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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Well, I would love to go back there, so just let me know Cool. Then you could come out here & I could show you all the Theodore Roosevelt stuff in the western part of my state, and then I could come to you and you could show me all the Theodore AND Franklin Roosevelt sites in New York!

    We went out and ate Chinese Buffet; so I now feel like one of those fat Buddha statues!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth, just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you tonight, and hoping that you are doing OK.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth I'm also thinking of you, hope this weekend you are getting to spend some time with Aubrey and just be grandma. Pam I think it's a great idea to go to a gym and try out different machines, my gym had one of those treadclimbers, which is like a stair climber and treadmill combined and it was fabulous unfortunately they only brought in one to try and didn't buy it but while it was in the gym there was always a huge line for it and I really liked it. Ronna don't feel bad leaving a class, you should speak to the instructor and ask for an alternate way to do the exercise as there's always a low impact version of everything.  Nature ((((HUG)))) hope your find some sunshine this weekend.

    Did Body Pump class tonight one hour of weightlifting and oh my poor legs, that spin class last night kicked my butt or rather my legs so when I was lunging it was pure torture. Nite all.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2013

    I was snorkling the reef yesterday and when I finally came out of the water I realized I had been swimming for over an hour.Its easy to loose yourself amoung the beautiful fish.What a fun way to exercise.I have been doing this daily.Unfortunately we go home on Tues.


  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2010

    Snorkling sounds like such an excellent and fun way to exercize - you are fortunate to be in snorkle land!!  I wasn't able to do my daily exercize on Thurs or Fri :-(  Had Onc. appt which is a 6 hour drive  and was still too tired yesterday.  Today though, is a completely new day....!!  So,  I am going to do my 1 mile walk, and another 15 minutes on the Wii which will include my pilates :-)  Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2013

    Hi Patoo, I guess we are now bronxite sisters as well. I think my parents went to James Monroe HS in the Bronx, since I moved to Queens when I was 4, I went to all Queens, NY schools. One day many years ago I was alone and broke down on the Harlem River Drive Expressway, had a flat, I was lucky - two plainclothes cops were right behind me. As for Yonkers, I occasionally go to Empire City. Real close, better than AC as to traveling.

    However I still enjoy going over the Triborough Bridge to get to Long Island as some of my family live in Jericho, LI.

    Good for you that you motivatated yourself to march, hopped and walked.  As for exercise today, I just came back from gym - 10 minutes on elliptical, and 45 minute zumba class, This is like WW.  You guys now have me on a guilt trip.

    Have to get all my exercise in before 11-1. Fipple time.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Slept in, read the paper in bed, just got done with the 60 min. FIRM tape "Complete Aerobics and Sculpting", now will clean up and go shopping!!

    Oh, I think any 'oceany' activity is the best exercise of all. Snorkel, swim, walk on the beach, play in the body workout and total fun............why, oh why, do I live 1,000 miles from any ocean??????????

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Got out on the ravine trail before lunch.  Most of the leaves are down but there are still some clinging on.

    Ruth, shopping... yeah, maybe a couple of hours in a bookstore would be good!

    IsThis, 6 hours, yikes... that's a hefty drive!

    I'm frustrated with my BP and heart rate so I'm adding daily meditation to the mix, starting with 20 minutes of TM once a day and will add the second 20 minutes after I get into the routine.  I know that's not really exercise but this is such a good place to post and be accountable.

    Elizabeth, I can't think of a better group to have thinking of you and shoring you up, seems you're on our minds daily.  More hugs.

    Have a good Saturday, everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Hi Ronna, we must have been posting at the same time. Zumba looks like so much fun. I may have to look into buying a DVD because I haven't seen any classes offered around here.

    Guilt is good if it makes you do something that you should be doing (or not do something that you shouldn't be doing). I need more guilt in the food department!!!

    Have a great afternoon everybody! Ruth

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited October 2010

    I'm finally back to walking.  I fractured my shoulder 7 weeks ago and today was my first day back to power walking.  It feels soooo good. 


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010
    Carol, I will buy something I don't need if you will Smile.
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Got up with the birdies and did a Body Combat class this morning, I just don't know how the spinners do it my legs are still sore from Thursday night.

