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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Nature, hope all your yucky tooth stuff went OK, and you are feeling much better.

    Bobbi, what a fun Labor Day weekend you had!! Sounds like a blast. When I changed pictures, it seems like I scanned the picture to a file, and when I went to 'My Home' and clicked on the picture stuff, the choices of files came up (I can't check right now because we have just changed computers, scanner.s...everything. And the scanner isn't even set up yet). Maybe somebody else here can explain it better (I just poked around and was suprised that I was able to do it). Of course, you could ask any 12 year old and they could show you how!

    I was up too early, had a meeting, haircut, meeting after work so didn't even get home until 8:30 pm. Did half hour pilates DVD and called it good. I am going to try to get to bed a little earlier for a change. Night All! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited September 2010

    Well took my mother to 3 dr appts today. Came home and found my house full of more people than I imagined. Have a housequest and her son living with us. So we left the house and went out for dinner instead. Should not have to leave my house. It is mine! Any way's getting frustrated with the whole lets be nice situation. Did not make it to workout. Had all intentions and it probably would of been really good to do since I am not in my best of moods.

    Nature hope you get better quickly.

    Bobbi sounds like you had a great time.

    Ruth sounds like you had a long day. I commend you for doing exercise even with your long day. I could still do it. I hope your ankle is feeling better.

    Blessings your way tartlet sisters.

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Member Posts: 486
    edited September 2010

    bobcat: You don't sound like an old geezer. Old geezers don't cycle 20 miles per day. I did 15 miles on Sunday and it nearly killed me. Yesterday I did a scant 10 miles and I was wrecked last night. And no, I don't want to admit to being an old geezer yet.

    About posting photos ... you need to post your photos online first (outside of and then link to that. There are lots of sites where you can create a free account --, are a couple of options. For speed in uploading, you might want to reduce your photo size first.

    Once you have a photo saved on one of those sites, right-click the photo and copy the URL (in photobucket use the direct link), then click the picture link (tree icon) in your message. You'll see this...

    Paste the URL opposite where it says Image URL and hit Insert ... that's pretty much it. Preview your picture and if you think it's too big, right click it, go to image properties and halve the dimensions. After you have finished posting a message, you can use the edit button to go back and revise a picture (you can change the size or delete it).

    Ruth, I agree with Elizabeth that you should be congratulated on doing exercise even after such a busy day. You are an inspiration to all of us.

  • speech529
    speech529 Member Posts: 148
    edited September 2010

     I've had my eye on this thread for a while and thought I'd add what I am doing. The posts I read are motivating and help me to want to keep working toward my fitness goals.

    I had a unilateral MX on June 28 (prior to that June 2 hysterectomy with lumpectomy).  I was working out regularly prior to my diagnosis and when I found out I had to have surgery, I increased my workouts about 6 weeks prior to June 2. I think that helped alot in my recovery.  The mx really took alot out of me. It was hard to go back to work and try to get any exercise in at first.   I am starting to feel normal again as far as energy.

    I recently started exercising again--about 3 weeks ago, gradually adding a day or two each week.  I am an avid hiker and the season is starting up soon here in AZ.  My DH and I hiked this weekend in the cooler climes of the White Mountains.  We did an 11 mile hike on Saturday and another 6 miler on Sunday.  I was very tired at the end of the second hike.   I am going to hike Mt. Humphrey this weekend--it's a doosie.  I hope I can make it up there!  I hiked it about 2 years ago and it was strenuous!

    I am exercising daily--either hiking in the early am, going to the gym or swimming and doing yoga 2-3 x a week.Trying to mix it up.  Do you think it's worth it to hire a trainer?

    My goal is to just get fit.  I hike the Grand Canyon every January and I am working toward that goal.  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Nature will be thinking of you in the morning and hope you finally get relief once that tooth is out. Elizabeth your day sounds like my weekend, I minded a dog for a friend of friend - a Beagle, poor thing spends all her time with a shock collar on because of barking or rather baying problem OMG every time I left her sight she howled, I had to have her babysat yesterday while I went to meet up with old friends, not the poor dogs fault and when her owner picked her up today I gave her an earful, she lives in a condo, shes never owned a dog before and got a Beagle because her 5 year old saw it in a shop window and he "wanted a dog" , no research no nothing, but I told her she needed to find a Beagle rescue and let someone who understands the breed care for her, she is a sweet thing but has terrible anxiety - well heck wouldn't you if you spent more than half your life being shocked for doing what is natural to you, okay let me get off my soapbox!!! I did more swearing in the last few days than I've done in 2 years, but I guarantee you she had a great time chasing balls and snoozing on the couch.

