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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Nature and Cheryl - please add my condolences on the passing of your friends. The Memory Walk idea is lovely.  

    The Pooch Pool Party was great Sunday! We were down to about 200 dogs from our usual 300 as the weather was cooler and drizzly, but the dogs didn't care one bit!!  This was our 5th year, so we have a lot of regulars who come every year - one owner told me that the Party was the highlight of her dog's year!  One lady really touched me - she'd brought her dog the previous year and he'd had a wonderful time, but had since died.  She said she came just to look at how much fun the other dogs were having and to remember how much fun her dog had when he was there, and it helped her feel better about losing him.  

    Ruth - the barn dance sounds like great fun!  And really cool about the friend saying how great you looked - reinforcement like that can go a long way.  Cheryl - I agree that core work helps so much else in everyday life - be careful about stepping in holes!!!  Bobcat - the beach sounds wonderful.  Mum - I'm seeing the same thing with "exercise newbies" in our workplace exercise room - usuallly I own the room after work, but last week I had to share it with 3-4 co-workers every day.  I'm sure all of our Fall newbies will disappear in a few weeks, only to come back the first week of January!  Tongue out  It's actually pretty funny as it's been younger (20's) guys coming in lately.  They of course all have to do their 100 pound lifts, so here they are with huge barbells, and I'm there with my little 7 pound weights.  I'm actually quite proud to be up to 7 pound hand weights - when I first saw my LE therapist, she started me with 1 pound weights, and that was quite enough back then, thank you!

    No workout Saturday - we finally got a new PC to replace our ancient PC, so I spent a good chunk of the day configuring the new PC's wireless connection, Outlook, Quicken, loading the printer and other files.  It was quite the production to get it up and running! This new PC is lightning fast - it's almost scary how fast things come up on it!  But Sunday's work at the Pooch Pool Party was quite a physical workout!

    Did my 20 minute Pilates this morning, and will hit the (crowded) exercise room tonight. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010
    The Pooch Pool Party sounds so fun. I imagine I'd have to plan a 'Tuna Fish in the Pool' party to entice any cat into that sort of activity Smile!! Really nice here, walked for an hour & then went to a spaghetti dinner put on by the cross country team (as a teacher, kids are always selling me tickets/magazines/ fruit etc. etc......I like the fund raisers that get me out of cooking a meal!). I've sat around long enough now that I MAY go downstairs & do a little toning......maybe. Tomorrow I have to get up really early & dump DH off at the airport, as he is flying to Las Vegas for a convention. What is wrong with that picture???!!!!! I'll check in again if I do tone. Later. Ruth
  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited September 2010

    I too love the idea of a memory walk. And Ruth what a nice compliment your friend paid you.

    I've been bad lately on the exercise front and even worse when it comes to my diet. So I made more of an effort starting this weekend. Saturday 7,437 steps, Sunday 8,851 steps and Monday (today) 10,013 steps. It's been a while since I reached my target of 10,000 steps. And I have little excuse now as the weather is cooler so I don't have my usual excuse that it's too hot to walk.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010
    I did 15 minutes of step aerobic work and 35 minutes on the elliptical after work last night, and did my 25 minute walk this morning.  We're having an election primary in Maryland today I passed a couple of polling places on my walk - 6:30am and all the candidates had a million signs out - I will be glad when the election is over and the robocalls stop - we had 9 robocalls on our answering machine when we got home yesterday!!!!  Yell  <=== my smiley faces suddenly stopped working???
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Nats, I also dislike the robocalls.  Just the facts; stop the dirty politics; stop trashing the other party.  Wish they could really be bipartisan once in.  Politics today is a joke.   Okay, I'm done!

    Still not back up to my exercise routine.  Friend's DH, engineer, out of work for about 9 months, committed suicide last week, leaving her and 2 small kids.  So sad and I just haven't been able to shake it.  My aunt has stage 4 colon cancer in hospice.  I went to see her Sunday and walked right by her on a chair by the nurses station.  Did not recognize her at all!  Unfortunately she's always been very angry at life (she made poor choices), fiercely independent, never married, no children.  Now she's very sick but still has her sharp mind and uses it to be rude and mean to everybody.  Sad. 

    I need to get back to working out because those endorphins really help to relieve stress.  Plus I can feel my clothes starting to get tighter again.  That alone is motivation.

    Night all.  Good thing I've made it a habit to not dwell on the negatives around me.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Sending you a big hug, patoo!!

