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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited October 2010

    Don't you know the way to get one show tune out of your head is to start another?  So I will sing Camelot instead :)

    Taught a lesson outside this morning (after the frost burned off), then went to an Indian buffet for lunch and stuffed myself.  Before DH left, we finalized a new car search, so I am having fun running errands.  Off to Kohl's and Famous Footwear for some retail therapy that wouldn't harm the wallet too much.  Thanks for your concerns for my dear Golden boy.  He is feeling much better today, and I will consult with the ortho about the films to see what he recommends.

    I debated going for my walk or cleaning up the garden.  Since more snow/rain is in the forecast, I decided on the latter.  The dogs realized they could steal green tomatoes from the wheelbarrow when my back was turned.  Usually this time of year they are picking apples from the tree, but it didn't yield this time.

    Halloween is really big around here.  I have neighbors who have a haunted train ride that is attracting hundreds of people a night.  Hope everyone has a great weekend, 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited October 2010

    Indian food, yum!

    My dog used to eat green beans off the vine, which I wouldn't have minded, but she would pull the whole vine down in the process :)

    Only costume I saw today was a gladiator.  He looked pretty good  Wink

    I thought of raking leaves again but decided to walk instead.  Blustery again but lovely.  

    Good night to rug up with a book and listen to the wind.

    Elizabeth.... {{{{{{you}}}}}}

    Ta ta, tarts!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    I'm easily influenced too but won't get the Ooooooooklahoma - ing because I'm practicing for Christmas cantata and have 'O Holy Night' constantly in my head - yes, it's too early and driving me nuts!!!  But Nats, I heard your voices and got in 90 minutes of water aerobics this morning - thanks.

    Then went to a viewing for co-workers son who died in one-car accident on Monday.  He had called his dad just as he was leaving work and 30 mins later he was gone.  So sad - he was only 24 and had a bright future.  The funeral hall was packed.  I didn't know the kid but was in tears anyway.  Please hug your kids and grands - in the twinkling of an eye...

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2010

    Hi all, .

     Yesterday I started a zumba tape in the house, went out and came back at night and finished it.

    This morning went to 45 minute zumba class at gym. Expect a ton of kids tomorrow night for Halloween.

    That's it for awhile, cause fipple on Monday, fatgrafting and keloid fixing.

    Stay well my friends, Hopefully back on site Tuesd.

    Keep on exercising.

    With hugs,

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited October 2010

    Patoo 24 is way too young it is just so heartbreaking to lose a child, you're right we should always hug those we love and tell them how we feel. Glad you got to the gym today, I was in Kohls this afternoon and all the christmas stuff is out - yikes. Yum for me on the Indian food as well and Nature don't get blown away. Did a Body Combat class this morning and am feeling it in my legs right now.

    I got a phone call from my docs office yesterday afternoon - they want to see me - had my blood work done on tuesday and it's come back high cholesterol and high potassium. Why is it when that darned call comes all you hear is whooshing in your ears I didn't even think to ask what the numbers were or have them fax me a copy of the results, I have an appointment next thursday so I guess I'll have to wait till then and deal with it, but next weekend I'm going to Kansas as it's my Hannahs 18th birthday.

  • kathylev
    kathylev Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2010

    i Ladies,

    I don't check in much, but I have been exercising.  I play tennis most weekday mornings and try to get to the gym for classes at least 3 times a week.  This week I started working with a personal trainer to help me use the right form when I exercise. I have to admit that I'm also eating a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream as I write.  

    Wow, Patoo, I'm so impressed by your volunter work!   You are so good-hearted!  Also, so sad about your co-worker's son.  You're right -everybody give an extra hug to your loved ones.  

    Elizabeth - I hope things went well with your MRI today.

    And safe trips to all of you who are travelling, even it's just on another shopping spree.  

    Good night all.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2010

    Hi all.  Quick pass by.  Ronna, post for us on Tuesday if you can to let us know how you are doing.  HBcheryl, try not to stress too much waiting as usually the wait is worse then the outcome.   I would suggest Kathylev share some ice cream and whipped cream with you but she's on one side of the country (mine) and you're wayyyyyyyyyyy out west.  The ice cream would melt by the time her spoon got to your lips. 

    Took nice walk after church (and Chinese lunch).  Just about made the 10.000 steps so will march in place before bed to make it over.

