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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Maybe I can talk Eduardo into doing my workouts in the pool!  HA - bet he can't swim.   Laughing

    No workout today but will try and make up for it tomorrow and Sunday.  There's a 9:15am spin class tomorrow - if I can drag myself out I may try it (but I will take my swim gear if I have to bail!)

    Yes, welcome, narbeth.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    Hi everyone. I have been under the weather. I thought my thoart and ears where irriatated cause of the smoke from the casinos. Wow it did a number on me. I have been in bed getting well. Feeling better today. Thanks heaven.

    Narabeth welcome this is a great place to check in. I love it here the ladies tell you like it is and some. LOL

    Mary Lou sorry to hear about your MRI  experience. I am allergic to iodine. I found that out the hard way. So no kind of iodine for me.

    Mum Happy Thanksgiving.

    Race for the Cure is Sunday and I have to be well to do it. So in bed I go with some more nyquil. Night all. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Cute picture, Elizabeth. You and Cheryl will have to eat chicken soup together! I can not stand smoke, so I don't think Las Vegas would be the place for me .....I need to overeat, drink and party someplace more healthy, LOL!!

    Ran around doing errands earlier in the evening (and just now, many hours later, realized that I must have left the sack with the toothpaste, soap and toilet paper at the store Frown......of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.....). Anyway, since it was dark by the time I got home, I did a 25 minute FIRM DVD and walked on the treadmill for 35. Suppose to be nice tomorrow again, so I will get outside at some point. Night All! Ruth

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    I agree, I can't even stand to smell the smoke from someone's neighboring car at a stoplight Tongue out, I'd never last in Vegas!

    Ruth, several years ago (when she was probably just a little older than I am now), my mom bought a boatload of groceries, paid & got them bagged, wheeled the cart out to her car, got in, and drove off, leaving the cart full of groceries behind!   Did she feel silly when she opened her trunk!  The cart was right where she left it so all ended well.  Hope you got your sack!

    Elizabeth, love the photo and hat!   Sorry you aren't feeling well.  Get better soon!  I look forward to hearing how the race goes.

    I didn't get up early at all so I walked this afternoon in a new woods in the heat.  It was a good place for a good workout, lots of little dips and rises, nice hard dirt path to give my rocker-shoes a firm surface to work against, and the path wound on and on, so I ended up walking more than I intended.  Nice and sweaty when done, too.  5 days out of 7 done, so I'm happy with my week. Now to walk tomorrow to round it off, and to keep this up!

    90 here tomorrow, yuck, I'm looking forward to the cold front moving in next week even if it means my joints hurt more again!

    Time to feed the cat and then sit out on the patio awhile and enjoy.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Walked for about an hour & did 30 minute FIRM sculpt DVD. Gorgeous Day here!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Gorgeous here, too... although a bit on the warm side.  I got out this morning for my walk at the marsh/woods while it was still cool.  Lots of migrating waterfowl -- blue-winged teals probably my favorite.  Hitting the 90's today.  Bring on the cold front, please!

    Fall color is nice here this year, unexpected since it's been so dry and warm, but I'll take it... hope to get out with my camera in the late afternoon light to catch some of it.

    Have a great day, everyone!  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    walked and did my favorite 35 minute lower body toning tape (favorite because you lie on the ground for all whole workout and I know it by heart so can do it with my eyes closed....almost like taking a nap, except for the sweating, Laughing!).

    Happy 10-10-10!! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Well I am resurfacing and being knocked down for a couple of days, by laryngitis. Woke up this morning feeling creaky after spending so much time in bed and went to Body Step, couldn't lift my arms up just plodded through and am amazed I actually stayed the hour.

    Yesterday was the memorial service for my friend who passed away. He was a retired musical director at a local college and quite a number of his former students who are all professional musicians came together and played a 3-1/2 hour concert celebrating his life, it was phenomenal they really raised the roof. I felt terrible but had to go, so stopped at Target and got myself some Alka Seltza Cold Plus and some hard candy to suck and a pad and pen to be able to communicate as I had completely lost my voice. When I came home I put my pajamas back on and went right back to bed, since thursday night I have moved from the couch to the bed and back again, I tried to watch some of my DVRd programs but I kept falling asleep.  Oh well am feeling much better now so I've turned the corner.

