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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Nature, It's 8:30 pm and I just only got home after a long, long day......if you are still online, I will go downstairs and so something if you will.....(if not, I will still have to do something now that I've posted. Look what you made me do!)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    I did 45 minutes on the treadmill (while reading a magazine & watching baseball) & then 15 minutes of abs. Many sad things going on around here too. Several teachers who are very ill, several friends the same, a student's whose mom just died, and two 15 years killed in a car accident; all in the last few weeks.....and in a small town. The times when exercise can help you the most, psychologically speaking, are the times when you feel down or blah and don't feel like doing it at all (a gentle nudge out the door).

    Here is a good quote; it's by Mao Tse Tung. (I'm not usually a fan of evil communist dictators, but this struck me):

    "Do not let too much sorrow break your heart. Keep the whole world always in your far-sighted eyes."

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Nature - I totally understand your feelings... Tonight I did something I have never done in all the time I've been exercising. I went to the gym and before class I laid down on the mats as I was sooooo tired and half way through class I just picked up my bag and left, on my worst day I have never done that but I had no energy at all but then I got in the car and instead of coming home I went to Wal Mart then to pick up a gift certificate at a restaurant for my neighbor who had put some brackets on my car and fixed my toilet, then to the drug store as I've been searching for Simply Sleep everywhere and was scared they had taken it off the market but finally found it at CVS then I stopped and got gas, so I've gone from barely being able to say my name to power shopping, go figure.

    Ruth I hate to hear of young kids who are killed it just breaks my heart, happened to a friend of mine when I was 15 and I still think of him, bowling and playing cards and in a blink of an eye gone.  Nats your weekend walk sounds wonderful and I'm so sorry to hear of SILs setback.  Good to hear from you Mary Louise and lucky Mum to be off on another adventure - good on you.  Take care all, I am so glad to have you all.


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth, have been thinking of you, how did the MRI go - any results yet?

    ((((((BIG HUG))))))


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Ruth, I didn't see your message until this morning, durn!  why didn't you call me? Smile Thanks for the extra nudge, though... you're right, exercise does help a down mood.  I'm glad at least you got some exercise in even if I was bad!  I ended up in bed with a book, a sort of "comfort food" thing (without the food) for me, especially now that it gets dark pretty early.  Feels cozy and soothing. I like the quote about not keeping too much sorrow in your heart, too... although with my cancer, my mom dying, and my SIL in what looks like final stages of her ovarian cancer, it can be hard to do. Too much illness and death in my family lately.  I told my younger brother and his wife that they must stay healthy!   I'm sorry for the losses in your community -- those things always hit so hard and are so tragic.

    Cheryl, at first I felt all this sypathy/empathy for you walking out of exercise -- well, still do -- but  then I laughed at your turn-around and power shopping!  Sometimes we've just gotta switch things up, I think, and do something that feels right, even if our heads tell us we're not doing what we "should.".  I'm guessing your body still is pulling out of your illness and wanted to rest a bit more -- and you listened.  I hope you feel rested and better today.

    Anyway... to make up for being bad yesterday, I'm commiting to a nice long walk today immediately after work.  Sunny and 60's, so it'll be really lovely out, too.  You heard me say it, I must do it!

    Elizabeth, you know we're all thinking of you... more hugs from me, too.

    And a hug to all y'all.  If I may echo Cheryl's thought, I'm so glad you're all here!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited August 2013

    argh!  I was just asked to attend a 3-hour meeting this afternoon.... argh!!  I'll do my best to get some sort of walk in, or maybe I'll do yoga today... SOMEthing, some how!

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    Hi everyone. Thank you for the prayers and positive vibes. So far the blood work has came back & my Dr said that is good. So now I am still waiting to find out what the MRI have to say. Then we will know if I have to have a biopsy done. The waiting part is so hard.

    What's this about Sedona? Sedona is beautiful here. Come in the fall/winter/spring Summer is still hot there you do not get much of a break from the heat. I am so proud of everyone & working out. I am still working out doing my best to think positive & stay active when parts of me just wants to say the heck w/ it & crawl into bed. Though I do know better so I shall not do that. Right now I am just realizing I need one more test and so far all is good as far as we know.

