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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Unexpected company showing up in a few minutes; squeezed in 45 minutes of toning. Talk later! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Quick fly-by - getting to be a habit.  Went to pool after work and ran for an hour.  Have all intentions to go to gym tomorrow morning early and rid the stat bike and maybe a few minutes on the torture elliptical.  Doing a worship  dance at nursing home in afternoon but will try and get back to the pool after.  I'm broke so need to lose weight so I can keep my money!

    Ebann, 13 mile run - nice!  Wish I could run on solid ground altho I'm threatening myself to start running on my treadmill a few minutes at a time.  Don't know if my hips and knees will cooperate. 

    Night all.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Did an hour weight lifting class last night and got up early this morning and did Body Combat class and now I'm taking a break from house cleaning and laundry yuk boring but it's got to be done and the house cleaning fairy hasn't found me yet and I'm going to splurge and go out and get my car washed, usually do it myself but I'm having a can't be bothered kind of day. Out to a friends for a games night tonight, hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Hi, only exercise today was practice for a praise and worship dance, 1 hour, then the dance which only lasted a few minutes.  Otherwise  just doing some cleaning out in the garage.  Plan to get to the gym after church and lunch with friends tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    It is not so beautiful here; it was 37 degrees last night with a rain/snow mixture Frown!!!!  My brother made a quick spur of the moment visit last night; he was being (sort of) in the area & decided he should drive over & see my dad,(which I found out about at 3:30 yesterday). He got to town about 8pm, stopped and saw my dad before coming here, and then left again about 2 pm today. So here is what I did yesterday after work: watched the Homecoming parade (in the rain), went back & worked at school until 5, straightened the house, toned, went to 3 quarters of the football game (rain had stopped, just COLD), picked up DH at the airport, came home & visited brother. Today was busy too, but I did manage to do two hard FIRM DVDs this afternoon; 40 minutes 'Get Chisled' (interval training) and 30 minute "Calorie Killer". I am offically tired!!!

    Elizabeth, 13 miles!! Holy Cow! I couldn't do that unless the police were chasing me (and not even then).

    Diet Ladies, I am going to mark down that I owe $10. I was actually good both yesterday & today with the company stuff....but know that I was somewhat over my avowed 1,400 calorie target. 

    Mary, I got tons of information from the BCO site when I was first diagnosed & going through treatment, but I COULD NOT come on the discussion boards, 'cause all I could do was read about all the horrible SE one could get, or read the really sad stories....once I researched what I needed to do; I just needed to DO IT and not even try to deal with the emotional aspects until later. Your SIL might feel the same way.

    Geez, now though, I don't know what I would do without you guys!! Kiss Ruth

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited September 2010

    Dog showing the last two days and again tomorrow, so lots of walking.  Lug equipment, chairs, dog crate, umbrella, etc. from car to where my friends have a spot staked out, back again, repeat.  Having a good time doing what I enjoy and darned glad to be here to do it.  Knee/hip are issues with the uneven ground.

    I need to take the calorie challenge, too, Ruth, but dog show weekends are awful for grab n go.

    Really warm here again, but the colors on the mountainsides are changing.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010
    Retriever, I know what you mean about being so glad to be able to do the things you love. I almost start crying at pep assembles, singing the National Anthem at a game, and all sorts of other dumb things all bring tears to my eyes; just because I am just so happy to be HERE and doing NORMAL things Laughing!
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited September 2010

    I managed to place in my class yesterday and today, and the things I've been working on have made an impact, so I'm happy for improvement, nice weather, and friends who share the love of the sport.  Walking long distances to the porta-potties just meant holding off on coffee until the drive home.  I was especially encouraged to realize I wasn't out of breath at the end of a performance and had the energy to show three days in a row.  The walking has helped me build stamina.  

