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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Wow, fun and interesting. I'm looking forward to the pictures!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    (((Elizabeth))) I'm sorry about the news, will keep you in my prayers. Mary I did drive to the gym last night but had to park far away in the parking lot and jump puddles and run through a downpour to the front door, hey I'm a California girl you know the only place we walk is on a treadmillLaughing. Mum I have friend in the UK who went to Cuba and said it was fabulous, looking forward to seeing the pics. Ruth you'll recognize me at the "Screw It" party I'm going to be the 120lb Christy Brinkley look alike or maybe Cindy Crawford hmmmm I like this fantasyInnocent.

    Tonight did Body Combat and I'm really starting to feel like my old self.  Nite all.

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Biopsies are scheduled on Wednesday. I have to be at the hospital at 9 procedure begins at 11.

    Mum sounds wonderful where you are at. Never thought about traveling to Cuba may need to be soemthing to consider.

    Cheryl it is nice when you start feeling like your old self. I sure know I do.

    Ruth thanks for your caring words.

    Cannot sleep so up this morning for some darn reason. Would love to be sleeping ugh!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth (strength and courage) we are all there with you.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth - that waiting room is going to be crowded with all of us there with you on Wednesday.  We're all there for you.

    Mum - Cuba is this mysterious forbidden island to US-ers.  I've been all around it and seen it from a distance, but we can never quite get there.  I can't wait for the travel ban to be lifted - I'll be there in a heartbeat.  I've heard it's absolutely beautiful.  Cheryl - I just KNEW you hadn't walked to the gym - do I know my SoCal people or what? :-D

    C'mon Rangers - don't let the Yankees back into this thing!!!

    Didn't feel like hitting the workout room last night, so I took a 4 mile walk in the neighborhood instead for exercise.  Lots of people have Halloween decorations out, so it was a fun walk.  Had my first private Pilates class this morning at 7 - it was a really good class.  It's great to get personal attention - she was able to spot immediately when I was tensing the wrong muscles or using muscles unevenly.  I hit work at 8:30 refreshed and ready to go.  Now we'll see if I crash at 3pm . . .

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Ooo - the Pilates place just called - both U of MD and NIH want to do features their Pink Ribbon Program and the free consult for b/c survivors, and of course they need a valiant b/c patient who did one of the consults to be interviewed.  And guess who they called??  I used to be a public info person and did media interviews for years, so I'm very comfortable in front of a camera, so I told them I wouldn't mind at all.  They said they'd let me know but the U of MD one might be as soon as next week.  I wear my LE compression sleeve and gauntlet when exercising, which will be very obvious on camera, so hopefully I can slip in some LE awareness education as well. I always enjoy media interviews, so this should be fun.

    And no 3pm crash this afternoon from the early Pilates class this a.m. - maybe this exercise stuff is good for you after all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Mary, A STAR IS BORN!!! You will have to tell us if they put the interview online....then we can all watch!

    Nice today, suppose to be nice tomorrow & then 'significantly colder with a chance of snow'. Cry  Knowing the forecast, I zipped home from school & walked for an hour & will have to try to do the same tomorrow.

    I had my carpets professionally cleaned today while I was at work; so I am happy, happy, happy!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Mary, you go!  Educate away! If they post the interview on the web somewhere, you'll have to let us know.

    I used to love early exercise, especially when I ran. Right now I'm still tearing myself out of bed as late as I can get away with but I'd like to get back to early morning stuff.  May *have* to when I start working full-time because I think I'll be too tired after work to care!

    Cheryl, I didn't think about giving myself a new body, I like that part of the costumes!  Smile

    I went straight from work to a hiking trail and it was wonderful out -- windy and a bit cool but perfect for walking, sunny, and the trail followed the bottom of a wooded ravine. Fall color is peaking or just past so it's still pretty, too.   The walk was up a slight incline one way and down coming back, that was a switch from my usual walks and I liked it. I'll have to go there more often.

    So I got in 3 of my 4 hard-to-exercise days, not perfect, but if I hit the next three days I'll be satisfied with myself.  I think I'm getting the "regular" part of exercise finally under control.  I hope.

    Finally a freeze tonight but in the 70's during the day, loving it!  And finally supposed to get some rain starting this weekend.

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  • arvie
    arvie Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2010

    Hi all!

    <> You guys make me feel very, very guilty.  I was exercising 3 x's per week and stopped in June.  Ready to start again begining tomorrow.  A 3 mile walk will be my exercise for the day.