    Ruth thanks for the quote. That is truly sad about the 15 year olds. :0(

    Cheryl I know exactly how you feel. I was in gym and w/ my trainer Jim & I was half way through & said to him I really just want to go home right now & say the hell w/ this. I almost did but Jim encouraged me on.

    Nature hope you got to get up & enjoy your nice long walk. Enjoy the weather. It is finally starting to cool down here.

    Take care everyone I will keep you updated.

    HUGS Elizabeth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    I think Fall is a rough time with the days getting shorter - I hate driving to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.  And too many bad things are happening to people, and sometimes it's hard to handle it all.  Cheryl - I think your power shopping response to your energy outage was perfect - as Nature says, sometimes our bodies are telling us to shake it up a bit. 

    Elizabeth - we're all thinking of you.

    I did 45 minutes straight on the elliptical last night, and my 20 minutes Pilates tape this morning.  The yoga teacher is traveling so no yoga class tonight, so I think I'll do a nice extended weight training workout.   

    OK, we need some fun around here.  How about if we all start figuring out what we want to be for Halloween? Even if we just come up with virtual costumes, it would be something fun and silly to think about.  Right now I'm thinking I might be a pirate or a baseball player - not sure yet.  Everyone?

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Yay, Mary!!  Great idea!  I don't have time to think right now but I'm excited!  I love Halloween costumes!!!   Gee, have I used enough exclamation points?!!!!!!!!!!!!  Laughing

    Elizabeth, Sedona was suggested as a place I might love to live (as I'm also drawn to Santa Fe, the mountain elevation there and the dry heat days and cooler nights, plus there's just something very magical and mystical about the area that pulls at me)... I think I must visit!  Glad to hear about your bloodwork... we're keeping our fingers crossed on the MRI! 

    Back to work... but if my meeting gets dull, I'll be thinking of a Halloween costume! 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    PS my two favorite adult costumes:  one was a pair of aliens, in green garbage bags and green and black makeup, it sounds simple and not that exciting but the way they wore the garbage bags and did their makeup, it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.  Other was a husband and wife. she was very pregnant so her belly was the bowling ball and he was a bowling pin.  Very cute.

    Really, must work...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Mary, you could cover both by being a Pittsburg Pirate!!!! I met my DH at a Halloween party while in costume. I was an obnoxious tourist and he was dressed in an ape costume (I didn't know what he looked like until our first date!).

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Hi ladies - would you mind another member?  You all seem so active that I'm almost afraid to jump in.  But I'm hoping something like this will keep me on track.  In addition to cancer, I have high blood pressure, so I REALLY need to exercise regularly.  I'm on tamoxifen, so my middle is increasing even though I'm not eating more.  Something - either still SEs from chemo or SEs from tamoxifen cause my bones/muscles to ache, so I lose momentum and don't want to exercise.  I also have a 1.5-2 hour commute each way, so my time is cramped.

    Any and all advice would be appreciated.  I have a recumbant bike and free weights.  I'm afraid of weights, though.

    Thanks! Laughing

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Welcome Theresa! Jump on in. Everybody here just does her own thing, so it is the perfect place for everyone (plus we are very nice, and modest too Wink). I would say to post every day, as that really makes one accountable. I have found that exercise reduces the achiness (and the waistline too). As for weights; do you have a wellness center in your town or a gym with an instructor trained in rehab exercise? Those might be good options. What I did was get some toning DVDs (because they would work all the muscles....not skipping any areas or doing too much of another), and first I did them with no weights, and then the lightest weights, and worked up from there (don't be too impressed, I do 3/5/8 pound weights and that is as heavy as I'm getting).

    Elizabeth, when will you know about the MRI? You know that we are thinking of you all the time and many prayers are going up too.