    Roseann nice to see you back yikes on the shoulder. Have fun shopping Ruth and don't forget walking around the mall is considered exerciseCool. Nature I wish I could do meditation but my mind is one of those that goes wandering off when I have tried it but I know it works so good luck. I can hardly wait to see Mums pics, sounds like she is having a fab time. Still raining here in So Cal but there is still laundry and cleaning to do, have a great day everyone.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010
    Hi All!!  I've missed you Kiss  Just got so busy with work this week didn't have time for email or anything - except a little baseball but always found out who won in the AM.  So much to read and catch up on this board.   Seems everyone is still out there getting it done.  I have still managed to get my daily bike/ab workout in and now I have brag a little.  Since I recommited in early July to getting this weight off, I have lost 12 pounds!!  I am so thrilled and motivated and SO said he can really see a difference now.  Just need to keep going with the bike and diet change.  I have to get routine blood work done and hope it reflects well there too.  This morning was invited to a private boxing session with 2 girlfriends.  I have never boxed or even hit anything.  OMG!! what workout.  It's 90 minutes of punching bag, kicks, jumping rope, abs with a big heavy ball on your chest - I was quivering all over at the end.  But, came home and jumped on the bike and now can barely move - this a good thing!  Just ordered a pair of boxing gloves from amazon because I want to keep doing this upper body workout.  You can drop into a small class whenever you'd like so maybe like once or twice a week.  The instructor is all tatooed and pumped up with a long blond ponytail and he's very motivating.  Pretty funny seeing 3 middleaged women boxing.  So I am so glad to read about everyone's travel, wedding, fall plans.  Elizabeth - prayers and hugs to you.  Have a good day all - we are heading to fundraising gala at the Y tonight - lots of food and silent auction.
  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010
    Ruth - I just watched your video.  You look great!!  And you talk and sound just like I imagine from your posts and photo!! Kiss
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited August 2013

    Ruth, shopping is good exercise. Since I no longer work, I am not much of a mall hopper anymore.

    Bobcat: Wow, did you have any reconstruction??? I can just lift about 4 lbs of a medicine ball but could not wrap my arms around the big balls when I tried. I was about to get on the bosu (sp?) but I left the class b/c I could not stretch my arms completely around the balls and left.  I am able to use free weights up to 5 lbs. I am really afraid to do more now.  I guess I can work on my lower body, but I have this fear that my "girls" will move in the process of jumping or stretching carelessly. However, I am very impressed with your bike/ab workout.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010

    Ronna - I had double mast and complete reconstruction - finished up in spring of 09.  I didn't do much upper body until early this year and had to build up - before that was spinning and walking.  I don't do heavy weights because my implants are under my pecs and I too don't want to distort.  The boxing was more for the arms, shoulders and back.  The ball for the situps was small and heavy but probably only about 5-6 pounds - I will have to check that next time.  How long out of your surgeries are you?

    Nature - I'm intrigued about the TM.  My downstairs neighbors are yogis and meditators.  I don't know if I have the patience to sit still and do nothing but concentrate although I'd like to learn.  I think it would be good for the BP and your own inner sense of peace.

    Off to find something to wear to the gala!! 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Bobbi, TWELVE POUNDS!!! That is very awesome, you will have to go shopping....for a smaller wardrobe. Good for you!

    Cheryl, we really MUST be long, lost relatives.....I am a terrible medititator brain is too 'jumpy'. One of my friends told me that whenever she had to do medical procedures she would chant "Rutabaga, Rutabaga" (yes, I have weird friends Laughing) over and over in her mind. I tried it and it just made me want to leap up and write a grocery list! Another gave me a relaxation CD to play while I was doing chemo. After listening to it several times, I swear if I would have had a gun, I would have blasted that CD player to smithereens. So, hopefully, Carol, it will work better for you!!!!

    I went shopping at a trendy clothing store and bought a pair of pants & a. top and a sweater. I would say that the clothes were too young for me; but the low rise pants that are all in style are what we would have called hip huggers and my grandmother would have been perfectly comfortable wearing the paisley shirt I bought.

    Now I will have to try to make a light, healthy supper to try to keep up with Bobbi! Night All! Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Hi all.  Made myself get out to 9am water aerobics 60 min class.  Then went with DS and some of my friends to a sculpture garden, which is acres and acres of lovely trees with changing leaves, beautiful peacocks that roam the grounds, and magnificent sculptures throughout the park so that was a lot of walking.  Wish I could say that I ate well but at least I got the exercise - one out of two!

    Night friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Sounds lovely, maybe even Cheryl and I could meditate there! I am trying not to eat the Halloween candy I bought today. I should have known better than to buy stuff I like!!!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010
    Ruth I suggest we sit in the garden, meditate and eat the candyInnocent  I daren't buy the candy till next weekend otherwise it will all be gone and I'll have to sit in my bedroom with the lights turned off pretending I'm not home!!!!
  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2010

    Hi Bobcat, Oct. 30, 2009 I had right mast with TE placed.  In March, 2010 I had exchange with augmentation of left breast. Went back to gym in June of this year. Prior to that,I worked with Personal Trainers for years. In fact, due to the strength training in my legs, I was able to push myself more that I normally could. Right before I was diagnosed I was into Kinesis Training, loved it,  My PS said I could resume the gym, but my BS said not to whack myself, I guess he meant not to stretch around my pec area, I am not sure what he meant. So I have started from scratch, just Zumba and elliptical and tread mill.  But on Nov. 1, will be having nipple reconstruction and keloid repaired, so again, I will be out of gym again. However, my PS wants me to have physical therapy. 

