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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Ruth hard to believe while you're putting away your patio furniture we're just starting to use ours. I'm melting....... another hot hot day here but I did go to my Body Step class this morning and at one stage my face was the same color as my hot pink top and I'd like to thank the person who invented wick-away workout clothing I'd be lost without it. Nature it sounds like you had a great weekend and I can just see you dancing around the kitchen, who cares what people think as long as you're having fun Laughing .

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Ruth - attending your HS football games sound like attending a Nats game - they usually lose!  Oh well, it's still fun just to get out. I love the cake dreams!!  Mum - great picture!  DH and I will be snorkeling in a week on our Caribbean sailing trip - can't believe we leave Saturday! Bobcat - aren't great friends wonderful?  On thing about b/c is that it really finds the people who are there for you.  Cheryl - LOL at folding laundry as the big Saturday night activity!  Nature - interesting that the younger generation didn't get Bill Cosby's humor - too subtle for them, or just dated?

    Thanks for all the anniversary wishes.  The massages were wonderful - dh went just to be a good sport, but he loved it - it totally and completely relaxed him.  He's already talking about the next time we'll get them.   We had a lovely dinner at a nice restaurant located near the local airport - we met on a plane, so it seemed fitting. And we went to our final Nats game of the season Sunday, and wonder of wonders they won!!  

    No real exercise this weekend, but I did 20 minutes Pilates this morning.  Off to the PT this afternoon.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Not quite ready to put patio furniture away but am definitely loving cooler weather! We'll have enjoyable sitting-outdoors weather for another month or more. Since it wasn't this summer, it's about time!

    Mary, your weekend sounds great. The Nats won for your anniversary, right?! And massages... yeah.... heavenly. Cosby's humor was definitely dated (he told stories about some of his teen years, mostly, so things like "record player" had no reference for them) but my 19 YO nephew was there and got most of it and enjoyed it a lot... it may be that the other kids weren't exposed to Cosby growing up. Don't know that part of the extended family well at all. I know the teens didn't want to go to begin with so there may have been some teen angst over being 'made' to go. Not sure. The rest of us liked it!

    I was tired today, was going to skip walk, thought of y'all and walked anyway. Thanks for motivating me! Cool air and movement felt good although I still feel like a slug and am heading to bed early tonight.

    Hope everyone's having a good Monday!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Walked for an hour; another perfect fall day here. I can't linger as I HAVE to get some things around the house done tonight. Mary, I am already jealous about your sailing trip!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Hi all.  A little tired so just posting that I did 60 min water aerobics and ran another 15 mins in water.  Only 3600 steps on pedometer today but at least that's in addition to the water workout.  I'm slowly getting back to my initial 6 days a week plan.  When you get busy and get out of habit it takes time to get back but I'm trying. 

    You all are doing so well - I'm really impressed.  Keep it up.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Mary it sounds like you had a lovely anniversary and I'll bet you are getting excited for your sailing vacation. It was 106 degrees here at the beach today and even though I didn't feel like it I went to Body Combat tonight then came home and went swimming. It's 9 o'clock and no relief from the heat at all, I have to go to the garage and find the big fan as I think I need it to sleep tonight as I don't think my little fan is going to cut it. Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Cheryl, sounds like you should come out here for our 76 degree highs and cool, crisp nights. Our nice weather is suppose to last all week. (We have strange weather; I just heard on the radio that the record high for this date is 100 and the record low is 18!!).

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Cheryl - I've been hearing about LA's 100+ degree days - yikes!!  Patoo - good for you for starting to get back into things. Maybe your body was telling you it needed a break for a bit just to rest and heal those small nagging aches we get. 

    I went to the PT/acupuncturist - I'm not sure whether it was the ultrasound heat, her therapy, the acupuncture she did, or the fact that I'm in week 2 of my Femara "vacation", but last night for the first time in months my hip didn't wake me up with pain. This despite the fact that I did a 20 minute elliptical session yesterday and this morning - when I elliptical it usually means I'm going to wake up at least once with a painful hip.  

