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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010

    Thanks for the tip, Ruth.  I love Hershey's dark chocolate kisses and will start buying them again.  Cheryl, glad you got yourself to the doctor and started on antibiotics.  Patoo - hang in there and keep posting while the allergies get settled.  Maybe this rain we are going to have will clear the air for you.  Just home from spin/abs and off to work.  Have a great day all!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    Hope everyone gets on the mend soon. We're having torrential rains here today, so that should help pollen sufferers around here.

    The free private Pilates consult was great!  She took a long time reviewing my history and my current workout habits, and had me do several exercises and tests to evaulate my level of strength and flexibility.  The good news is that my levels are far beyond what the Pink Ribbon program does, so I'm ready for a regular class and wouldn't really get much out of a special b/c class - those seemed designed more for either people currently undergoing or newly out of treatment who need to work a lot on regaining upper body function.

    She picked up on a few things I was doing that were causing me to use muscles unevenly, and we already started working on those.  And from the little bit she had me do last night, I can already feel that I used different muscles.  The place offered a special package for 3 private lessons, so I'm splurging and doing those to get me started.  After that I think I'll join the regular classes.    

    I did my 20 minute walk this morning - in the rain, so I think I get double points for that!

    I'd gotten out of my chocolate habit, but I think I'll start up again Ruth, and feel virtuous for doing it.  I'm glad I'm not the only one whose cholesterol and BP have gotten out of whack on AIs.  Only 3 more years to go!

    Keep dry and healthy everyone!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Mary, good deal!  You found out some good information, geared for bc people, and got some pointers and get 3 private lessons to boot -- that's great!

    Cheryl, keep on the "feeling better" trend!

    Bobcat, although I had significant BP and heart rate issues ever since this whole bc journey started, things were calming down until the last month or two... it didn't even occur to me to blame it on A, but good point.  I've been on lisinopril for over a year now (aren't BP things for old people?  sigh) Undecided but I also had very mild heart damage from herceptin, yada yada, am on more meds, thought I was stabilitized... am hoping with the adjustment and continued exercise I'll be able to see things go back in the right direction.

    retriever, glad you had a good visit with your mom. Hopefully staff will watch her better now.  I wake up with the arm thing, too, and rarely leg, so you aren't alone on that... at least with my arm I've been able to get rid of it by watching how I position my hand when I sleep on my side.  If there's no resting weight on that arm/hand it doesn't seem to bother me.  Don't know what triggers the leg.  Always something, right?

    I walked in the rain yesterday, not on purpose, but I thought I had time for a walk before it hit... wrong!  No harm, just got slightly wet, but I used to play in the rain when I was little (thanks, mom --  a bit of freedom she gave me, as long as there was no lightening, and one of my favorite memories!) and I used to walk barefoot in it as an adult, so it gave me a chance to revisit that bit of joy.  Today I went on a furious walk to work out frustrations over a phone call with my older brother, who can be deliberately obtuse. I know he and my SIL are going through real tragedy but still, why does he have to be a jerk?  (never mind, I know).  I feel much better now!  I'm glad I took it out on my walk rather than him! Smile

    Oh, and yeah, the rescue in Chili was so wonderful.  Nice to see some truly good news.

    OK.. sickies, keep taking care, and everyone else, avoid the bugs!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Bobbi, sadly, the Hersey's dark chocolates aren't dark enough....I think they are 60% cocoa, and they have to be at least 70% to work Frown. It will need to say "70%" or more on the wrapper.

    Mary, how cool that you are too advanced for the pink ribbon program!!!! That is, of course, because you have been on the Tart/Sculptress Program.

    Nature, you probably could have added a good upper body workout with a punching bag after your phone call! Being frustrated does add energy to the workout!

    Lovely here, so rushed out for an evening walk on a path past the golf course and soccer fields.Crunchy leaves, brisk fall wind, sun setting, lots of people with dogs, kids playing soccer games, and a few avid golfers; so it was good for the body and the soul. Did 15 minutes of lower body tone and school work ever since. I don't know if I'm slowing down or if things are speeding up, but I just can't get ahead of the work this fall!

     Don't forget to get your flu shots (I'm getting mine tomorrow). Good Night All! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    So we have to get the really good dark chocolate?  That's even better.  Too bad it's not covered under my prescription drug plan! 

    We're starting to get a bit of fall here as well - they say it might be a bit more muted this year because of the lack of rain in the last summer, but it's still always pretty.

    Did 15 minutes of step aerobics, 15 minutes on the elliptical, and 15 minutes on the treadmill last night - I just felt like mixing it up.  I have a DEXA scan this morning so I have a bit of extra time, so I did my full 2+ mile neighborhood walk this morning.  Plus I get to be on here before work instead of taking a quick break at work to get my BCO fix.  

