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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Yes ruthbru, 2 more weeks.  Poor DS will be left here alone to fend for himself.  No mom at his beck and call, though I will cook ahead and leave him plenty of food - most of which will still be there because he will order out!!!  Maybe I should just buy lots of BK and McD's and leave that for him.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Coupons for BK & McDs, frozen pizza, bread & peanut least that is what my DS requests when he house-sits. How long will you be gone? Will it be a big group? I was just at a meeting with a fellow who went on a mission trip with his church to Nicaragua last year. He spent a lot of time digging holes and putting up fences; had a great time.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Not too large - 10 women, 2 men, I think 7 speak Spanish (not me).  You usually don't know until that day what the missionary will have you do.  One day you can be laying bricks or pouring concrete, another day twisting rebar, painting walls, putting up sheetrock, working in a soup kitchen, making balloon animals and face painting with kids, visiting the sick or prisons - whatever is needed that day.  It's usually lots of work but also lots of fun.  It's been 4 years since my last one (Paraguay) and I'm excited.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    It sounds wonderful!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2010

    Patoo: Congratulations on your lumpectomy anniversary. Go Celebrate and do or don't do what you want. That is my motto.

    Today I had to have an MRI on something completely far from BC. So no gym for me.

    Great day to all.


  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Congrats, Patoo!

    I walked at the bog -- no camera, just brisk walking.  Warm and humid out, especially for this time of year, but nice to walk without heavy coats.  Snow, anyone, yet?  I should have my x-country skiis (and all my stuff!!!) back within the next month (been in storage in WA state for a few years) so I'm hoping for plenty of snow this year!

    I also did my TM.  As I sat with little thoughts flitting around my head like busy bees, I thought of y'all! 

    Ronna, hope the MRI is all good news, no matter what it's on.

    Have a good evening, everyone!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    No snow here..... yet!  Just a little bit North of where I live, there was a dusting of snow last week!  YIKES!    Really not ready for it yet!  Sort of wishing I was where Mumayan is today! Cool

    Feeling very old today as my feet, legs, back, butt...... etcetera .... hurts from dancing at the wedding. Even my eyes hurt!!  lol

    Will be able to get some walking (if weather permits) or excercise in tomorrow morning as I am starting work later in the morning!  Can't wait, I miss my morning excercise!

    Congrats Patoo on another year going by!!  I imagine you are getting quite excited for the trip!  How long will be you there??

    Bobcat - congrats on the weight loss - really need to get serious myself and start losing!!  Must go to other thread this week and report my weight changes to keep me accountable!

    Hey to everyone else!   

    (((Elizabeth))) thinking of you!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Mary Louise, nice picture! Dancing is a fun way to get sore. I am more than sort of wishing I was with mum; it was a dark, foggy, rainy day here, and we are in a winter storm watch and high wind warning tomorrow night & Wednesday (Carol, bring your skis out here!). Hope your MRI went OK, Ronna.

     I did a 40 minute FIRM DVD & walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes.

    Elizabeth, sending hugs from me too!

    NIght All! Ruth 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Night all.

    Did 60 min water aerobics and she kicked my butt.  My fault for letting daily workouts fall by the wayside.  Ran for another 15 mins then came home and on my way to bed now - I'm pooped.  I do notice that I'm stiffer in the morning since I stopped daily exercising so need to get back to it.  I think it's easier to stay with it fall/winter.  So many other activities fill the days and evenings during spring/summer. 

    MaryLouise, I'll be gone 9 days (2 of them travel days).  I'll try and keep a journal of how hard I work.  I'm kinda funny about food too so maybe that will help to drop some of this weight.

    Night Sculptresses.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    Thought I'd posted, but guess it went into the cyper black hole.  We've had snow to 6,000 feet and flurries in the valley.  Won't be long until walking outdoors won't be an option for me.  Until then, I'm getting in as much outdoor dog training and walking as possible.  Playing catch-up at home and work since my trip,  And still contemplating the 13 plus hour drive to Tucson for shows next month.

    Hello to all the newbies.

    Patoo:  The mission trip sounds great.  Looking forward to hearing about it when you return.  And congrats on the anniversary.  I go for my 6 mos check this week and look forward to saying I'm 5 years out.  

