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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    {{{{{{{{{{Elizabeth!}}}}}}}}}}  We're all there holding your hand!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth, thinking of you right now.......strength and courage!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    HUGS!!!! Elizabeth HUGS!!!

    Dazd, going to Nicaragua.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2010

    Hi everyone,, when I am in the gym, I only wear bc logo tops.  My gym mates tell me I am an inspiration and I tell them don't forget to get your mammos. I too was in the supermarket and they were asking for donations for bc, I too already  gave one boob. I give to the causes when I want to. Not knocking Avon, but they wanted $2500 before you even got to the race.

     Lazy yesterday, but 1 hour of Zumba tonight.

    Have a great evening everyone.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    I do like, and wear the pink 'CANCER SUCKS' socks someone gave me. I wouldn't mind a 'F*CK CANCER' tee shirt either (although I wouldn't dare wear it out of the house!).

    The wind is still howling. They said the lowest air pressure ever recorded over land  was recorded in Minnesota yesterday; it was like a Class 3 hurricane wind.

     30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of abs. Need to get a couple things done around here. NIght All! Ruth

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth I was thinking of you today while I was waiting for my followup appt with my surgeon.Hope all went well with the biopsy.Talk to us when you feel up to it.(((HUGS)))

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Ruth the Santa Ana winds are blowing here, this morning I had to turn on my defroster and by lunchtime it was hot and dry and windy and I talked to my friend in Tennessee today and she is under tornado warnings - crazy weather. Tonight did Body Combat..... kick, punch, sweat, I'm exhausted it's all good.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    We had tornadoes Tuesday (not in my neighborhood, tho), wind again yesterday, in the 70's -- today it's going to be a high in the 40's.  Crazy.   Plenty of damage and one death that I know of but our immediate area escaped the worst of it, somehow.

    Ruth, I like T's like that too :)  But the ones I like the most, I don't have the nerve to wear, either!  I've been wearing my "Cancer Sucks" button lately.  But BC awareness -- really, if we're going to have a month for BC, let's make it about education, prevention, and cures.  Not about profit for corporations that exploit the disease.  I appreciate the things that are truly supportive and educational.  I don't appreciate the things that are exploitative, thoughtless, self-serving, and insensitive. Too many profit off a disease that kills thousands without doing anything other than wrapping their product in pink. I'm going to stop so I don't go on and on!

    I raked leaves yesterday -- the wind was laughing at me the whole time!  But I think most of them will stay in the street long enough to get picked up.  That was my walk.  I did a short TM and called it good for the day..  

    Elizabeth, thinking of you... as mum said, post when you feel like it.  

    Oh, ratz, lost track of time, have to be at a meeting in 15, later!!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2010

    Not a thing yesterday except climbing my stairs - lots of work.  Now off to spin/abs - will check in later.  Thinking of you Elizabeth..... 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010
    I am off to the gym not quite as fun as snorkling.Yell
  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited October 2010

    Did a 3 mile walk last night and had my second private Pilates lesson from 7-8am this morning - it's so nice having someone coach you making sure you're relaxing certain muscles to properly work other muscles.  Some of that Pilates equipment is really scary looking, but now that I've worked on it I'm beginning to understand what they're for. 

    We got that crazy weather here in the East yesterday - tornado watches and warnings all day (nothing touched down near us) and the sky kept getting all weird.  And wow was it humid - I was wringing wet when I got home from my walk last night!  We're supposed to be getting back to some proper fall weather overnight.

    Ronna - I hear you about Avon - I went to a meeting about last year's DC walk, and was floored when they expected everyone, including survivors, to raise that much money. I like the approach the local American Cancer Society takes for its Relay for Life and other events - survivors are honored guests, and they even have special survivor's receptions, luncheons, etc. at which survivors are guests.  Obviously if you want to donate that's great, but survivors are exempt from fundraising requirements and are encouraged to come to events to be honored.  I just got an email yesterday from Avon encouraging me to attend a meeting about the 2011 walk - I sent back an email asking why survivors are held to the same fundraising requirements and aren't treated as honored guests. As I told them, my family and friends have done so much for me during my treatment that there's no way I could even think of asking them for money.  I'll let you know if I get a response.  From what I understand, Komen is the same way, but I haven't verified that.