    I've gotten my flu shot already - I hate getting the flu - too much like going through chemo again.

    Off to the DEXA scan place.  It'll be interesting to see what 2 years of Femara have done to my bones.  Hopefully all the working out will have reduced the damage, but we'll see.

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010
    Just got back from Northern Ont the weather was wonderful so did some eary morning speed walking on all the beautiful bike trails they had there. Today it is back to the gym.My DD is getting married this spring so she started booty fitness camp this week similar to what we see on TV.Yesterday she could barely walk she was so stiff, and she is in decent shape to start.She just wants to be more toned for her wedding gown.Well it is Friday so everyone have a great weekend.Smile
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Mary, our colors have been muted this year, too... too dry this fall.  And as soon as the leaves turn, they start to dry up, brown, and fall, so the impact is short-lived -- but it's still gorgeous, especially since our weather cooled off some now. Hope your DEXA goes well.

    I want a script for dark chocolate, too!  Smile

    Ruth, LOL, I would have loved to use my brother for a punching bag!

    Flu shot done here as well.  I braced myself for the prick but I barely felt anything -- not even a prick -- I guess after all the other poking and prodding of the last 18 months a little needle is nothing!

    mum, must be beautiful there this time of year.  Your daughter is going to be buff by next spring!

    Missing Mary Louise.... anyone heard from her?

    It's my weekend, and perfect out, so I'm headed out for a long walk in the woods.  

    Take care, everyone!

  • Fighter_34
    Fighter_34 Member Posts: 496
    edited October 2010

    Great post ladies!!!

     Being though I am tri neg excerise is important for us. I am three weeks out from DMX and I am currently walking  the stairs at home. Once I am better I will resume walking and working out.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    Mum - you and your daughter will both be toned for the wedding - congrats on being the mother of the bride!  Fighter - Another DC person - welcome!!  Good for you for walking - I was out walking after my surgeries ASAP and it really made a difference - I think it helped me recover and get my strength back faster.  Just don't overdo!!  This is a great group of gals - we all keep each other going.

    DEXA scan went easy - results should be available Monday.  I already requested that they send me a copy of the report for my records.  I'm really curious.  

    Off to the cabin this weekend for some hiking and leaf peeping!

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    I came home from dog training and errand running and went for my walk.  It was a noon, and a tad warm, but I figure working up a sweat is a good thing.  I'm trying to decide whether to go to AZ next month for some dog shows.  

    Too bad dark chocolate can't be considered an OTC drug for health plan reimbursement.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Fighter, welcome!  You'll get lots of support here.  Good for you for doing stairs! 

    I had a terrific long walk in the woods.  Later, while I was snapping photos of seed pods, I met a fellow botanist (only I'm amateur and he's professional) who offered to open up the herbarium at Purdue for me to see; I saw it 30+ years ago but it would be way cool to see it again.  You probably have to be a plant geek to get excited about that, though Smile  Anyway, it was gorgeous, had a great walk, got a few nice photos.

    A few family members (ones that don't frustrate me) Wink here for the weekend, should be laid-back and relaxing.  

    Enjoy your weekend!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Nature, glad you are having non-annoying company this weekend Laughing. Being a 'plant geek' is cool. My dad was a maniac gardener, our whole yard was dug up into one big garden; flowers, veggies, berries, name it, he grew it!

    Retriever, if it would be fun, then go to Arizona for sure!

    Mary, I have a DEXA coming up in December. So far my bones have held up fine (knock on wood). I get a yearly DEXA (on my request) and go to the hospital and get a copy of the actual report and pictures (for which I have to pay a small fee), and I am SURE it is because of the exercise that I have been OK.

    Mum, what month is the wedding? What are the colors? Big/Little? Formal/Informal? Tell all!

    Welcome Fighter! You are absolutely doing the smart thing by getting moving as soon as possible. It will help so much in both your physical and emotional healing. This is a great, fun, very motivating thread, so check in often.

    Speaking of motivation.....probably by a fluke, I was down a half pound when I weighed this morning (jumped off the scale quick before it could re-adjust itself!). But that motivated me to do the FIRM 500 Calorie Workout tonight AND to turn down my DH's suggestion that we go eat at a Chinese Buffet. This is certainly temporary goodness, but I better take advantage of the feeling while it lasts. Night All! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    Got PET Scan results today and had to see the Dr today! 3 abnormalities they found on my femers & middle of my spine. So I am going in for a MRI 2 of them tomorrow at 7:30am. Got my blood work ordered today done. Then they plan on scheduling a biopsy next week sometime. I am scared, I knew I could say something here cause you would understand.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Sh*t! Let us know how it goes. Even if it is bad news, there are still many options. My love and prayers to you. Ruth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010

    My daughter is having a spring bloom wedding in June over 200 guests.We have a large church booked and the minister is the same one that married her parents.She chose a beautiful french lace gown from  Kleinfelds and the reception is at Atlantis which is on Lake Ont with a skyline view of Toronto.No real theme just alot of springflowers everywhere and lots of candlelight. Should be a day to remember.