    Hope everyone has a good week. 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    MRI was on Friday they said I should have the results on Monday. So as time goes by I am just waiting. I am glad everyone is exercising faithfully. I know there is a lot of things going on in everyones lives. I appreciate you thinking of me and praying. It truly means a lot. I have not been exercising it is recommended that I don't until we know the results and what it is I am suppose to do. So nothing till Nov 13th. So I may just take a little walk around the block. I cannot imagine not doing anything after this long working so hard at it. Hope everyone had a good halloween.

    Blessings your way, Elizabeth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Happy Halloween everyone.  Did Body Step class today and was right in front of the mirror - yikes. I have to keep reminding myself I'm twice as old as these girls (and twice their size) and even when I was young I was never a runner or a jumper and today my knees were feeling really creaky.

    Good to see you Elizabeth fingers crossed for monday, I'm sure you're missing the exercise as it is addicting, I am keeping you in my prayers. You know me well Patoo I would accept the ice cream. I went to buy candy after the gym and Target had nothing left in the Halloween aisle so I just picked up some Snickers and Peanut Butter cups, I really wanted Kit Kats and Crunches but too bad I left it till the last minute. Have a great week everyone.  There are ghosts and gremlins at my front door.  Boo

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Dazed - your Giants are looking good! I have a sentimental attachment to Senators teams that were stolen from DC (Twins and Rangers) but SF is one of my all-time favorite ballparks, so it's hard to root against them as well. My cousin is visiting her grandkids in SF this week, and says that the whole town is going nuts over the Giants. Tonight could be the night! I'm sorry about your friend with Alzheimer's - I just got word a few weeks ago that a dear friend was just diagnosed with early-onset dementia - he's my age (55) and can no longer work because of it. Truly sad. Nature - shopping therapy - I've decided that I absolutely need some snappy leather ankle boots - I'm off work on November 11th so plan on checking out DSW that day.  Retriever - OK, now I have Camelot going through my head - turn about is fair play since I infected so many of you with an Oklahoma earworm!  Glad your pooch seems to be on the mend. Patoo- how tragic about your friend.  A co-worker lost her 19 year old daughter 10 years ago this month the same way - they've become very involved in Compassionate Friends, helping others who are faced with that same tragedy. Ronna - good luck with your "touch up" surgery. I have a similar touch up scheduled for the 18th. Cheryl - you are so good with your classes - showing those youngsters that we oldsters still have a few moves left in us!  Kathy - our tennis pro!!  I'm impressed by how much you play. Elizabeth - keeping you in my thoughts.

    We knocked off 3 more miles of the Maryland AT this weekend for another 6 mile round trip. It was cool and crispy and we had some beautiful views.  20 minutes elliptical this morning, and now I'm off to get a good upper body workout - raking the leaves!!  Yes, it's that time of year again.

    Whew - talk about long posts . . . 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited November 2010

    Back to the gym today but my arthritis is really acting up with this cold damp weather.For some reason feet and hands are bad. Hard to workout when your feet are that swollen.

    Elizabeth pls keep us updated on your mri((HUGS)))

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Hello Everyone! I've been reading & reading to catch up.....Ronna, hope your surgery went smoothly. Elizabeth, thinking of you! Cheryl, I have my yearly checkup next week. I have to go in for blood work Thursday, and am worried about the cholesterol too as mine is always shaky! Mum, you need to plan another snorkeling trip for medicinal purposes.....maybe you can get a prescription!? Nature, I used to have a cat who would sit in the garden and eat green beans right off the vine! Mary, I am watching the game as I type.

    OK, me.....actually exercised quite a bit. Walked 30 minutes on the treadmill once we got to the hotel Friday night to get rid of the 'creaks', walked for an hour Sat. afternoon with my SIL. And did the treadmill and some toning when we got home last night.