    oops edited for typos

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010
    Cheryl, don't try to keep up with the Eduardo crowd until you feel 100%. Come out here and you can 'Snooze and Sculpt' with me Wink. The send-off concert sounds fabulous. What a tribute!
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Oh Ruth if only you' knew how many times I've thought of you in that past couple of days - every time I would gargle I'd think "Ruth, I'm garggling, I'm garggling" my lymph node was so swollen that I also had an earache and it was sooo painful to swallow.  After the past couple of days I could probably be the team leader for Snooze and Sculpt and it's almost 9pm on sunday night my sheets are in the dryer and still have to get up the energy to think about making the bedCry

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2013

    Cheryl, hope you got the sheets on the bed OK, I know firsthand what it's like to have to tend to things yourself when you aren't feeling good... but I'm really glad you've turned the corner!  And the concert must have been wonderful, what a moving testimonial to how everyone felt about your friend.  Hope today you're feeling even better; continue to take good and gentle care of yourself!

    I hope Elizabeth recovered from her illness and made it to the race.

    I got in an extra walk yesterday, I had so much energy (!) (not sure why) that I walked all over campus scouting out future photo shoots of fall color, and plan to hit the area today with my camera if the sky and sun cooperate :)

    I'm aiming for exercise 4 of the next 4 days and 5-6 of the next 7 (rereading that I'm not sure it makes sense, but I know what I mean!) Smile if I can do this a few more weeks I'll feel like I've got the "regular" part of exercise back in my life.

    Have a terrific start to your week, everyone!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Looks like I'm on day on-day off schedule.  Need to get back to 6 days on.  Took long walk yesterday, over 10,000 steps but barely reached 3000 steps today.  I still feel good but need to push and make time.  Somehow did it beofre so I know I can do it again. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Walked again; it is so nice out and I know it can't last! Also did the abs toning tape. I am gargling like crazy myself because all my little 'booger picking/ don't cover your mouth when you cough' students seem to have colds. GROSS!!!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    Well I am still sick but not as bad and I did make it to the Race. I DID IT!! It was an awesome experience. I walked 3 miles under an hour. My family, friends, and friends from church joined my team. It was very touching. I made it to the gym tonight. I lost my 8 pds I had gained probably from being sick. I am having some anxiety going in for my PET Scan tomorrow at 9am. Never look forward to that. Any way's I am taking some meds and going to sleep. Check with everyone later.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    elizabeth, that's so great!  The energy from being around "sisters" has to be incredible.   Sending good thoughts for your PET scan.

    I got in my exercise walk and a photography walk -- the latter being movement but I don't count it as exercise because I stop and start so much.  But it's good for my soul, and that's as important as the physical side.

    Get better/stay healthy, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    Hi Everyone - it's taken me a couple of days to catch up with everyone - sounds like a lot of colds going around - should I sanitize the keyboard after being here?  Tongue out

    We had a wonderful time on our sailing cruise.  There were only 6 cabins - so it was just 12 people, with 6 crew.  The ship left from Grenada and sailed through the Grenadine islands - we snorkeled and swam in turquoise waters, relaxed on beautiful beaches with no one else on them, explored little islands that have only a few hundred inhabitants, drank rum punch in local beach bars gabbing with the locals, and danced under the stars on the ship's deck at night (Bob Marley was a favorite dancing choice!).  We saw so much wildlife - hundreds of scarlet ibis (when we connected through Trinidad on our way to Grenada) lizards, beautiful birds including hummers, and of course all kinds of marine life while we were snorkeling, including several turtles.  The other passengers were from all over the US and were great - we really enjoyed being with them.  And the food was fabulous - the ship's chef was a magician in his tiny galley - we ate local fresh foods cooked in a gourmet style.  I'm afraid of Wednesday Weigh-In tomorrow!  Surprised 

    One of the passengers was a 68 year old woman who was a 10 year b/c survivor.  I really enjoyed talking to her and it was neat being with her - although b/c will always be an important part of her life, I could see that it was no longer as raw as an experience as it still is with me - it's part of her past and frankly she rarely thinks about it except when she meets another survivor.  That really gave me hope that if I'm lucky enough to avoid a recurrence, it is possible to integrate this experience into the fabric of your past, take strength from it, but move on - eventually it loses it's primacy in your life. 

    As for exercise I did try to walk the beaches as much as possible, we snorkeled for an hour or two every day, and climbing some of the hills on these little islands was a work out!  So while I probably gained some weight, I'm hoping it's not too much come tomorrow's weigh in.  

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Mary, your trip sounds absolutely perfect!  I'm glad you had such a great time.  And how affirming to be able to talk with a long-term survivor and get her perspective.  That alone might have been worth the entire trip!