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited October 2010

    Hi ,can I join? 

    I am completely off track with my exercise, have about 20 lbs to lose, and since oopharectomy/hysterectomy am become a big old sloth junk eater....this has to stop.

    I need to build the bones, so my exercise bike won't work I guess.  if I increase the resistance, would that work?  Or just good old walkng?

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth.... I'm so sorry.  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{big, warm hug}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.  You're in my heart and prayers.

    annie, of course, welcome!  Unfortunately, biking isn't a weight-bearing exercise, but yes, walking is (as are a lot of other things -- basically if you're on your feet and moving, that qualifies -- dancing, running, racquet sports, etc).  I believe the recommendation is 30 minutes 3-5x a week.  You can always use the exercise bike to supplement (or to give yourself some variety), to work out other muscles and strengthen your legs, etc.  Biking and swimming are great exercises but don't help your bones so it's good to do something that does.

    mum, the wedding sounds absolutely beautiful! The view, the flowers, candelight, the traditions... all wonderful.

    The Purdue game has started, I'm off for my walk. 

    Big hug to everyone today!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Hi Annie, glad to see you here.

    Mums, the wedding sounds fantastic!

    I've been at work all morning, but am closing down and going to a college football game myself. Have a 'Great Fall Day' all! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    ((((((Elizabeth)))))) I'm so sorry, you are in my prayers.

    Annie and Fighter welcome, we all are at different levels and do different workouts but posting does help keep you motivated. Well after my very lazy week of sitting on the couch I went back to the gym today and did two classes but I did take it very easy. I did Body Combat, came home for an hour and then went back and did Body Jam, the Zumba instructor needed a sub and the only girl available wasn't certified to Zumba but she is a Jam teacher, I've know for 2 weeks so was really looking forward to todays Jam class and all the Zumba girls seemed to enjoy it, there was lots of Disco so I was right back in my element.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    ebann:  I am so sorry. 

    Today's exercise for me was teaching two classes this morning and some weeding this afternoon.  I feel sluggish.  Need to crank it up tomorrow.

    Mum:  The wedding plans sound lovely.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    I loved Disco....once my partner and I won a dance contest at a disco bar (decades ago, and due to my partner's skill, not mine......gee, he was a great dancer....).

    Anyway, did an hour long FIRM DVD. Mostly toning, a little cardio thrown in. Then went out to eat at Applebees. Ordered a 'less than 550 calories' item from the menu but was led astray by the appetizers ordered by DH!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Hi all.  Haven't signed on in days but feeling much better.  Walked yesterday for an hour and got in my 10,000 steps but still need to motivate myself to do more.  I'm thrilled to see you all keeping it up and a big welcome to annie and hi again to fighter. 

    I'm telling you, coming to these boards is the same as going to WW or JC or any one of those programs - you have to keep it up or you start to slack off.  So I'm going to have to get back to my routine of signing on daily and that should push me to get in motion.

    Thanks as always.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Well back to my routine, I did a Body Step class today and towards the end my calves were cramping but managed to finish the class.

    Patoo glad you're feeling better, me too. Ruth yesterday I bought some delicious Australian chocolate cookies called Tim Tams they are so yummy and I keep them in the freezer for that extra crunch but they are milk chocolate so I'll have 2 to double the chocolate contentSealed Oh Mum the wedding sounds gorgeous, and you'll be the buffest MOB. Retriever if Sedona is on the agenda in AZ I'd vote yes yes yes, I love Sedona. Nats how wonderful to be evaluated "above the line" just goes to show that every little bit we do does help us, by the way how is SIL doing? Also just a little aside, our step teacher started a phlebotomy course and she told me first day they discussed lymphadema, how great is that eh? Nature playing in the rain and swimming in the sea in the rain are some of my favorite childhood memories and the fact that the botanist offered o open the herbarium is exciting because a real expert explaining things so you understand is fascinating even if you do "glaze over" at times, lets be honest where would we all be without geeky kids who loved science.

    Yesterday went to see the new movie RED and thoroughly enjoyed it and today went with a couple of friends to breakfast at a little place locally the was featured on Diners Drive Ins and Dives on Food Network, it was fabulous (and packed). Take care all, hope everyone has a great week.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Hi All! I went for a nice fall walk, ran into a friend who was also out walking and ended up with 2 squash and 3 peppers from her garden and a container of baked beans that she had leftover from a potluck she had been to after church (too much left to eat all herself). So that was a pretty productive walk for me (and guess what we are having for supper?!).