    Yoga class tonight, and the rain cleared up nicely so I can walk there and back.

    Yikes - tomorrow is Wednesday weigh-in!! 

    (Anyone know what happened to the little smilies?  Mine don't work anymore - when I insert one I get text instead of the picture.  Anyone else have this issue?? 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010

    I am taking it easy this week  all my joints seem to have flared with the cold damp weather.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Another lovely cool sunny day here although we could really use a good long rain (under a no-burn order for much of the state, too dry).   I got out for a long walk in the woods.  Perfect.

    Cheryl, sorry you're getting all that heat, brutal.  Mary, I'll try a smiley and see what happens, right here:   Cool  Looks like mine are working, maybe yours are back already; I have noticed the board is loading slowly the last day or so. Glad your hip is better, regardless of the exact reason! Ultrasound heat, does that feel as good as it sounds? Patoo, glad you're getting back in the swing of things.  Too bad it's so easy to get out of a good habit and harder to get back into it!  And mum, that cold damp weather can cut right through you!  My hands and elbows have been hurting more this week, I hadn't thought much of it (I get little flare-ups from time to time) but maybe it's the weather change.  Doesn't matter, I prefer our cooler weather regardless! but this winter could get long if it is the weather.

    Have a good evening, everyone...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010
    Did an old firm tape; 60 minutes of 'Complete Cardio and Weight Training", now have to hit a pile of homework. Trying to eat lightly because I was really bad all weekend. I got a facial after work today, not quite as exciting as a mud bath or massage; but nice and pampering non-the-less. OK, I must do paperwork faces appear to be working. ??
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited September 2010

    I went for my walk first thing this morning and am to the point where I'm feeling I could add more distance.  It's amazing the difference this past month has made in my energy levels.  Rads certainly takes a toll.

    I appreciate your comments about my mom's situation.  Unfortunately, it sounds as tho things have gotten worse, after talking with my brother some this evening.  I'm scheduled to go out to DC early next week anyway, so will see firsthand and talk with staff.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Mum - sorry about the joint flare up with the cold damp weather.  Take care of yourself.  Ruth - the facial sounds wonderful.  I think we all deserve a little pampering now and then. Retriever - it's a great feeling to start to get strength back, isn't it? I'm sorry you have the situation with your mom to deal with. Nature - I think we're getting the rain here you need - a tropical storm will be moving up the coast and apparently will dump a few inches of rain today and tomorrow.  I think  it should be clearing up some for your trip out here Retriever.

    I had my yoga class after work, and walked the two mile round trip to the rec center for the class.  I did my 20 minutes on the elliptical this morning.

    Wednesday Weigh In - minus .7 pounds.  (Yes, that's a decimal point there, but it's better than nothing!)

    (Edited to add smiley test - I'm using IE instead of my usual Firefox:  Laughing

    A-ha - that's it!  Firefox isn't playing well with BCO, I guess.)

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010
    We got home late last night from the shore.  Had my 80 year old mother to the Dr yesterday and she is doing well.  Two replacement shoulders, one knee replacement and she still walks about 3-4 miles each day.  She weighs 108 pounds fully clothed!!  We had a nice visit but I am exhausted - she loves to talk on and on.  Too much work today so no exercise for me.  I did ride my bike at the beach on Monday but will get back in the groove tomorrow morning.  I like all the talk of pampering.  Mary - have a great trip!!  I participated in an acupunture study for BC survivors on Arimidex.  My knee was the culprit and it seemed to help while I was actually being treated but now one year later knees, wrists, hands...they all ache and cause problems.  Loving this cool weather but we are in for some soaking rain tomorrow.  Have a great day all Kiss
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Well we are starting to get a little relief from the heat.  Last night I did Body Step class and it was so humid in that room but I puddled through Laughing.  Okay Nats it's confirmed I'm using Firefox at work and my smileys aren't working either and I can't delete.  There was a debate on tv here last night between governor candidates so our group got together to watch, I told the hostess my class conflicted but I would come over after (hey when someone is cooking dinner for me I am going) by the time I got there debate was over but I had a lovely meal and hung out with friends till 11pm so very late home.  You girls on the weight loss are doing great even if it is only -.something it's down not up so don't beat yourselves up.  Bobcat do you know how envious I am of you even if she drives you crazy you got to take your Mom to the Dr. I miss my Mum so much and she's been gone 26 years and she used to drive me crazy with her chitty chatting but guess what I am exactly like her.  Well off to work, will be back tonight I am going to try and do 2 classes tonight as I feel I need to add more weight training.  Have a great day everyone.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2013