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Did Body Combat class tonight I sweated buckets and I feel great but got called out by the wonderful Eduardo, okay so my mind was wandering but to hear him yell "Cheryl pay attention fight to the front" ooooohhhh, seems whenever he spends the weekend away training trainers he comes back and that first class is always a doozey - like we're all training for a MMA cage match.

    Patoo I can imagine you're getting very excited the trip sounds wonderful. Isn't it funny how you exercise regularly and then let it go for a short while and when you start back up it's like you're a newbie but it doesn't take long to get back in the swing. Ruth I'm with you on wanting to be with Mum, floating in warm Caribbean waters sound wonderful. Mary Louise remember back to your 20s if you went into work on Monday morning and said "my back, legs feet and butt hurt from dancing all night" you would be woo hoo now it's like oh bring me an advil and an ice pack ahhh the joy of getting older ehYell. Carol I hate to show my ignorance but can you describe what the bog is like, is it like a park or is it wild? Sorry we've invaded your TM time but it's nice to know we're in your thoughtsUndecided. Retriever brrrrr but I'll bet the doggies don't care as long as they get to play.

    ((((((Elizabeth)))))) you're in our hearts.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010
    I saw a cute tee shirt that said, "You know you are old when 'Happy Hour' means a nap." Laughing
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    I'm doing a quick drive-by - I've been lurking but no time to post - nothing big going on, but we've just been BUSY!  Trying to keep up with exercise - it's been nice fall weather so I've been doing more walking after work.  Dh and I also took a tree down that was next to the deck - lots of cutting and lugging and stacking - we took 4 loads of branches and brush to the transfer station!  I also mowed the lawn - hopefully the last mow of the season.  The leaves are falling, so raking will be next. 

    Severely envious of mum snorkeling!!!  I agree about being able to snorkel for hours and not feel tired.  Patoo- your trip sound great - can't wait to hear all about it.  Mary Louise and Retriever - snow???!!!  I'm not quite ready for that yet!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Cheryl, it wasn't that you invaded my thoughts -- I was just doing that mind-wandering thing and I almost LOL when I remembered a couple of you mentioned that as being a barrier to meditating!  All sorts of little bees in my brain.  Amazing what pops into your head when you don't want anything to!

    Celery Bog Nature Area is a wild area turned park and it's really a gem for this community. It's a natural wetland that was drained and farmed in the 1900's (including, yes, celery) but the drainage system never worked well and it was eventually allowed to go back to wetlands, I think in the 50's -- it's a marsh, actually (a marsh has inlet and outlet drainage) and not a true bog (which has no inlet and outlet). But the name stuck.  (When I was there a few weeks ago one of the farmers who used to farm the area was there, very cool!).  People complained about it for years as a mosquito breeding area and many didn't appreciate the enviromental importance of the area and wanted the city to get rid of it,  Fortunately, wiser heads prevailed and it was turned into a park about 15 years ago.  The marsh is about 100 acres; the water level was raised slightly for waterfowl (attracts 1000's during migration) and there's about 100 acres of woods and savannah with both paved and woodchip trails.  The woods are really diverse and have a huge variety of habitat and plants for such a small area.  The savannah area is man-made to duplicate what existed in this part of IN before cultivation eradicated much of the prairiegrass areas. 

    So when I mention walking at the bog or marsh, that's where I am.

    No Eduardos to remind me to pick it up at the bog -- both an advantage and a disadvantage! :)  He sure makes sure you get some great workouts!

    Mary Louise, I like the picture... I need to get a real one of me up there one of these days but that means taking a picture of me.  Tongue out

    Ruth, hope you aren't getting blown away.  We're getting some of that wind (and a tornado watch), storms (rain), etc., lovely.  Might make it hard to get outside today... I may have to march with Leslie.  Temps will be dropping all day from the 70's so if the rain passes I'll still get outside.

    Elizabeth, still thinking of you...

    Where ever you are and whatever your weather today, stay safe and enjoy the day!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    PS  Sorry so long, my fingers get carried away.  Feel free to skip my post! :)

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited October 2010

    HI there-

    I would never skip your posts NatureGrrl!  In fact, I was getting caught up after being MIA for so long (that is a long story in and of itself) and saw your post on "breast cancer awareness month" which I SO agree with.  

    I don't want to get an attitude (probably too late for that!) but I really have a problem with the whole breast cancer awareness thing-the pink this, the awareness that-because I think it runs the risk of simplifying the whole issue.  I guess a person doesn't know what to DO about BC until they GET BC.  