    Now, I have to say a few words about my Aunt Nell. When she was young, women were not welcomed in the business world; so she combined her business talent with her love of travel and adventure and founded her own travel club (leading tours until she was well into her 80s). In the peak years, her club had over 5,000 members, she traveled to 46 different countries, was proficient in four languages, was very involved in a photography club, a writing club and many activities of her church (including being a soloist for the choir for many years). When I was sick, she was a tremendous support to me, calling me weekly to see how I was doing, offering encouragement, & sending me a large check with orders to buy a really good wig when I lost my hair. She had a zest for life, and a no-nonsense approach to difficulties which was contagious. She was ready to move on to her next big adventure, and had planned out every detail of her funeral; the scriptures, the songs, even what should be served at the luncheon (she had her committal at the cemetary before the actual funeral so that the sad stuff could be gotten over with; everyone could celebrate her life at the church service AND stay as long as they wanted at the luncheon....didn't want the eating/visiting portion of the day to be cut short....what a lady!!!).

    Did 30 minutes on the treadmill & 30 minutes of toning tonight. Take Care! Ruth

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Just checking in ... raked leaves this weekend and my arms are sore!  Did 25 mins on the bike and walked at work today.  Effexor and/or exercise is helping to loosen up my achy tamox joints!

    NatsFan:  We heard the commercial on the radio on the way home today for Oklahoma at Arena Stage! :-)  I saw it at Wolf Trap years ago and loved it.  My DH won't go near a musical.

    Patoo:  How do you keep track of your steps?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Cheryl, Kansas is near OKLAHOMA, where the wind comes racing down the plains.........

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2010

    Hi, 3 days in a row - YAY!  Did water aerobics class tonight and ran after for total of 75 mins.   Also have 4160 steps so that's good.   Still need to eat better though. 

    Theresap60, I use Omron pedometer.  I find that brand to be very good and quiet.  I've had others, inexpensive but they don't seem to keep the steps accurately and click when you walk which annoys me.  Love my omron - clip it on every morning and leave it until I go to bed (which will be in a few minutes).

    Giants just won!

    Ruthbru, stop with the Oklahoma - now it's gonna be in my head while I sleep!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Dang Ruth I was just getting it out of my head. It sounds like your Aunt was a wonderful woman, a true pioneer and a life well lived I raise my glass and toast to her full and happy life. Nats you are really knocking miles off that trail, isn't it amazing when you think of the early settlers and what they endured. Well tonight I did Body Combat and once again Eduardo has spent the weekend training trainers so we all were being critiqued as if we were professionals, at least he keeps us on our toes. Won't be exercising tomorrow as my friend is coming in from England and I'm picking him up at LAX at 4pm then my friend from Tennessee is also coming into LAX at 6.15 then we're all heading out to dinner.Now all together Ooooooooklahoma (sorry Patoo).    Nite all.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Wow - gone for a few days and so much to catch up on.  I am off today so will craft a newsy post after my bike ride this morning.  It's a chilly 35 so have to bundle up for the trail.  Think I will sing Oklahoma!! while riding today.  Ruth - your Aunt sounds terrific - what a wonderful person to have in your life.  I bet the funeral was packed.  More later.....  Hugs to you Elizabeth.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Mum - I'm so sorry about your arthritis acting up.  It does make it difficult to work out when you hurt.  Maybe Tai Chi or something like that?  Ruth - your Aunt Nell sounds like an amazing woman.  What a dynamo.  She sounds like someone who was determined to live her life as fully as possible.  And how kind she was to you - calling so regularly during your treatment and sending you $$ for a good wig. As we all have found out on this journey, not everyone steps up to the plate for us during times like this - but it sounds like she hit it out of the ballpark for you.  (yes I tend to use baseball analogies a lot!) Theresa - I had to drag my dh to Oklahoma as well (what is it about men and musical theatre?) but he loved it and now he's been worse than I about singing the songs! Patoo- it sounds like you're really back to the Exercising Patoo.  Maybe for whatever reason your body was telling you to take a bit of a break for a while, and now after that break you're able to get back to your old routines.  Cheryl - two trips to LAX in one day - yikes!!  You'll be ready for a good margarita (or 2) after all that freeway driving. 

    Raked briskly for 45 minutes last night for a good upper body workout.  But looking up at our trees, only about 20% of the leaves have fallen, so it looks like I'm in for a few more of those workouts! 

