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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    Back from my trip had so much fun! I did drink which I am not a big drinker but I was on Saturday night. I rode with three other ladies here in AZ. It was great and I loved getting to know them better. It took us a long time to get home with the delay because of flooding. We waited in traffic for 2 hours there was no alternative. So that sucked. I meet a wonderful lady named Sherry who had IBC too. It was so good to talk with someone who understands. She is coming down here on the 26th to see my Plastic surgeon to inquire about the DIEP surgery. It will be nice to see her again. She actually lives in NV so she is not far from me at all. I ate sweets and tried to be good but failed miserably. I gained 8 pds over this weekend. I was doing so good. Well it will not happen until next year. So back on track again.  I have the Susan G Komen race on Sunday. It has been hailing here in AZ rough storms. So back to exercise. Much needed. Jim is just going to see the pds packed on I just know it. ugh!!!

    Take care tartlett sisters, love reading up on everyone. Hopefully I will be faithful in my daily check in as well.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    Back from my trip had so much fun! I did drink which I am not a big drinker but I was on Saturday night. I rode with three other ladies here in AZ. It was great and I loved getting to know them better. It took us a long time to get home with the delay because of flooding. We waited in traffic for 2 hours there was no alternative. So that sucked. I meet a wonderful lady named Sherry who had IBC too. It was so good to talk with someone who understands. She is coming down here on the 26th to see my Plastic surgeon to inquire about the DIEP surgery. It will be nice to see her again. She actually lives in NV so she is not far from me at all. I ate sweets and tried to be good but failed miserably. I gained 8 pds over this weekend. I was doing so good. Well it will not happen until next year. So back on track again.  I have the Susan G Komen race on Sunday. It has been hailing here in AZ rough storms. So back to exercise. Much needed. Jim is just going to see the pds packed on I just know it. ugh!!!

    Take care tartlett sisters, love reading up on everyone. Hopefully I will be faithful in my daily check in as well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Sounds like a great trip and well worth the (temporary) poundage. We have conferences until 8:30pm tonight, so I am still at work and will probably NOT get any exercise in......we will see.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Did 75 mins water aerobics after work.  Now need to get to bed because there is a new report out that says sleep helps you lose weight!  It said 8.5 hours/night so I need to go to bed because tomorrow is Wednesday weigh-in! 

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010

    Saw a red fox on my ride this am - beautiful.  Just home from dinner with the golf friends - all are well and fighting the good fight.  My one friend has MS - strong, smart, talented woman.  Good night all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    I was extremely virtuous this evening...came home and did 30 minutes on the treadmill and the abs tape......I'm afraid it won't be enough to counteract all the food I ate at noon though, the 8th grade teachers put on a taco feed for the rest of the staff, and feed I did!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Patoo how come in the olden days my bladder could sleep through the night nowadays it wakes me up every 3 or 4 hours so 8.5 hours sleep is such a fantasy. Bobbi thanks for the bike info, I think I'm gripping too hard and part of my problem is that my arms are so short - ¾ sleeve length is a long sleeve for me, I'm going to the class again on thursday night so I'll heed your advice and not hold on like I'm going to fall off, glad you had a nice dinner with your friends. Elizabeth it sure sounds like you ta tas had loads of fun, did you dance on the bar at NYNY Wink and girl you are in trouble...... Jim is going to kick your butt, wear something blousy to the gym and maybe he won't notice. Good job Nature, see you've done 2 of the 4 days that give you trouble woohoo. Ruth mmmm tacos yum, hey at least you came home and exercised.

    Well tonight I did my Body Step class, had to jump puddles to get into the gym I'm even wearing a jacket brrrrr but they say by the weekend it will be warm again.  Nite everyone.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Fox sighting, cool. 

    Elizabeth, glad you had such a great time.  That's the important part!  And as hard as you work, I imagine those pounds will come off readily.

    I wish I could blame lack of sleep on my slow weight loss, but no such luck!   But my (usually) good nights maybe partially do explain my lower appetite -- at least, according to what I read on the topic.

    I'm still having joint pain, some joints better, but my knees got slammed today.  Is it the cooler weather?  I sure hope not.  I walked anyway but not as briskly as I like -- but I got out and did it.  So another check mark for the week. Then I came home and put a heating pad on my knees.  Some times I wish I could wrap my hands, feet, and knees up in heating pads!  My cat may be onto something by laying on the heat registers!  Surprised

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited October 2010

    Naturegirl, I agree with the heating pad bit. I just like to wrap my whole body in my warming \blanket...makes my joints stop hurting.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010
    Until it triggers a hot flash Cry
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    had to throw that in there, huh bobcat!  Laughing

    hbcheryl, my bladder also wakes me up except for some reason no longer 3-4 times a night, more like only once or twice.  So that means I need to add to the 8.5 hours to compensate for the interruptions - works for me; I love my sleep.