    This is on the exercise topic, but it is more of a rant.  I have a group of friends who are doing the bc 60 mile Komen walk.  I had actually signed up to do this two years ago and tore my meniscus in my right knee from overtraining for it.  So I raised money but didn't walk.  I was thinking about doing it again prior to my dx (STUPID I KNOW) and the same group of women wanted me to do it with them.  When I was dx'd I definitely opted out, especially when my onc talked to me about drawbacks of overtraining for anything, nk cells, blah blah blah (she's a proponent of getting in regular, aerobic/anerobic training with weight training rather than extended endurance training for cancer patients.)

    ANYWAY, my friends' reponses were very opinionated, like "well, you could always just ride and still go" or "shouldn't you be trying to raise money for your disease?"  It was a bit shocking to be honest.  I don't think any of them understand the real issues of bc patients, and maybe I shouldn't expect them to...but still, I was taken back by their lack of empathy.  I mean, it's like BC has overtaken everything in your life all of a sudden, and now you need to focus even more on it?  I agree, we patients should be on fire to get it stopped, but we also need time to get our heads around it...maybe a year or so out from dx, not right in the middle of treatment!  Because I "looked healthy" and "am strong" many people assume that it "isn't bothering me" and I am "the poster child for breast cancer."  These are quotes that friends use to convince me to do the 60 mile walk.  Finally I just had to say "I can't do it" and was met with "well, you have to do what you have to do."  I don't think that was very understanding.  If you look healthy, and can exercise, well certainly you are fine, right?  Wrong.

    I have found out some disturbing things about how people really think about breast cancer, and I was probably in that same category until it happened to me.  As much as it sucks to have it, it does transform your life and how you feel about others.  What bothers me is I know now I am going to shed some friends along the way.  It's not that they have done anything wrong; it's more about who and where I want to spend my time.  While I know we need money to find a cure, and we need fundraising, we also need to focus on people who are struggling in making decisions about their lives.  Even as an early stager, I find myself really pondering the simple things I do, like what I eat and how I exercise.  I have so much more empathy for those that have to undergo tough treatment protocols and then try to do the "right" things.  It is a hard, hard road.

    And I feel a bit guilty about not being understanding towards this group of friends; I do know they mean well, but it's still hard to digest. 

    OK, you didn't ask for a philisophical rant this morning, but you got one! Ha!  Feel free to skip this one TARTS!

    Note how I said that at the end of the post, ha ha!



  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Kim - love your rant!!!  I had some friends who wanted me to do the Avon walk - I might do it someday, but actually the fundraising requirements really turned me off.  My friends, family and co-workers did so much for me while I was undergoing active treatment that there's no way I'm going to go to them now and say, "Thanks for all you did but it's not enough - I want money too."  I finally said to my friends - "I'm not doing it because I already donated to the cause - I donated two boobs, and don't feel the need to donate any more." We all laughed, but I think I got my point across - at least they haven't asked me again.  Someone posted on another thread that their response to the relentless pink people was, "You get wear it when you want - I have to live it all the time."

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Kim, I can't reply in length at the moment (what, a short post from ME?) Smile but I hear you, boy oh boy do I!  and am on board with all you said.

    I know people don't get it if they don't have it but that's not really a good excuse for lack of empathy or support and certainly not a good excuse to be judgmental.  I don't think people mean to be insensitive... but I'm not sure they try very hard to be sensitive, either. 

    I've shed a few friends (fortunately not many have fallen in that category), as well shedding one sibling (as much as possible while still being civil and not causing rifts in the family).  Life is too short and too precious.

    It is a hard, hard road no matter where you are on it... I caught up with my SIL who has stage IV ovarian a bit this morning and just put my head down and cried... and thought, "I'm DONE with cancer!!! No more!"

    Of course I have an appointment in a hour with a LE therapist (don't have it but have to fly in a few weeks and don't want it!).  So much for denying cancer.

    I use opportunities to educate whenever I can (Sunday the family fix-it guy stopped by, he's very nice and asked if I was cured now... so he learned a little more about bc and cures than he expected) :)

    Mary, I like the "You get to wear it..." comeback!  Thanks!

    And, we have each other.

    Hugs, everyone!

