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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth, just popping in to let you know I'm thinking of you!  I can't believe (well, yes I can) that you have to keep playing the waiting game.  Be a pest.  They really don't get how hard this is for people. 

    Good point about the younger dr. -- older docs have more experience, but younger docs are sometimes more up on the current information/techniques.  Hard call.

    Will post my own stuff later when I have more time.  Keep on keepin' on, everyone!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth - I also can't believe they asked you if you wanted to wait - hellooooo!!??  And be a pest - these are your results and you are entitled to them.  And it might not be a bad thing to have another set of eyes look over your records now and then.  It is a tough call on the surgery, but I think I'd be inclined to get done whatever needs to be done ASAP - that's just me.  Welcome Cydz - yes, many of us do post daily - as Patoo says, it keeps us accountable. 

    I did my 3 mile walk after work - between the speed I was going and the Femara hot flashes, I ended up taking off my sweatshirt and was in just a t-shirt and nylon sweats and was still hot - in 46 degree weather!  One lady who looked to be in her 70's (who was bundled from head to toe) looked at me like I was crazy, and said, "Aren't you cold?"  I just said, "Hot flashes!" as I huffed by and she laughed.  This morning I played on the Wii Fit Plus for 23 minutes - I really do like the boxing, and there's another silly fun game where you're a seagull and have to flap your wings (arms) and move your body to land on pilings - you get points for every successful landing.  I have a terrible time with the hula hoop game - I just can't get my hips moving like that!  But it's fun and the 20 minutes goes by so fast!

    Now that the election is over, would all the candidates please remove those signs that are all over the median strips? They make everything look so trashy.  

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Biked 20 minutes, 2 reps 2#s of upper body dumb bells, stretches, steps.

    Patoo  I'm still intriged by your pedometer and will look more into it this weekend.  Sometimes, like this weekend, I just marched in place while I waited for the dryer to ding... I should get credit for that! :-)

    And I like the reminders about Wii Fit.... my DD has it in her bedroom and she needs to get it out where I can use it!!  I loved the boxing program too.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Can I scream for awhile, please?


    I'm having a stressful time, nothing serious but just additional stuff that's got me on the anxiety train (dx mammo next week, then a few days later, I have to fly 2200 miles one day, pack all my belongs into a 21' trailer the second day (and after 4 years in storage I have no idea what condition my things are in), and fly 2200 miles back the next), then a week later unload it all into a garage that needs to be cleaned out first (which means cleaning out a shed first....) , which is Thanksgiving week, which I have to work throughout, and I'm being pulled by family wanting me to come to dinner (can't) and other family coming here that weekend even though I wish they wouldn't.  After that I can breath again, except I MUST find a full-time job WITH health insurance no later than March, and move out of this house and into another place.

    So, walking and TM are pretty important right now.

    I'm done complaining, just had to get it all out.

    I've been reading all your posts, laughing at appropriate times, sending sympathy at other times, and trying to cheer you on in my thoughts.  I've been walking most days and TM-ing every day.  So far I'm still on the anxiety train but I do have moments of calm.

    Anyway, I'll try to keep up so I don't have to skip replying to so many posts.  Thinking of you all!   Thanks for listening to my babble.

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Howdy from Giantmania Town...

    Nats, yes we are going crazy.  We are very proud of our Giants.

    Carol-here's the biggest virtual hug!  I'm with you next week on the dx mammo-my first one since surgery-so we are going to KICK it and get that behind us!  I don't have to do all you have to do and I feel for you.  I think the other family should NOT sounds like you have your poor hands full, and don't need the stress!  So I'm sending prayers and hugs your way...~~~~~~~~

    EBAnn, I think and pray about you every morning.  I'll be so glad when you get your info!  This seems like it is off topic, but on the show Mad Men, they had a quote from Honore deBalzac (I think that is correct)..."Our worst fears lie in anticipation."  No one knows that like our sistas!  

    Ruth, your auntie sounds so cool, LOVE hearing stories about strong women like that.  Patoo, swing by and say hi to my son in Argentina when you are in SA, ok?  Hardee har har!  Seriously, proud of you, and proud of your sticking with the program last few days.

    Ronna, healing vibes for you~~~~~.

    Yes the elections are over.  My goodness.  What a bunch of nasty stuff we had here in California, right HBCheryl?  Whew!  Both sides were not behaving themselves.