    As part of my need-to-shake-things-up program, I bought a stand for my Wii Fit board to make it into a stepper, and also bought the Wii Fit Plus as I'd gotten to the point where the Wii Fit workout just wasn't doing it for me anymore.  The Wii Fit Plus has several improvements and new exercises.  I had fun doing a 23 minute workout this morning - I liked the boxing the best!  The best thing I've found so far is that you can customize your own routines to do the exercises you want consecutively so you don't have to keep flipping back and forth between yoga, strength training, games, etc. like you had to on the Wii Fit.  I want to develop some routines that concentrate in vdifferent areas, then do them a few times a week.  So far I'm pleased with it - it moves a lot faster so you get more time to work out and less time waiting as it gives you "helpful" tips - it skips most of that rah-rah stuff now and gets right to the routines.  

    The Giants win the Series!  The Giants win the Series!  Dazed - is SF going crazy?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    I wanted the Giants to win eventually; but secretly I wouldn't have minded if the Rangers would have won last night, just so we could stretch out the season a little longer!

    Here is a good 'Musicals and Men' story. Last summer we went to a production of 'A Little Night's Music' with some friends. It was in a beautiful outdoor setting and extremely well done. At the intermission, we all got drinks and were visiting, when the husband of the other couple shook his head and said," I would rather be doing community service!" My DH was laughing so hard that he had pop coming out of his nose!!!!!!!!

    Aunt Nell was also a firm believer in exercise....she walked every day well into her 80s, until she had knee replacement surgery, then she switched to a recumbant bike, which she rode until just a few months ago.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone.

    Patoo: Surgery was at 8:00 a.m. and I was home by 3:00 yesterday. All wrapped up in the tube top and cotton which they put on you. A little pain. My cheeks are deep red, hospital just called and told me to take 10 deep breaths every hour and try and cough a little. I guess this is in lieu of the little breathing apparatus when someone stays at hospital. I only took one oxy so far. Thank you for your thoughts. They took skin for fip from groin area. Otherwise, I am fine.

    Ruthbu. Hi, I ame fine. Thank you.

    Being that I cannot go to gym now for another 4-6 weeks, I will put my trackometer on too.

    I got mine from Jenny Craig. -- if only I can find it now.

     Now I am singing Ooooooklahoma too.

    Eizabeth, I am still thinking about you.

    I think about everyone on this site.

    Will check in later. Have a great day everyone!!


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010
    Ronna - glad you are home.  Take it easy for a couple of days and let your body heal.  Nats - remember Shovel and Sculpt from last winter?  That's what the raking is - Rake and Sculpt.  Shovelling will be upon us soon!!  The Wi sounds great - didn't know they had boxing.  I just got my new boxing gloves from amazon and have been air boxing at SO.  He just laughs Kiss.  Cheryl - 2 trips to LAX???  Two margaritas and have fun with your friends.  Enjoying my day off today and going to VOTE in a few minutes.  Had my bike ride and did the ab tape this morning.  The rest of the day will start switching out my closet - this will take me into the weekend, I assure you.  I hate this job.  I only wear the same 5 or 6 things each season so should really donate all that I've accumulated through the years.  Things don't fit the same anymore anyway Frown  Then I can justify a little retail therapy.  The cats are curling about my legs and lap while typing - it's getting cold for them now too.  Have a great day all!  Hello Exercise Patoo - when do you leave for your trip?
  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Ronna drink lots of water to get that anesthesia out of your system.  Looking like it's one trip to LAX as Johns flight is delayed so I'll just get him and go over to the encounter restaurant (that funny spaceship looking building and have a drink and wait for flight #2 - I'll be driving so no drinking but I know he'll have a beer).  Bobbi SO will be sorry if he "accidently" runs into your fist, and we've got another boxing convert in Nats, yeah.  Have you seen that new dance program that Xbox has, too bad that kid took her Xbox to college cause it looks like fun.  Got up extra early and was at the polling place at 6.45am and was 5th in line to vote oh and it was dark so fall is supposedly here but we are having a week of heat it's 80 degrees sun is shining and sky is blue.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2010

    There was a great article by Paul Simon on Stephen Sondheim's new book in the Sunday NY Times.  I'm now reciting "Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd, his skin was pale and his eye was odd."  My DH can sleep thru any performance, but he was amazed at how much he enjoyed "Joseph" with Donny Osmond. 

    Lovely day.  I plan to take off early from work so I can walk.