    Did 30 minutes Pilates and 30 minutes on the treadmill (so I could watch baseball at the same time). My eating has been ridiculous. I blew the dust off my old Richard Simmons Food Mover and put in a 1,400 calorie card. I want to lose ten pounds. What do you guys think of this idea I just had?  For any day I eat more than 1,400 calories before those 10 pounds are off, I will set aside $10.00 to donate to charity (maybe even to BCO), and after those pounds are off (or in 5 weeks, whichever comes first), I will write a check for how much I owe. Does that sound like a good idea? Anybody else interested?

    Here is my funny story for the day: got up really early to take DH to airport; didn't comb the hair, just threw on sweat pants & sweatshirt over the PJs, and was apparently not awake at all; dropped him off & didn't realize until I was half-way there that I wasn't driving home, but to school!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Hi again, I'm still thinking about the dieting part of things; if anyone else would want to be on a 'lose a little weight' bet; you wouldn't have to follow my rules; you could go by Weight Watchers Points or total loss per week, or whatever you wanted....with whatever 'consequences' you wanted too. Seven weeks would be right at the end of October, which should be time for SOME weight loss if one was seriously being good. Also, I could post a 'New Topic' for it if we'd rather keep this more strictly for the exercise component.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    I didn't post yesterday but I did go to Body Combat then drove up to Los Angeles after class to have dinner with a friend and I didn't get home till late late late.

    ((((Patoo)))) you have a lot on your plate right now so it is easy to let exercise slide but you'll get back to it again and I hate to utter these words but "Shovel and Sculpt" will be upon us quite soonSurprised. I was sorry to hear of your friends despair, what unbearable pain he must have been in to take his own life. Nats did anyone take photos at the dog swim? It sounds like so much fun, kudos to whoever came up with the idea. My gym is packed with newbies as well and classes are full it's crazy just like it's Jan 1st. Ruth all the kids of fund raising age are gone from my life - I'm going to miss Sally Foster but I have more gift wrap than I'll ever use. Good luck with the weight loss plan, I'd join you but I'm hopeless, you could join the girls on ELAB but don't forget you belong to us here on exercise, I think of you as our fearless leader.

    Tonight did Body Step class, didn't really feel like doing the class as my butt aches from last nights Combat class but I managed to get through and I did half an hour of the Zumba class, I think I'm going to take an Aleve and go to bed, nite all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010

    Ruth I like the idea but I am leaving for Jamaica this weekend for a week. Sometimes that extra incentive is what we all need.Since I switched to jogging instead of waloking on the treadmill I have seen a few lbs fall off.But it is my diet where I mess up.Eating veggies and lowfat protien every meal can get so boring.When I get back I will join in.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    I'll ditch the diet and come to Jamaica instead!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010
    Ruth, I will join you.  Would love to lose 10 lbs by November 8th when I leave for Nicaragua (make that plane lighter!)  Going to start right now with lunch and get back on the exercise trail by making it to the gym tonight.  I don't think we need a new thread, do you?  We can incorporate our progress with our daily exercise.  Mum, look forward to you joining when you get back - have a great time.  For the rest of you, we understand so not to worry - just follow us and join in emotionally (we need it!).
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Patoo - I'm sorry about your friend's DH.  I lost a dear friend with depression to suicide some years ago - it leaves a terrible hole behind for the survivors. 

    Ruth, I'll join in as well.  How about if we can just pick a day and post our net losses/gains(!) from the week before.  So if we all note today's weight, then next Wednesday we can all post our losses (hopefully not gains!)  I think just posting will help keep us honest, just like posting our exercise helps get me going.  And I've decided to adopt your Twins as my post-season team (since my beloved Nats certainly will not be playing October baseball), so I'm keeping an eye on their games now and pulling for them! Cheryl- no pix on the web yet of the Pooch Pool Party this year, but here's a link to last year's pictures: Check out the Chihuahua in the little outfit on page 3!  Mum - ah, Jamaica, mon! Enjoy!!!

    After work I did 10 minutes elliptical to warm up, then 45 minutes of weight work.  I did 20 minutes Pilates DVD this morning before work.  

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2010

    Had the visit to the onc. this morning.  CELEBRATION IN ORDER.   I have now officially completed my 5 years of Femara and since I had neg. nodes (although BC X 3)  I do not have to continue it.   So, off to the gym to celebrate. Okay, a glass of wine later tonight with DH too.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    YAY Rita!!!!

    Jump for joy! 