    Thanks all. Embarassed

    <> Angie 
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010
    Welcome Angie, report back in after the walk! Smile
  • anonymice
    anonymice Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2010

    Oh yay, what a great forum!  Let's see, today I walked for 45 mins.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Angie, Pam, welcome!  Don't feel guilty about anything -- just do the best you can and keep plugging away!  The women here will help keep you motivated.  Angie, if you're doing 3 miles, you're doing more than I am most days -- I think I usually get in around 2 mi.  Right now my goal is for 5-6 days a week; getting that is my first goal, then I'll start adding to it by adding distance, adding weights, and adding some other kinds of workouts.  I was trying to do too much too fast and kept running into walls.  You know your body and what works for you and can set your own goals accordingly.   It's a journey -- enjoy it!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    You guys are picking on the Yankees? Tongue out  Actually, they're getting further down on my list.  Love the Nats and the Phillies!  I was an Orioles fan, but feel guilty about since the Nats came to town.

    Exercised yesterday, walked dog briskly then did the stairs... I never knew walking up and down the stairs for 5 minutes would be so exhausting!  I kept begging the timer to go off.

    Today walking with a heavy backpack at work, but nothing else as of yet.  I'll go up and do my bike.

    Mary - you wear a compression sleeve while lifting weights?  I'm getting fitted tomorrow for one b/c I'm flying over Thanksgiving.  I wonder if I need to wear one if I lift free weights.  I hope the physical therapists give me some good LE education.  I don't have it and I don't want it.  I have enough cancer "gifts".

    Elizabeth - I'm so sorry.  You're in my prayers too.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    eban, ditto that we will all be there with you on Wednesday.  Gentle HUGS.

    Welcome new sisters to this thread.  Just follow these wonderful sisters by starting out slowly and working up.  It will all fall into place.  You may also experience slow times like me but just keep coming and it will work out.

    I need to try and get my exercise in early because evenings have just gotten busy, or I'm tired (read lazy).  And, my Wednesday weigh-ins are not going to be kind to me for too much longer.

    Night friends.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    Welcome Pam and Angie - great place to keep you accountable for your activities!

    Mum - have a great time in Cuba!

    Elizabeth - still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!! 

    Was able to get another walk in today -  I have been driving my daughter in to work in the mornings before I go to work.  This time was when I usually had my walks - so hard to find time any where else in the day as in the evenings I just want to put my feet up and relax.  So hoping that she gets on to another shift or her actual license so that I won't have to drive her every day!

    Singing my niece's wedding this week end and then hoping to dance the night away for my excercise!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Oh, Oh, another Nats fan! Theresa, if you don't have LE you probably don't need to wear a sleeve to lift light weights (I don't anyway). Just start slowly and listen to your body.

    Welcome Pam, the more the merrier!

    Mary Louise, what will you be singing? How fun. I love dancing the night away at a wedding. At my niece's wedding last summer, one her second cousins has a band; so he, two other band members & another niece and nephew played (after practicing in the garage all week) for the dance. They were fabulous, and it was so much fun!!!

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2010

    Hi ladies,

    I''ve been away from the boards for a while to try and take my mind off of breast cancer, (it hasn't worked ) but I've kept up the exercising and have actually lost 3 pounds.  I've been playing tennis, walking and doing pilates.  I tried a spin class at the gym tonight and thought I'd need oxygen to get through it - so hard - but felt really good after I caught my breath. My face was bright red for an hour.

    We found out a couple of weeks ago that my son and his wife are expecting a baby in May - Our first grandchild!  We are thrilled!   

    I've read a few recent posts and love that you're all still supporting each other - even singing and dancing - very nice!

    Sorry for your new troubles, Elizabeth, and hoping it goes well for you on Wednesday.  I'll be thinking about you too and sending HUGS. 

     Go yankees!  Sorry Mary, but I was born and raised in daa Bronx.  My son went to school in Baltimore and lives there now.  His wife is from Fells Point and we've agreed to make the baby both a Yankee and a Ravens fan.  

    I'm on Arimidex  about 5 months now and really feeling it in my joints, especially my hands.  On the bright side, at least I know it's working.  Getting up in the morning is a female dog!

     Goodnight all.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Welcome Pam and Angie nice to have you join the gang. Oooeee Mary we can say we knew you when, hope they put your interview on line. So how are you liking BL this season there are a couple of people I like but can't stand that the game playing is starting so soon yuck. Oh Ruth snow already brrrrrr, it's almost time for our Patoos Shovel and Sculpt classes to start up again. They say we have one more storm tomorrow and we should be done but the flowers are loving it. Theresa stairs are wonderful for the glutes, before I found classes at the gym I was a stair climber. When I first started I could only do 2 minutes and in the end I could just go for 45 minutes creaky old knees and all - my butt might be big but it's firm from all that stair climbing. Nature as you know I'm a night workout girl, used to be morning but not any more, but I've got myself a couple of new workout buddies at the gym (more on them later) who keep trying to get me to join them for a 5.15AM spin class - their chances are slim to noneTongue out.