    Mary, good job on the weight loss!  retriever, hope you can make some progress with your mother's situation when you're out there.  frustrating, I'm sure.  Bobcat, I know how much caring for parents can wear you down, but it's a gift, too.  Cheryl, my mom's only been gone months, not years, but I swear I'm channeling her half the time and I just have to laugh at myself (sometimes it's that or cry!). 

    Firefox users, that's all I use and smileys are working fine for me (let's check again:  Cool  yep) (I'm assuming you can see mine even if yours don't post) so it may be a Firefox issue but it's not all Firefox browsers.  I think I updated not long ago so maybe try that if you haven't?

    Feel free to send any and all rain here, nothing in our 10-day forecast.  Wet, although lovely spring; wet, hot summer; and now a dry dry autumn.   Nothing normal about our seasons this year!

    I'm headed out right now to a county park several miles out of town, one of my favorite places in this area, hills and the Wabash river, I can always spend at least a couple of hours there hiking.  See y'all later!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010

    Managed a 30min run on the treadmill today but I had to take an Alleve before I went to the gym. If I exercise everyotherday I think the old joints will be less swollen. I really miss it when I can't go and exercise I just don't sleep as well.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited September 2010

    A quick post

    I just want to say how groovy all of us are!  Heh heh.  No, seriously, we are the group that are making things happen!  I love being a part of this group in spite of my dx.

    I just wanted to say that we are groovy.  That is all for now. 

    Did I mention we are groovy?  Groovy is the best word; I'm hoping it makes a big comeback.



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    We are tarty AND groovy!! Mums, could you do water aerobics on the off days? I think treadmills are really hard on the joints; I try not to go on mine too many days in a row or for too long a time either.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010
    It's all groovy!  I love that word AND this group.   And yes, I do know how lucky I am to be near and close to my mom.  She's a 30 year bc survivor and I see myself in her everytime I look in the mirror!  We talk every afternoon if only for a few short minutes and she's already called me 3 times to tell me how much she loved our 18 hours together Kiss   She is a doll and all that know her, like her.  I'm also lucky to have 3 siblings and we all have our role in caring for her.  I often wonder how my son will feel down the road as an "only"? when I am in need.  But hey, he's a groovy kid(REALLY!!) and I know he'll do the right thing.  Rededicated to exercise tomorrow morning - biking if it's not pouring and spinning for sure.  Good night all!
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    I'm hoping my DS marries into a large family who all like me VERY MUCH!

    Another lovely evening here; took a long walk on a nature trail. It has rained a lot, so the grass is really green, and the gold/red/yellow leaves make a vivid contrast.....the sun was setting, the light streaming through the trees so beautifully that it almost made me sad (or could it be that I'm sad because patoo and I will have to take up panhandling to raise money for all the donations we will have to make because we are so BAD on our diets?!).

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Did someone say our "Daily" exercise.  Not turning out that way for me - just carzy busy but should ease up soon.  No exercise today; tomorrow not looking too promising either - we'll see.  I may have to figure out how to get myself moving earlier in the morning and do it then. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Oh, I just hate early morning exercise....although if you can squeeze in even 15 minutes, that's less you have to do later on!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2010

    Hi Tartlet Sisters, Wow we have a lot going on. Weight lose, exercise, not exercise, good weather, bad weather, etc.