    I'm doing that horribly destructive thing where I think of every bad outcome possible for my mammo next week.  I was doing so well until just yesterday.  Let's face it:  I'm scared.  I know all of you have been there.  You are my heroes.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2010

    Babble and rant all you want; it's what helps to keep us sane.

    How about tellilng the family that wants you to come to dinner that they have to clean your shed first.  Then tell the ones coming for the weekend that they have to clean the garage and take hourly walks with you.  That should take care of both groups who may suddenly have other plans.

    Bottom line is your health is more important than anything.  Maybe you can do TM-ing the whole weekend they are there!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2010

    I'm also due for my follow-up dx mammo this month.  Will schedule it for when I'm back but not worrying about it.  My motto is there's nothing there until told otherwise.


  • ebann
    ebann Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2010

    Well Dr. Wittenberg got back with me and the breast cancer has spread to the hip, pelvis, and spine. He does not recommend a biopsy cause of the severity of it. It is on the hip and the location. If he was to do a biopsy it could bleed out and also be very painful. He will not do the spine cause it is to close to the nervous system.I can choose to do it if I did a general and stayed in the hospital for a couple of days. What does one do?

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Aw, Elizabeth, I feel like such a rat for all my whining when you're going through all that.  I'm really sorry you have to deal with this.  I don't have any advice for you.  I guess unless I thought the biopsies would give me new information (and I know sometimes they can), I wouldn't bother -- I'd start into treatment options.  Anyway, that said, I really can't give any advice because I'm not where you are and I don't have a clue what I'd do.  All I can do is offer a warm hug and keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  Wish I had more to offer.  Big, warm hug......

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2010

    Me too Elizabeth...I wish I was there in Arizona to give you a hug! I'm hugging you right now though, wrapping everything around you...  

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Just read through all the posts from today - noting all the happenings and anticipated responses to and from my friends...Elizabeth, you take my breath away and I have nothing to say except that all my thoughts and prayers are for you... Good night, Sculptresses.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth, so sorry for this news.  I can't even think right now but what would be the point of the biopsies?  You need treatment to start.  Did he discuss your tx options?  Utterly speechless. 

    Sending many HUGS.  Need one just reach up, over, around and pluck one out of the air.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010

    Oh Elizabeth! We are all sending our love and prayers to you. It seems to me biopsies would be risky and rather pointless (and that you'd want to get going on treatment ASAP) but maybe check it out with some of the Stage IV ladies, who are really smart and know what they are talking about (unlike myself!). Keep us in the loop as you make your decisions. A huge hug from here too! Ruth

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth I just don't know what to say but you have a strong faith and a strong family and the girls on the stage IV board will be able to help you in ways that we can't they are so knowledgeable. Do you have a plan of action in place yet, please keep us in the loop.  Huge hug and much love from me.  Cheryl

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited August 2013


     Heck with the biopsies just get your treatments started.(((hugs Elizabeth)))

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Good Morning - a sober start to the day with Elizabeth's news still on my mind.  I do hope she reaches out to the Stage IV boards for some advice on the decisions she faces.  It's raining and dreary here in the east, the leaves are almost done, house buttoned up for the cold.  I am off to spin class before work.  Have good thoughts...

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Elizabeth, I don't lurk around the Stage IV forum; but two Stage IV gals I know pretty well from other forums I frequent (Humor, Arimidex, Book Lovers) are Konakat, and Lowrider54. They are tremendous women and would give you some great advice. They are ladies who are truly living at Stage IV.

    I did an hour of toning last night. I might skip tonight and go to the last high school home volleyball game (now that they are done with all their 'pink' stuff), then double up on the weekend. The weather is suppose to stay nice through Sunday so it would be fun to be outside during the day.

    Carol, tell your family if they want to come, they have to WORK.

    Patoo, what day do you leave? Are you getting excited? Frantic?

    Good luck to everyone on their checkups.I have my yearly (regular) physical next Friday, so am zipping over to the clinic during my prep to get some blood sucked out. I had to post big signs all over my house for this morning that said, "DON'T EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING." Otherwise I would have automatically done so. I will need to ask for a caffeine infusion immediately after they draw the blood!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Later, Great Ladies! Ruth

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth - I am so sorry as well - please add my hugs and caring to the hugs bouquet from the ladies here.  I can second Ruth's recommendations about Konakat and Lowrider54 - they are remarkable women who are living their lives. Damn this disease.