    Met with old friends from club we belonged to in the 80s yesterday, we had a wonderful time and of course we took photos, but I want to know, who is the wrinkly old broad with the white hair in the shots, she's wearing the same clothes that I wore but I swear it can't be me, oh and when did I get a chicken neck bleahhhhhh.

    MaryNY thanks for the info on photos I will get to it one day, and you're right a 12 year old would just go bam bam bam and it would be done!!!   Bobbi sure sounds like you had a great weekend, it would be funny if you and Patoo ran into each other down at the shore. Ruth there are different levels of zumba if you ever find a class, the ones in the evening at my gym are too slow for me, I enjoy them but I want to go fast and they are for beginners. Welcome Speech, all I can say is wow, you go girl, I agree and am absolutely positive that your fitness level helped with a quicker recovery and yes you energy level takes a nose dive but it slowly comes back. As to a trainer, they will push you to do things you think you can't do, I had one for a year and loved my time with him but now classes are my thing and I push myself and Elizabeth really loves her trainer. Did Bodystep class tonight, whew it was a tough one. My houseguest is still here and she is a good sport about my gym time oh and best of all my Hannah came home today, 5 days in So Cal playing soccer so once again it's almost 11.30pm and house full of kids yeahhhhh. Gosh I'm long winded, Nite all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010
    Good for you Ruth after a long day still doing your pilates.  Welcome Speech - your workout sounds great both before surgery and now easing back into it.  I have a trainer friend and they do push you beyond your limits but sounds like you have enough motivation for a couple of people and maybe you should enjoy what you are doing while regaining your strength.  Just my opinion. Cheryl - my heart was breaking reading about that beagle.  Why do people "buy" dogs without doing any research.  I agree, that dog needs to be rescued but good for you that you played him out.  And give Hannah a big hug!  Mary - thanks for directions on uploading a photo - I'm going to have to set aside time to figure this out or I may grab a 12 year old off the street today Kiss.  I am off to bike early as lots of work these days.  Have a lovely day all.
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Wow - sounds like a lot of good Labor Day vacations and exercising.

    Cheryl - thank you so much for getting on your soapbox to your friend about that poor beagle.  I worked at our local animal shelter for 15 years, and I saw over and over again exactly what you describe.  People getting animals at pet shops Cry on the spur of the moment, no research, no idea what they're doing, and of course the profit-making pet shop people who get these poor dogs out of puppy mills aren't going to try to talk you out of that purchase.  Arrrgghh - a beagle in an apartment!!!  A Great Dane would do better in an apartment than a beagle!!!!  I'd get so angry when people would surrender animals for being exactly what they were supposed to be - surrendering shepherd type dogs because they were too large, surrendering beagles for barking, surrendering Aussie shepherds because they were too active, surrendering huskies because they shed, etc. etc.  And unfortunately we heard the one about getting a particular pet on the spur of the moment because the kids wanted it way too much.  Hellooooo?  Aren't the grown ups supposed to be making the decisions?  Quality breeders, rescues, and humane groups take the time to try to match the person with the type of pet.  Pet stores and backyard breeders don't give a hoot about the animal's welfare as long as they get those $$$ in their pockets. And the poor animals pay the price in misery, unhappiness, neglect, and sometimes outright cruelty.  OK, off my soapbox too.  