    Long line at the polling station this morning; there were a couple of machines malfunctioning.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Ronna - glad your surgery went well - take it easy and don't overdo!  Bobcat - I do remember Shovel and Sculpt from last winter - I thought of it while I was raking! And I have to do the closet switch this weekend too - hard to say good bye to all the little summer tops, but then it's fun to bring out the favorite sweaters again.  Cheryl - glad you only have one trip to LAX - cool that you're going into that spaceship thingy there - I've seen it tons of times but have never been in it.  I actually got officially engaged in the parking lot of LAX - dh was living in California and I was living in Maryland when we met.  He'd proposed and I'd accepted, but it wasn't until I flew into LAX for a visit that he gave me my engagement ring. It was appropriate because we met on a plane.  

    Thank goodness for early voting - I voted a week ago Saturday so I didn't have to work it in my schedule today. It's not as warm here as you have today, Cheryl - 46 degrees out, but it's sunny and the leaves are pretty so like Retriever, I'm opting for a walk after work today.    

  • Cydz
    Cydz Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2010

    Hi Ladies! I am 9 weeks out of surgery and am at a point where I can join you! I finished my reconstruction after TE's on 9/1. Last Friday I went back to yoga and did a restorative yoga class called Gentle Oasis! It was wonderful! Nice gentle stretches worked my very tight chest muscles! Sunday morning, my husband and I did a long bike ride, nice to get back on my bike. Today I did a half hour of WII Fit! I love it, feels like I am playing video games! Happy to be here with you all! 

    Do people really post everyday? Just checking...

    Hey Elizabeth, didn't know you did this!!! How fun! 

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Hi Cindy, so glad you joined us. Yes everyone checks in just about some here and there. That has been me lately. Am frustrated called the office today to find out about my MRI results & Dr. Palestrant had to leave on an emergency and will not be back until the 15th. I do not know how long my films would of sat there if I did not call them. They asked me if I wanted to wait. HELL NO!!! So they are forwarding them to a Dr. Wittenburg. In the same office with Palestrant. He is young only 34 where Dr. Palestrant is 64 and has had 35 years experience & comes highly recommended. If it happens to be the spine the only place to take the biopsy then I will wait for Dr. Palestrant to do it. The hip I am not to worried about. If you know what I mean. I am  proud of you working out Cindy.  That is great. See you on Saturday!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Hi, Ronna glad you are done with the sugery and can start the recoop part!

    Welcome, Cindy! Yes, people are always posting every day, so we are always on the 'active list' more ways than one Smile.

     I early voted two weeks ago; the campaigns have been so negative that I was tempted to write in "None of the Above"!

    Beautiful out today, so I walked and walked after work. Pretty soon it will be dark by the time I get out of there, even if the weather holds.

    Elizabeth, ARGH!!!! 'Would you like to wait?' Could they ask a stupider questions? So when do you see the other guy? Let us know.

    I have to attack the piles of 'stuff' piled up on the dining room table. Later! Ruth

  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Ruth have not heard from the other Dr. yet. I better hear tomorrow or I am going to be a pest on the phone every hour on the hour till I find out what is going and when can I get this biopsied. I want this over with and just want to know what the hell is going on. My husband reassurred me that it would be good to take the young Dr cause he would have a more sturdy hand and keen eyesight. Made me think. Still thinking! Called my onc to ask how they felt about Dr. Wittenburg they do highly recommend him as well. So that made me feel much better. Now just to get this thing rolling. That would be great. I just want answers and get moving on with my life back to what the new normal is now. Any way's just venting. Thanks everyone!! Thinking of you all and seeing you enjoy exercise. Ugh! I miss it so much! As soon as they say no cancer to the gym I am going that is a promise!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Hang in there, Elizabeth. Be as big of a pest as you need to be to get results. YOU are paying THEM to work for YOU!!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2010

    Ruthbru, I'm with you with the negative campaigns - they are just disgusting from all sides.  I wish we could get a law that says no campaigning until 60 days before an election.  Let them accumulate their dirt, hold on to it and then put it all in one ad to get it out of their system and save us the tendency to throw up.  Okay, enough of my rant on that.

    Welcome Cydz.  We find if we post everyday it keeps us accountable.  If we don't post then we don't have to tell on ourselves, but we also don't feel the need to make sure we exercise.

    Did another 60 min water aerobics class after work (and after voting).

    Ronna, happy to see you came through okay.  Take it easy and heal.

    Night Sculptresses.