    (ha!  yes, this was short, for me!) :)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010
    (well, maybe not THAT short) Undecided
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited August 2013

    Okay count me in on this rant as well, every time I go to the grocery store they ask me do I want to make a donation, well $1 here and $1 there okay but I asked the manager "where exactly does the money go" he was um um um, he read some paperwork and then said "Vons charities" well nice, so the grocery store has set up a charitable foundation but WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO EXACTLY and $1 here and $1 there adds up, I'm sure it's all on the up and up but I'd rather pay the gas bill for someone who is struggling.  Just this morning sitting and talking with my coworker/friend she said "I wouldn't wish what happend to you on you but you have met some wonderful people who would have never come into your life" and she's right I am so grateful to have all of you, we are more alike than not.


    Edited cause I can't spell and rant at the same time - Carol I can't be short winded eitherLaughing

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    I too enjoyed your rant, Kim!   I find that am just not ready to join in on one of these walks - emotionally.  My daughter wants to do one of these events, and maybe I will with her some day - just not yet (maybe once I'm past the 3 year mark!).  Smile

    Nature - I HATE getting my picture taken - most pics of me are not dead on as I avoid cameras whenever possible!  I was ok with this one, notice I am not looking at the camera??  lol

    Got to get my walk in this morning - felt great!!  We are also under a high wind advisory today as well as thunderstorms!  Time to batten down the patio furniture that has not been put away yet!

    Must head back to work!  Later my sculpted sisters!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited August 2013

    I too am grateful to all the ladies on these boards (especially this thread!) Cool

    OK.... Now, back to work!!  hehehe

    edited for typo!  (rushing to get back to work!)

  • IsThisForReal
    IsThisForReal Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2010

    I just wanted to share this experience - yesterday I went to the grocery store and was asked to donate $1. toward BC.  Sure, I said, and then asked how much of the $1. actually goes to research.  The teller told me it was....hang on....2 cents.  2 cents???  You've got to be kidding me - needless to say I didn't donate as I'd rather donate directly to research in that case.  Oh, and I sure got an eye opener in one of the hardware stores...they had a pink display so I went to check it out.  Waterbottles, mugs, icescrapers, mitts, you name it.  Companies are making a pile of money off of our misfortune and it's really starting to pi** me off!  Talk about comercialized - I think I will post something to this effect on my facebook status, as a matter of fact.  It's good to make people aware.

    Ok - my rant is over.  Not feeling well today and went to my GP - another throat infection and running a temp.  No excerize for me today, but on the plus side I started champix and next Tues. is my quit date.  Looking so forward to that!!  Thanks for reading ladies.  :-)

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010

    Kim - I get the rant.  Pink I am not.  Acquaintance went out of her way last fall for the 3-day walk and I did buy the tshirts she was selling but I would not go to the thing.  Like someone else said - I gave my donation - both breasts.  Anyway, not criticizing anyone who feels the need to participate in these events - we all have our own opinions and needs.  I lost a few friends along the way as well as a younger sister. 

    The Y gala on Saturday was delightful!  But once again, ran into lots of people that thought I should be on death's door saying how great I looked.  WTF- did they think I was going to turn into a dish rag?  Wore a slinky black knee length number and heels - SO gave me the A-OK and I felt pretty good around all the skinny Y mommies in their eveing wear Kiss  I was sore, sore, sore from my boxing workout with Chris(east coast version of Eduardo).  Found out he is a Celtic Fest(kilt wearing) participant - that would explain all the Celtic tatoos, Cheryl!!  SO and I spent Sunday lying in bed watching movie after movie - didn't do a blessed thing.  Monday was so sore from head to toe but did my bike/ab thing and again this morning.  Feeling much better!!!

    Patoo - have a wonderful, blessed trip.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    I walked (beautiful, very windy, day after the front went through and the skies cleared).  TM'd.  And was really, really glad I saw an LE therapist.  She gave me the skinny -- some of which I knew, some of which I didn't -- talked about the best way to prevent LE when flying -- more hints about what to look for -- showed me some exercises, reminded me about the importance of doing things like belly breathing, showed me how to do a self-massage if LE ever becomes an issue -- and on and on.  Gave me a lot of peace of mind. 

    PinkTober sucks.  I agree -- people should do what they want on any cause -- but please, QUIT exploiting this terrible disease! 

