities is such a drain, and dealing with them -- and parent(s) -- long distance is even harder.   Your mom sounds like she needs the motivation of someone encouraging her to be active, it can be a hard sell but professionals know how to deal with that and should be doing a better job.  I know they're often understaffed and overworked but shame on them anyway. Go as high as you need to go to get someone to be responsive to your concerns.  Also, wondering, could she be depressed?  I know that's common in situations like that.  Hope she gets the care she needs and deserves.

    mum, love the picture!  Sounds like you had a great time.  Mary, 28 years, congrats! Hope you had a great weekend at the cabin. bobcat, those friends are a blessing... a true gift. 

    Have had a great weekend, went with a crowd of extended family to see Cosby and had a great time (although the youngest kids, high school, didn't get his humor at all) (and sitting for two hours without moving around made me stiffer than I liked!),  had other old family friends come by yesterday before and after the game, then relatives I haven't seen in ages came by last night, I've gotten and given more hugs this weekend than I have in the past several months! So good to see so many people. I was such a recluse during treatment and tend to go back to that mode too easily.  Time to start getting out more! I don't know many people in this town any more but I need to find a way to extend myself.

    Weather finally broke when a cold front moved through -- last night I actually had to shut most of my windows! Lovely to have real fall weather.

    Oh, yeah, exercise:  plenty of it the last three days, several good walks with others and alone, plus up and down several flights of steps in various buildings and parking garages, woo hoo!   Felt good to move around so much.  I've also found an oldies station so when I'm in the kitchen I turn it on and boogie around while I'm cooking. There's a large window facing the street but the neighbors already think all sorts of things about me so what's one more  Smile and besides, I figure any extra movement is good, and it's fun!

    Little hummer is still here loading up for migration, won't be long before she's gone.  Need to get to the woods to recharge my soul with a nature fix, hopefully this afternoon after family leaves, beautiful cool windy day.

    I'm there for the spa day!  

    Boogie down, everyone! Photobucket

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Hello; another nice fall day; did the ab tape, walked and did some yard work......put away the patio furnitureCry, hoses, pulled out some flowers that aren't going to do anything more no matter how long it stays nice, and buried the tips of the raspberries (for the gardeners in the group; if you bury the tips just a little into the soil, in the spring you can just snip at the arc, and you will have two separate raspberry stocks!) Now I should do some school work, but might read a book instead.

    Retriever, do you know any of the other ladies where your mom lives? When you are there, maybe you could enlist one of them to knock on her door and invite her to things. ?