    Tonight I did the spin class, I wasn't able to stay out of the saddle as long as everyone else but I figure I'm still recovering and when I finished my legs were shaking like a bowl of jello. Kathy nice to have you back, I laughed at your description cause my first spin class I thought my heart was going to burst out of my neck speaking of which we're missing Bobcat, please check in Bobbi even if you're really busy we miss you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Hi Kathy, good to have you back! Congratulations on the pending new addition to the family! Hope they live nearby so you can get lots of 'gramma time'.

    Say, I just checked to see if an interview with yours truely is still out in cyber-space, and it is.

    Two summers ago, I was awarded something called a Horace Mann Abraham Lincoln Fellowship, and got to spend a week in Springfield, Illinois learning about Abraham Lincoln. I was one of the people they put on a promotional clip. So if you want to see it, this is what you do:

    1. go to

    2. on the top of the page click 'Resources"

    3. Under that click"Fellowships"

    4. Under that click "Appreciation Video"

    5. watch the 6 minute video, I have a blurb about half way through and look kind of stupid because I talk too much with my hands!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2010

    Hi Kathylev:

    I was born in the Bronx too.Moved to Queens when I was 4 and landed in Jersey in my 20s.Many many years ago. Thjat is great that you play tennis.  I tried a class in the gym the other day and my arms could not even get around the big balls.It was a "core" class.  I had to leave the class so embarrased. The pains in my hands killed me and my arms would not stretch the length of the ball.

    I don't know if I will make gym today, but I pulled out all of the flowers in my lawn and dragged the bags into my garage. 4 full large bags. Is that exercise??? Tomorrow is Zumba day.

    I also have a dog who, when misbehaving, drags me up and down the neighbood.

    Thank you Ruthbru again for getting me on this site.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • anonymice
    anonymice Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2010

    Thank you for the welcomes!  I am a very firm believer in exercise, and the new reports of it making chemo work better and keeping cancer away are just more icing on the cake.  I had about 4 weeks of being pretty much devastated and crying a whole lot but then, after I had cried my tears, I have basically gotten back to myself and am actually very happy despite a challenging diagnosis.  In my transition from grief back to new normal, I would exercise and feel the oppressive bad feelings ease up because of it.  And now, it just gives me so much energy and keeps me feeling calm and happy.  I know there will be days I can't do it - first 2 days of chemo, probably.  I am very nausea prone and although the meds they gave me work beautifully, they do make me a little dizzy at times.  So, I don't want to get out on my track around the woods and get a dizzy spell.  But other than that it is my first personal priority of the day.

    My current issue is wondering what sort of indoor exercise machine I should buy for the winter, which can be very severe here (I live on a mountain).  If anyone can give me an opinion about ellipticals, I'd appreciate it...

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Hi PaminWV - opinion about elliptical - it's a torture machine, but that's only my opinion which really doesn't count for much as I'm truly biased against them.  Wink

    Seriously, if you don't belong to a gym I would try and find one that will give you a free week (many do that) and that way you can try different machines to see what type you might like to invest in.  I have a treadmill which I love but many people don't like the passiveness of it.  I would never buy an elliptical because it would just sit there - takes too much work for me.  So it's very individual (like this disease!).

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Pam, you're doing great.  I wish I had been able to stick with exercise more during treatment but I hit a point where I just couldn't -- but the more you can do, the more it will pay off, on many levels.

    Enjoy your mountain.  I miss mountains!

    Ronna, gardening is great exercise -- and for me it also refreshes my soul. Something about getting my hands dirty, I guess.

    Ruth, fun to see you "live!"  I thought you were great, not too much hands at all, it was clear you were enthused and excited and as a viewer I liked seeing that!

    I'm actually a Cubs fan, what can I say, I grew up around Chicago... and I do like cheering for the underdog! 

    I don't know what's wrong with me, my motivation is down the drain, I'm in a rotten mood most of the time, blah blah blah.  I've been like this for a week or more.  It stinks.  It'll pass, but right now I'm frustrated with it.

    I beat myself with a stick and got back to yesterday's trail, I had no enthusiasm for it but I walked anyway.  As I was driving away a large dragonfly nearly flew into my open window, and when I looked I realized there were a couple dozen of them just flying around together in the sun over a grassy field.  It was almost magical and lifted my spirits.  So I'm not totally bonkers.  Yet.  Smile

    OK -- enjoy the rest of the day, everyone!  

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2010

    Ruth - I live in NY, my son and his wife live in Baltimore, so it's not as near as I'd like, but not too bad either.  If traffic cooperates it's about a four and a half hour drive.   Thanks for sharing the video.  You looked great, not too much hands at all.  I went to Gettysburg a few weeks ago and would love to see the Lincoln presidential museum too.   Are there any programs available to us ordinary folks?

    Pam - I have an elliptecal.  It's a great piece of equipment, easy on the knees and has lots of different programs and levels so you can start out slowly and work up to a more difficult workout.