    You were outdoors and moving so much, even if it wasn't all exercise-exercise, that I'm thinking you used a lot more calories than you might think -- even if not, that's ok -- the trip was worth every bite!  Smile  Welcome back...

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010
    Mary - your trip sounds fabulous!! SO keeps wanting to take one of those trips.  I may try based on your experience and recommendation.  Sounds like everyone is dealing with cold/allergy/flu stuff.  I am sneezing like crazy but think it's the goldenrod.  We were at the beach for the weekend - absolutely beautiful.  Took the boat out for the season so we have nice weather to de-commision this weekend.  DS and girlfriend came home Sunday evening and I had the day off yesterday - yeah!  The three of us hung out all day just reading, visiting, studying(them) surfing the web..... Last night a great dinner at the local italian restaurant down the street and they left this morning.  My DS has signed on to be in a body building contest at his school.  He's been lifting, bulking and now dieting for the past 9 months and now looks incredible for the competition on November 8.  Can't believe he signed on for this but he's always been dedicated when he makes up his mind about something just "totally surprised" he chose this goal!!  Girlfriend can hardly wait for it to be over but I am proud at his commitment and I am going to the competition with some friends.  I'll send you all the link when it's over.  Biked at the shore both days.  Biked/Abbed yesterday and nothing today :( because of too much work.  Hope to get workouts in the rest of the week but we have Parents' Weekend this Friday and don't want to miss the last one!  Have a good night all Kiss
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth, congratulations on the race! How did your scan go? (Boring results, I hope).

    Mary, your trip sounds fantastic! You may have noticed that the Twins played like crap and lost to the Yankees in three games Cry, so you will need to pick a new post-season team....I think I am just giving up!

    Bobbi, you can get your exercise walking around the campus during Parent's Weekend. I will be excited to see the contest link. Your DS is a chip off the exercise block Wink!

    I had a meeting early, and a meeting late, and more paperwork after that (still not done). Did a 40 minute toning tape and a 20 minute 'Cardio Express' DVD. Felt a little more 'fallish' today.

    Stay/Get well, All! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Mary your trip sounds absolutely wonderful you are now probably working on island time now eh monLaughing. Elizabeth congratulations on the walk and you did it in great time you should be so proud of yourself. I know you were anxious about your scan hope everything is okay. Ruth keep on Purelling you don't want to catch this, it's awful. Bobbi your son sounds amazing he commits to something and just goes for it, that is a wonderful trait congrats Mom, he learned it from you.

    Yesterday went to Body Combat and left when they went down on the floor to do push-ups and abs, came home showered and was in bed at 7.15pm. Felt really good this morning but now feel like that bit of toilet paper that you sometimes drag on the bottom of your shoe, I can barely swallow, going to the doctor tomorrow as I've had enough it's been a week and I'm sick of feeling like this, I also think I have a low grade fever (too lazy to go to the bathroom and check) bleahhhh. Oh and let me tell you for over a week I haven't had a cake, a cookie, a piece of chocolate nada nothing, I've lived on tomato soup and water and some hard candy AND I HAVEN'T LOST ONE POUND.  Nite all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010

    Cheryl - GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Cheryl, glad to hear you're going to the dr. today.   Also remember your body is trying to fight off an infection -- I know exercise can be good to keep up -- but you may be doing more than your body can handle and still fight infection. You need lots of rest!  Just a thought.  Get well!!

    I had a shorter walk yesterday, spent all afternoon at the dr's office, routine 3-month check in so no mammogram stress but still can't walk in there without some slight anxiety.  All is well, blood work has finally returned to normal (including WBC, hurrah!).  Still having issues with my heart (BP and heart rate) and lodged my complaints about my cardiologist's lack of concern with my oncol.  I'm getting a new referral and my oncol. changed my meds because what I was on isn't helping.  I'm still convinced my best ally for my heart is exercise.  Overall, a good visit and I was relieved and happy. 

    Allergy season here as well, ragweed pollen is usually our big allergen this time of year (I love!) :) Fortunately a short storm knocked a lot of it out of the air last night so maybe we'll get a day or two of relief. Flu season time, too, although it's been so hot lately it's hard to believe that's upon us!