    Ran by the gym tonight only stopping long enough to do 25 mins on stat bike and 5 mins on the torture elliptical. 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    Spent the day at the Cancer Clinic for my dad (he is getting the photo dynamic therapy for skin cancer).  It takes pretty well the whole day, however, my mom and I did a lap around the outside of the hospital and did a couple walks through the hospital just to keep active!  I too must get more sleep (only getting 6.5 - 7) as I need all the help I can get in the weight loss area!  Thanks to Ruth, I was able to lose 2 pounds (weigh in today???) since reading about her challenge to everyone!!  Just trying to watch the food intake, but not really cutting out my favourites - just eating less of them!!  May have to check out the other thread that was started regarding this challenge!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    I go tomorrow to another hospital for my breast MRI - wish me luck - I AM a LITTLE nervous!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Mary Louise, let us know how it goes. I am doing my 'Wednesday Weigh In" tomorrow; I was too scared to step on the scale this morning as with conferences last night (and exercise after that), I didn't eat supper until 10 pm.

    We are having gorgeous weather; walked 45 minutes, did 35 toning DVD and just got back from watching the first couple innings of the baseball playoffs with my dad (not to jinx anything but the Twins are ahead of the Yankess at the moment).

    I am too hot to like the idea of a heating pad; ice packs would get my vote.

    Good Night, Ladies! Ruth

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    It's a good thing I have a general feel for DC, cause my GPS went wacky yesterday and I got to see a whole new part of the NE quadrant of town.  It feels so good to be "back East" (in Utah, folks consider Denver back East).  I did quite a bit of walking on campus this morning, before spending time with DS.  The colors haven't changed yet, but things are gorgeous just the same.  I think DS was surprised at how well I was getting around--the last month has made a big difference.

    Anyone who went thru rads feel a hardened area after?  I see the doc at the end of the month and am assuming this is scar tissue I'm feeling.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    LOL Bobcat I hear ya sista, it can be freezing cold I'll get a heating pad and then wham everything has to come off cause the heat wave starts. Mary Louise sending good wishes for tomorrow let us know how it goes and congrats on the 2lbs. Patoo at least you stopped by the gym. Ruth it's still raining here, it's been 5 days so far and it's mostly just drizzly with a big down pour every now and again. Retrievermom I'm so glad you are getting to spend time with your son as well on your trip. I went to NY/CT/MA to see he fall colors a few years ago and had the best time when I got lost, I didn t know how those turnpikes worked so got off cause I was scared we would get dinged for not paying and found the most beautiful towns and had a wonderful ride on the backroads. Did Body Combat tonight - one hour of non-stop punching and squatting and kicking and lunging and of course sweating, it was such a fun class. Nite all.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Mary Louise, thinking of you, do let us know, I know it's nerve-wracking...  retriever, I have a hard line of scar tissue in my breast where they took the lump out, also my left breast no longer feels the same as my right, I've had to learn what's normal in that one all over again.  Glad you're having a good time with your son!

    bobcat, funny!  I'm lucky, no hot flashes now... but I had my share 16 or so years ago!

    Plan for today (posting my intentions seems to help me stick to them):  it's supposed to hit 80 so I'm going to get out for a walk in the woods as early as I can this afternoon to avoid the heat.   Hot weekend ahead, too, so I'll be doing morning walks; but then it cools down to 60's, which is what I like.  Still could use some good rain!

    Have a good day, everyone...

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010

    Hi ladies am spending Thanksgiving here in Thunderbay with my parents. The leaves have all turned it is beautiful with a view of the sleeping giant over Lake Superior.Daytime temp gets up to 18 so perfect for outdoor walks. Have a nice weekend ladies.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010
    I'm thinking you mean 18 degrees Celsius (for us still on the Fahrenheit system). Either that or you do like it cold! Smile
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010

    Prayers for today Mary Louise. Retriever - where is your DS?  My nephew is at American(I probably asked before but still claim chemo-brain sometimes).  I am just home from spin/ab class - did the bike yesterday.  Would love to do a double today but too much work so off to the courthouse.  Watched the Phillies but couldn't stay awake for the Yankees.  Sorry Ruth, I heard they came back to win.  I love this time of year - baseball, Fall, cool nights(cats in my bed!) - it's a beautiful day here in the East.  My farmstand still has lovely tomatoes and said he will have them through the end of the month.  Already canned a basket full for the winter.  Have great day all - I am "weighing" in after I sign off Kiss

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Just got home, changed my clothes and on the way to the gym.  Back later.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers for me.  The MRI was a little stressful.  The 1st part was on my back and was very uneventful.  Then I had to lay on my stomach and thought I was going to be sick, faint and poop myself all at the same time!!!   AWFUL!!   THEN I felt the contrast injection!!  I did manage to get through all 20 minutes of it through counting (got to over 700).  Unfortunately, I now have hard, very sore bumps in the vein that had the injection.  An ice pack seems to help along with Advil.  Let's hope I won't have to do this again for at least another year!!! lol

    Retreiver, I have an area on my scar line that feels hard and thick that I believe I am feeling now because the swelling from RADS has gone down.  Will let you know if anything shows up otherwise from today's MRI.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Oh Mary Louise, so sorry you had to endure that.  I hope I never, never, never have to have another MRI altho if I do I will not have that contrast dye.  I will never forget that almost immediately upon getting the injection, thankfully  on my stomach, I had a severe reaction to it which caused me to throw up - like I said, good thing I was on my stomach or I would have been the first victim who choked to death during an MRI.  So with the little bowl under my face, full of my last meal, they begged me to stay in and finish.  So for another 10-15 minutes... okay TMI.