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Ruth, not to worry, you'l have other times where you will have a long run of days under your calorie challenge.  I'm doing better witht he eating and walked today but only 3 miles.  Still expecting to see that scale go down when I weigh on Wednesday - need to keep that $10. in my pocket! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Still gloomy and cool, so did one hour on the treadmill instead of going outside. I can eat only a piece of fruit  & a carton of yogart for the rest of day and that is IT. This is definitely making me choose my food more carefully! Congratulations on your good doggie weekend, Retriever!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Did Body Step today and then worked in the garden pruning, cutting and feeding roses and now I have vases filled to bursting with beautiful roses and I can't believe it but my gardenia bush has a few new blooms on it, strange weather so the poor plants don't know what to do.

    Today when I logged on I donated to BCO you see this past week was my 2 year mastectomy anniversary. Like so many when I first came here I just read and then one day I felt so fragile I posted, it was nearing my birthday and my friends wanted to buy me a prosthesis they wanted to do it as they are expensive and thought they were helping because of all my expenses I couldn't afford one but it made me feel like everyone was talking about me behind my back and "Otter" responded to me, I will never forget when I reached out she grabbed my hand. Of course I read other threads and feel like I know so many of the women but I have found my home here on exercise with all of you. Now two years on I do things I never though I could do and I want you all to know that I truly value our cyber friendships.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Sending you a big, huge hug, Cheryl!!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Thank you Ruth and I'm sending one back to you ((HUG))

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010
    Got it, thanks!! Now send the ice cream Wink.
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    When they invent the 25 calorie ice cream sundae I'll send you one but you're on 1400 calorie restriction so I'm sorry my friend - you're cut off!!!!!!

  • Sable43
    Sable43 Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2010

    I've been lurking on this particular forum; too ashamed to admit I haven't been exercising as much as I could. Also been spending a great deal of time on the AA hair forum. I'm still dealing with the side effects from chemo. I'm 9 months out and still have the aches and neuropathy; residual effects. I didn't want to stop exercising because of that; because I also work 3 nights a week-12 hour shifts; so exhaustion also plays a role.

    My aunt told me about rebounding ( using a mini trampoline); about how it helped her tone up particularly since she had bad knees. So far I've been working out on the trampoline at least 3 times a week and admittedly I do feel better. Was wondering if anyone here is doing this exercise or have you heard good things about it?

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Ruth - you may have a point about SILs reluctance to come on this site.  Looking back on it, it wasn't until I joined my March 2008 chemo group that I really started needing my daily BCO "fix".  And I agree so much about taking joy in doing ordinary things.  One night after treatment I was at a minor league baseball game's post-game fireworks, and I burst into tears because they were so beautiful and I was so happy to be there so see them.  Cheryl - isn't "Otter" wonderful? She was in my March 2008 chemo group and kept us all going.  I'm not sure if it's proper to say congratulations on the 2 year anniversary except that what I mean is congratulations on getting through everything and congratulations on doing everything you do and being as active as you can.  Sable - welcome!  I had the neuropathy for some months after chemo - the foot neuropathy made me stumble at lot, and with the hand/finger neuropathy I made a lot of typos, which is bad because I work on a PC all day!  It did gradually get better.  Haven't used a mini trampoline but they look like they'd not only give a good aerobic workout, but might help with balance as well.

    We knocked off another 2.5 miles of the Maryland AT this weekend, for a 5 mile round trip. It was BEAUTIFUL weather for a hike.  Sunday we chainsawed a tree into logs that we'd felled a few weekends ago - it was an excellent upper body workout not only chainsawing, but lugging and stacking the wood. This morning I had an appointment with my PCP, so I had a little extra time in the morning and did my old 2+ mile walk.  I also talked with my PCP about all the Femara aches and pains, and how it especially seems to affect the joints and muscles on my right side.  She gave me a referral to a PT who is also an acupuncturist, so I have an appointment Friday morning.  I'm really hoping this PT/acupuncturist can help me - I'm tired of being awakened at night with joint and muscle pain.

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Did 60 min water aerobics then ran another 20 mins in the water.  Felt good.

    hbcheryl - you brought me almost to tears - thanks for sharing about how you came to the boards.  And, thanks for making ruth stick to her 1400 cals.  Someone has to keep her in line.

