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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Ruth you'll settle back in to your routine, you've got lots of meetings and you've got to teach, hey spin around twice and it'll be Christmas break and you can relax aghhhhhhSurprised. Nature enjoy your walk it sounds so lovely. Tonight I did a spin class, I'm getting the hang of it but Bobbi I have a question; my hands got really stiff so I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or it's just Femara as my hands have been giving me a little trouble this week and after the class the guy who was on the bike next to me (who I've never seen before) said "you did really well, you kept a good pace, I think I'll try and get my mother to come in" huh. Saw all the rain on tv hope you east coasters are not washing away. I am so sorry about your friend one of my groups DILs was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last week, she just didn't feel well, went to her family doctor he did bloodwork on the spot two days later she had the news, she started chemo on monday and to make matters worse her son was killed by a drunk driver last year and the trial starts next week no stage as yet but hopefully they caught it early. 

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    Gee, you don't post for a day and all kinds of things happen. 

    So the mystery of the smilies continues - I have the latest Firefox (3.6.10) at home and work, and I can't use a smiley at either place. But they work fine in IE.  Hmmm.  

    Bobcat - your mom sounds like a pip!  Now I see where you get your dedication to exercising.  I also did an AI acupuncture study, but when I was unblinded, it turned out I was in the sham group.  I'm so sorry about your friend's dx.  Cancer is so unfair.  Nature - take our rain - please!  We've been swamped the last couple of days. Finally they say the sun might peek through this afternoon. Mum - I don't use a treadmill anymore either as my joints just couldn't take it.  An elliptical takes a bit of getting used to, but I've been using one for years now with no knee issues, although I have had more hip issues.  Sigh. Dazd - groovy is a great word!  Now where did I leave my psychedelic daisy stick ups? Ruth - good for you for recognizing the beautiful nature moment, especially in your busy schedule! Elizabeth - 35 pound lost? I'm in awe. Wow! Cheryl, you are a Warrior Woman with all your classes! I'm sorry about your friend - it sounds like she's had more than her share of tragedy. I have a co-worker who works out with me who is Stage IV ovarian cancer but is currently NED, so the chemo did wonders for her. 

    We leave tomorrow morning for our sailing trip. We have one of those horrible flights that leaves Dulles at 6am - seemed like a good idea at the time (It's cheaper! We'll get there earlier!) but I know I'm going to kick myself when the alarm goes off at 2:30am tonight.  I walked the mile to the hairdresser's place last night for a quick pre-trip haircut - less hair to deal with given all the wind, salt water, sun, etc. But that's about all I've done exercise-wise lately as we've been trying to get stuff done before leaving.  Final packing tonight and we're off!

    Have a great week everyone - I'll check in when we get back!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010
    Nats have a wonderful holiday.Smile
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    Nats:  Have a great trip.  I feel your pain re the early trip to Dulles.  I've left my mom's place in Winchester in the dark to make it to Dulles in the wee hours.  But -- found there are tons of commuters even then.

    Another crisis with my mom averted.  She has been convinced she is weak because of internal bleeding.  Now that's ruled out, blood and thyroid panels done, she is calming down.  I've scanned the slides I brought back after my dad passed away and put them on a digital frame for her.  The 60s sure are fun to re-visit.  And the 70s are groovy!

    Oh, my mom said she can't understand why she is so weak, that my aunt is weak, but "she's elderly."  My mom's 85 and her sister is 3 years older.

    Walked first thing this morning.  Time to hit the shower.  I'm a municipal employee, and our beloved city manager died of a heart attack Tues.  The funeral is this morning.  He knew every employee's name, stopped by my office several times when I was going through tx to find out how I was feeling--a genuinely kind and gentle soul, but the stress of the job did him in.

    A good day to remember how precious the time we have is.  Trite, perhaps, but impt.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Not trite at all; and especially important to remember when little things are driving a person crazy (i.e. me, so thank you).