    Thinking of you Elizabeth!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth, I too am thinking of you. You are in my prayers.

     Ruthbru and Patoo: Yea, let's have a cyper party. I am with you all the way on this exercise trip.

    Patoo: What a wonderful gift of missionary work.

    Natsfan: Prior to my having BC, I knew no one who had it, ever had it,  So, of course, when I was the chosen one to get it, I got all involved with the Komen Race For the Cure.If I remember, they wanted at least $250.00, which was no problem. I managed to raise close to $1300.00 I did attend my first event, the worse possible weather going, and had my stepson and a friend wih me.  I am now a memer of the "Pink Honor Roll".I was just invited to a gala to begin the fund raising again. I asked all I knew once for money, I do not know if I can do it again. I never was one to ask someone to contribute to anything. The Komen tents and the gifts the survivors and friends got were pretty neat.  The sponsors were very generous in providing the little gifts However, you still had to pay for quite a few items that were sold there. I am collecting all the yogart tops and sending them in. Oh yeah, I got 2 free survivor shirts and a cap from Komen. I would take them anyday over Avon. The $2500 number really pissed me off.

    I am still debating whether to go to the inital fund raising social for Komen.

    As to exercise today, I went to gym this morning did 20 minutes on elliptical and 10 on bike and an abdominal machine.  I have to take Nexium in morning wait one hour to eat, so I decided not to waste my time and went to gym to pass the hour.

    NatureGrrl: I would love to meditate but I can' sit still, could not even do yoga. I do think of the beach when undergoing testing for anything.

    Today in East Hanover, NJ the weather is perfect, and the autumnal look is right where it should be. The changing of the colors of the trees are awesome.

     Wishing everyone a healthy and happy day. (Try)


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited October 2010

    I saw Dr. Palestrand yesterday for my biopsy. He looked at my films and said he did not see what the tech's who read my reports what they are looking at in my femurs. He also consulted with 3 other Dr. He did question the hip and is concerned about my spine. So he made the decision not to do the biopsy cause he does not want to take it from the spine if he can help it. So he is having me do a MRI on my hip with and without contrast. If he can go through the hip then that is what he will do. If he has to go through the spine then he will do it. Yay! for nothing on the femurs yet do not like to hear it is still in my spine now possibly looking at the hip. So Friday is my MRI and I will know more next week. So basically more waiting. ugh! I just want it over with. My Dr. also had me stop doing exercise because she is concerned about bone fractures cause that is what the tumors do when they are in the bones. Though I am walking instead.  The weather here is very nice so I am taking advantage of it. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and concerns. Feels good to have somewhere and I will be back more often. Just have a lot on my mind and been taking care of my granddaughter which I so love to do. Thanks for listening or reading. (((((hugs))))) love ya!

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Oh, Elizabeth, more waiting, argh!  But at least a little good news, right?  So... you know I'm still sending prayers and healing thoughts!    Glad you get to spend time with your granddaughter, that has to be spirit-lifting.  Hugs and more hugs!  You couldn't have a better group sending you healing energy.

    Ronna, given how snarly I was at traffic on the way to my meeting this morning (my own fault I was running behind), I think I need to meditate a whole lot more! Smile

    Later, Tarts!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth at least no biopsy necesary I have a friend going through same problems unexplained cracks in her spine.She has been 10 years ned so I am worried.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    I have been off exercise since starting Effexor (for tamoxifen SEs) on Friday... it makes me nauseous and tired, so I started taking it in the evening and started exercising again.  Yesterday did 20 minutes on the bike, today walked twice at work and will do 15-20 on the bike.  And I'm adding 2lb dumbells, 10 reps this week.

    I'll pray for you Elizabeth.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Yes, Elizabeth, we continue to pray and await more results. 

    Theresap60 - good for you that you are still doing something - just don't overdo.