    Sable, I haven't tried the trampoline.  I'm kind of klutzy so probably would break my neck.  I can't even imagine being able to keep my balance so my hats off to you. 

    Trying to turn in early tonight.  Enjoy my sculpted sisters.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Cheryl, if you can invent a 25 calorie sundae, you will be a millionaire!!!

    Sable, a trampoline sounds fun; plus good for the balance.

    I had a meeting before work, after work, and a 2 1/2 hour meeting at church tonight (obviously there are many people in love with the sound of their own voices!!). Got home about 9:45 Cry. Walked 30 minutes on the treadmill while watching the end of the Twins game (Mary, the magic number is 3!!) & then 15 minutes of waving some weights around while watching the end of the news.

    I will sign off and figure out what I can eat with my last 75 calories of the day......sigh!!! Night All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Did Body Combat class tonight and it was exhausting, just one of those nights where he got us to dig deeper and work harder, out of all the classes I do it is my absolute favorite. Nats thanks I know what you mean, heck I am proud of how far I have come these past 2 years and yes I have a warm place in my heart for Otter. I sure hope you get some relief with the PT, I've been lucky with the Femara a few aches and a bit of stiffness in my hands that comes and goes but nothing I can't live with. Patoo I'm glad you were able to get back to your pool workout. Welcome Sable, I can remember reading somewhere here on the boards a long time ago that rebounding was good for you and if you feel good isn't that what matters. Ruth I would be a billionaire with a 25 calorie sundae tonight for my treat I had plain Greek Yogurt with honey and vanilla added it was so good. Oh before I forget Nats BL starts up again tomorrow night. Goodnight all

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2010

    Hi everyone, I am back again and ready to work hard. I have a half a marathon to get ready for. Goal is to be able to run 13.1 miles, lose 40 lbs, and add my trainer to twice a week instead of once a week. To increase my time instead of a 45 min workout to an hour workout. Then increase again and again within a weeks time. Still going to workout 5 days a week. So ladies help me to stay on track.

    My vacation in San Diego was amazing. Did go off the diet but it was so good yet I was good on portion control. I had my granddaughter Aubrey over for the weekend. Such a precious baby girl. Just brings an  instant smile to my face. I miss her already. Well good night tartlet sisters...signing off and will sign on tomorrow.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited September 2010

    Hello Tart Ones-

    I've been MIA for a while; took a trip to see my mom and brother in Vancouver, WA and then over to my high school town, Pendleton Oregon for the 100th anniversary of the Round Up (a big rodeo on the professional rodeo circuit.)  Whooo...whee!  Let me just say I felt the effects of traveling and not eating and sleeping on a routine basis plus Arimidex.  It was draining!  For the first time since I've been on this med (and through my primary treatments), I felt O-L-D!  I'm so happy to be back in my main routine again.

    I got in a few workouts on the road, but not enough to feel good.  Today I'm hoping to get squarely back on track.  

    I need to go back through and catch up completely, but I did see that Nature Grrl made it through the dental ordeal (I'm very happy that it went well!) and that Ruth is on the march with a strict diet!  

    I have a question for anyone out there with a lumpectomy and rads...did your breast stay pretty swollen for a while.  I notice mine is pretty swollen still, almost 3 months out of rads.  My med onc wanted me to have my baseline mammogram 6 months from the original one that set all this off; my surgeon and radiation onc want it 6 months from the completion of rads.  How do you reconcile this?  I tend to agree with the surgeon/rad onc; it's so swollen right now I can't see how they would be able to get a good baseline (six months from original would be at the end of this month.)  I'm not really afraid of it but I sure don't want to further irritate something I'm trying to get to calm down.  I guess this is part of having several different docs.  Also when I think of all the tests I had between the first mammogram and the surgery-density mammograms, ultrasounds, MRI, J Wire mammogram, J wire MRI...and those ended in mid April....I would say the breast has been fairly upset!  