    Mary, we will be thinking of you on the sailboat, in the sun, with the wind blowing through your new haircut and the salt water splashing over the sides of the boat, SIGH......have a marvelous and groovy time!!! Ruth

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    30 minutes of abs, and 30 minutes on the treadmill. We have a freeze warning tonight, so put blankets over some flowers that I may/or may not want to dig up and bring in for the winter. Brrrr!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Ohhhhhhh, all these fun trips - have great fun everyone.

    I'm really struggling trying to get back to a steady routine.  May have to start counting 'good intentions'.  Well at least tomorrow I'm doing a 5K BC walk so that will get me 3 miles at least but then the rest of day is busy. 

    Going to have to raise the volume on the voices as those little whisperings are not doing the job.

    Night Sculpted sisters.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Really patoo, we must be good because I don't want to go panhandling (trying to convince myself not to eat anything else tonight).

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Okay, okay.  I'll give it another shot.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    I'm glad I got some extra walking in yesterday, it's RAINING here now!  That wasn't in the forecast two days ago, but hurrah!!!  I hope it goes long enough for a good soaking.  Maybe I'll get in a neighborhood walk when it lets up.

    retriever, never trite -- always good to remember. I'm sorry about your employer.

    And, don't you just love how relative everything is? My mom wouldn't admit she was "elderly" but suddenly when she turned 87 she delighted in telling everyone she was "almost 90!" Up until a month or so before she died she would not admit that she had any limitations at all, strength, or otherwise. She didn't understand why she was so tired or couldn't do some of the things she used to do, but according to her, it certainly wasn't because she was old!

    Cheryl, sorry about your friend's DIL, and bobcat, I'm sorry about your friend. It never ends.

    Ruth and patoo, I hope I don't see you out on the corner soon! Smile

    I walked for around 2 hours yesterday, not all in one swoop but off and on... it was a perfect day to be out in the country and away from civilization!  Sunny, cool, light breeze.  I was beat when I got home but it was a good tired and I slept really well.  No weight loss but no gain, either, so at least I continue to keep off what I've lost so far.

    That's it from the flatlands!  Happy Saturday!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    I'm baaaack!  I have been keeping up on the news, but have been feeling so 'low' for the past few months that I just haven't posted.  So sorry to hear about the illnesses & deaths, but I have to tell you guys that you still ROCK!  You all are still plugging away DAILY!  I figure maybe if I start posting again daily (whether I excercise or not), that I might get a little more motivated!  I feel a little like Patoo - struggling for some continuity, but remember that winter is coming and I don't think that you actually bought that snow blower last year did you??  Shovel and Sculpt??  Keeping up with my walking (but not daily) and have done the FIRM floor excercises a few times, but need to be a little more regular!  I have decided to watch what I am eating also (thanks Ruth) as I have a wedding for my niece that I am singing and would like to at least "appear" toned!! SO - I am off to the basement to do the FIRM tape RIGHT NOW!  Will post again later!  And thanks for the boot in the butt!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    Done!  Now off to do some laundry and house cleaning!!  Happy Saturday!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Hey MaryLouise, welcome back - nope, didn't buy the snow blower and now I know why - I need the exercise! 

    Did 5K BC walk this morning so feels good.  Probably won't get too much more in today but will try and get over 10,000 steps as I have less than 1000 to go.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Hi Mary Louise, yes, report in every day, it does make you do more from the sheer accountability of it. I really think that the FIRM tapes are the best thing ever for toning......and if you are toned, you DO look like you weigh less than you actually do, the clothes fit more smoothly etc.. When is the wedding?

    I'm off to a street fair put on by the local college as part of their Homecoming celebration. There will be tons of booths selling yummy desserts, ethnic foods, specialty salsas, along with craft items, music, games I already know that I'm in trouble, because of course one should support the local economy, and what better way than to buy brownies?!!  Luckily we do exercise.....or I, for one, would be REALLY fat! Later Ladies. Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Mary Louise welcome back I'm sorry you've been feeling low but glad to know you've been keeping up, we've missed you and posting does keep you motivated. Nature glad you got your walk in before the rain, our heat has broken and in fact yesterday I drove home from work in a thunderstorm and it's thundering and raining right now. Retriever I'm so sorry about your city manager, and you're so right and it's not trite at all. Patoo congrats on your walk today I hope you had a good turnout. Ruth if you are walking and eating doesn't one negate the otherSurprised 

    Well last night I did go to Body Pump and this morning Body Combat, they are both new releases and for the last three months someone has been sitting in a room figuring out new ways to torture us, and they succeeded. This morning my shoulders were so tired from last night I could barely keep my arms up to punch. Have a great Saturday everyone.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Hi all - got over the 10,000 steps today - Yippee.