    Hmmmmm, should take my own advice and 'do something'.  Okay, tomorrow and the weekend will definitely get workouts in - promise!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    And, I do feel the difference.  I'm definitely stiffer and feeling it in my hip and knee.  Had stopped once I was exercising 6 days a week and upped my Vit D.  So, exercise does really make a difference.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    I agree Patoo - I feel much more creaky since not excercising regularly!  I will be  able to go for a  walk again in the morning - can't wait - have been really missing it!

    Wish I could keep up with everyone else, but just find it hard to find the time now!!  Keep up the great job everyone!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Elizabeth, I just try and keep up with myself but use everyone here to get me motivated (though their voices have not been scary enough lately). 

    I'm very proud of everyone.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    Snow on the ground yesterday morning (it burned off pretty quick), but I got out to walk this morning before leaving for the doc's office.  Saw the rad onc this visit, he pronounced everything good, except he's concerned that my arm is bothering me.  Even tho there's no swelling, he wants me to be fitted for a sleeve to wear whenever I fly, just in case.

    I won't be going to AZ.  My dog's lame.  Had a series of x-rays done today and will hear from the canine ortho tomorrow.  Bummer.

    DH drove to Iowa and spent the night at a motel in Nebraska last night.  Didn't plug the truck in.  Uh, oh.  Woke up to a truck that wouldn't start.  Thank goodness for Walmart and extension cord.

    Thinking of you Elizabeth.  Hope the MRI gives the docs the info they need.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Hey, hey, hey......walking IS exercise!!!! So glad to hear from you Elizabeth, etc. and we are all praying and hoping that your news will be good. I will be offline for a couple days. We are leaving at noon tomorrow to go down to Iowa for the funeral of my 95 year old Aunt Nell on Saturday. She was a tremendous lady; the first role model I had of a strong, independent woman. (I could tell you many stories but it's almost midnight & I still have to get clothes out of the dryer, packing to do etc.). She had a real zest for life and it will be a celebration of a life well lived. I got 15 minutes of toning in with Richard & that is all tonight. I will bring my tennis shoes with & try to get some walking in. I will probably peek in tomorrow morning, and be back again Sunday night. I love you all!!!!!!! Ruth

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2010

    Have a good trip Ruth!  I went to a funeral yesterday for my Great Aunt.  It was really nice to hear about a life well lived!!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    No exercise for me last night - instead we went to see "Oklahoma" at Arena Stage in DC - so much fun! But of course this morning I was too tired to work out.  I also have an earworm of "Oooooooooooooooooooooooook-lahoma where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain" that just won't go away!  I'm currently dressed up as a pirate - just for fun at work - so far I've seen a cowboy, a witch, and a Black-Eyed Pea (she has a black eye and the letter P hung around her neck).  With losing over 40% of our staff due to budget cuts in the last 3 years, we need to find what cheerfulness we can so we're wearing costumes and decorating our offices. 

    Elizabeth - some good news, but more waiting!!  Hang in there girl - we're all with you.  Theresa - good for you for getting going - I think most of us here find that exercise really does help s/es.  Retriever - snow!  Wow.  Sorry about the pooch - hope the vet can figure out what's going on ASAP.  Patoo - sending voices!!!!  Mary Louise and Ruth - I'm sorry about your Aunts - they both sound like they were remarkable women.   

    We're off to the cabin this weekend and plan to do a big hike, so hopefully that will make up for my lack of exercise. 

    (And the earworm continues - "Oooooooooooooooooooooooook-lahoma where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain!" - make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!)

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Safe trip, Ruth.  What a wonderful role model.  And your great-aunt, Mary Louise.  Women are AMAZING!

    retriever, congrats on the good news!!  My LE therapist mentioned stage zero of LE, which is the heaviness you feel before your arm starts swelling, and also warned me away from salt, sugar, and caffeine when flying.  Good to be proactive on it!  Fortunately I have none of that yet.  Hope your dog is better soon, poor puppy.

    Mary, costumes are fun, there should be some good ones around campus this weekend, I'll have to keep my eyes open (with Purdue getting squashed 49-0 by OSU last weekend we sure need some fun!).  But if I'm singing "Oklahoma" tunes all weekend I'm blaming you!  Wink (and my mom, who raised me on all those musicals!).