  • aspen
    aspen Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2010


    My neighbors may think I've lost my mind...... I'm sure that they heard me laughing when I saw the dancing "person" on your post.    Thank you so much.   It really made my day.  Wish I had that much energy now after the gym... but I feel great if pooped.   God Bless.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Hooray, Rita! A huge milestone for you, congratulations!!! Cool

    I was hoping nobody would mind if some of us did a little weight loss stuff here (since this is where I likje to be Smile); so, patoo and nats (and anyone else who want to join in the fun!), what are your plans? Are you going to do the 1,400 or $10, or ???, and how much do you want to lose? (they tell us in special ed. to be specific). We start today, and like Mary said, we can report each Wednesday. Since patoo leaves Nov. 8, we need to have the 10 pounds off by Nov. 3rd. I'm thinking that once we are where we want to be, we should still report on Wednesdays and (for me anyway) have to pay a fine if up from my target weight. 

    Nats, glad you are joining the Twins!! They creamed Chicago (who is in second place in their division) last night.

    I have been dragging out some of my fall clothes this evening Cry. Will finish up & go exercise. Later, tartly ones! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Ruth, I will 'settle' for 10 lbs off by Nov 3rd.  I will challenge myself to post a loss every Wednesday and if I don't I will set aside $10. for that week.  If I have lost the 10 by Nov 3rd the money is mine to keep, otherwise whatever is in the kitty on Nov 3rd, if I haven't dropped at least 10 the money will go to BCo. 

    Eating wasn't too bad today but my right leg is bothering me, hurting from top of thigh to toes.  Not sure why so didn't go to the gym.  Waiting for advil to kick in and still intend to go downstairs on the treadmill.  Have to, now that I've posted above.  Thanks friends.

  • imbell
    imbell Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2010

    Have been on chemo since April. Some walking but not much in the way of exercise. Have been thinking of learning to swin after chemo is over. Hate that I can't. Only chance I had as a kid I got a virus on the first day and that was that. So that is my goal.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    If you are walking during chemo, that is awesome (and it better count for exercise or I am in trouble!). Swimming is great exercise too. A great goal to have! (And, if you like the water, water aerobics are super too, and you don't need to know how to swim to do them).

    15 minutes toning with Richard & walked on the treadmill 45 minutes with the Minnesota Twins. Hope your leg felt better, patoo. I have managed to eat right all day, and avoided both the candy in my drawer at school and the three cartons of ice cream in the freezer (made the mistake of sending DH to the store the other day!). Good Night All! Ruth 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Learning to swim is a fabulous idea and so doable, look in to your local city rec dept I know ours has all age learn to swim classes and congrats Rita a fabulous milestone reached. Ruth food wise I'm good throughout the day. I made a fabulous omelet for dinner with all fresh herbs from my garden then the ice cream called and I answered, like I said I'm hopeless. Patoo hope your hip/leg is feeling better. Nats those pics are priceless and only in America would someone dress their fur baby to go swimming and I loved the Basset. Tonight I did 30 minutes in the weight room doing upper body work then Body Combat class and lo and behold it was all upper body work so my shoulders are on fire. We haven't heard from Nature, Hymil, Kim, and Elizabeth lately, where are you girls???

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    Patoo - hope the leg is feeling better.  Ruth and Cheryl - I can't even have ice cream in the house.  REALLY!!  It is such a weakness for me and I live in a building where the first floor tenant is a creamery with the most delectable premise made ice creams.  It kills me everytime I come home at night.  Did not exercise yesterday so heading to the Y for a spin class now and then a bike/ab workout on my own.  Have a good day all :)

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Patoo and Ruth - I'm ready to start posting Wednesday with my net loss (hopefully) for this week.  Sorry about the leg, Patoo - hopefully advil and a good night's sleep helped. 

    Marybell - I love your goal of learning to swim.  All through my chemo, I kept promising myself that once it was over, I was going to take tap dancing lessons. And I did!  I of course was terrible at it because I have no sense of rhythm and have difficulty with left and right, but I didn't care - I had a wonderful time through the whole class.  I had thought and dreamed about it so many times during chemo that to finally be able to do it was like a dream come true.  I can heartily recommend setting a goal like that.

    Update on SIL - she's recovering from her bmx nicely.  She's having her ALND and port placement today, and starts chemo 10/5.  She's starting to think about wig and hat shopping and is going to some local cancer society Look Good Feel Better type events.  She's scared, of course, but is realistic about it.  I feel so bad knowing what she's going to be going through, but she's pretty tough and will get through it.