    On a separate note, a good friend's wife has ILC and is in the early stages of finding out what happens next.  She started off with a doc doing a biopsy and being told it was really small then going for MRI and being told it was over 3 cm.  Just listening to him talk about her, your heart is bleeding for them.  As a listener, you can't really say all you "know" about BC, you have to let them discover on their own, especially when they still aren't sure all they are dealing with.  I learned that the best thing to do is just listen as I had so many people telling me what was going to happen to me...when the docs didn't even know yet.  This disease is just insidious, everywhere.  Yet I think of all of you guys and how hard you work to stay healthy and SANE (ha, that's the tough part!)  I'm grateful for you all and BTW loved reading what Cheryl said about is so wonderful to find positive, wonderful people on a board.  We're really lucky.

    OK, I'm going to go back and read what you great women have been up to in detail.



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Patoo - good for you getting back to your water exercise - that seems to be the exercise you enjoy the most.  Ruth - magic number is now 2!!! I'm impressed that your sticking to your 1400 calories.  Tomorrow is our first weigh-in day - think we should start a separate thread just for Wednesday Weigh In postings?  That might get some newbies to join as it's pretty buried in this thread. Cheryl - glad you understand what I mean by congratulations on the 2 year mx anniversary - we all have come a long way and have a right to be proud.  And I've had the BL premier tonight on my calender for a long time - I'll be watching!  Elizabeth - good for you!! That's a great goal to shoot for.  Dazd - good to see you back!!  Sounds like a great trip - that's a beautiful part of the country.  And I know exactly what you mean about your heart bleeding for your newly-diagnosed friend - I feel the same way about my SIL. I've also been trying to mostly listen, except when she asks a direct question, then I'll give her an honest answer about my experience, but always letting her know that everyone's experience is different.  But you just know what the next year or two is going to be like for them.

    Did 45 minutes of weight training after work last night, and 20 minutes of elliptical this morning.  I really feel that for some reason I've made a breakthrough with my weight training - I'm suddenly able to do heavier weights and more reps, all without flaring the LE (I'm religious about wearing my compression sleeve/gauntlet when doing weights).  It's like after all these months of weight training where I progressed so slowly because of the LE, having to ratchet back when it flares and only increasing weights/reps gradually, suddenly I've reached a tipping point and I'm finally getting a payoff for that hard work.  It's a good feeling.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010
    Whoa - I was off the board since Friday and so much going on!  Everyone still working out, hiking, bounding and planning a half marathon!  I love half marathons but sadly can no longer run on my chemo/A damaged knees!  Biking will have to do.  Had a lovely weekend at the shore - lots of gentle sailing and SO is teaching me to sail when the wind is gentle.  Still beautiful here on the east coast.  Ruth! snow/sleet mix!  I am so not ready for that yet.  I did my shore bike ride - Saturday alone and Sunday on the tandem.  Biked yesterday and now leaving in a few minutes to ride before work.  Picked up a basket of the most delicious jersey tomatoes on Saturday and we've been using them for every meal.  Supposed to be good for your skin but mine still looks all wrinkly - too much sun Kiss  But tan wrinkles look better than pale ones!  Have a good day all - will check in tonight.
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    I'm like Kim, way behind on posts, I'll have to go back and read, too... for right now, to get back on track:

    Crazy week at work last week, got in some sporadic walks.  Thought I would get the routine going again this past weekend but nope!  Had family/friends from OH/NY and stayed up late (and had fun!) but felt like heck during the day because I was so tired, so all I did was enjoy company and let the rest go. I learned a good lesson about my need for sleep!  But it was great to see everyone and relax. 

    Hot here again (90's) but hopefully only for a few days.  More company this coming weekend but most of it will leave Saturday. 

    I didn't walk yesterday, either, and today I have meetings and work all day, but tonight I'm determined to do SOMEthing when I get home, even if it's just some simple yoga stretches.

    The good news in all that is that I've kept off the weight I've lost so far, didn't gain any back.  My problem isn't eating (I think one of the drugs I'm on is impacting my appetite and ability to eat much), it's getting that exercise in.   I keep plugging away!  I wish I could find an exercise buddy, even someone to walk with once a week, it would help keep me going the rest of the days.