    Enough of that.  Made it over to the gym for what they billed as a 'get a taste of our aerobics classes to see which ones you might want to start...'.  Well, think I'll stick with the water aerobics.  Can't run or exercise on dry land it seems!  Only lasted about 15 minutes then pretended I needed water (I did) and made a beeline for the exit.  Embarassed

    Oh well, pedometer logged a little over 3 miles today. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Oh, and my legs are aching.  Doesn't happen when I do an hour of water aerobics!  Off to find the advil.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Okay, think I may need the aspercreme too.

    Am I a lost cause or what!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Oh dear, patoo, you are making me laugh (sorry). If you go to California, you better stay away from Eduardo (no matter how hunky he is), he would kill you off for sure!!

    Mary Louise, YOUCH!!! Now I know that I will never request an MRI just for the heck of it. I am queasy just reading about it. What kind of dye was it? My sister had such a horrible reaction to Iodine that it almost killed her. When I've had to do stuff where they've needed to use dye, I request NO IODINE!!

    Still really nice here, walked again and did 15 minutes of toning with Richard.

    I didn't post until after the Twins game in hopes that I would not jinx them again, but alas, they lost anyway Cry.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Mary Louise I'm glad that's over for you, now relax and get yourself ready for Thanksgiving. Mum it's nice to see you, have a wonderful long weekend. Good girl Nature I'm going to assume that you've got another tick mark. Ruth it's nice to see you and Richard together again and guess what, now they're saying we're going to have a heat wave by the weekend no wonder I'm sick. Oh Patoo you poor thing do you know it was one of those introduction days that got me started doing what I'm doing now at the gym, and tonight they were talking about doing another one as there is a new program called Body Attack that they want to introduce. If you come here you can sit on the bike and look through the window at Eduardo, you don't have to do his classTongue out. I did the spin class tonight and Bobbi I think I had the handlebars set incorrectly so it was much better. Didn't know if I was going to be able to do the whole class as I have this horrible flu like thing going on, I've lost my voice and the right lymph node in my neck is swollen and I have a dry cough boo hoo poor me I'm feeling very sorry for myself, I'm going to take something and go to bed so Nite all.

  • narberth
    narberth Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2010

    I do my Curves program 3 times a week and walk a mile in between the Curves days.  I like Curves a lot because it's only 30 minutes and you get the cardio, strength training and stretching in.  It works all my muscle groups.  It's a well structured and no-brainer workout.  My fellow buddies at Curves are so much fun to work out with.  It's all women.  So, we talk just about anything, from politics, family management, hot flashes, what restaurants to go, recommedations of doctors for every specialty...I can keep going on and on and on.  It's good exercise for the tonge too...ha:)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Welcome narberth! Sounds like you are a good program going on.

    Cheryl, make some hot chicken soup and gargle with warm salt water. If you feel really rotten, I believe the voices would let you take a day off for recovery purposes Surprised.......

    We are having 'near record highs', it is supposed to be in the 80s today;  the fall flowers are loving it, the people are loving it, the pets are loving it, (only farmers harvesting soy beans don't like it because it degrades the quality of the beans.... there is your farm information tip of the day!).


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Mary Louise, sorry you had such a rough MRI, yikes!   I'm expecting the news will be all good so it will have been worth it for you!

    My mom had  a rough time with the iodine in the dye and eventually went off it but they get a better image if they can use the iodine (or that's what we were told) so they had a harder time tracking her tumors after that.  She had mets, though, and ovarian cancer; I'm thinking things in the breast are easier to see.  Fortunately iodine doesn't bother me at all and my MRI was fine except for the noise (even with earplugs) and being completely still for 45 minutes.

    mum, happy Thanksgiving!

    I missed my tick mark yesterday, no excuse, just didn't get out and do it. However, if I get in the next two days, that'll be 6/7 days, and I aim for 5-6/7, so I'll be happy.  I've already been out this morning, it's so crisp and cool out, perfect for walking.  Since it's chore day, I expect I'll get some extra exercise in that way if no other but I may go out later for another walk in another woods.

    Patoo, if you want to go drool over Eduardo through the window, I'll come join you Wink

    Cheryl, get well soon, and remember your body needs rest when you're sick!  Don't overdo.

    And welcome, narbeth!

    We've got a heat wave (for Oct.) here through the weekend -- 80's during the day, but at least it cools of nicely at night now!

    Enjoy, everyone!