    Elizabeth - I hear you about too many houseguests!  Good for you for getting out and treating yourselves to a quiet, guest-less dinner.  Bobcat - your tandem bike sounds like fun!!  Cheryl - I think you need to call the police about that wrinkly old broad stealing your clothes and posing for pictures in them!  I've had the same thing happen to me . . . Surprised

    We had a fun Labor Day weekend - we walked to Pennsylvania on the AT!  Of course it was only a 5 mile round trip, nothing compared to Speech's hikes, but it was enough for me! (Nine miles is about my max for a mountain hike so I'm impressed with your 11, Speech.)   We have a cute picture of us on the Mason Dixon line - I'm in PA and DH is in MD.  We also did a lot of outside work at the cabin so I was pretty tired by the end of the weekend.  Yoga class started again last night - I'm glad because I really missed it as it seems to help the AI joint/muscle aches.  I also walked the mile to and from the class so that's a bit of bonus exercise.  This morning before work I took a mile walk around the neighborhood.  I can't seem to get up early enough to do my 2 miles before work lately.

    Enjoy the short week everyone!  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Welcome speech! Sounds like you are doing great. I'd probably give myself a little more time before hiring a trainer, unless it is someone who knows the ins and outs of recovering from surgeries, then maybe (right now you might be better off just listening to your body and more gently pushing yourself forward than a trainer would, going at it too fast might actually set you back).

    Nature, hope you are doing OK.

    I HATE people who are mean to animals and/or so stupid that they shouldn't be allowed to own them. Two of my present cats were cellmates at the Humane Society, one was a stray, and we've rescued and found homes for a couple more along the way too.

    Elizabeth, I certainly hope those houseguests are not permanently living with you?? You have to get more mean and say, "Sorry, I already have plans, here is a bag of bread and the toaster." And then LEAVE and go do your thing!!!! People should be waiting on you and not the other way around!!

    It was pretty nice out, so got home about 5:00, threw all my stuff on the landing, changed clothes and walked for an hour. Later I went over (drove) and watched some of the Twins game with my dad (missing the second inning because I feel asleep...luckily none of the staff came in they might have mistaken me for a resident!). (Mary, Capp just pitched the final inning and they won.)

    Cheryl, so fun to have to have all the lively 'kid' things going on, isn't it?! Is Hannah liking college so far?

    I dyed my hair its present red/brown color after looking in the mirror and seeing my Aunt Violet looking back at me!!! Surprised 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Did Body Combat class tonight and it kicked my butt, I am absolutely bushed and can barely keep my eyes open, I haven't been sleeping well, but fingers crossed for tonight. Ruth, Hannah is loving college, she loves all of her classes and teachers (she is going to be a physical therapist) she absolutely loves Kansas and playing soccer is the cherry on top and even though she has only been gone a short while I can see that she has grown and matured, heck she even figured out how to use a washing machine BUT back at home her drawers are all open with clothes hanging out and the floor is covered with clothes, it's like she never leftSmile.

    Nats your weekend at the cabin sounds wonderful, how exciting to walk the APT by the way how is SIL doing?  Bobbi I envy you being able to get your exercise out of the way early I'm sluggish in the am. Nature hope you are doing well and keep your tongue out of that hole where the tooth wasTongue out.  Nite my tartlett friends.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010


    Tooth is out. Everything went well, although when the oral surgeon walked in, I had a moment of shock -- partly because he looked so durned young, and partly because I realized that was the reaction of an (ahem) older person. He even saw something on my face because he asked me if everything was OK. I told him I was channeling my mother; he assured me he was 35 and out of dental school.

    I got in a good walk yesterday before the local wore off; not too much pain, really, and today I feel pretty good. Having that infection all gone has to be good for my body. I also realized in the middle of all this that a lot of my dental anxiety was gone. When I first saw chipmunk cheek last week, I had a good dose of anxiety, but as soon as I went to the dentist I realized I was OK, and even going to have the tooth pulled with only local anesthetic yesterday, I felt relatively calm. I realized after going through cancer and 9 months of treatment that this wasn't that awful and I could handle it.

    So, that's done! Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone, and Cheryl, thanks for the laugh!

    I admire all of you who work out when tired, in pain, etc. Y'all rock!

    bobcat, love your "race" with "Lance." And you aren't old! Elizabeth, I hate my home being invaded, it's my sanctuary and place to escape and be quiet... I love company but not when it becomes company of company or goes on too long. I need alone time for my own sanity. MaryNY, thanks for reminding all of us how to post avatars/photos. I had forgotten the photobucket part.  Mary, hiking the AT -- wonderful!!