    Kim, I didn't have swelling with my rads, so I'm can't help you there... but it does seem logical that a mammogram wouldn't do anything to help the swelling right now!  Sometimes our bodies just need a break after all the punching and poking and drugs.  Good luck with the decision. 

    And I too hate the way this disease (and all cancers) keep popping up everywhere... it breaks my heart.  LIstening is a great gift, especially from someone who's been there.  I got so ticked at people (some nearly strangers) who tried to tell me about my cancer... if I had questions I found people who I trusted to answer but I hated the free advice. 

    Nats, another hug for your SIL.  And I know what you mean about those breakthroughs, congrats! 

    Elizabeth, you totally rock, a half-marathon, you go, girl! 

    And finally, I agree, these boards and all the wonderful people here are a lifeline... the hand(s) reaching out that helped pull me through a horrible time.   And keep me going as I get better.  Big hug for everyone!  More later...

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    Oh- and somehow I deleted my photo.  Have to work on that too.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Hi all.  No real exercise today.  Planned on going to gym after work but forgot I had 4-month follow-up with med onc (NED) and then DS wanted me to stop at Target so he could pick up a DVD.  Then church meeting and just got home.   Only 1.5 miles on pedometer today but plan on getting to gym tomorrow. 

    Welcome back to all who have been missing.  Yes, weigh in day tomorrow so we'll see whether I get to keep my $10. or if it goes in the charity pot (either way it's a win-win, right?)

    Night my Sculpted Sisters.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2010

    jci, did my workout tonight and ran 3 miles in 45 min. Work on my legs. Will type more later. Thanks everyone for your support.

    Night Tartlet Sisters

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Hello Everyone! Just got back from Book Club; I owe another $10 because I went way over the 1,400 calories (the hostess served frozen strawberry margaritas and homemade cream puffs; really, what is a girl to do?!!!!!) I did walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes & did 15 minutes of abs before cream puffing.  Hopefully, the exercise and my other days of goodness Innocent will somewhat make for it when I'm weighing tomorrow............yikes!

    Patoo, hooray on the checkup!!!

    Kim, good to have you back. I was swollen for a long time; like I'm thinking it was more like a year. I checked my records, my first mammo was 3 months after my last radiation, if that helps at all. Whenever you do it, take some Tylenol an hour or so beforehand. That helps.

    I think we all feel just sick when we hear of another person diagnosed. We know what a tough time they are in for both physically and emotionally, but I do think it helps to be able to talk to someone who has 'been there, done that'. I had several acquaintances who had been through BC treatment before me who called/e-mailed/kept track of me. One lady (who was my guardian angel, I think) called me every Sunday night, and I could ask her a question or say whatever I wanted, and I knew she 'got it'.  We can be that person for other people in our lives too.

    Mary, glad you are feeling the breakthrough! I think it takes a lot more time than any of us would like....but it does happen if you keep plugging away at it. Cool You will be happy to hear that the Twins are down to one (and it will be zero if the White Sox lose out in CA, I'm staying up to see what happens) and Capps pitched the 9th inning in their win tonight.

    As far as staying sane goes; if we do go off the deep end, at least we will have fun cellmates and can all be crazy together!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Did Body Step class tonight and I'm really dragging, don't know if it's the change in the weather but whew I feel like an old lady, oh wait I am one Tongue out I think I pushed myself a little too much yesterday and I'm paying for it tonight.  Elizabeth you are a rock star, that's a great time, are you a part of a group that is doing the marathon or just doing it for yourself?  Kim glad to see you back, sounds like you had a nice trip.  Ruth, my friend who lives in Tennessee is in a book club where they have actually abandoned the books and just get togetheer for the food, my kind of club Laughing  Bobbi I am also eating lots of delicious home grown tomatoes, the smell when you cut them is heavenly.  Nature sounds like you had fun with your company, just enjoy you'll get back into the exercise.  Nats I love BL but I hate the competiion part of it, I say let everybody on the ranch....  Nite all.