    Be healthy, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Ruth - yes,what happened to the Twins??!!  I leave the country for one measly week and they fall to the Evil Empire.  Yuk. I have this horrible vision of a Yankees v. Phillies World Series - I wouldn't know who to root for.  Bobbi - if you have any questions, etc. about Island Windjammers and my trip, please feel free to PM - I can wholeheartedly recommend it to adventuresome people - it's not everyone's cup of tea but from your postings I think you'd love it.  And how fun about your son - good for him to pick an goal and stick with it!  Cheryl - I agree - GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!  Nature - good for you for fussing about your cardiologist's lack of concern - one thing cancer does is turn us into Professional Patients who will not hesistate to speak up when necessary, and remove people from our medical teams if we're not satisfied.  Ragweed pollen used to render me pretty useless through the month of September, but I think I've told you guys that ever since chemo, I've had no allergies.  Go figure. I keep telling friends who have allergies that I've discovered a great cure - for some reason no one wants to go through that particular cure. 

    Wednesday weigh-in - I actually lost .4 pounds (yes, that's a decimal point).  That's what a Femara break will do, plus we were really active on vacation so I think that helped as well.  But I'm back on Femara now after a 3 week break, so we'll see how long it takes for the s/es to kick in again.  Yesterday I took my 20 minute morning walk, and it was yoga night last night - one hour class plus 2 mile round trip walk to and from.  This morning was another walk.  Tonight should be fun - a local Pilates studio is offering a free 1 hour private consultation and free lesson to all b/c survivors, so I signed up.  The owner is a b/c survivor and all the instructors are Pink Ribbon certified.  I think it'll be interesting.

    Take care of yourselves all you sickies out there!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    Too little movement and too much fast food equals vacation weight gain.  AAGH!  I was slow on my walk today, but made the distance.  It was great to get away, but I'm looking forward to getting back into my healthier routine.  My mom & I enjoyed visiting, and she has calmed down some.  I managed to see the nurse in charge of her unit & discussed meds and such.

    Mary:  Your trips sounds fab.

    I wake up in the night with my whole leg numb; sometimes arm, too.  Plan to call the doc tomorrow.  I'm due for my 6 most post-chemo visit at the end of the month.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010
    Retriever - good you had a nice visit with your mom.  I too get the numb arms but not the legs.  Mary - root for the Phillies and thanks for the offer re windjammers.  Nature - my BP has been all over the map since starting Arimidex.  I take Losinopril and that helps control but you'd think with all the activity I wouldn't need that.  I was always a 110/70 gal until after the BC monster.  We are waiting for a monster rain/wind storm tomorrow - might have to finally close the french doors and pull in the screen.  Did my bike tonight and actually had a mani/pedi on the way home from work - heavenly.  Hope to get in a bike/ab in the morning before the rain.  Have a good night all Kiss
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    I'm in awe of those of you who still press on with exercise even after a busy day.  I want to be just like you all when I grow up!

    No exercise today or yesterday.  Allergies had me knocked out yesterday and today was not much better so I'm going to sign off, find some drugs and hit the bed.  Probably won't get any "real" exercise in before the weekend.   <  sigh  >

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Hi All!

    Bobbi, try 1-2oz of at least 70% dark chocolate a day for the BP. Seriously!

    Mary, I'm glad you mentioned the decimal point because I thought you typed 4 POUNDS and that would have made me think that you were making it up. Your vacation sounded too fun to lose pounds Smile!! I think the Twins would have been better off if they hadn't won the division so early, because then the manager messed around with the lineup, rested people etc. and when it finally got to the playoffs; they apparently had forgotten how to play by then. I am now for the Texas Rangers. Sigh!!

    Retriever, glad your mom is doing better. It is hard to keep on top of things when she is so far away.

    Nature, glad you are looking for a different cardiologist. That one sounds like a dud.

    I was glued to the mine rescue tonight. Great to have a happy news story for a change. I quick did 15 minutes toning with Richard and then walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes while watching TV.

    Patoo, hope you are feeling better.

    Cheryl, what did the doctor say?

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Ruth you'll be pleased to know first words out of his mouth were "gargle with salt water", told him I had been doing that and he said "good girl" it's the best defense. Tested negative for strep but ear canal and throat inflamed so he gave me heavy duty antibiotics and tonight I am starting to feel better so I am going to take Natures advice and give exercise a miss for a few days and just rest up.

    Patoo hope the allergies don't keep you down too long.  Retriever glad your visit went well, it won't take you long to get back to your routine. Bobcat batten down the hatches and stay nice and dry. Ruth I've been watching the rescue as well, truly amazing and so glad everyone is out and safe. Nite all.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010
    Just call me 'Doctor Ruth' (and my fee will be in the mail Wink).