    Speech, welcome, and as others have said, listen to your body. Exercise is really important but if your body tells you to slow down, it's for a reason. That said -- I envy your mountain hikes. I miss the mountains!

    Cheryl, hurrah for you for sticking up for that poor beagle. It's such a happy result when people get dogs that suit their family/lifestyle -- and such a sad one, especially for the dog, when they don't. You and Mary said it all well.

    Oh, and have fun with Hannah :)

    Happy day, everyone! Be well and enjoy!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Hi all.  Quick fly-by.  I've been crazy busy the last few days and have not been doing much of anything in the way of exercise.  Hopefully will pick it up over/after the weekend. 

    You are all doing so well (is that where "swell" comes from?)  Makes me jealous and afraid you are all going to be so slim and I'm still gonna be plump!

    Welcome speech - a trainer - with all that you are doing?  You would probably make the trainer sweat!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    Nature - good news on the tooth. I got a chuckle on your reaction to the doc - sort of like when people started calling me m'am instead of miss.  ugh! but that was long ago.  Love reading about all the baseball fans.  I'm stuck between my mom as a Yankee fan, my deceased Father loved the Mets and the Phillies are the hometown team around here.  I root for them all.  Patoo - we are in this together!!  Elizabeth - sure hope your 'guests' aren't staying too long - you have enough on your plate.  Ruth - glad they didn't wheel you away while you were snoozing - too funny.  Cheryl - glad to hear that Hannah is loving school.  My Nils started senior year classes yesterday - can't believe how fast time has flown by. We are making plans for Parents' Weekend dinner in October - our last one :( 

    Did spin and abs this morning and then left for the beach.  Worked at the local courthouse and now waiting to go out to dinner with extended family.  It has turned cool here in PA/NJ today but hopefully tomorrow and the weekend will rebound. I plan on doing my biking down here Friday and Saturday and then back home for Sunday.  Love you all Kiss - have a lovely evening.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited September 2010

    There's something about a new school year to encourage me to stick to new goals.  After a 4am drive to the airport to send DH off for his junior year, I thought I'd be too wiped for much of anything.  A little coffee did the trick, and I managed to get my walk in before teaching a dog lesson.  Though I've been keeping to my dog training and teaching routines, and they get me moving, I've been a slacker in the sustained effort dept.  It's great to hear how everyone is doing and to meet new folks on this thread.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Finally I am sitting down! We had another 'Professional Development Activity' after school tonight; which translates into me not getting home until after 6:00. Did the 45 minute Denise Austin toning DVD; which is pretty good, although Denise's big buggy eyes are kind of creepy! Then walked on the treadmil for 30 minutes while watching the Vikings/Saints football game (which is still on).

    Nature, glad the tooth stuff is done. It is disconcerting when one's doctors start to look like kids. I went to an old grandpa GP for years until he retired, and now I'm hearing rumors that my present doctor (who is about my age and whom I love) is thinking about retirement too. Cry

    Cheryl, glad Hannah is liking college. Gosh, it's fun to see those kids grow up, isn't it?!!

    Patoo, I will be plump with you. My excuse all summer was that I was having too many fun activities involving eating, and now my excuse is I'm too busy and just have to grab what is easy and fast. Maybe I'll be good and go eat a carton of yogart......or maybe I'll be bad and eat a bowl of the Turtle Tracks ice cream DH bought when he went to the store last night. I NEED TO BE LOCKED UP IN THE SPA!!!

    Night All! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Ruth, you've been so busy!  Hope you get some down time this weekend.  And I'll be plump with you and Patoo... although now that the heat has broken and we're having lovely, glorious weather, I'll be out walking a lot more. Besides, Patoo and Ruth, you both exercise so much, it's hard to imagine either of you as plump.   retrievermom, good to see you... I was wondering where you were.  How's your knee?  Hope you're doing well.

    I woke up at 5:30, wide awake, felt great... so I hopped up and did something I haven't done since before dx:  went for a walk in the dark!  It was wonderful to be out pre-dawn, see a few stars (not many, thanks to light pollution, but still enough to make me smile), and listen to the world waking up.   And since it was dark, all I did was walk -- no bird-watching or photography.  Good exercise day.