    Still lovely here. I walked for 45 minutes and toned with Richard for 15 minutes. Too bad we don't all live in the same town;  we could have a big "Screw It" Party; drink margaritas out of a big vat, eat crab rolls, chips & dips & salsas and gobble down an assortment of cheesecakes. Here is another quote, "If you can't be a good example, be a terrible warning." Laughing Hugs to all! Ruth

    edited because I accidently typed that I was doing 35 pound weights!!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Welcome theresap60.  You're right "they" are all so active, and then there are the rest of us who are shamefully lax, but trying our best.  So you can see everyone will fit into one group, the other group or anywhere in between!  Some of us started out like  you, trying just to find the time but it does work out.  Try starting at 15-30 mins marching in front of the TV while you watch the news.  It seems like only a little but it adds up.  Google isometric exercises that you can do while you commute.  You will be surprised how creative you will get just trying to find the time. 

    I didn't do anything much yesterday and went upstairs intending to get into bed but instead popped a tape in and did a 2 mile walk with Leslie Sansone.  Would love to do that again tonight but then I'll be up half the night so maybe will just watch some news and march in place.  A little is better than nothing.  You will really feel good and feel good about yourself once you get into the habit - I promise.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Hi patoo, march away!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Ruth, we were posting at the same time - I'm up for the party - just say when and if we can't all be in the same town we can have a "virtual" or "CyberParty".

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    I realized after getting home from work that I had blown off a nail appointment today.  After calling and apologizing, I decided to go walking instead of wallowing in guilt.  I think our weather is going to turn soon, but right now it's perfect fall weather here.

    DH and I are vehicle shopping, which is stressful.  And my mom called this morning about a "bill" that upset her (which was an EOB from insurance).   I find any exercise I can get in helps me handle stresses and makes me feel I've accomplished something.  And those treats a neighbor left on the doorstep--wasn't even tempted.  

    I have high bp too, Theresa.  Checking in with these gals will help keep you moving.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Come on in Theresa the door is always open and the welcome mat is always out and posting daily really works. Do you work in the city, could you walk for 20 minutes or ½ an hour after work and then do the commute and don't be afraid of the weights, just start very lightly and Ruth is right the creaks do ease up with the exercise. Thank you Nature today I feel almost back to normal. Nats I'll be a witch, cause every neighborhood needs a wicked old witch lady with cats (but I always have good candy)Laughing. Ruth count me in for the party but I'll be the designated driver as I don't drink, one is okay but I get such a headache at two so I just don't bother any more, hey you know me I'd rather eat the cakeInnocent. Elizabeth will keep you in my prayers and so good to hear your blood work results are good. Retreiver don't you just hate those EOBs why bother sending them they don't mean anything and they are darned confusing.

    Pouring rain here with thunder and lightening so I waded to the gym tonight through puddles and managed to do the Body Step class all the way through woohooooo!!!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    I thought we could be driven around (to a fancy restaurant, perhaps) in a limousine, by one of those cute guys in a tuxedo. (I talk big, but haven't had more than 2 drinks at a time....and that very, very rarely..... in decades!)

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2010

    Hi ladies - it's me again.  I had started to exercize after chemo and during the first half of radiation then became too fatigued.  Radiation ended on Sept 15 and I've been wayyy exhausted - but - I've decided enough of that and with your help am going to continue with my exercize regime.  So - Starting Monday I did 45 min. on treadmill and 5 exercizes of pilates (But only 3 reps).  The 45 min may have been too much as my calves are aching.  But then again, I've developed vericose veins since chemo.  I'm going to try out my new compression socks today and hope they make a difference.  Love this thread btw, it's very motivating to be able to come on here and read the posts, even if I don't post everyday.  Smile

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Welcome back! Start slowly; and don't spend too much time on a treadmill (I usually don't do more than 30 minutes at a time), vary the treadmill with walking outside, a walking DVD, and/or other exercise tapes/types etc. Treadmills are really hard on the legs.

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2010
    Thank you Ruth, great suggestions!  I am going to follow your suggestion and drop down to 30 min on the treadmill and no doubt that will make a difference on my aching calves; do my pilates, and maybe add 15 min of Wii fitness instead- I like the hoola hooping, and there are so many activities to choose from on wii fitness :-) 
  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Thank you ladies for your welcome!!  Great suggestions.  I need to look up isometric exercises for the car. :-)

    I did the bike for 20 minutes last night. 