    I have been busy like crazy. Working the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure registration last week and this week. Getting to workout in the morning cause that really is my only time to do that right now. Lost 5 lbs a total of 35. Hoping to lose 35 more by January. Baby Aubrey is growing and as adorable as can be. Just love being a grandmother. It is the best. Love reading everyone's post. Leaving Friday to Vegas meeting the Ta Ta Sisters. There is a total of 55 women there. Is that amazing! Last year there was only 24. I am not a drinker or a gamble. I may have a drink now and then. For sure it will go to my butt just looking at it. lol Ok have a good night!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Well my groovy tartlett sisters I did two classes tonight first Body Pump and then Body Combat and it was not my best idea, my butt is on fire from all the squats and lunges. I was so wiped out after the first class I couldn't give 100% to the second and let's get real - it was Eduardo teaching both classes, but I got a double fist bump off him on the way out the door and he called me a "warrior".

    Patoo I used to be a morning person but not any more, oh I wake up but I roll over and grab another half an hour, I keep getting invited to a 5.15am class and I just laugh in their face, I'm like that's when I'm heading into REM sleep. Mum my hands have been more stiff this past week and I'm wondering if it's the change of seasons (cool for you - hot for me). Hope you had fun on your hike Nature. Ruth I believe you can make some decent money panhandling you just have to pick a busy intersection with a loooooong left turn light, a couple of dollars here and a couple thereWink Elizabeth sounds such a fun group that are going to Vegas and you don't need to drink to dance on the table just have a fabulous time and enjoy yourselves.  Big fan on again tonight, I sure hope the heat breaks soon, heck it's been summer for 3 days nowTongue out  Nite all.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Nats I don't know if you'll check in before you head off to the caribbean but I wanted to wish you Bon Voyage have a wonderful vacation - eat, drink and be merry.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Mary and Elizabeth, both have tons of fun on your trips!!!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    It's made a comeback in my life, Kim, although most people roll their eyes when I say it!  Good job on the weight loss, Elizabeth... are you still running?  Enjoy Vegas and the TaTa's!  Mary, when do you leave... I couldn't find a date, just a reference to your Femera vacation -- whenever it is, enjoy!  I'm with Cheryl, (although I actually do like to exercise in the morning), I now sleep until the last possible moment.  Hope it cools off there soon, Cheryl.  Ruth, I know what you mean, nature's beauty can move me, too, sometimes to tears...  

    We're still (finally!) having beautiful (if too dry) weather -- sunny, 60's and 70's in the day, 40's overnight... ahhhh... heaven after all that heat this year!  Every walk is a good walk and I'm so glad to be able to exercise outside without turning into a puddle.  And to have the windows open all day and night!  My weekend is officially off and running, I'm walking this afternoon, getting chores out of the way, and then getting up early tomorrow to go out all day wandering the countryside/parks with my camera and binoculars. That's my plan, anyway!  Around 58-60 for highs over the weekend so even better for being outside, so I might just do day trips and wander all three days!

    Everyone have a groovy day! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    Rain Rain Rain!!! And wind!  That's what we're getting here in the east.  I did a spin class this morning and dodged the downpours before and after work.  In for the night.  I am a morning exerciser ever since diagnosis and treatment.  Can't seem to summon the energy at night for anything.  Cheryl - double fist pump from Eduardo - Go Warrior Woman!  Have a great trip travellers.  Ruth - I too well up at the beauty of nature sometimes.  It's bittersweet and not sure if it's about surviving and appreciating more or what.  Dear friend just diagnosed with late stage multiple myeoloma - not a good prognosis.  He's heading to Boston after round one of chemo to investigate stem cell transplant.  60 year old healthy running male - so sad but his attitude is good, God bless him.  Good night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    School, a long meeting after, an hour of toning, and then more school work Cry......either I am slowing down or everything is speeding up, because I just can't seem to get my head above water this year....I need that SPA DAY!!! So sorry about your friend, Bobbi. Hopefully, he will get hopeful news in Boston. Hugs to All! Ruth