    Yes, hbcheryl, I think there were at least 300 people, probably 10 percent runners, 60 percent walkers and the rest supporters.  It was very nice.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Mary Louise, good to see you again!  I went through a low slump awhile ago, too, and went into hiding... glad you're back at it.   I still flounder on the "regular" part of exercise but do what I do and don't beat myself up (too much!) for not doing more.

    42 here this morning, I love it!  I did get a brisk neighborhood walk in yesterday afternoon, windy, cloudy, cool, but it felt good. Today is windy, sunny, and cool so I know I'll enjoy it as well! Cooler weather is definitely helping me get outside.

    We're about 10 days away from peak fall color, starting to see some really pretty leaves.  Finally looks and feels like fall. 

    Happy Sunday!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    Did my walk first thing the past 2 mornings.  Feeling somewhat virtuous.  I realized my knee is sore this morning, but was still able to make the distance, and am now headed off for some dog training with a friend.

    Why does going on a trip mean so much laundry?  It's like I wash everything I own before deciding what I'm actually going to take with me, which will end up being too much or the wrong thing.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    I dread packing too, and am very bad at it.

    Ended up being pretty good at the street fair yesterday; walked around a lot, only ate a cup of soup, a cookie and a glass of cider, an only bought two jars of salsa. Then walked over and watched the football game, went for a short walk after and  did 45 minutes of toning. I was so tired last night that I went to bed at 8:30! A nice fall day today so walked for an hour on a nature trail.

    I need to close down and do some school work. BLAH!! Night All! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Good job everyone.  I'm going to pick a bit off of each of you and add it to mine and then I will look good too!  

    Actually I don't beat myself up either.  I figure whatever I do, whenever I do it is better than nothing at all.  I feel good and am toning some so all is good.  Have to say that I'm the opposite in that the colder weather drives me inside to my treadmill and dvd's.  Just don't like the cold.

    Went to the gym after church this morning and did water aerobics for an hour.  That was it.  Eating hasn't been too bad but I still need to learn to made better choices.

    Night all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    I lost motivation and energy yesterday but instead of sitting down with a book I made myself go walk in the woods.  It wasn't exactly fast but it was so beautiful out -- 50's, sunny, windy, cerulean sky and big puffy clouds -- lots of migrating birds -- well worth it.

    I always end up wearing only about half of what I pack, unless I pack my overhead bag only -- that really pares it down! Safe trip, retriever.

    Salsa is low cal and so yummy, and it sparks up everything!  Good choice, Ruth.

    I like my house warm in the winter but I love going outside and being in the crisp air... a mix of my Southern mother and German father, I guess!  35 here right now, these brisk nights are good for fall color. Should be another gorgeous day.

    M-Th are my hardest days to get motivated and get out (sleep until last minute, dragging after work), so my goal is to work on making those more regular exercise days, no matter how I feel.  I said it, I must do it!

    Happy Monday, all!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    No "formal" excercise yesterday or today, but have been keeping myself busy with a lot of running around (errands - no literally running!)  Made some "homemade" potato.broccoli soup last night and I only use 2% milk in it so it should be a lower fat version - delicious!