    When I go back, I will start with machines for lower body and wait for when I can start my upper body agan. I have my free weights in the house and a  4 lbs medicine ball if I want to start sit ups. So in essence, it will be quite a few more months before I can resume my gym life again Zumba is for my cardio and I do not jump. Love the elliptical. The bike in my house is a clothes hanger.

     I was so impressed with your current activities. Wow. Good for you. When I finish up with the gym this week to get it all in before Nov. 1, I will be thinking of you and all of the gals. Again, now I am on my guilt trip about exercising even more and look forward to posting here.

    I do not know how long I will be kept out of gym due to nipple reconstruction next. Mond.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2010

    Ruthbru, I buy Halloween candy I don't like. Best way.

    It stays out of my mouth, but I still have to hide it from my husband.


  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2010

    Oh yes, I'm having a hard time with the halloween candy in the house also.  Eeek!  But, I am managing to walk at least 30 minutes a day, so that's a very positive step for me!  I will have to do what ronqt1 does - buy candy that I don't like!  :-)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Leaving for the bog for my walk in a few. 

    You're on, Ruth, I'm hitting one of my favorite locally-owned shops this afternoon, hope to come home with earrings or a new scarf!

    I've done TM (and other forms of meditation) off and on for 30+ years... love it.  There's a lot of good evidence that it lowers heart rate, BP, etc. I just need to get back at it regularly.  I think for most people the "mind wandering" is the hardest part, but that's part of the process.  Practice helps with that.   I know I wanted to meditate during treatment but except for using guided imagery CD's, I couldn't stay focused enough to do it, and it was very frustrating.  Now I'm ready to get back at it.  For me it's not so much about concentration as it is about letting go, not to sound too "woo-y woo-y" about it.  I've done "active" meditations, too, like walking meditations.  And for me, some parts of gardening are meditation. Also, I got a CD by Andrew Weil that had some really good, short (some less than a minute?) breathing exercises that worked as a type of meditation -- especially when I was on steroids and needed to calm down in a hurry Smile So there are many ways to meditate.  Anyway, enough talk about it.  I did get started last night.  

    I like the don't-buy-candy-you-don't-like approach.  I like the sit-in-the-garden, mediate, and eat-candy approach even better! :)

    OK, time to get off my rear and go get a walk in.  Later!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    We could sit on the garden, eat candy and chant "Bon Bons, Bon Bons"; that WOULD put me into a trance (or maybe a sugar coma)!! Laughing Actually I think I 'sort of' meditate when I do some of my older exercise tapes/DVDs, ones I know by heart. I can just do them without thinking, and all of the sudden the time is done. Does that count?

    I did my nice 30 minute pilates tape today, 15 min. abs, & 15 minutes on the treadmill. A light sort of workout day.

    Here is the bad thing; I DID buy candy I don't like, yet I eat it anyway!!!!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    That's my problem too!  I can buy things that I DON"T like, and yet will still eat it!!

    I actually DID dance the night away last night and am really feeling it today!!  But it was a great time!  Hope everyone is having a great week end.  I, unfortunately must continue to drive my DD to work in the mornings, so will really have to work out another schedule to be able to keep my excercising up as I loved walking every morning before work!

    Ruth - great video!  It is great to have a voice to go with your pic!!

    Elizabeth - thinking about you!

    Wishing everyone a GREAT week!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Wow Bobbi you are my heroine 12 lbs. I'm so glad you had fun with the boxing, I know exactly how you feel I don't use a bag but Combat is my absolute favourite all that punching feels sooooo good and it sounds like you've got yourself an Eduardo, we'll have to start comparing notes. I think I'm going to see if I can fit in another spin class somewhere. Today Body Step class was packed and we even had three men in the class this morning and wow it was one of those "I didn't know I could sweat that much" mornings so I'm feeling good as I worked hard. Ruth I just watched your video you are just how I imagined you and what a fabulous program. Glad you had a fun night Mary Louise and I'm with you on the eating the horrid stuff that's why I won't buy till the last minute and I'll buy the good stuff cause if there's anything left I am sure going to enjoy it but it will go in the freezer and come out one piece at a time, that's my promise to you all. Hope everyone has a great week.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Had intentions to go for a walk since the weather was really nice but girlfriend called and went to help her out with some stuff - so much for that.  Hope to get to the gym tomorrow.

    Had my lumpectomy 2 years ago today and NED ever since.  Have to make sure to keep up the exercise to keep it that way!

    Enjoy your week friends.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Congratulations, patoo. You must be soon off on your trip!?

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010
    (((Elizabeth))))  Walked the beach at a good clip today then snorkled for about 45 min.All the fresh air seems to wipe me out by 10 I have had it.Tomorrow is our last day here,then tues it is back to realityCry