    After work yesterday I did 15 minutes of step aerobics and 30 minutes on the ellliptical.  Today I took my 25 minute walk around the neighborhood.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    Nats - thanks for the update on your SIL.  Am I prying? What is her specific diagnosis?  I am so pleased she is facing this head on.  I hope she finds her way to and the wonderful support that we all find on our special boards.   Patoo - how's the leg tonight?   I did the spin/ab class and then my regular bike.  Just home and still an hour of work to do.  SO is on his way home from a week long business trip.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    45 minutes of toning & 15 minutes on the treadmill.

    Mary, send my best wishes to your SIL. Sounds like she has a great attitude which will help her alot.

    Bobbi, I have on more than one occasion eaten a whole carton of ice cream in one sitting, and then gone out & bought another one & replaced it in the freezer so no one would know. An ice-cream-o-holic!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Hi all.  Hip is still giving trouble.  I just don't want to blame in on the generic A.  Don't know why I'm being so protective of A.  Will give it a couple more days and then go back on the AZ brand and see if there is any change.  See my Onc on 9/21 so will discuss with him as well.

    Finally got a working copy of the FIRM Ab Sculpt DVD; watched it for a few minutes.  I'll try it on the weekend.  Otherwise, not much on the exercise front, again.  But I made the pledge with Ruth about the weight loss so will get myself moving before too long.

    I'm also tired but that's probably the Benedryl for my allergies that are starting for the Fall season.  Night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010
    It's your calories or your money, patoo! Wink Think of how tartly you will look running around the jungles of Nicaragua (Do they have jungles in Nicaragua? It sounds like a jungley kind of place to me) with your toned, ten pounds lighter body!!!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Get my room ready Bobbi, I'm moving in Surprised and if I remember rightly don't you live on the 6th or 7th floor so you have the best of both worlds, treat and exercise. Patoo would deep water pool work help to relieve the hip? My dad had both hips replaced (this was back in the 80s) and he had to have one done twice as they discovered that one leg was a fraction shorter than the other and he had worn out the replacement. Nats please give my best to your SIL. Ruth, what can I say, you are a girl after my own heartLaughing

    Tonight I did a spin class, yeah my 3rd one and even though I have to go back into the seat before everyone else at least I'm able to come up out of the saddle for a bit and I'm feeling much more confident in the class, not so claustrophobic.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2010

    Hello everyone....we sound like the busy bunch just excercising, eating, dieting, playing, working, away. I just got back from my 8th Anniversary. My hubby & I went to San Diego. We had an amazing time there. The weather was perfect. Wish I could of brought it home with me. Missed my animals so was happy to see them. Leaving them again for the weekend. Get to grandma sit Aubrey while mommy and daddy go camping for the weekend. Excited about that. As far a diet goes will that went out the window. Time to get serious again and watch how much and what I eat. I need to lose 30 more pds by December if possible. We walked so much in San Diego. Everyday for at least 3 to 4 hours. I did great!

    Signed up at church to do a race for worldvision. It is a 13 mile run in Jan. 01/16/2010 So I have to really add time to my workout and do more on the treadmill. Going to take extra training with Jim to help prepare me. My husband freaked when he saw me sign up. I know I can do this. Well I need to go cause I have to get ready to see my beautiful granddaughter. :0)

    Hope everyone has an awesome day. I will check in later!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Bobcat - re my SIL - I've suggested several times that she come here, but as far as I know she hasn't yet.  Her dx was IDC, ER+/PR+, Stage IIIa with 3 positive nodes.  It was a bit of a shock as pre-surgically, the doctors told her they were sure they got it early, that they didn't think there'd be positive nodes, and she'd be a Stage I or at worst a Stage II. So she wasn't prepared at all for the Stage III.  The good thing is it's a Grade 1 tumor.  Patoo - I'm so sorry that your hip is troubling you still.  That makes it tough to sleep and exercise.  Hopefully it will ease soon.  Happy 8th anniversary, Elizabeth!  Your trip sounds wonderful!  And September is a great month to get married - we celebrate #28 a week from Saturday - how can that be since I'm only 29?  We're getting a couples massage at a local spa, then going out to dinner.  DH has never had a massage, but he's been feeling stressed and achey lately, so he agreed to try one.

    I did 15 minutes elliptical, then 45 minutes of weight workout last night, and 20 minutes Pilates DVD today.  Off to the cabin!  Have a great weekend everyone!  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    I've had an insane week at work, even had to go in on my day off, now a house full of company for the weekend which I'm not looking forward to (don't even know 3 of them), so I don't have time to read posts and catch up.... I hope everyone is doing well and please know I think of y'all!  I have been getting some walks in and will certainly do more this weekend.  Have a great weekend!  I'll be back asap!