    Have a great trip Retreiver (where to?) Ruth - the wedding  is on Oct. 23rd!!!  I was able to find a dress that looks pretty good, but still need to tone up more!!!  Embarassed

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010
    I bought one of those body shapers for my niece's wedding, but it was so hot out in NC (everything was outside) that I left it in the suitcase. Salsa is a healthy choice until you put it top on top of nacho chips loaded with meat, beans, melted cheese, sour cream and guacamole!! Tongue out
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    30 minutes Cardio Dance Party & 30 of Pilates.....we had conferences until 6:30 & then hung out with my dad after that, so it's been a short night!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Did Body Step yesterday but I had a terrible night on Saturday and finally fell asleep at 6am so I really didn't feel great when I woke up but I jumped out of bed brushed my teeth and headed to the gym then came home laid on the couch put on the Ice Road Trucker marathon and slept the entire afternoon away. Went to Body Combat class tonight and now I can barely lift my arms, it is so funny that your body does get used to doing the same routines and then when they change them up ooooeee. I was going to moan and complain but I shut my mouth because I have been lectured by Eduardo not to say "I can't" just try and darn it, he's right.Sealed

    I know what you mean Nature about the motivation but doing these classes I am now in the habit of walking in the door and immediately changing into gym clothes, my worst day is Saturday I really want to sleep in but class is at 8am bleah. Ruth make some quinoa and have the salsa with it - yummmm. Raining here since friday, wasn't it last week I had to drag out the fan, now I need to drag out the heater, no wonder I have a sore throat. Nite all.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    Hey, I run the fan, then heater, then fan again in my office.  Never have the temp "just right."

    I'm flying into DC, driving up to Princeton for a day, then west along the Pa turnpike, south to Winchester, Va.  Love that drive (as long as it's not raining).  My mom sounded much better on the phone today.  I think her anxiety level has gone way down.  

    No formal exercise today, but I'm counting all the trips up and downstairs as I've gathered laundry, etc.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Retrievermom I'm glad your Mom sounded better, she's probably looking forward to seeing you.  Have a wonderful time it sounds such a beautiful drive and you'll get to see those lovely fall changes. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Yum, broccoli soup, sounds good in this cooler weather! I have a recipe somewhere for one that has no milk at all, the creaminess comes from some of the potatoes being mashed up, it was quite good... now to find it again.  I made a sweet potato-cannellini bean-kale soup last night that was comfort in a bowl.  Salsa and quinoa sounds good, too!  (I shouldn't talk about food in the morning, it always makes me hungry!).

    retriever, glad your mom sounded better... enjoy the beautiful drive and the fall colors. 

    Cheryl, you get triple gold stars for getting up and exercising after almost no sleep! I wouldn't have been able to make myself do that.  Feel better soon.

    I hate marketing stuff but sometimes the old Nike tag line, "just do it," is perfect for me.  Or, as Yoda said, "Do, or do not.  There is no try."

    And yesterday I did.  I give myself a tick mark on my M-Th list for getting out yesterday afternoon and walking at the marsh.  It's suddenly full of migrating waterfowl.  Today I'm going back with my binoculars; there's an observation deck about halfway in my walk, so I'll use that for a break and a chance to enjoy the birds.   We're having perfect weather and I'm enjoying it as much as I can!

    Enjoy whatever weather you're having!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010

    Hi all - I am back after a couple days away but have been keeping up with you activities.  Welcome back Mary Louis.  Cheryl - before I forget about the spin question and the hands: in spinning you should only use the handle bars to balance yourself.  Try to make your core do the work and then spin with your legs.  Your hands should rest lightly and therefore you should not be experiencing any pain.  I do notice that when I ride outside my hands and wrists hurt much more but right now I am saying that is worth it for me.  Hope this helps and give it another try. 

    Ruth - I put salsa on everything and have switched to Wasa Light crisps(I break them up) instead of nacho chips - I don't even notice the difference because the salsa is what I crave.  I also put salsa on non-fat cottage cheese - a filling and tasty breakfast or lunch.

    Long bike on Saturday, tandem at the shore on Sunday, bike the normal route yesterday with abs and heading out now for a bike.  Meeting my old golf foursome for Italian tonight - I will NOT eat the garlic bread!!  Fall is upon us - cool and wet but looking for some sunshine after today.  Mary Louise - the drive from Princeton across PA will be lovely - that's my territory!  Have a great day all Kiss

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Another check mark next to today -- got in my walk and a few minutes of birding, as planned. Good day.

    Have a lovely evening, everyone!