    A few weeks back, I was taking short walks (bringing my walking shoes) at work but have been lazy and/or involved with projects lately.  I'm going to get back to doing that.  Hey, if smokers can take 10 minute breaks during the day, so can I!!  I just wonder how I'll do when it gets cold outside!

    My grandsons asked me what I was going to be for Halloween... I said I was going to be a grandma! LOL  I guess I should try to be a little more creative.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    Ok MRI results are in they said it defiantly looks like bone cancer. They are scheduling an appt w/ the Dr. for a consultation and to have the biopsies done. Well keep you updated. Still working out and trying to stay positive. The test could come back b-9.  

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    Real - welcome back.  I also started slowly after chemo and the Wii Fit was perfect - it had a lot of good yoga and strength exercises that helped me build my strength slowly and used the muscles evenly.  Ruth and Patoo - count me in for the party - love the limo-with-hunky-driver idea!  Cheryl - good for you for walking to class in the rain - I didn't think anyone in California actually walked anywhere. (True story - one time when we were visiting the in-laws we were going to brunch at a restaurant half a mile away.  DH and I were the only ones who walked - everyone else piled into cars and drove. )

    Wednesday Weigh-In - bad news - up .6 of a pound.  Portion control was an issue this week, shall we say. I also stayed up too late flipping between Biggest Loser and that wonderful Rangers-Yankee game.  Great to see the Evil Empire lose!  (Apologies to any Yankee fans.  OK, not really.)

    Did 45 minutes of weight training last night, and a 20 minute power walk this morning.

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2010
    ebann - thinking of you and praying for b-9 results.  Please do keep us posted. ((hugs))
  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth... more hugs. Wish I could do more. I'll keep prayers and healing energy coming your way.

    theresa, welcome! All I can add to the good suggestions is to do plenty of weight-bearing exercise if you're worried about your bones, as some of us are. I also have high bp, am still trying to get that settled (meds, etc.) and am hopeful that sooner or later exercise will do its part!

    I'm all for the "Screw It" party, we all need a night like that, especially if we can wear costumes and lear at hunky men! I was going to be a tree (NOT like the ones in Wizard of Oz!) but if there are going to be hunky men around I may have to sexy up a bit. Kiss Ha!  Maybe I better stick with the tree idea!

    Patoo, I always put you in the very active group -- 10000 steps is nothing to sneeze at in my book! Guess it just shows you that it's all relative. If I get my 5-6, 30+ minutes walks in a week, I'm happy right now, but I know I have a long way to go.

    IsThis, welcome back, and be gentle on yourself... I'm about 8 months out from rads and it took a while for my energy to really show improvement, do what you can, push a bit but not too hard, and you'll see improvement before you know it.

    Mary, I'm with you, boo hiss at the Yankees  Tongue out

    Short walk yesterday -- skipped most of my lunch and walked instead, before my long meeting -- got a little extra time in today but it wasn't quite as peaceful as it usually is, several groups of girls (scouts, maybe?) on nature walks at the bog... and girls that age aren't usually too quiet :)  Still, it's absolutely gorgeous out. 

    Tired, need to do laundry, later, all!  Have a good evening...

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010

    (((hugs))) for Eban  I am snorkling and doing aquasize classes here daily in Cuba.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Mum, how fun! What led you to going to Cuba?

    Oh Elizabeth, I wish I could do something too. When do all these medical appointments take place? Just sending love and prayers!

    A cold wind was blowing tonight & I didn't get home very early so I just did toning; 30 min. upper & 30 min. lower. Theresa, when it's cold, is there an inside place at your work that you could walk for  the10 minute breaks; walk the halls, or up & down the stairs? Outside is more fun; but soon I will be trapped inside (and for a long time too Cry).

    Mary, I am watching baseball too. The Rangers coach played for the Twins as a young man. I am sad about the game result today, but at least they now go back to Texas.

    Nature, you could be a sexy tree; maybe a weeping willow, they seem rather sensuous to me.

    Night All! Ruth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010

    My DH and I have decided to travel as often as we can.Cuba is warm and has beautiful resorts for a reasonable price. He chases the birds while I chase the beautiful fish.Cuba is a safe island with beautiful beaches.Will post some photos when I get home next week.