    I was paying bills this afternoon and actually had a little bit of money left for a change; so before I get a flat tire, or the furnace goes out or something; I quickly made a donation to BCO in honor of you all, "My great sisters on the 'Let's Post Our Daily Exercise' thread." Kiss 

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    It was good I got my walk in first thing this morning; it rained this afternoon.

    Went to see Waiting for Superman this afternoon, a documentary about public schools, inner-city charter schools, teachers' unions, etc.  I highly recommend it, as it's very thought-provoking.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Ruth, that's so incredibly sweet. 

    I had a really nice weekend with family, I so love seeing them, but I always stay up too late (read:  11 PM.  Pathetic, right?) and paid for it today,  I felt like a total slug, plus my nephew hung around all day, and then my other nephew and niece came over and we had a quick dinner, I was sooo tired I wanted them to leave but I didn't... and then I nearly cried when they did. Sigh.  

    Needless to say, I didn't walk today (slug, slug, slug) but I know I walked 5 or 6 of the last 7 days, not always briskly, but still, I'm determined to stick to the "regular" part until I can start moving beyond that.  I have to say I still feel like a wimp compared to the rest of you but it's a journey, right?  Smile 

    I hope everyone had a good weekend.  I can't believe I'm still awake (10PM and I'm exhausted), I must be a glutton for punishment, time to go to bed!!


  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Elizabeth - I am so sorry.  Add my hugs to the hug bouquet from the gals here. 

    Nature - the private tour of the herbarium sounds wonderful.  On our hike Saturday, there were fallen chestnut tree burs (the big spiky ball that encloses the nut) on the path.  It made me realize I hadn't seen chestnut burs in years. Then this morning's paper had a big article on the comeback of the American Chestnut.  The Mighty American Chestnut Tree Poised for a Comeback  Mum - the wedding plans sound perfect! Good incentive to keep exercising!  Annie- welcome - this is a good group especially when you need a bit of incentive to keep going. Patoo- great to see you get back into it!  Cheryl - the cookies sound yummy!  Ruth - what a nice thing to do for a donation. Now we all have to re-double our efforts to be worthy!  Retriever - here in DC we got to watch Michelle Rhee up close.  She seems to have been very effective, but stepped on a lot of the "old guard" toes - with the change in mayors, she resigned last week.  

    A bit of a set back for SIL - she's doing AC+T chemo.  Her first treatment was on the 5th, it went well, but this weekend she was hospitalized for blood clots at the port site, and they had to remove the port. She's got bad veins, and can only use one arm (ALND) so I think she may be in for a rough road getting the rest of the chemo into her, especially the Red Devil.  

    We knocked off 3 more miles on the Maryland Appalachian Trail this weekend, for a 6 mile round trip.  It was a beautiful day for a hike - the original Washington Monument (that was built before the one in DC) was on this part of the AT - from the top we could see three states clearly (MD, PA, and WV).  Fall hadn't quite peaked yet, but probably about 50% of the trees have started turning now, and it was a beautiful view from the tower.

    Bad news on my DEXA scan - I had plus T values when I started Femara.  Two years later, the scan I had Friday shows I have osteopenia.  I haven't talked to my doctor yet about what to do - I take 3 caltrate a day, plus a Vitamin D3, and you all know the amount of exercise I do, including weight bearing, and yet I still have osteopenia.  I'm really really PO'd about the whole thing right now. Oh well.

    Glad to see that everyone's sniffles and colds and allergies seem to be getting better.  

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010
    I am off on another adventure but I will be snorkling daily.It sure beats the old gym.Smile
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    Hey everyone!  I've been trying to keep up some excercising daily (miss a few here and there though!).  Finding it very hard to keep up with all the posts after a few days!!   Ebann, so sorry to hear about more tests & procedures - keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.  Great to see everyone is still here slugging away at the excercise.  I have been wearing my "walking shoes" daily - even to work and I find that I can really feel a difference at the back of my thighs!  I HOPE this is a GOOD thing! Cool  Nature - Missed you too Laughing as well as everyone else!!  Welcome to Annie and Fighter - this IS a great thread, but you need to log on to it faithfully or be stuck for an hour or so catching up!!  Embarassed

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Just a quick note for tonight:

    Every day, it seems, cancer breaks my heart in one way or another.  Not just bc, any cancer.  We all know how that goes.

    Mary, chestnut burrs, so cool!  Sorry about your DEXA, however... and your SIL.

    mum, another trip, you lucky duck!   Someplace warm I assume -- enjoy!

    I did not walk today.  No truly good excuse... I can always do a DVD inside but I didn't.  

    I don't know what it is with me the last few days but I'm so moody... I think it's just the last 18 months catching up with me.

    Mary Louise, so good to hear from you!

    Hugs to all...