    I"m sure my FB friends are tired of my "Breast Cancer EDUCATION Month" posts but that's OK.  Some of it might come back to  help them some day.

    Bobcat, glad you had such a great time!  Hope you felt as slinky as you looked! :)

    Oh -- almost done with my LE therapist today, appreciating her knowledge and manner and everything, and suddenly something clicked and I asked her if she'd ever been my mom's physical therapist and when she asked me who my mom was, her face just lit up... it was one of those moments.... my mom had knees and hip replaced at various times and loved her PT but hasn't seen her in years.  Of all the therapists in this town, kind of funny that the one that I would get today, is one I have that connection with.  A little bit of grace or something. Not sure that makes sense but it was meaningful to me.

    Babblefingers is going to bed :)  Sweet dreams, all!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    I will add to the rant later but will be short winded for now; the wind is gusting to 75 miles per hour (I'm not even making that up), we are in a blizzard warning & I'm afraid I'll lose my connection, so in case that happens.........I wanted first to make sure to send out love and prayers to Elizabeth for tomorrow. When you want to, please let us know how you are doing. Ruth

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Night all.  Exercise today will be snoring tonight.  Hey, chest moving up and down and up and down... 

    Oct Pink month really doesn't bother me - whatever makes people even a little more aware.  What did get to me was a popular chicken place had a bucket going for $19.95 with 50 cents going to BC research.  Only problem is the, other 11 months of the year, the same bucket was only $19.45.  Wonder how many people caught that trick!  (No, I didn't buy).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Well, we still have electricity so I will tack some on now. First, I did a 50 minute FIRM tape & did 10 minutes on the treadmill to get in my hour.

    Second, I have thought about all the 'pink stuff' a lot. Of course, awareness is a good thing, there are reputable organizations raising money for 'cancer' causes (, American Cancer Society, this site all come to mind), and there are many cancer survivors who do get a lot of comfort and inspiration from various events, and many people who really do mean well and spend a lot of volunteer time to organize, sponsor, participate in them too. For me, personally, though, most of that stuff just makes me SAD,  vaguely creeped out and uncomfortable. Last week the football team all wore pink socks & the volleyball team had a 'dig pink' night; I just couldn't bring myself go to either game..... the topic isn't very fun or festive to me. (I did buy tickets for the raffle of a pink quilt; because a volleyball player asked me, and all the money went to the mother of a player battling cancer....I am happy to report I did NOT win). This week, at all the schools in town, if you pay $10.00 you can wear jeans all week (and, if you want a red or pink top) to raise money for a teacher who is Stage 4, not able to work, and needs the money. That I am glad to do.

    I think we should be toned & healthy, dress as slinky & look as fabulous as possible; go on mission trips, fellowships, snorkeling vacations, and have many, many adventures; so when anyone asks, with concern in their voice, how we are; we can truthfully answer, "GREAT!!!"

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Yikes Ruth hold down your hair. I was reading about the storm, Mother Nature she is in charge isn't she. Thank you for the description of the bog Nature it sounds a beautiful place to walk. Bobbi I know what you mean about feeling sore, can you imagine what kind of shape those real life boxers and cage fighters are in, I hope Chris motivates you as much as Eduardo does me - today I got a message on my facebook wall from one of the girls in last nights class, she wrote "I think he tried to kill us last night" and we keep going back Embarassed.

    Tonight I did a Body Step class and managed half a Zumba class before my feet screamed and led me out the door.

    Elizabeth want you to know that I'm thinking of you, and sending love and prayers for tomorrow (((HUG))).

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited October 2010

    Good morning-

    Just got caught up with posts and saw Elizabeth's updates...the biggest hug coming your way this morning!  You will be in my prayers today.

    Patoo, where are you going on the mission?  I missed that update.  I think that is very, very wonderful.  

    Nats and Nature...forgot about your SILs and I will say how blessed they are to have you two wonderful women there, coaching, supporting and loving them through this ordeal.

    After reading all the updates, I realize how important it is to stay connected to you women.  What a great team we have here.

    Retriever, I am right in step with you...saw onc last week; she said I am doing really well on A (I have developed a weird side effect of everything tasting bitter all of a sudden!)  I go for mammo in a week and a half, swelling is still there but got to go get it done sometime ;)

    Going to spin in a bit here and then a "bone" workout after that.  

    Have a great day Tartlettes.