    It's just about sunrise now, and I can see a hummer on the feeder, plumping up for the long migration south.  Love those little birds. It's going to be gorgeous again, I might grab my camera and see what unfolds.

    Enjoy the day, everyone!  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited September 2010

    Add me to the plump club!  Although once baseball season is over my beer and hot dog consumption go way down, which always helps the diet!  Just a fly-by for me as well - did a 25 minute morning walk yesterday, but last night was a minor league playoff game and I was really bad and had a corn dog!  It's probably our last minor league game, so I couldn't resist.  Tongue out  Nationals-Marlins tonight, but I think I'll be good and get the grilled veggie wrap.  Innocent  But aside from a few lapses, we've actually been pretty good with our September pre-vacation workouts and diet.  

    You dog lovers out there - this Sunday is one of my favorite events of the year.  I work for our local Recreation Dept, and we close our outdoor pools after Labor Day, after which they are drained and cleaned for the winter.  But before we drain one of them, we have a day where people can bring their dogs to the pool complex to swim - our annual Pooch Pool Party.  We usually get about 300 dogs - it's like a giant dog park with pools in the middle.  We get everything from tiny Chihuahuas to Great Danes, and everything in between.  Retrievermom - you can bet that that the labs love this day!  Rescue groups and dog oriented businesses set up info tables, so it's kind of a doggy fair as well. DH and I will be working that event - it's so great to see these dogs all running around with big happy dog grins on their faces!

    Nature - your morning walk sounds perfect!  I love that time of day when everything is still.  I love hummers too - I'm going to miss them when they leave for winter.

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010

    Nature - love your pre-dawn walk.  Nats - the pool party sounds glorious!  Retriever isn't you son on the east coast?  We are at the beach and it's cool and windy but still beautiful.  I did 20 on the bike this morning - the return was into a full 20 mile per hour headwind.  I think I get extra calories burned for that.  Filet mignon for dinner(I'm not a meat eater but I do love FM) and fresh caught crab and avocado with lemon for hor'deurves. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Yumm.....I will probably have something awful like 'taco in a bag' because I'm going to a high school volleyball game in a few minutes (the daughter of a good friend is on the team). I just quickly did a 35 minute FIRM cardio/toning DVD & walked 10 minutes on the treadmill because I have this obsessive thing about 15 minute increments. Have a great night all! Ruth

    edited to add that the dog party sounds SO fun!!

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited September 2010

    Ok, so I bought those skecher shape ups...Now my back is KILLING ME!!  WTH??? I have been hobling around for a few days now.

    Cut out my 30 minute walk on those dam*(& sneakers.  Going back to my New Balance reliables.

    Be careful, be very careful... :)


  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited September 2010

    Did my walking at the mall this morning before opening.  Tomorrow morning, I teach 4 hours in a row, so that will probably do me in for the day.  

    Yes, DS is on the East Coast, where he much prefers to be, and the early departure meant he got into Newark by early afternoon.  The house will be much quieter now, but I don't miss hearing "what's for dinner" at 4pm.  

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010
    I am off to the gym this morning then the mall to excercise my wallet.Tongue out Well   we have to exercise everthing right?
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    Mum, exercise your wallet, funny :)  I've been neglecting that part of my exercise, thanks for the reminder!

    No pre-dawn walk today, it was pouring rain so I snuggled in, then got up later for a walk around the neighborhood before it rains again... 

    Football Saturday at Purdue (go Boilers!), I'm only about 2 blocks from the stadium so I hear all the game noises, which is nice (have heard it most of my life so it's kind of nostalgic at this point). You know, the roar of the crowd, the announcers, etc.   What I don't like hearing is the tailgaters with their really loud music blaring for 2-3 hours before the game, practically in the back yard... I sound like a geezer, eh!?