    Ronna -  I grew up in the Woodlawn section of the Bronx near the Yonkers border.  Where did you grow up?

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Pam: you are certainly an encourgement!!!  I'm in VA, so I guess we're neighbors.  I have a recumbant bike that I use.  We bought it at Sears.

    Ruth:  Nice video!  You're so expressive! ;-)  Not stupid.  This is kind of off topic, but have you seen the Geico commercial with Abe Lincoln being asked by his wife Mary if the dress she was wearing made her look fat?  Of course, Abe couldn't lie....  LOL  My DH and I just laughed so much when we first saw it.

    I had my appt with a PT to fit me for a sleeve and gauntlet... she said I should get them in about a week.  I asked her about exercising with it, and she too said I didn't have to unless I started to feel soreness.  I told her I had started using my 5lb weights and she said no, no, no.  Start with 1 or 2 pound weights 10 reps 2 times, then the following week 10 reps 3 times, then the following week increase to 3 pounds same regime if I'm comfortable with the 1 or 2 pounds.  So, she said basically what you said Ruth!  But I must wear the sleeve when I fly next month.

    Carrol: I get that way (the blues) at times too, but know it passes in time.  But while you're going through it, it stinks... more than stinks.  I liked your dragonfly story. :-)

    Kathy: congratulations on becoming a grandma in May!!  Being a grandma is the best.  I have two grandsons.

    Ok, so I will do more stairs tonight and my bike.  I did my bike last night.  This weekend, I'll look for my 2 pound weights.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2010

    Hi Katyklev: I only know the name of the street, Strong Street. Have no clue where it is. My grandmother lived on the famous Fordham Road, 196th Street. (near the old Loehmans)  When traveling to Long Island now from my house, I take the Major Deagan, Triboro, or Throgs Neck to get there. However, I still enjoy traveling through Bronx to get to LI. I basically grew up in Queens.

     Pam: I like the elliptecal b/c it is ez on the knees, however I go on treadmill also when at gym. Usually 20 minutes on the elliptecal and 10 on treadmill. I was told due to my reconstruction not to use certain machines, like the fly, When I go to zumba class, I try not to jump and lift my right arm all the way (I can't). It is just having fun and getting good cardio.

    Naturegrll: Everyone is allowed to take a break due to no motivation. You are entitled.

    We are entitled to do anything and/or nothing at all. We deserve it.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Hi All! Still beautiful here so got out for another nice, long walk. The forecast is not encouraging, so I will enjoy the good weather/temps will they last.

    Hi Ronna, great to see you over here. Yard work is definitely exercise, at least to me.

    Pam, on the chemo days when I felt too crappy, I would put on my tennis shoes and walk around and around the house. I was scared of arm stuff, but I did a lot more abs & lower body toning than I usually did (and actually went down a pants size without losing weight, just from concentrating on that area more!). Good for you for making a committment to exercise; I don't know if it makes treatment any easier, but it will, for sure, help your bounce back faster afterwards!!! Patoo has a good idea to try out some different machines to see which one would suit you best.

    Carol, what you need is a little 'retail therapy'; go out shopping and buy something that you want (but don't need); clothes, a funky kitchen gaget, a new bedspread.....something fun. (That is such good advice, that I am going to follow it myself Wink).

    Theresa, I hope you are flying someplace very fun! I will have to look for that commerical.

    Kathy, yes ,there are a lot of cool Abraham Lincoln things for tourists to see and to do in and around Springfield. If you ever really plan to go, I will tell them all to you (or meet you there and be your tour guide!!!!).  I am a nutso presidental history geek; so the whole week I was there, I was in total, heavenly bliss!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Hi all.  Last night was feeling a little guilty (yeah, only a little) so when I went upstairs for bed I marched/hopped/walked during the news so got that in.  Totalled about 8,000 steps.  Today so far a little over 4,000 so will do the same thing tonight but want to make the full 10,000 since I can sleep in tomorrow.  Will be out doing a lot of walking tomorrow so that's good. 

    Enjoy your weekend all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Oh ronna, I used to shop at Loehmann's there and went to high school on Fordham Road (Theodore Roosevelt - is it still there?). Glad you enjoy travelling through the Bronx - I have a sister and niece there, and a brother in Yonkers, but stay as far away from it as I can! 

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2010

    Ronna and Patoo - I always shopped on Fordham Road too.  Hard to believe that was "the place" to shop years ago.  It's pretty run down now, but the high school is still there and of course the Botanical gardens and the Bronx Zoo are still there and still lovely, in fact, they are nicer now than they were years ago.   

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes on my grandma news.  

    Be careful, Ruth, I may take you up on that tour guide offer some day!

     I played tennis today and did 30 minutes on the bike tonight, but I ate two huge fried chicken cutlets and a plate of risotto afterwards. 

    Goodnight all.