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Member Posts: 681
    edited November 2010

    Elizabeth, more hugs.  For someone I've never met, you're never far from my thoughts! 

    In my babble, I didn't mention that family will also be here this weekend and next.  Lovely.  I do enjoy them but it wears me down.  I live in a house that belongs to all of us now (my parent's house) so I can't really tell my brother he can't come.  Believe me, I am looking forward to having a FT job and my own place again, so I can set my own limits and not have to "play nice" when I'd rather not have people staying with me. 

    Patoo and Ruth, actually, my brother has offered to help, I need to give him credit, but he has a different and less organized way of cleaning than I do (plus, they're largely coming for football games so they aren't around enough to help much), so I don't know if I'll take him up on that offer or not.  It may end up meaning more work for me if I do let him help Undecided

    Patoo, I try to keep that "don't worry until there's something to worry about" attitude -- I wish I had more of it -- I'm slightly prone to anxiety but most of the time I can work my way through it.  That great attitude is one of your strengths, for sure!

    Kim, hug back, and thank you!  I'll hold your hand next week if you'll hold mine.  When I go inside myself, I feel confident that I'm OK... but I always figured my odds of getting cancer were really small, too, so a part of me doesn't trust that feeling. 

    I told my boss today I'm in a pissy mood and need two weeks some place tropical (although mountains would work, too).  I know "everywhere you go, there you are" but I still think a long vacation would be very soothing!  Let's plan something for January or Feb... anyone want to join me? Wink  A girl can dream...

    I'm going to go for an extra-vigorous walk today to try to pound out some of this snarliness.  Tongue out

    Y'all are the best.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited November 2010

    Nature - why not let your brother do some cleaning?  Even if it's not exactly how you'd do it, he'd get at least some of it done, then you can finish up what he doesn't.  Or figure out something he can do that's very defined and limited, but will be helpful anyway. 

    And I'm up for a vacation anytime, Nature, imagined or not!  Where shall we go - Paris?  The Caribbean?  Hawaii?   Maybe the Galapagos?

    I got playing with the Wii Fit Plus last night and decided to check out all the games and exercises that were on it - eighty minutes later I was completely sweaty and totally exhausted.  So I guess I got a pretty good workout.  I had the last of my private Pilates lessons this morning before work.  I'm really going to miss that individual attention, but she gave me some really good information, and I feel that I'll get a lot more out of any Pilates tapes or classes I do now.  No workout tonight - we refinanced, and we have settlement at 4.  And the settlement place is right next to our favorite Mexican restaurant, so margaritas here I come!  

    We have the same cold gloomy weather here, Bobcat - makes it hard to get going. It's supposed to move out by the weekend, so at least I'll have sunny weather to rake all those wet leaves that have now fallen. Surprised  (woohoo - my smilies are working again!!) 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2010

    ((Elizabeth)), so sorry about your news, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. 

    For all who are due for Drs. visits and mammograms - wishing you all the best!!  With the mammograms, just remember that if this is your first one since finishing all treatment, that you MAY be called back (I was) for magnified views.  Apparently it is not unusual to be called back as they want to make sure that they are very careful!!  I was called back for my "good" breast, but it was determined that the calcifications that they saw were there last year also!   Very Scary - but I guess I am glad that they give it a thorough scrutiny!

    I have been not feeling very well lately (stomach bug), BUT I have been able to change my working schedule a bit to allow me time to get in my hour long walk every morning again!!  It has been very cold (freezing temperatures) the past few days, but I am sooooooo loving being able to get some regular excercise again!!    I know that pretty soon we will be back to shovel and sculpt once again!! 

  • Cydz
    Cydz Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2010

    Hi All! Okay, I am happy to post for yesterday AND today. Yesterday my husband and I took our dogs for a very long walk around the neighborhood. It was a good workout. Beautiful evenings here in Phoenix right now. Today was my first day back at the gym. I did a very strenuous step class. My legs felt like rubber, but I did it!! And here I thought I would go from step right into a spin class!! HA! I had high expectations but my body was like, " Oh no you don't!!" Yell LOL    I will start with a personal trainer tomorrow! I am determined! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2010

    Hi all.  Wasn't going to exercise last night but locked my keys in the car at the mall so had to walk home, get my spare set and walk back to get the car.  It's actually on the route I usually walk so was only about 3 miles but I usually do it in daylight.  It was dark out and a little scary.  I do live in a safe neighborhood but there are weirdos everywhere.