    Any bikers, if you have a minute, please jump to my thread about buying a bike (in this forum) and see if you can help me out...  thanks.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010
    Needed to read a magazine, so walked on the treadmill for an hour and read at the same time. Did my 15 minute Richard Simmons toning tape. Dragging my DH to a barn dance put on by a couple from my church. Will I get some good aerobic dancing in? Probably NOT Frown..... Night All! Ruth
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited September 2010

    Got in about 7200 steps today which included shopping and then a walk.  Also lifting heavy groceries up stairs several times, counts for more.  Going up in a little bit and will step in front of the TV to try and get to 10,000.  Still have to get my eating under control.  Even though I have slacked off I still get motivation from all of you so, keep it up ladies.  Thanks.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited September 2010

    I took a memory walk this morning, so not as brisk as usual, but meditative and in memory of a dear elderly friend who died this past week. 

    Hope the barn dance was fun, Ruth!  I always like the idea of something like that!

    Patoo, you're doing great... really.  Sometimes we need a little slacking off so we can restore and get that energy going again!

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited September 2010

    Hello everyone, got up early yesterday and did my wonderful Body Combat class and today I did Body Step I hadn't been to the gym for two days so I really felt yesterdays class BUT I want to tell you all something. Yesterday afternoon I went and watched Hannah play soccer and I sat on the ground for 2 hours, sometimes cross legged, sometimes with legs straight out in front but my core supported me and my back didn't hurt also fell into a hole in the ground, my foot twisted but I recovered and didn't go down, I think all that core work and balancing really works, so yeah. We had kids galore around the house over the past few days and there was a boy here who had never been to the ocean so it was fun to see him experience that.

    Sadly in my friend who has been ill for the past six months passed away, he started hospice on thursday and he passed away early friday morning, he had a great last week of life he had been down to the beach in his wheelchair and for long walks around the neighborhod so he was very happy and at peace.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited September 2010

    Nature and Cheryl, so sorry about your friends. What a lovely idea a 'Memory Walk' is. I had never heard that phrase before.

    The barn dance turned out to be really fun. Did the 'Chicken Dance' and "Hokey Pokey' in a big circle and even got DH out for a few dances. Also they had a big roaring fire outside to visit around, and it was so neat to be out in the country where it is pitch black and you can really see the stars.

    Beautiful day today. We had company for supper but I squeezed in a long walk between the cooking and straightening up the house activites.

    Cheryl, one year my DS went to DisneyWorld with the high school band (where they marched in a Disney parade). They all spent one afternoon at a beach, and he said how fun it was to watch the reactions of all the kids who had never been to the ocean before.

    And I also really think all our exercise is working. Here is what happened to me, and I'll bet this is what people are thinking about you too. The other night I ran into a very causal acquaintance, a friend of a friend whose path crosses mine maybe once a year. She knows about my BC experience through the grapevine. Anyway, when we saw each other, she asked how I was doing. I said I was doing fine, thank you very much for asking. And then she asked, "Do you feel as good as you look?" Being extremely pleased, I replied (and meant it), "Yes I do!!" LaughingCoolLaughing Let's keep up our great work! Ruth

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited September 2010
    Nature and Cheryl - sorry to hear about your friends passing.  I also like the idea of a Memory Walk.  I used to 'send up' a run for someone.  Think I'll start doing that on the bike.  We were at the shore all weekend but managed to bike each day and yesterday SO and I tackled the tandem.  I don't have another "Lance" story but it was good to get out with him - we did a lot of talking on this ride.  Island Beach State Park was having their annual Beach Plum Festival - really interesting and lots of families.  The day started with showers but then dried out.  I am off now to bike and ab and then lots of work to start the week.  Have a great day all!  Ruth - love what your acquaintance said to you Kiss
  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited September 2010

    I want to send my condolences as well, Nature and Cheryl.

    When I lived in NC, I loved time spent on the beach.  There is something about water--rivers, lakes, ocean---all great to soothe and inspire.

    I took my neighborhood walk yesterday; DH offered to come along.  Last week, I took a time out during the walk to pat a horse--another soul soother, in my book.

    Loooooong work meeting scheduled this am.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited September 2010

    Memory Walks are a very nice idea.  

    Went to the gym early this morning it was jammed with women.Thought for a minute I was in the wrong gym.Had gotten spoiled all summer working out without crowds.Sept hit and everyone came out of the woodwork.Yell