    After all our winds the yard looks like I never raked it, argh!! but I saw the truck pick up the leaves I left in the street so I know at least some of them made it to the city compost!  Temps dropped about 25 degrees from earlier in the week, walk at the marsh yesterday was very blustery but beautiful, and the cold front that passed through brought in 100's of waterfowl.  Finally looks and feels like fall!

    Today it's calm out, sunny, going into the 50's... taking my binocs and heading to the marsh.  Enjoy the day, everyone... and stock up on Halloween candy!


  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited October 2010

    Hey, hi there, ho there, hello!

    Elizabeth, you are in Prayer Central.  Thought about you so much yesterday.

    Nats/Mary-are you thinking about our SF Giants at all Wink?  It's been very exciting here.

    I had a bad side effect day.  Can it be that just a few slip ups cause side effects?  I had a glass of hard cider during the first World Series game and yesterday I felt BAD all day.  Didn't drink enough water either.

    The day before I found out that one of my dear friends, who has been struggling with memory issues for a couple years, does indeed have Alzheimer's.  It's a long story-she's only two years older than me, but I have been taking her to our exercise class (which miraculously she doesvery well at!) for several months, and making dinner on occasion for her and her husband (he has been shuttling her to doctors and driving her everywhere because she can't remember directions.)  I knew it was a strong possiblity, but to hear from him that it was real...

    WHY!?!?  Why does this stuff happen?  I wanna fight it!  Stupid, stupid, stupid stuff!

    I figure we just keep fighting back, help, pray, pray some more and ask God for some big time help.  

    There's too much good in this world, and I want to keep thinking about that part of life.

    So thanks again for letting me vent.

    Now I'm going back to read more of your posts.




  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited October 2010

    Slept terrible because I kept waking up thinking, "Oh yeah, I need to remember the cell phone charger."....."Oh yeah, need to remember some actual cash."......."Oh yeah, need to remember......" Finally got up and did my 30 minute Pilate's DVD......luckily DH likes to drive (or maybe just doesn't trust my driving?!), so once we pull out of the driveway I will be able to relax. Since my aunt had planned every single detail of her 'funerally' things, I am sure it will be a well done and uplifting time (I don't want to say fun, but that is how she would want it, for her 80th birthday she rented a big ballroom and threw herself a party with strolling violins, ice sculptures, men in tuxedos passing out hors d'oeuvres etc.). Happy weekend all! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Firstly Mary, I am the most easily influenced person so now all day I am going to be Ooooooooklahoma - ing thank you, thank you very much!!!!!!  Elizabeth more waiting ughhh just enjoy being Grandma to Aubrey and know that we're all here pulling for you.  Ruth and Mary Louise I'm so sorry for your losses.   Retriever hope everything is okay with your pup.  Theresa you have to experiment and find out what works best for your body as everyone metabolizes differently, I take my Femara at lunchtime and I switched to evening as people were saying how they slept better doing it at night, well I was amped up and awake all night doing it that way.  I did go to the gym last night and did my RPM spin class but I had a miserable day/evening as along with those Santa Ana winds came allergies.  Woke up sneezing at 4am and had dripping nose, sneezing and a pain in my eye all day anyway after class came home took a couple of Benadryl and went to bed - didn't even turn on the computer which is a firstSurprised.  Patoo don't forget you're going to working out full time in Nicaragua so you need to do a little before you go so you'll be ready for it .  Ruth in case you forget anything - I have it on good authority they have shops in Iowa - girls this is my mantra for traveling.  Don't stress, if you forget anything just buy it when you get there.  

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    (Ruth, don't know if you'll see this, but thought I'd let you know I finally got my shopping therapy in -- new earrings and a new scarf Laughing ) (I needed it after a stressful morning trying to figure out how to get to Portland, OR and get my stuff moved back here, two weeks from now, with only one day in PDX..... AAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKK) Surprised

    Kim, I'm sorry about your friend.  I rail against the craziness of life, too... thanks for reminding me where to keep my focus.

    Cheryl, don't blow away.  And hope your allergies clear up soon!

    It's absolutely gorgeous here today.  Walked and walked at the marsh. 

    All together now, Tartlettes:    O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A........