    None today.  Doing laundry and a little cleaning as my sister is flying in from NC on Saturday so I have to get my stuff packed by tomorrow, clean the house of cat hair since she's highly allergic.  Running with her all day Saturday and half of Sunday and my flight is on Monday.  So right now a little overwhelmed.  I think stress is exercise on the inside!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2010


    Just slide on in.

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited November 2010

    Patoo - you crack me up and I hope you were careful on your walk!!!  You have cats?  I'm a cat person.  Is your sister going on the trip also?  I completely admire what you are doing....  I can't help thinking about what is happening in Haiti again with the anticipated storm and the million+ people living in tent cities.  Our problems are small potatoes.

    Does anyone ever stop thinking about our situation?  It's 24/7 for me, not all bad or doom and gloom but always there - especially when I look in the mirror and see the foobs.  Feeling a little melancholy tonight. Take care all.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited November 2010

    bobcat:  Totally understand.  I don't think of it in the same, panicky way, but there are constant reminders and it's easy to feel down.

    Elizabeth:  Adding my hugs and well-wishes. 

    My DH will get in late tonight.  He's somewhere in Wy, where the signs should just read "winds across the whole state."  Who are they kidding with the "next 40 miles" business?


  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    edited November 2010

    Bobcat I totally understand where you're coming from. Went to my appt today. Cholesterol through the roof (thank you Femara) but it was my blood pressure that he was concerned about, it was 189/77 so he put me on medication as it was way too high for his liking I had an EKG and just re-did the blood work for the potassium. You all know me, I couldn't fit another bit of exercise in if I tried so I kind of feel defeated right now like I'm doing everything I can with diet and exercise but I guess old age is creeping up, funny thing is I feel better than I did 30 years ago but obviously stress is there lurking in the background, spoke with my friend in Oz this afternoon and Nature she said I should try TM she does it twice a day, she's burning me some CDs so I'll be joining you.  Patoo that was a sneaky way to get a bit of exercise, have a wonderful time in Nicaragua. Retriever I used to live in Wyoming those winds can be relentless. Well I've got to pack have a 6.45am flight in the morning, off to Kansas for the weekend.  Thinking of you Elizabeth (((HUG))).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited August 2013

    Go on the vacation in the summer and I'll go with (seriously......I think that would be awesome)!

    I don't think you ever get away from it (how could you?); but I think, if you feel you've been able to help other people from your experience, and you feel that you have grown as a person; that you are more aware of life itself; nature, friendship, family, health and all the good things....then I think you eventually come to some sort of terms with it and/or peace with it (most of the time, not always). Here is a quote I like: "It is what it is.....but it will become what you make it."

    No exercise tonight. I'll double up on the weekend. Hugs to all! Ruth

  • Dazdnfused
    Dazdnfused Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2013


    HB Cheryl-I feel for you, I truly do.  Here you are working your tail off and your BP is up etc.  Very discouraging...UNLESS you think of it this way...what would it be like if you WEREN'T doing this???

    We've all been feeling it this week.  We love our sister tart Elizabeth and we have to pull together for her, right?  She's being strong, so we are all going to be strong with her.  Ruth's quote is right-we are going to pull ourselves up even more and make it a big ol' batch of love and strength right now.

    On this forum in particular, we are kicking ass and taking names, working our little program of diet, exercise, TM, prayer and persistence.  We are doing the very best we can.  We've found each other, the only people who can really understand what this is like.  We have others in our lives that get what we are truly going through, some that don't really get it but make the effort, and for that we are lucky as well.

    Today we're going to "post our daily exercise" as muscling up our souls.  I'm not trying to preach here, so you can interpet the following as you like, but this is one of my favorite Bible quotes (and I'm paraphrasing here)..."Put on the full armour of God (to fight against the evil in the world)."  We're going to put on the full armour of our love and strength and can-do attitude against this stupid, creepy, mean disease and not let it ruin our lives and loves!

    OK, I'm really on a rant here.  What is amazing is how bonded we are and how we can feel the frustrations, setbacks and pain over an internet medium.  I'm so glad I found you guys.  Thanks for letting me do the rah rah thing, but this week we need to get our strong side back and move forward, especially for this day, because we do indeed have this marvelous day ahead of us.

    Many Xs and Os,


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540
    edited November 2010
    ARMED AND DANGEROUS! Smile Thanks Kim!